Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 59: Erika

Unlike Misty before her, Erika knows exactly who Cam is when the young man steps foot inside of her Gym. He might not be wearing his usual suit, but she would have to be a fool to not have her finger on the pulse of what was going on in her own backyard. While Erika might have been a quiet-natured young woman, she wasn't an idiot. There was a reason that the Celadon City Gym had never sworn loyalty to Team Rocket before now, despite the Rocket Hideout being located in Erika's hometown.

She had fought tooth and nail in her own way to keep herself independent, and to avoid letting Team Rocket sink their claws into her and her Gym. And oh, they definitely wanted to. Grass and Bug Type Pokemon were universally prized for the drugs most of them could produce. If the old Team Rocket had had their way, her Gym would have become a cover for a drug den, producing all sorts of nasty things to addict the people of Kanto to.

Needless to say, the old Team Rocket had NOT gotten their way. Not for lack of trying either, but at the same time, they'd never tried very hard. A few Rocket Grunts, an Admin here or there… but never an Executive, nor the Boss himself. And so Erika had maintained her independence… until now.

There's not a doubt in the young woman's mind that this is the end of such things. It was always inevitable that one day, she would fall. Still, part of her flutters at the thought. Especially given how the NEW Rocket Boss seems to be handling things. As Cam steps foot into the Gym… he's clad in the ancient, traditional attire of their people, just as Erika is.

Not many people bother with such things anymore. Indeed, most of her own fellow Gym Leaders prefer easier garb that just slips on and off. Some even wear barely anything at all, preferring to flaunt their bodies. But Erika, for all her youth, has always hewn closer to the old ways. She's already dressed conservatively. Not because she's a prude or anything like that… but because she's always felt that such things must be earned.

As Cam approaches, she can tell he's going to earn it. It's already decided… but still, things must be done properly. As he walks forward, clad in the attire of an ancient samurai, Erika notes some of her friends, her students, her confidantes… they shift, as if preparing to meet him in battle.

Erika stops them with a lifted hand and a slight shake of her head. While it was… normal for any would-be Gym Challengers to face some of the Gym's students in Pokemon Battle before being allowed to face the Gym Leader, in this case… there was no point. And truth be told, Erika did not fully know this Cam's disposition. If anyone was going to get hurt… she would prefer it was her.

Eventually, Cam stands before her. Instead of a sword at his side, he has just one Pokeball. Erika supposed she was supposed to feel insulted… but ultimately, she knew he would not need more. In turn, Erika bows her head respectfully and turns around, pulling forth a small chest and opening it to retrieve her other Pokemon.

Normally, a Gym Challenge was not supposed to be impossible. A Gym Leader should always strive to regulate their strength to a somewhat manageable level, so that the Challenger has a chance… if only a small one.

Erika hears the gasps of her students and friends all around them as she fully outfits herself and then rises from her kneeling position. She looks to Cam, and he looks at her. There are no words exchanged between them. One moment, everything is quiet, everything is zen. The next, he pulls up his singular Pokeball, and she answers him in turn with one of her own.

"Ninetales, go."

"Vileplume, please."

Even as she summons her Vileplume, Erika feels a spike of fear rush through her at the truly beautiful, majestic Ninetales that comes from Cam's ball. It makes sense that he would only bring one Pokemon now. For as beautiful as Ninetales is… it's even deadlier in a place like this. A place of nature and grass. Fire… fire is an all-consuming force, after all. But maybe she can still-!

"Ninetales, Quick Attack."

Her Vileplume doesn't last a second. The Ninetales is simply too fast, and Erika wordlessly recalls her signature Pokemon, before sending out the next. Not that it matters. None of it matters.

In a couple of minutes, the Gym Battle is over. Erika has been defeated, totally and utterly. Though… in defeat, there was also kindness. Cam used an incredibly dangerous Fire Type Pokemon, one that could have burnt her Grass Types to cinders. Instead, he only ever had his Ninetales use Quick Attack. A move that, while it almost always guaranteed a speedy first hit, was not so powerful… usually.

