Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 57: Janine

A shadow flies over Celadon City. Anyone with not only particularly good eyesight, but also night-vision, might have been able to identify that shadow as a Crobat. However, the shape that detaches from the Crobat, doing a flip and landing on top of the Rocket Game Corner, is not so easily identified.

Team Rocket isn't exactly hiding, any more. But the Game Corner IS closed for the evening. Accessing its interior is trivial for the Shadow, however. She is the night. She is darkness. She is speed.

Slipping in through an airduct on the roof, Janine of Fuchsia City moves silently and without tripping any alarms. Technically, with the Rockets fully in the open, there was construction going on nearby to build a proper, aboveground base. They would soon have an outpost in every city and town in the Kanto Region, in fact. A local office where anyone could apply to join Team Rocket or bring their grievances and problems to be solved.

The Game Corner, meanwhile, would remain a gambling hall, and eventually the base underneath it would be fully abandoned. For now, however, construction was still underway, and the base was still in use. It made things… slightly more difficult for her, but not impossible. After all, she was a kunoichi trained in the ninja arts by her father, Koga. If THIS much was enough to stymy her, then she wouldn't be worthy of the title in the first place.

With the Game Corner closed for the night, there wasn't even a guard at the stairs. Likewise, the once-hidden staircase into the Team Rocket Hideout beneath Celadon City is currently left open. And so, Janine sneaks on down it with the utmost caution. The shadows are her home. She is one with the darkness. She is the night.

Once in the Hideout proper, there are more people around. Even though it's late and some people have gone home, plenty more consider the Base to BE their home, and are either sleeping in one of the barracks rooms or are pulling a late nighter in one of the hideout's labs. One group of Grunts is even gathered around a TV and gaming console, playing against each other and smack-talking continuously.

Janine pays their words no mind and continues on. She isn't here to spy on a bunch of nerds. She's not here to spy at all. She's here to take action… the action her indecisive father was unwilling to take.

Now, don't get it twisted. Janine loved her father. Not just as a mentor and a sensei, but as her dad. Koga might have been one with the shadows as well, a dark and mysterious figure even to some of his pupils in his Gym, but to her, he had always been loving and affectionate. And Janine loved him in turn.

However… her father was weak. She hated to admit it, but it was true. He could have been Pokemon Champion ages ago, if he wanted to. Not by going the official route and challenging the Elite Four and Champion Lance… but by the Way of the Ninja. Poison. Assassination. Strikes from the Shadows, calculated to put fear into the hearts of those who remained behind, after those who were the biggest problems had been slain.

Janine had advocated for this for years. But Koga had always told her no. That her actions, despite coming from a place of secrecy and subtlety, would be too reckless! That it would draw attention down upon their heads, even though Janine had promised her father again and again that she would leave no trace, no sign of her presence, of her coming and going. Bah! All he had to do was use her as the tool she was! Was she not a kunoichi?! Was she not a weapon, to be wielded?

No… no, because Koga saw her as his daughter above all else. He was afraid of losing her. He didn't believe in her skills. And in the end… his indecisiveness had led to this. Someone ELSE had beaten them to it!

Oh sure, it all LOOKED above board. But Janine wasn't an idiot. Even if her father himself had faced that kid Blue for his Gym Badge and could indeed claim that the boy was powerful, Janine didn't really believe that some eleven year old kid from Pallet Town of all places had managed to become Pokemon Champion in a handful of months.

And all of that extra dramatic bullshit involving Professor Oak and that genetically engineered clone Red? It was all a smokescreen. Everything had clearly been orchestrated by the true power behind the scenes, by the man who now ruled the Kanto Region from the shadows. His name, Janine had been able to pry from her father, was Cam.

Koga had always been fond of Team Rocket. They were no ninja, but they operated from the shadows in their own way. He had always had a good word to say about their leader too, Giovanni. When they'd found out through their information network that Giovanni wasn't the mastermind behind Blue becoming Pokemon Champion but had in fact stepped down days before to be replaced by his own young protégé, Cam… well, Koga had been shocked… but also admiring of the 'young upstart' as he'd called him.

