Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 56: Daisy

They say there are five stages of grief. Daisy wasn't entirely sure about all of that. The first stage, apparently, was supposed to be Denial.

And yet, when Bill had sat her and Agatha down and told them what really happened to Gary and just how far Daisy's grandfather had truly fallen… she hadn't even needed to see the recordings to know it was the truth. Somehow, she just knew. She knew that Gary hadn't truly abandoned her and Blue. That he hadn't even known she was pregnant before he died. She knew he hadn't chosen to leave. And… worst of all, she'd known exactly what her grandfather was capable of.

After Denial, it was supposed to be Anger. And that had come, eventually. After she'd had her own sit down with Blue, giving the impossibly young Pokemon Champion a somewhat sanitized version of what had been done to his father, and explaining the secrets that had been kept from him all his life. He had been… surprisingly forgiving, all things considered.

He blamed Professor Oak, more than he blamed her at the end of the day. And though they'd spent the past eleven years with her as his big sister and him as her little brother, it was oddly easy to fall into the Mother-Son dynamic after that. Perhaps because Daisy had ultimately been left to raise Blue almost entirely on her lonesome anyways. Not that it was something she'd ever minded doing, but it did prepare them both for the change when it finally occurred.

Maybe Blue's easy acceptance of what Daisy had to tell him was why it too so long to hit the anger stage herself. She'd been so caught off guard by the young boy's forgiving nature, by his love for her, that it was… easy to get swept up in taking care of him. But then, eventually, Blue was gone, back to his new position as Pokemon Champion.

And wasn't that almost as much of a trip as finding out her grandfather had killed Gary. Watching Blue become Pokemon Champion on TV had been the shock of Daisy's life. What had come after, his subsequent defeat at Red's hands and then all those damn revelations… that was nothing compared to the realization that her baby had somehow usurped the highest position of governance in their nation at the tender age of eleven.

She knew Pokemon Training ran in their blood, but Blue… Blue had taken it to a whole new level. Daisy would never admit it, but she was a little relieved for a moment, when she thought Blue had lost the position to Red. She didn't want to see the title of Champion consume her son in the way it had consumed her grandfather.

But alas, it was not to be. Red was disqualified and Blue was the last legitimate victor, so he went right back into the position. And with Blue soon gone again on Champion business, Daisy was left all alone with her thoughts.

That was when the anger had arrived. Anger at her grandfather, of course… but Samuel Oak was in prison, and in prison he would remain. Bill and Agatha had assured her of that. So where was all of her anger to go? Where it belonged, of course. With the man who had not only put her son back in the 'throne' he was too young for, but who had also left HER with a little present during his last visit.

… And yes, Daisy was willing to accept her responsibility for how that had gone down. She had… acted in a shameful manner after her defeat at Cam's hands. But even still, he didn't have to cum inside, now did he?!

The looks on the faces of the Rocket Grunts when she'd stormed into their Hideout in Celadon City with her Chansey on her heels had been somewhat worth it alone. Demanding to see Cam had gotten her into his office quickly enough. It was there, with Chansey backing her up, that Daisy had demanded he take responsibility for his actions. ALL of them.

That was where the bargaining stage of grief should have popped up, right? She should have had to bargain with Cam, in order to get the Rocket Boss to actually care for the child he'd knocked her up with. She should have had to fight tooth and nail to get a criminal like him, even reformed, to actually take responsibility for his actions.

… Instead, he had simply agreed and that was that. Now, less than a month later, Daisy sits inside of the newly renovated mansion that sat upon the site of her former home… and the former Pokemon Laboratory of one Professor Samuel Oak.

Pallet Town was changing, and fast too. Buildings had been torn down and put up in the span of weeks. The forests surrounding the town had been cleared back, allowing for a Pokemon Center and a Poke Mart to both be installed post-haste. It couldn't even truly be called Pallet TOWN anymore… indeed, some were already calling it by what it now was. Pallet City.

