Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 60: Sabrina

The Oncoming Storm. He's finally here. Sabrina tries to slow her breathing as she feels him enter the Gym, but it's impossible. Every breath she takes comes out as a pant at this point. Her pupils are no doubt dilated, as the powerful Psychic finds herself awash in the sensation of HIS presence.

Much like Erika, Sabrina knows who Cam is long before he even shows up. In fact, she's known about him for months now. Unlike Erika, she doesn't know him as Team Rocket's new Boss or anything like that. No, she knows him in a different fashion, a far more important fashion. He is… her Conqueror. There's no other way to describe it. He is the end of her freedom as an independent young woman. He represents the conclusion of her time as a strong and proud Gym Leader.

Ever since he first stepped foot in Saffron City, Sabrina has had her eyes on him. Originally, she even had intentions of confronting him directly. He was an anomaly after all, and unlike the buffoon Mr. Psychic, Sabrina was very confident in her own skills. Still, she wasn't an idiot by any stretch of the imagination. Nor was she particularly reckless.

So, rather than simply walking up to him and demanding that he cease being an impenetrable storm of psychic energy in her vicinity, Sabrina had done some reconnaissance first. Psychically, of course. Meaning she'd used her gift of foresight to look a bit into the future, studying what MIGHT be, and how she might best use such things to her advantage.

It was a common tactic of hers, and one of the things that made her such a successful Pokemon Trainer and Gym Leader. She didn't JUST read her opponents' minds to always know what they were going to do next, she read their futures in order to see what even THEY might not have realized or thought they were going to do.

Except… when she'd looked into Cam's future as it pertained to her own, when she'd studied how she and the Oncoming Storm might interact… all roads led to the same inevitable outcome. Sabrina could hardly believe it. Her gift of foresight had never led her wrong before, but at the same time, it had also never been so… unanimous!

There were always options. Different paths one could take. Except with him. Except with Cam and her. If they met in Pokemon Battle, there was only one possible outcome. She would lose… and he would claim her as the spoils of war. He would make her his woman, breed her on the spot, and Sabrina would find herself surrendering to him, totally and utterly without even a second thought.

These were the futures Sabrina saw for herself is she confronted the Oncoming Storm. And she could admit now, months later… that had scared her into inaction. Ultimately, she had never gone to see him, never gone to face her fears and fight him.

Instead, she had let him do as he pleased. She had even let Team Rocket take over Saffron City and Silph Co. because she knew he was coming and she knew what would happen if she tried to fight them… she'd end up facing off against him in particular, and that would be that. She would fall, and he would own her ass.

When she'd felt his presence leave Saffron City, Sabrina had ultimately worked up the courage to race out and kick the ass of the Rocket Grunt standing guard outside her Gym, like he could somehow keep her and her fellow Psychic Trainers inside. But by the time she'd reached Silph Co. itself, Team Rocket was already fully in retreat, beaten back by someone else supposedly.

Hmph, whoever that was, they were lucky Cam had left before they arrived… or they wouldn't have had such an easy time of it!

Still, that was the moment in which Sabrina had been galvanized into action. She couldn't just hide in her Gym forever. Even doing that ultimately led to her battling Cam when he came for her Gym Badge. She had to… she had to do something. She had to TRAIN for his arrival.

And so she had. The beautiful young Psychic had worked tirelessly to make herself ready for Cam's coming. The Oncoming Storm could not be stopped, and even as he went to the Pokemon League, even as he took a little break after conquering all of Kanto from the shadows, she had known he would arrive eventually. She might have been able to delay things by stopping Janine or Koga's antics, keeping Cam from getting the fake Trainer License he was using to conquer her and her fellow female Gym Leaders… but there was no point. That would only delay the inevitable.

Now though… now he was here. He was in the building… and he was-

Sabrina stiffens, as Cam appears in front of her with the flash of a teleport. The pink-haired young man hadn't even hesitated for a single second, making his way through her Gym with maximum efficiency, not getting turned around even once. Only now, as he stares at her, does his face go blank and he freezes briefly.

Smirking, Sabrina relaxes. Yes! She'd known this would help!

"Hmph. Something the matter, Challenger?"

"… You're naked."