Janine, meanwhile, had been furious. This… Cam had led a successful coup against the Region! He had proven it was possible all along! THEY could have been ruling in his place, but instead… instead it was Team Rocket who was ascendant, instead of Koga and his Ninja!

For that, Janine knew she had to make an example. And that was why she was here now, in this place. Sneaking through the Rocket Hideout, she arrives at the Boss' Office swiftly enough. Dispatching the two guards outside of the doors is also easy, a couple of poisoned needles and they're both knocked unconscious, completely out of it.

With that done… the kunoichi, quiet as a mouse, silent as a shadow, slips inside of the office beyond, more needles in hand. This was the problem with the Kanto Region, and indeed the world at large. They all were too damn reliant on their Pokemon and-

Janine stops, frozen in her tracks, as she finds herself locked in place after making eye contact with the man in the room beyond. She had assumed she would go undetected for a few more seconds at least, but the pink-haired young man sat behind the desk on the other side of the office is staring at her, unfazed and unsurprised by her presence.

Stiffening, the kunoichi throws her senbon immediately… only for them to be knocked out of the air by a blur that moves too fast for her to recognize. Eyes widening, Janine falls into a defensive stance. Does the Rocket Boss have ninja of his own in his employ already?!

But no, when the blur finally stops moving… it's a Raticate of all things, holding her poisoned senbon by the ends that aren't poisoned. The Raticate spits them out, and then narrows his eyes at her, looking ready to tear out her throat and spit on her gra-

"That will be all, Raticate."

Janine watches, as Cam stands and recalls the Pokemon to its Pokeball. For a moment, it felt like she was the prey, oddly enough. A shudder runs down her spine as she shakes that feeling, now that that Pokemon is no longer staring her down.

Still, there was only one option now. She didn't dare try and face him in a proper Pokemon Battle. Pulling three small cloth balls from her pouch, Janine does a quick two-step forward.

"Rocket Boss Cam! I challenge you! To a sex-fight!"

He stares at her blankly in return, tilting his head to the side as if in disbelief. Hmph, this would be child's play! After all, a kunoichi was not just shadow. She was also a woman. And no true kunoichi would be untrained in the arts of seduction!

Tossing the three cloth balls down at the floor, Janine smirks as a faint pink smoke fills the office in mere moments. Their view of one another is not unobstructed by this smoke, that would be defeating the point. As the aphrodisiac fills their systems, Janine begins to pant, moaning even as she points a finger at Cam.

"You… y-you will f-face me… in a battle of… mm, s-seduction! P-Prepare… to be dominated… s-sexually!"

Cam doesn't respond with words. Instead, his hand comes down on the corner of the desk in front of him… and he pushes. Janine's eyes widen as the beautiful piece of mahogany furniture slides to the far wall, clearing the space between them immediately. She swallows nervously, as he approaches, already loosening his tie.

Her entire body feels on fire, at this point… but she will not lose. She refuses! She-!



Janine's eyes roll up in her head as the kunoichi loses all semblance of control over herself and cums AGAIN upon Cam's cock. The Rocket Boss has her pushed up against a nearby wall, one of her incredibly flexible legs pulled up behind her shoulder while she balances on the other. Except, she's barely balancing on the other foot, barely even keeping her tip toes on the floor, because Cam's entire cock is spearing up inside of her pussy at breakneck speed, and she's… well, she's always been fairly short. Compact. Petite.

Whining, whimpering, still greatly feeling the effects of the aphrodisiac SHE put in the air, Janine moans as Cam gropes one of her tits, having pulled apart her ninja attire to get at her body like… like she was nothing but his plaything. She squirms in his grasp, FEELING like nothing but one of his playthings, and her lashes flutter as she wraps her arms around his neck.

If she didn't know any better, she would say the aphrodisiac was barely effecting him! It was certainly having some sort of effect, but he was still in full control of his mental faculties! And she… she was struggling to even think straight!

"S'cheating… yer… cheating…!"

Cocking his head to the side, Cam continues to pound her into the wall.

"Am I?"

"Yesshhh… unnatural… sho good… f-fuck!"

The Rocket Boss just chuckles in response, causing Janine to blush crimson as she quivers under the rapid, unrelenting barrage of thrusts he delivers up into her. He's ramming up against her womb itself, her cervix taking quite the beating. It would have been painful… but part of the aphrodisiac was that it translated all pain into pleasure.