That wasn't all because of Cam, either. He'd definitely funded the construction of this mansion, before gifting it to her entirely. But most of Pallet City's renovations were simply a consequence of Blue being born here. The birthplace of the Pokemon Champion couldn't possibly be a shithole backwater any longer, now, could it?

Still, what was happening outside of her new home was of little importance to Daisy, compared to what was happening inside of it. As she sits there… Cam sits across from her, waiting in silence for her to finally speak. When she does, its with a blush on her face, as she looks around at the splendor she finds herself surrounded by.

Some small part of her wants to yell and shout and demand he take it all back. But for the child growing in her womb, she refrains. Still…

"… You didn't have to do all of this, you know."

The Rocket Boss smiles at her, which is still a surprise given how he was back when he'd first met her. She's sure Bill and Agatha both know something more on that front, but they'd been surprisingly quiet so far, unwilling to talk about what Cam's deal was. As far as she could tell however, he'd certainly come into his own since he'd first darkened her doorstep. Come into his own indeed…

"I wanted to. So I did."

Daisy flushes at that, his matter-of-fact tone so amazingly blunt and… honest. She hates to admit it, but he's not lying to her. She can tell. He's never lied to her, in fact. If anyone had lied… it was her, lying to herself.

It's all been quite a lot, but Daisy… Daisy thinks she's wallowed long enough. And that smile on Cam's face… it reminds her too much of Gary for her not to lean forward, hand on her still-forming baby bump, and kiss Cam on the lips.

He blinks, but lets it happen, allowing her to kiss him for several long moments unimpeded. However, he's not… participating as much as Daisy would prefer. Instead of pulling back, she leans forward… and ultimately, shuffles over and plops herself directly into his lap. She is an Oak, after all, even if her and Blue had agreed to discard that name together. Going for gold is what their family is known for… for better and for worse.

As she winds her arms around Cam's neck, his hands finally come up and grab at her waist. For a moment, she fears he'll pull her off of him and leave… but no, he holds her fast and kisses her right back, their tongues swapping saliva between them for a moment before they finally have to disengage for air. While Daisy is panting for breath, Cam just looks at her, quiet and still.

"Are you sure about this, Daisy?"

Scoffing, Daisy narrows her eyes at him in turn.

"You've already knocked me up, young man. You can't do much more than that, you know."

Cam tilts his head to the side in agreement, not in the least bit embarrassed by her words. But then, from what Daisy knew, the Rocket Boss had plenty of women. She was one of many. Considering how they… met, it doesn't really surprise Daisy all that much. Kanto women were all of a certain type. Even the best of them. He had beaten her… and she had gotten sopping wet for him, right then and there.

Regardless of the contrived way in which she'd gotten him to fuck her, the truth was… Daisy had wanted it. She'd wanted what Cam gave her, every last bit of it.

They return to kissing in the here and now, and Cam's hands get a bit more… aggressive. Her dress is soon up over her head and taken off entirely, leaving her in nothing but her bra and panties. The bra doesn't last long either, and then Cam's mouth is on her chest, alternating between suckling at her tits. There's no breast milk for him to drink… yet. But that doesn't stop him from going to town on her all the same, until suddenly, he lets out a lustful growl against her chest and stands up with her still in his arms.

Daisy moans, as he carries her all the way to the bedroom. Her bedroom, technically, but then, all of this was built with his money. When he's here… she's fine with considering it theirs. Laying her out on the bed, he climbs on with her and Daisy, panting needily, spreads her legs for him without a second thought. His cock, so familiar despite only having had it once, spears her a heartbeat later.

He doesn't fuck her like he did on her dining table a couple of months ago. He doesn't go nearly as fast or hard. In fact, while he's still methodical in how he claims her, he's slower… much slower. His cock also doesn't go nearly as deep, likely out of respect for her condition, and concern that he might harm her.

Daisy can appreciate that, even as her body sings to be taken a specific sort of way by the man who defeated her in Pokemon Battle. Such a shameful fetish… and yet, Cam didn't judge her. From the sound of things, he didn't judge most of the women who found themselves succumbing in his presence after losing to him.