Sabrina flushes. So blunt and bold! But then, she'd known he would be! Immediately dropping the façade, the beautiful Psychic plants one hand on her naked hip and thrusts the other out at him, pointing at him in challenge.

"T-That's right! After all, what would be the point of battling you clothed? Hah, do you think I don't know what you're here for, Oncoming Storm?! Do you think I did not prepare diligently for this day?"

Blinking owlishly, cleverly and masterfully hiding his TRUE thoughts from her even now, Cam cocks his head to the side in SEEMING confusion.

"… Oncoming Storm?"

But Sabrina knows better!

"I was careless, in all of those futures where I fell to you in battle! Careless and inexperienced! So I've shored up my defenses! I've used sex toys of comparable sizes to your cock to prepare and train myself for this moment! I've masturbated ceaselessly every night since I first felt your presence!"

"… Isn't that a little embarrassing?"

Sabrina sputters.

"D-Don't be ridiculous! It had to be done! If I was going to have a chance against you, then I needed to be as prepared as possible! I know all your tricks, you dastardly villain! I know all of your moves! The only thing I don't know… is your damn mind!"

"… I'm here to challenge you to a Pokemon Battle."

She pulls back the pointed finger, growling as she ignores his words.

"Tch, but now… now you've brought yourself right to me. See, until now even with my Psychic abilities, I couldn't invade your mind! But now that you're right in front of me, you've spelled your own doom! I shall enter your mind and find out all of your secrets… and then, it will be MY victory!"

Cam opens his mouth to say something… and then thinks better of it, his teeth clicking shut as he shakes his head. Lifting his hand, he waves it at Sabrina.

"Go ahead then, I guess."

He's so nonchalant! Even now, he doesn't think she can do it! Bah! She'll show him! She'll-!

Mid-thought, Sabrina reaches out to his mind psychically… only to stiffen, her eyes going wide. Its so… its so beautiful. Her jaw drops open, going slack as she metaphorically stares at Cam's mind. His singularity of purpose, his utmost resolve, his stalwart determination. He is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the purest hearted man that she's ever met.

That doesn't mean he's a GOOD person, mind you. Pure can mean anything. Pure Good is insanely rare. Pure Evil, less so. But Cam is neither. Cam is Pure, Raw, Dogged Determination. He is Strength of Will and Purity of Resolve made manifest in a single human being.

… He's also not anything that she thought he was. She can see it spelled out in his mind right then and there, that he would never have done anything to her against her will. And so Sabrina is forced to admit the truth… everything she'd been preparing for, all the countermeasures she'd brought to the table, everything she'd thought she was fighting against… it was all her the entire time.

This realization, combined with her 'training' of her body, combined with Cam's beautifully pure mind… causes Sabrina to gurgle helplessly as she cums on the spot. And she doesn't just cum, she unconsciously adopts a humiliating position, her hands clasping behind her head and her legs bending at the knees until her ass is practically resting on her heels.

Her pussy squirts all over the floor of the chamber, as a truly pathetic expression spreads across the Psychic Gym Leader's face.

"I lose! I looooose! Pleasepleaseplease! Please fuck me! I need it! I need your coooock!"

Still in Cam's mind, Sabrina sees the resignation and exasperation clear as day, unlike Misty and Erika who didn't understand that Cam was more than a little tired of every woman he met throwing themselves at him. However, she also sees his resolve firm and harden up as he sighs and steps forward, already fishing his cock out of his pants.

Her mouth opens and her tongue lolls out for him to slide his cock right in. He places a hand atop her head, but it's Sabrina who does the bobbing as she sucks his cock, throating him without a care in the world.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

All of her conditioning and 'training' is certainly paying off now, and Sabrina is forced to confront her own lewd nature, her repressed depraved desires. In hindsight, she definitely hadn't deep-throated all of those phallic-shaped vegetables because she was trying to beat Cam at anything. No… deep down inside, Sabrina had always known it was coming to this.

Cam, meanwhile, just stares down at her, slightly bemused.

"Is this what you wanted? Are you happy?"

Gargling his cock for a moment longer, Sabrina pulls back off with a pop, her eyelids fluttering as she takes in a deep breath of air before looking up at him. In the end, she answers honestly.

