Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 58: Misty

Cerulean City has seen a bit of a baby boom in the past couple of months. Ever since that fateful day, what everyone is calling 'The Craze', it's like you can't turn around without running into a pregnant woman accompanied by a proud yet bashful man. Everyone has split off and coupled up, and ALL of those couples have done the deed enough to make SURE that the woman is bred well and true.

Of course, first there was a lot of Pokemon Battles. Can't exactly go out with someone that can't beat you in a Pokemon Battle, now can you? Though for some, it was the woman who won the bout… didn't mean there wasn't a ton of sex all the same.

Only one young woman of breedable age in all of Cerulean City had 'escaped' this epidemic of a breeding frenzy. Not for lack of trying though either! She'd certainly been eager for it, hopeful even… but no one had managed to successfully challenge Gym Leader Misty since those two from Pallet Town even further back than 'The Craze'!

Sitting on the edge of the pool, Misty lets out a sigh as she kicks her feet in the water. Her Starmie and Staryu both blitz pass and the sight of them playing with one another brings a smile to her face, despite her own personal sadness. Honestly, this past month had been… well, she couldn't say hard, could she? It'd been downright easy.

Ever since the kerfuffle over at the Pokemon League, with their new Champion being an eleven year old boy, who then in turn almost got couped by what was apparently a genetically engineered hybrid clone of Professor Samuel Oak and a Legendary Pokemon… well, everything had been a little crazy. There'd been a temporary stop order placed on all Pokemon Gym Challenges across the Region as everyone tried to get their heads wrapped around the new world order.

This was fine for the denizens of Cerulean, especially Misty's sisters. All of them had been bagged and tagged back during 'The Craze', and each of the three older girls was now sporting a baby bump, the beginnings of their mutual pregnancies all just starting to show. Misty was happy for them, really she was… but she was also undeniably jealous and feeling left out.

Man, if only 'The Craze' had happened during the stop order on Gym Challenges. See, Misty considered herself something of a Switch. Sure, she leaned more towards Sub, but she could totally Domme if necessary. And back during 'The Craze' it was obviously necessary. She'd fielded like fifty Gym Challenges in a handful of days while every other woman in Cerulean was either on their backs getting plowed silly or riding the man they defeated until he came inside of their wombs.

Misty though… Misty couldn't even take that second option. Because she was supposed to be more responsible then that. So even though she beat a bunch of dudes, she couldn't fuck any of them. Only if they had beaten her, would she have been able to shirk her responsibilities. After all, at that point it wouldn't have been up to her. She would have had to surrender her dignity and everything to whatever man won against her.

Alas, the timing had been off. 'The Craze' happened first, the stop order on Gym Challenges came weeks later, and Misty… Misty was left high and dry for all of them. Now, here she was a week AFTER the stop order on Gym Challenges was lifted, and not a single Pokemon Trainer had shown up in all that time!

She got why Cerulean's own residents weren't around these days. They were all too busy being pregnant or getting pregnant or preparing for a baby to watch her matches. But the fact that no one was even challenging her… well, it stuck in Misty's craw something fierce. What was she even supposed to do? Wha-

In the midst of Misty's melancholy, while she was doing her best job of feeling sorry for herself, the door to the Gym suddenly clangs open. With her and her Pokemon being the only residents in the large water-themed facility, the sound is very audible, causing Misty to jolt as she looks up with wide eyes. There, framed in the doorway… is a young man in swim trunks, clearly there for a Gym Challenge!

Misty quickly hops up out of the water and checks herself over really quick. Her black swimsuit, a one piece that nevertheless shows off a great deal of her front and back despite technically being connected from her neck down to her crotch, is properly in order. Her belt around her waist which holds her Pokeballs is also still hugging her hips properly.

As the man strides forward, Staryu and Starmie race over to her, allowing Misty to recall them to their balls and take her place on the Gym Leader's Podium. While he approaches, she takes his measure… and flushes a little bit as the first thought that pops into her head is the incredibly juvenile 'Misty likey'.

It's not her fault though! The young man has some seriously handsome features, with swept back pink hair that doesn't make him look an OUNCE less masculine. On top of that, he's rocking those swim trunks of his, quite literally chiseled in all the right ways. He's got the best swimmer's body she's ever seen, with just the right amount of muscle before it starts to become grotesque.

Misty realizes she's staring, her mouth watering and slightly agape, when he stops in front of her, an eyebrow raised. Flushing, Misty coughs and crosses her arms over her chest… but actually, she crosses them UNDER her chest, instinctively pushing her tits up a bit as she looks at him.

"Are you here for the Gym Challenge then?"

He looks expectant… as if he thinks she's going to recognize him or something. Should she? He doesn't seem familiar, though admittedly she's more focused on his abs then his face. Still, after a beat he gives a single sharp nod.

"… Yes. I am."