But Cam and his Ninetales are anything save for 'usual'. Indeed, his Ninetales is a monster… and Erika has been completely humiliated, utterly shamed, and wholly beaten.

She sees the looks on some of her friends and students as they watch on in dismay and shock. The strongest among them, laid low so quickly. She gives them a soft smile, before slowly descending to her knees again. Cam's eyes are upon her, as she slowly begins divesting herself of her traditional garb, removing her kimono and every other garment upon her body, one after the other.

Only her headband remains, even as she hears soft exclamations of surprise from around them. Those watching are shocked by her display of her flesh… but they shouldn't be. This is what is right. This is the path that Erika practices. If Giovanni himself had come at any point to deal with her, she imagined she would have done this for him instead. She would have feared and hated every second of it, and she might have been forced to commit suicide, rather than do what the Rocket Boss no doubt wanted her to do… but that was neither here nor there. She still would have done it.

Perhaps that was why Giovanni had never come personally. Perhaps the former Rocket Boss had his own honor, in the end.

In comparison, Erika holds hope in her heart that Cam IS different. Based off what she's seen so far, she likes to think so. Still, he is the victor… and in that regard, she will have him claim his spoils.

Folding her clothing carefully and setting it aside, Erika leans forward and presses her forehead into the soft ground of the Celadon City Gym floor in front of her. Still, she does not speak… and neither does he.

Instead, he walks forward, each step purposeful, each movement meaningful. Erika doesn't lift her head until he kneels behind her and reaches around to take his wrists in her hands. Only then does she straighten up, kneeling there facing forward as he pulls her arms behind her back gently but firmly and begins using a length of silk rope to tie her up.

Erika's breath hitches at this. He's done his homework then, has he? He knows… just what sort of woman she is. Sometimes, though luckily not today, Erika would even come into the Gym wearing shibari under her kimono. The ancient tradition of rope bondage, of binding and tying herself up. Though, of course, shibari was best experienced between two people… or even more, Erika reflects, making eye contact with many of her disciples as they all watch her from their spaces.

None of them leave, and it's obviously because they dare not leave her alone with Cam. They fear for her. They worry for her. And a few… even wish they could BE her. Erika marks each of them knowingly, a soft smile playing across her lips… until, of course, Cam's gently fingers find her lips and slip a length of silken rope between her teeth. That part is doubled up as he continues to bind her, restraining her arms behind the small of her back, and gagging her most effectively.

By the time he's done, Erika knows he's turned her into a work of art. That, at its core, is one of the base uses of shibari. It shares principles with flower arranging in fact, having big components in aesthetic, in making things… pleasing to the eye. Erika can tell, just by looking at her students, that she is very pleasing to the eye right now. After all, they can only look away when she makes direct eye contact with them. Otherwise they stare at her, blushing but unable to tear their gazes off of her naked but bound body.

Finished preparing her, Cam wordlessly places a hand between her shoulderblades and begins to push. Erika goes down without resistance, but also doesn't move too speedily. She only moves as he wants her to move, signaling her complete and total submission as she tries to be the picture of elegance and grace she's always strived to be, even now.

This too is an element of shibari, or at least an element of it for her. Composure… and how far she can maintain it, even in the face of such wanton shame and embarrassment. Erika lifts her hips up into the air at Cam's instruction but holds her voice as she feels the tip of his sizable phallus press against her slit from behind. It's not as easy as one might think.

The double-wrapped gag between her teeth makes it impossible for her to close her lips. She has to contain her voice further back, in the throat, to keep from letting even the slightest noise out. She even fails briefly, when he finally thrusts into her. A slight grunt, very unladylike and undisciplined, leaves Erika's lips.