"I'll be happy once you've fucked and bred me… sir."

Cam stares at her wordlessly for a moment… and then just nods. And so Sabrina lays back and spreads her legs wide. Cam is kneeling between them in a moment, and she moans as he slaps his cock down upon her sopping wet cunt for a second to make sure she's ready for him. She is, of course. She's BEEN ready for months. It was always going to be this easy, even if Sabrina had been in denial right up until this point.

They hadn't even had a Match… but at the same time, they'd fought one another a million times from Sabrina's perspective. So many futures where she battled Cam's impossibly powerful Pokemon and lost, only to end up on her back just like this. One more battle would have been fine… but she was glad they'd skipped to the good part.

A shudder runs through Sabrina, as Cam finally slides into her. He goes in relatively easily, though it's still a snug fit. After all, all of the toys she'd used of comparable size to Cam's cock were just a touch smaller. She'd told herself it was because she didn't really believe her foresight. He couldn't be THAT big, right? She knew better now though.

In reality, the reason she'd only 'trained' her pussy with sex toys that weren't as big as Cam's cock… was so that when he finally fucked her, he would stretch her to new limits as he did so. And it was everything she could have hoped for.

Sabrina's eyes roll back in her head and she cums on the spot the moment he penetrates her. She's still in his mind and looking at his blazingly pure resolve while he finally fucks her for real and not just in some vision of the future is… everything. She loves it. She loves it so much and she can't get enough and… and… oh ARCEUS YES!

The Psychic cums and cums as Cam plows her on the floor of her own Gym, fucking her silly and dominating her right then and there. Her pussy is on a hair-trigger after all the 'training' she did. In the end, all she'd managed to do was turn her body into a lewd instrument for Cam's will. Whatever he wanted, she would happily give it to him. Whatever he did to her, she would respond positively, because she had conditioned herself to do so.

Her own foresight had broken her long before Cam got around to this visit. And funnily enough, Sabrina now knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was ALL her. He would never have done anything to her against her will. He would never have forced her to do anything she didn't want to do. Rather, everything she'd witnessed in those futures that had never happened… was her own debauched desires coming to the forefront as she faced overwhelming defeat after overwhelming defeat at his hands.

She loved it, to be honest. She loved him. She wanted to be useful to him. She wanted to be helpful. As he fucks her and she feels him getting closer and closer to cumming, Sabrina lets out a moaning gurgle.

"P-Please… inside! You'll knock me up! I'll have your baby! That's how it should be! PLEASE!"

She feels him resolve to grant her wish even before he speaks, which sends her over the edge into another orgasm right there on the spot, even as he nods.

"Very well."

And then he picks up the pace, and a few thrusts later he's filling and filling her with his cum. He's pumping a nice, hot, thick load right into her womb. Sabrina doesn't have to be Psychic to know that spells the end for her as an unattached, independent young woman. She knows in that moment that not only has he knocked her up… but she can't go back to the way things were before.

Unfortunately, she also sees ahead of time what his plans for her are, thanks to her look into his thoughts.

"… I will continue to run the Saffron Gym as long as you ask it of me, sir. If… if you'll visit once in a while, I'd appreciate it…"

Cam tilts his head to the side… and nods, even as he pulls out of her and stands up.

"I'll visit. And don't worry… you'll have my support, just like the others."

Yes. With Misty and Erika falling in line alongside her, the Gyms of Kanto now belonged to Team Rocket as effectively as the Elite Four and Champion. The harmony was glorious. Poor Brock, Janine hadn't been kind to him and her loyalty to Cam meant he didn't even get to have any fun as she made sure HE fell in line… but he'd live. And the Region would know peace and harmony.

Sabrina smiles broadly, even as Cam gives her a simple nod and leaves. She lays there naked on the floor for a moment longer… before deciding it was time to put in an order for a certain uniform. She doubted Cam would let her wear the Team Rocket Uniform she had in mind for legitimate Gym Challenges, but she would definitely wear it whenever he came over… to both show her loyalty and to entice him to fuck her even harder~

Licking her lips, the self-broken Psychic slowly gets to her feet. She could hardly wait…


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