Plastering a smirk on her face, Misty cocks one hip out and plucks a Pokeball from her belt, holding it between her two fingers as she makes a peace sign. She has an image to maintain after all… even if she's alone with a hot hunky dude. Rather, ESPECIALLY if she's alone with a hot, hunky dude.

"I'm Misty! My policy is an all-out offensive with Water-Type Pokemon, so I hope you're ready! Staryu, go!"

As she summons the first of her Pokemon, she watches expectantly. Besides his swim trunks, the Challenger also has a belt around his waist, and on it are six Pokeballs. She's curious to see what he's packing in those trunks- balls! In those balls!

For a long moment, he seems to just stare at her, amused. Then, with a small smile on his lips, he reaches down and pulls a Pokeball from his belt. Just the one.

"My name is Cam. And… I suppose I'll match you. Water-Type for Water-Type. Go, Gyarados."

Misty's eyes bulge out of her head, as the largest Gyarados she's ever seen explodes from the Pokeball, landing in the swimming pool that dominates the center of her Gym. She gapes at the damn thing, as it breaches the surface of the water and looms over her poor little Staryu. The starfish Pokemon looks back at Misty, and in that moment, she imagines if it could, it would be saying 'Mommy'.

"Gyarados. Splash."

Wait, what? Misty's brow furrows, and she's about to call Cam out on his bullshit. Everyone knows Splash is a non-damaging-!

Her eyes go wide again, as the mighty Gyarados proceeds to splash… and the sheer impact of his tail upon the water lifts her Staryu up out and slams it into the wall behind her head. For a moment, the Starfish Pokemon hangs there… then, it falls flat on it's 'face', clearly fainted in one single move. In one single move that wasn't even supposed to be capable of causing damage!

Misty knows immediately that Cam was showing mercy to her poor Pokemon. But just because she was thinking about sex moments ago, doesn't mean she doesn't have her pride!

"Staryu, Return! Starmie, go! Use Thunderbolt!"

It was her secret weapon, her counter to Mirror Matches, so to speak. A lot of the people who beat her and collected her Gym Badge brought grass or electric types to simply overwhelm her with the Type Advantage. But some tried to brute force it, and a few even tried to prove she wasn't the best Water Type Trainer in the region!

The TM Thunderbolt she'd acquired and taught to her Starmie was her answer to those few. And against Gyarados, a Water Flying Hybrid, it would be doubly super effective! It just… had… to hit.

Misty watches in dismay as Cam's Gyarados dodges out of the way of the Thunderbolt without its trainer having to say even a word. The entire Gym lights up as the water is electrified beneath it, but the Gyarados is already up in the air… and spiraling back down as it slams into her Starmie and ends the match right then and there.

It… it all happened so fast. As she recalls the second of her two Pokemon, she considers going and getting the rest. There were rules about this sort of thing, rules that she was supposed to abide by. She could let some challengers earn their badge by just beating two of her Pokemon, but if she faced someone as strong as this, she was supposed to go all out… to make them really earn it.

And yet, in that moment, Misty knows beyond a shadow of a doubt… he'd earned it. More than that, he'd earned HER. No matter how many more of her precious Pokemon she threw at him, he would defeat them all. Him and his Gyarados… to say nothing of what other five Pokemon he had.

Cam approaches, recalling his Gyarados as he looks at her expectantly. And sure, Misty supposes she should be giving him the Cascade Badge so he can be on his way. Instead…

"P-Please… please… PLEASE FUCK ME!"

She reaches down and tears her swimsuit aside, one hand yanking the top half to the left and the other yanking the bottom to the right. This has the effect of exposing one of her breasts, her tit popping free of its confines, as well as revealing her cunt at the same time. She's immediately sopping wet in the face of such a handsome, strong trainer. She wants him… so, so badly.

Cam stares at her for a moment in silence. She has no way of knowing what's going through the pink-haired man's head. After all, they've just met. She figures… maybe she's not being submissive enough? And so the girl that many called the 'tomboy mermaid' drops to her hands and knees, turns away from him, and thrusts her ass up into the air in a very, VERY submissive position. Holding the crotch of her swimsuit aside, Misty uses her other hand to spread her pussy lips with her fingers.

"Please! Right there! I need it… I need a real man inside of me!"

She's wanted to do this since The Craze! But no one has been worthy! Not until Cam! She may not know him from Adam, but damn it all if Misty is going to let this opportunity pass her by! She-!

Mid-thought, Misty goes still in both mind and body as Cam's hands grip her hips, the young man suddenly kneeling behind her next to the pool side. More than that, his cock is out of his swim trunks, and planted between her ass cheeks… and it is HUGE! Panting noisily, Misty looks back over her shoulder at him, making eye contact.

"You sure about this?"

Misty considers his size for all of a moment before discarding any remaining shreds of dignity she has.

"… Y-Yes. Fucking fuck me already!"