But she quickly gets herself back under control, even as Cam begins to fuck her right there in front of everyone else in the Gym. She can't stop the sound of flesh slapping against flesh as he fucks her from behind, but she can hold in her voice and maintain her composure. She keeps her blush away, making sure there is no heat in her cheeks. Her friends and students are not doing nearly as good… but Erika does not begrudge them their reactions.

She has never expected all those who have found refuge and solace in her Gym to live her creed every single day of their lives. She did not become the Celadon City Gym Leader in order to create a bunch of duplicates of herself, to mold young women in her image. No… that would be ridiculous. Like a beautifully collected bunch of flowers, each and every woman who called the Celadon City Gym home was different, unique, and special in their own way.

Though they did share some things. One of those things was a love for Grass Type Pokemon. The other, Erika was discovering, was an appreciation for the right sort of man. Indeed, as Cam continues to take her from behind, delivering deep, powerful, purposeful thrusts into her body, Erika notes more than one of her students has begun to let their hands… wander.

She's embarrassed for them… and truth be told, it's the beginning of the end for her. Not that she would have lasted forever even if they weren't there. Still, that's the start of it. Suddenly, Erika can't hold back her blush any longer. It grows and grows as she sees more and more of her friends fingering themselves to the sight of her being dominated and fucked in front of them.

The Gym Leader still does her best to hold in her voice, however. Even as her body begins to shake and tremble with the OTHER thing she's holding back. See, Erika was a traditional and conservative young woman. She didn't believe it was EVER right for her to cum before her partner, no matter the circumstances. Unfortunately, Cam's thrusts were… quite a bit deeper than she was used to, even from the toys she sometimes placed inside of herself before a long day at the Gym.

His member is stretching her out in a manner she's never experienced before, but still she holds back her impending orgasm to the best of her ability. Still she contains her voice, closing off her throat so that not even a gurgling moan manages to escape. Sure, there was the gag in between her teeth that might have muffled any noises she made a little bit, but at the same time, Erika knew better. Currently, the only truly loud noise filling the Gym right now is the flesh of Cam's legs slapping against her ass with each thrust he makes into her, and the squelching noises of her sopping cunt as he fucks her powerfully and deeply.

If she starts moaning, even with the gag stifling her sounds, everyone will hear it. Everyone will KNOW. Erika can't… she shouldn't… but by Arceus, it's just too goood…

The longer Cam fucks her, the harder it is for the young woman to possibly maintain her composure. Composure is everything, especially when all other semblances of control have been stripped away. She is completely within Cam's power at this point, but she at least still has her self-discipline, if nothing else.

Finally though… finally, he thrusts forward one last time, and her composure snaps. Erika squeals through the gag, her eyes fluttering as she fails at long last to hold back the tidal wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm her dam of self-control. It was a good effort; anyone would say she'd done admirably… but that doesn't change the fact that she fails in the end.


Erika cums explosively along Cam's cock, orgasming before she'd managed to get him off. Worse than that… her climax is the TRIGGER for his release. He finally cums as well, creampieing and no doubt breeding her on the spot. This does not displease Erika. In fact, submitting totally and utterly to the man who completely destroyed her in battle fills the Gym Leader with a distinct sort of satisfaction and joy. She's happy to carry his child, truly.

But she IS displeased with herself. With her inability to make Cam cum first. With her failed composure. And so she lays there, face down on the ground, until Cam pulls her up again by the rope binding her arms behind her back.

Panting heavily, her face flushed, Erika looks back at the new Rocket Boss and lowers her gaze submissively, before asking a question she's been dreading since his arrival.

"What… w-what would you have of me and my Gym?"

Cam looks back at her knowingly, before smiling softly.

"Nothing that you are not already doing."

And there it is. Confirmation that he WAS different, and that his Team Rocket would be a different Team Rocket. The dawn of a New Age. Erika lets out a shuddering breath of relief and hangs her head, slumping back against her conqueror's chest as he holds her with surprising gentleness, after how hard he'd just fucked her.

Everything was going to be just fine…


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