This should have let her turn him into her submissive love pet. She should have had him eating out of the palm of her hand, even as she cut him up a little bit with her kunai! But instead, he's got her against the wall and there's no escape! Not from the pleasure, and certainly not from him!

She's a first-class kunoichi, and she has never known true defeat. Sure, she lost in a few spars against her father, but that wasn't anything l-like this! Eyes rolling back in her head, Janine makes a particularly silly face as she cums AGAIN upon Cam's cock. He still doesn't stop or slow down, however. He does move one hand to her throat and leans in close until she's forced to try and focus her glazed over eyes on his face.

"Tell me what you want."

Janine's eyes widen at that, her pupils dilated as she pants, her small bust heaving up and down under the grasp of his other hand.

"I… I…"

He slams up into her again, drawing a wanton squeal from her as her entire body shakes and spasms its way through another orgasm.

"I WANT YOUR COOOOCK! Please! F-Fuck me! Cum inside of me! Tame my slutty kunoichi pussy! Make me your womaaaaan!"

The moment the words leave her mouth, Janine knows she can't take them back. And Cam… Cam doesn't hesitate to give her what she asks for either. With a grunt and one final thrust, the Rocket Boss fills her with his seed, 'taming her slutty kunoichi pussy' right then and there. Janine's eyes roll back in her skull as she experiences more pleasure than she thought possible. Certainly, more than she's experienced at the end of his cock until this point. Having him fill her with his cum… it solidifies the truth in her mind.

She never stood a chance.

As Cam pulls out of her and lets go of her, Janine's leg comes down from behind her head and she slides down to her knees. Before he can step away, the kunoichi grabs hold of his cock and quickly slips it in her mouth, staring up at him as she sucks and slurps him clean. After all, the mess… the mess was all her fault. Best that she take care of it, to the b-best of her… abilities.


"I swear myself to you, Shogun Cam. I swear my loyalty to the Shogun of Team Rocket until my dying day. I am your creature. I am your woman. I am… your loyal kunoichi sow."

As it turned out, she never stood a chance. Her own father had sent word of her coming ahead to Cam. Rather than setting up some sort of impenetrable defense however, rather than setting up a trap from which Janine would not escape… the Rocket Boss had done nothing. He'd let her come because in the end, he didn't have to worry about her. She never, ever stood a chance.

Now, Janine prostrates herself on the ground before Cam as he sits back on the couch. The desk he'd moved aside is still up against the far wall, clearing the space between them so that he can see her. Naked and leaking his cum, Janine has removed her ninja garments, folding them up and setting them as well as all of her tools and weapons around herself, arraying them so that ALL of what she was could be seen by her new Master.

This was what it meant to be a kunoichi, Janine had come to realize. A ninja without a true shogun… was no ninja at all. Perhaps that was what her father had always been trying to teach her. She had wanted Koga to become her shogun… but he was only just a shinobi. Cam, on the other hand… Cam was worthy of the title. He was worthy… of becoming her Master.

As Janine kneels there with her forehead pressed into the top of her hands, submitting in her entirety to her new Master, Cam lounges back, barely paying her any mind. Instead, his attention is on the fake Pokemon License that Koga had gifted him, along with the letter asking him to go easy on his wayward daughter.

Chancing a glance up and seeing this, Janine smiles coyly.

"Does the Shogun see an opportunity to consolidate his rule?"

Looking to her, Cam makes a noise of curiosity in the back of his throat, prompting Janine to explain.

"There are four Gyms that already swear loyalty to Team Rocket. My father's included. And there are four who… do not. Send me to Pewter City and I can assure you that Gym Leader Brock will fall in line. As for the other three… well, I am no fool. I am sure my Master would prefer to handle those three women himself… yes?"

She doesn't see the interest and excitement that she's expecting from the idea. But what man wouldn't want to dominate and conquer three more women? Rather, Cam looks resigned to the thought instead as he slowly nods. Almost as if it's just something he HAS to do, rather than wants to do.

… Her new Master is very good at hiding his true thoughts and desires, Janine decides. Yes. Very good indeed.


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