She doesn't care how big he is! She doesn't- ooooh yessss~ Misty moans, as Cam slides his cock down and then right up into her from behind. He fills her with his dick right there on the spot, pushing deep inside of her hot, wet cunny without hesitation. This… this is a man who fucks. He's definitely done this before, and Misty can only mewl as she claws at the floor beneath her, kneeling there while he impales her from behind.

"H-Harder… please, d-don't hold back!"

He just grunts at that and begins to fuck her. His thrusts start off slow, but quickly speed up thanks to her request. Misty can only cry out in an ugly manner as she finally gets what she wants. He's relentless too. Once he starts, there's no stopping him. He plows her from behind like… like he owns her. Maybe he does. Maybe he SHOULD.

Shakily, Misty reaches up and frees her other tit from its confines, letting both of her breasts bounce and shake and jiggle out in the open as he slams home into her again and again. She fondles one and then the other, pulling on the nipples until they're both hard as fuck. She imagines a world in which she's lactating… a world in which she's pregnant with this man, this absolute Chad's baby.

She immediately cums at the thought, her eyes damn near rolling up in her head as she shudders and orgasms all along his member. To his credit, he doesn't let up, not even then. Doesn't stop Misty from begging for more, however.

"D-Don't stop! Don't-nnngh! Need it… f-fuck me! M-More!"

Eyes rolling back in her head, Misty feels her tongue beginning to loll out of her mouth. And then, to make it even better, one of his hands comes up and grabs her by her hair, yanking back the messy ponytail she has in a hair tie and forcing her spine to arch in a way that ultimately causes her to orgasm again as he just… takes control.

This is what she's wanted. What she's craved. Someone better than her to come along and put her in her place. By Arceus, she'd considered taking a fall more than once. Just throwing in the towel and losing on purpose. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. Not just because of her pride as a Gym Leader, but out of loyalty to her home town. Cerulean City deserved to have the best in charge of its Gym. Only the very best… and anyone who beat her… well, THEY would become Gym Leader.

Cam clearly knew that, or he wouldn't have shown up in swim trunks looking ready to take the place over right then and there, right? Yes. Yes, it was all coming together… and SHE was cumming her brains out, even as she could feel him getting closer and closer. Any second now… she had to make sure he knew to cum inside!

"Please! Knock me up! Breed me! Fill me with your seed!"

Luckily, she's not too late. He grunts and a moment later begins to fill her on the spot, holding her head back, forcing her body to arch wonderfully as he fills and fills her womb with his seed. Misty just moans, her hands both coming up off the ground to grab and grope her tits as she imagines milk squirting out of her nipples. She's going to be a mother. At long last. She's going to be a broodmare to a strong, capable man. Cam… Cam will be the new Cerulean City Gym Leader, and she'll be his woman.

"I'm not taking over your position, Misty."

In an instant, Misty comes out of her stupor, blinking rapidly as she looks back at him. He pulls out of her, and she instinctively clamps her thighs shut, holding his seed inside of her, not wanting to spill a drop.

"W-Wha… what do you mean? You… you have to. You won. I can't…"

Cam just gives her a look and she falls silent.

"Many Challengers win against you and earn a badge. They do not replace you. I have neither the time nor the inclination to do so either. But don't worry. I will not leave you without resources."

Misty blinks at that, confused as all hell now.

"R-Resources… what does that even mean?"

Smiling at her, Cam pats her gently on the arm.

"You are being assimilated into Team Rocket. Please do not resist."

Misty's mouth opens… and then closes. Everyone knew Team Rocket. Everyone knew it was now a legitimate organization as well. And suddenly… suddenly, she was able to place his name. The name that everyone knew the Team Rocket Boss by. They said he was new to the role, but nevertheless scarily effective. Cam.

For a long moment, Misty just gapes at Cam. Then, she turns over onto her back, spreads her legs wide and pulls them high into the air so she rocks back and her hips are high enough up that his cum doesn't leak out of her. She presents herself to him with a blush.

"W-Well… if I'm being assimilated anyways… can we go another round?"

Cam smiles at that… and graciously nods, before moving in and impaling her upon his big fat cock again. Misty moans, only to moan even louder when he leans forward and captures one of her tits in his mouth, sucking and slurping at it like he too is imagining a world where it will lactate once she's finally pregnant and far enough along.

She's heard all sorts of crazy things about Team Rocket, recently. And Cerulean City itself has been a victim of their crimes once or twice. There's all this talk about how Team Rocket might have been the ones to coup the Pokemon League, that the new Champion Blue has just a figurehead or patsy. Given she'd watched his battle versus Lance and seen how the eleven year old completely trounced the former Champion, Misty hadn't been inclined to believe it.

On the other hand, now that she knew how strong the Rocket Boss was… who could say, right? But one thing was for sure. If this was what working 'under' Team Rocket was going to be like… then Misty supposed she had no problem with it.

No problem at all…


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