Though, thankfully, Daisy had heard straight from the woman herself that Agatha and Cam had done nothing. Daisy's grandmother had sounded almost wistful when she explained how Cam had defeated her Ghost Team without breaking a sweat, only to not even spare her a glance in that manner. Thank fucking Arceus. Daisy did NOT want to share a man with her grandmother. Even if she was already sharing him with plenty of other women.

Wrapping her limbs around Cam's body as he makes love to her, Daisy moans. His mouth has fallen to her breasts again, which will only grow larger as her pregnancy progresses. She won't lie… she's looking forward to it, against all odds. She's looking forward to getting… plump with Cam's baby. Just from the attention he's showing her chest now, she can't wait until they're larger and more sensitive… for his pleasure.

As Cam takes her there on the bed, Daisy spares a thought for Gary. Even now, part of her yearns for her first love. It doesn't help that Cam has some of his mannerisms, oddly enough. There's that smile… and then the fascination with her breasts… and also that need to provide for her and her baby.

For years, Daisy had let Agatha and her own self-loathing convince her that Gary had run out on her. How she had managed to gaslight herself with her grandmother's help, she'll never know. Gary wasn't some thug. He was NEVER a deadbeat. Sure, he'd kept the success of his career as a Pokemon Trainer a secret from her, but it all made sense now. He didn't think he was worthy of her. He didn't think a man with eight gym badges by the age of twenty had achieved enough to be good enough for her.

Gary was always a good, caring man. He would have made an excellent husband, and a wonderful father to Blue. But… that ship had sailed, hadn't it? It was never to be. And Cam… Cam wasn't exactly stepfather material. What sort of actual father he would be yet, Daisy didn't know, but he was more of a big brother to Blue then a father. A better older sibling to her son than Daisy herself had ever been.

She'll never be Cam's wife; Daisy acknowledges as she cums her brains out upon his cock. But then, she doesn't think she wants to be. Part of her heart will always belong with Gary, especially now that she knows the truth.

Her body, however… her body belongs to Cam.

Letting out a loud cry and arching her back, Daisy shudders her way through yet another orgasm, even as Cam grunts and pulls out at the last second, spraying his seed all over her front. Daisy lets out a breathless laugh, as she wiggles beneath him while he kneels there, staring down at her.

"What? Couldn't have done that two months ago, hm?"

He narrows his eyes at that, and Daisy flushes, knowing what he's going to say before he says it.

"Would you have wanted me to?"

Well, when he puts it like that… she can't even deny it.

"N-No… no, I wanted it inside. I wanted you to knock me up. I want… I want you to do it again in the future too, after this child is born."

Cam cocks his head to the side at that but doesn't look at all judgmental… and so Daisy goes for broke.

"B-But you'll have to beat me in a Pokemon Battle first. Then and only then, will you have earned the right to impregnate me again."

There. She'd said it. She'd admitted to her fetish. If he wanted to reject her, he could do so now. She'd been honest at long last.

But Cam just smiles another Gary-esque smile and nods, before reaching out and brushing his thumb across her cheek in another way that reminds her of Gary. Daisy's breath hitches and her heart clenches as she stares up into the pink-haired young man's face.

… She thinks she's managed to escape depression, for the time being. She's gone right into acceptance. And while her grief isn't going to just magically go away on the spot… Daisy can't help but feel like everything is going to be okay. That said…

Reaching out, Daisy smacks Cam in the arm, making him blink owlishly as he jerks away from the hit.

"You made my son Pokemon Champion! The boy is eleven! What were you thinking?!"

Far from looking chagrined like he should, Cam just shrugs.

"I didn't. He earned it. I just made sure his victory was honored."

Daisy's mouth opens and closes a couple of times before she lets out a shuddering sigh and drops back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Damn you… damn you both."

Alas, she would just have to learn to live with a son who had become Pokemon Champion at the tender age of eleven. And a baby-daddy who had all but conquered the Kanto Region and was ruling it from the shadows. She'd also have to learn with living in a mansion the size of both her old house and her grandfather's Pokemon Laboratory combined.

Woe was her, she supposed. Woe was her indeed…


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