Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 54: Fem!Mewtwo

You have grown much, beloved.
Mewtwo shivers, as Cam’s ‘voice’ reaches her. No longer is his mind walled off from hers. That… that was a byproduct of the saboteur, as it turned out. A defense and a block in the same breadth that had been stripped away when Cam had ultimately defeated the saboteur’s final contingency.
They stand across from one another now, the two of them. They meet eyes as equals. Cam carries none of his Pokemon with him. It’s just him and her, at the moment. And yet, she can see it in his eyes. There is no fear. He does not hesitate to stand in her presence, defenseless as he is. Powerful as SHE is.
A shudder runs down her spine, and Mewtwo floats forward. Her three-fingered hand comes up, and brushes across Cam’s cheek. To her pleasure, he leans into her touch, his own hand coming up to grasp her arm affectionately.
We have both come a long way over the course of our existence, haven’t we?
She can’t help it. She pouts at that, frowning slightly and finally speaking out loud.
“Hmph, you have so many words for your other loved ones these days, beloved. Don’t think I do not see all. And yet, for me only one suffices?”
Far from frowning back at her, or even growing defensive, Cam just smiles an impish smile.
A flutter goes through Mewtwo’s chest, and she blushes intensely at the double-meaning inherent in Cam’s words. He was not demeaning her, by speaking so few words. Rather, he was insinuating that he didn’t need to use any further words… to express how much he cared for her, how much he loved her. Ah… she had been right to wait, all this time. Perhaps it was playing right into the saboteur’s hands, but she cared not. This was meant to be, and ultimately, the saboteur would never play a part in their lives ever again. She would make sure of that.
Regarding Cam’s impish smile for a moment… Mewtwo’s eyes glow purple, and his suit pulls away from his body, turning into unwinding fabric and basic thread as she turns it into its base components with nothing but the power of her psychic abilities.
Cam’s eyebrow lifts, as she undresses him, literally, with her mind. He looks down at himself as his chiseled body is laid bare. He is… pale, for one. But also, muscular and toned. Life had not been kind to him. He had had to grow strong, and that was even before he had arrived at that Rocket Initiation, all those months ago.
But that was beside the point, at the moment. As his cock is freed from its confines, Mewtwo drops down to her knees and takes his member in both of her three-fingers hands. The Psychic Pokemon looks up into Cam’s eyes at that, her breasts bouncing within her one-piece swimsuit from the sudden motion.
“… That was an expensive suit, you know.”
Mewtwo bats her eyelashes and cocks her head to the side, giving him an innocent smile.
“Oh? Was it?”
Behind her, she reconstructs his suit as simply as she pulled it apart, the power of her mind nothing to scoff at. Her psychic abilities, while powerful and overwhelming, are also practiced and allow her the finest control. In moments, Cam’s entire wardrobe is rebuilt from the ground up, floating above her head. Cam’s eyes flicker up to it and he chuckles as he shakes his head, a sound that sends another shudder through her.
She likes his laugh, she finds. She likes it quite a lot. Folding his suit and other garments and setting them all aside for later, Mewtwo strokes Cam’s growing cock up and down with both of her hands, licking her lips in anticipation. After a moment, she tugs down the top of her swimsuit, and stuffs his cock right into the top of her cleavage.
He grunts at that, his dick suddenly trapped in the tight, warm, soft space between her breasts, which are in turn trapped within the tightness of her stolen swimsuit. Smiling wickedly, Mewtwo grasps her chest from either side and begins to slide up and down his length as he has to lean forward to alleviate the curve his cock is currently experiencing.
At the same time, the Psychic Pokemon lays kisses upon his abs, enjoying the feel of his rock hard muscle upon her lips as he finally places a hand in her hair, his fingers twining through her locks. But it’s not quite perfect…
“Mmm- my horns. Grab t-those.”
Doing as he’s told, the pink-haired human grabs hold of her horns, protruding from the top of her skull through her white locks. Mewtwo’s eyes flutter, and she lets out a gasping moan. The horns themselves are not erogenous zones. Not alone, anyways. But what they do is allow her to create an even deeper connection with whoever’s touching them. They allow her to feel everything amplified tenfold. And so, in a situation like this, a sexual situation… well, they might as well be erogenous zones.
She cums on the spot, her heart thudding in her chest as his cock nestled between her breasts throbs. Her body shakes and jiggles as she orgasms explosively, and a wanton moan leaves Mewtwo’s lips. It’s a bit embarrassing… but then, she’s waited long enough for this, hasn’t she? For her true mate to come to her. Cam… he wasn’t fully ready when he first showed up in her cave. But he is now, and Mewtwo isn’t going to pass up a chance to be with the only man who can keep up with her.
That said, even she’s surprised by what happens next. Panting, grunting, groaning… Cam suddenly lets out a growl and a moment later, her swimsuit is shredded off of her body. Mewtwo freezes as she looks up and sees a glow in Cam’s eyes. It’s faint… but it’s definitely there.
One moment, his cock is pushing down the front of her swimsuit and her cleavage at a certain angle. The next, her swimsuit no longer exists. His cock slides down between her breasts, changing positions as she holds her tits with both hands, fabric no longer between her fingers and her soft chest. All of the sudden, Cam’s cockhead is pushing up through the top of her cleavage, and Mewtwo is looking down at it, a bead of precum leaking from it as Cam blinks, the psychic energy fading from his eyes.
“… It would appear that there is more of Mew inside of you then we initially thought. Perhaps direct contact has given you some access to my powers. Prolonged physical contact may give you even more of an affinity for psychic energies…”
Cam considers this for a long moment. His hands are still on her horns. Mewtwo flushes, as she easily detects his thoughts and knows his intentions before he even goes through with it. Giving her a cheeky smile, knowing that she knows, Cam just nods.
“… Yes.”
With a pouting scowl, the Psychic Pokemon proceeds to rub her tits up and down Cam’s cock for a bit longer in the new position before pulling back, her horns finally leaving his grasp as she stands and turns around, bending over. Her tail whips out, wrapping around Cam’s waist and pulling him in so that his cock ends up hot-dogging her pale gray ass as she arches her back and looks back over her shoulder at him.
“Let’s see what you can really do then, shall we?”
He reads her intentions perfectly. Whether that’s simply because he knows her so well as a result of his innate understanding of Pokemon, or because he’s reading her right back now, Cam reaches out and grabs hold of her horns before a fresh purple glow spreads in his eyes. A moment later and they’re both lifting off the ground, Mewtwo’s legs and arms dangling as she moans happily.
His psychic hold isn’t perfect, and where it falters, she’s there to back it up. But mostly, it’s his own psychic strength that’s holding them up in midair. She’s handling maybe ten percent at most. In this position, Mewtwo groans, wiggling her hips and shaking her ass. Cam just chuckles again and slides his cock back far enough for it to fall between her thighs, which he thrusts into for a few moments before finally pushing right into her sopping wet cunt.
This right here is the cock that has fucked and bred several women across Kanto in the past few months. This cock is the cock that filled womb after womb as woman after woman suffered defeat, both in Pokemon Battle and in sex, at Cam’s hands.
It feels good, to be filled by his cock. As the only one he’s had sex with but never defeated. As the only one he will never NEED to defeat. One could argue those two Rockets count as well, but their defeat was a defeat of the mind. Slowly but surely, Cam had conquered them both without them even realizing it.
Well, the pink-haired one hadn’t realized it until it was too late. The purple-haired one had known immediately what she wanted. It had just taken a while for her to get it.
Not as long as Mewtwo had had to wait though, no. Mewtwo had been ‘born’ before Cam and the girl who now went by Red. She had been created first, but with a basic understanding that she was meant to be Cam’s mate. It wasn’t fair, but then, nothing the saboteur did was ‘fair’, was it? Luckily, in the end, his selfish intentions had ultimately resulted in a happy ending for all. Or rather… for all who mattered.
Groaning her way through another orgasm as Cam continues to fuck her, Mewtwo gasps and moans… and begs.
“F-Fuck me! Harder!”
At the same time, she’s projecting her inner thoughts as well.
Breed me! Knock me up! If anyone can, it will be you, beloved! Do it, cum inside!
… Yes.
This ‘yes’, while cheeky as all the others, is filled with such raw determination and resolve that Mewtwo’s eyes momentarily roll back in her head, and she gurgles as she cums from that alone. The sheer certainty in Cam’s mind… it was so wonderfully attractive. He was competent in a way so few humans were. But then to be fair, he wasn’t entirely human, was he?
Not just in DNA, though that was certainly important. Genetically, Cam was a clone of Professor Samuel Oak, the saboteur… and of Mew, Mewtwo’s own progenitor. Except, Cam was very much more the saboteur then he was Mew, while Mewtwo was mostly Mew with only some human DNA slotted in here and there.
Cam’s inhumanity however… it went far beyond simple circumstances of birth. Yes, he was created in a lab. Yes, he was a genetically engineered super-human clone designed to be unbeatable in Pokemon Battle. But that was nature. Nurture had its own part to play… and play it had. Cam had spent less than half of his life under the saboteur’s ‘care’. The other ten years…
Mewtwo shudders, her thoughts momentarily derailed by more pleasure. Except, before she can get her mind back on track, the pleasure redoubles, and the Psychic Pokemon realizes her mind is an open book to Cam right now, with his hands on her horns as they are. An open book that he’s currently writing into the pages of, showing her his pleasure and making it her own. She cums and cums, orgasming explosively on his cock, sending her own pleasure right back at him, until finally…
His seed explodes into her womb, filling her to the brim. One might think it would be impossible. That they would be incompatible. But if anyone could impregnate her, it would be Cam. After all, it was what the saboteur had been trying to do when he’d altered her under the noses of her creators. He’d wanted her to be Cam’s broodmare, and failing that, Cam’s weapon.
She would bear her beloved’s children, just as many of the women of Kanto already were, at this point. She would happily carry his babies in her womb, however many he liked. But…
Cam’s hands pull away from her horns, and they both float back down to the ground, literally as well as figuratively coming back to earth. As the shared pleasure of their coitus fades, Cam pulls out of her cum-packed quim and moves to his clothing to get dressed. In comparison, Mewtwo has no such clothing… Cam’s own mental shredding had not been nearly as finely controlled as hers was. He’s left her bereft of garments until she can either get back to her stash of swimsuits or find a new one to steal.
But that doesn’t bother Mewtwo, in this moment. Rather, she follows Cam as he gets dressed and presses her lips tightly together, in a thin line.
“You must confront your past, beloved.”
He looks up at her, and for a moment almost looks dead-eyed and expressionless again. But they both know that won’t fly with her, and after the moment passes, he grimaces and looks away.
“Haven’t I, already?”
“No. A part of it, sure. But what about what came after? What about your life after you left the saboteur’s service? You did not just go from eight to eighteen years old in the blink of an eye.”
For a long moment, Cam doesn’t speak. When he finally does, his voice is a little broken.
“No… I did not.”
Mewtwo sighs, and reaches out, wrapping him in a hug. Then, she carefully sits down on the ground, holding Cam’s head against her chest.
“You must confront your past, beloved, to be able to move into the future with a clear mind.”
She pauses for a moment, and then projects into his head.
Do not fret. I will not abandon you. You do not have to confront this alone. I shall stand with you every step of the way.
For a long moment, Cam is silent. Then, finally, he nods into her chest.
“… Okay.”
With that, Mewtwo feels her mate retreating into his mind, pulling up memories that he had repressed long ago. And she follows him, down into the depths and the darkness. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t eager to find out what had happened to him, in those ten years between when he escaped the saboteur’s clutches and found his way to her.
But more than that, she’s there to be with him. Mentally, she places her hand in his… and together, they confront his past together.


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