Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 67: Courtney & Shelly

"You have to see that all of this is too much. Humanity continues to overreach, continues to expand beyond its means. Even this building interferes with the natural migration patterns of Flying Pokemon! I'm sure of it!"

Scoffing, Courtney of Team Magma rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest as she shakes her head at her counterpart's efforts. Shelly of Team Aqua tosses her hands around rather exuberantly while trying to explain her cause to the young man they're both here to, hm, court.

That all said… it really was a very impressive building. Standing in the office on the top floor of the new Team Rocket HQ in Celadon City, Courtney can't help but admire their surroundings. The building was so large that it dominated the skyline even more than the Silph Co. Building in Saffron did. It was now the tallest building in the whole of Kanto Region, and on top of that, it was where the vast majority of the Region's TRUE power was concentrated.

After all, Courtney was forced to begrudgingly admit that Team Rocket… they'd done it. They'd taken over the entirety of the Kanto Region, usurping control from Lance and his Johto goons. They'd even sent the former Pokemon Champion running home to mommy with his tail tucked between his legs from what Courtney had heard.

Meanwhile, the Hoenn Region remained firmly under the control of Steven Stone. His strength as a Pokemon Champion was unmatched, and his business acumen kept both Team Magma AND Team Aqua from establishing any real presence in Hoenn's politics. He was rich and powerful, a dangerous combination that let him stay at the top of the pyramid, leaving groups like Magma and Aqua scrambling for scraps at the bottom.

Not that Courtney wanted Aqua to have a chance to grab for more power. Not when their mission statement was so diametrically opposed to Magma's own. Indeed, Champion Stone SHOULD have been on board with their plans. All Team Magma wanted to do was harness the power of the Legendary Pokemon Groudon in order to create more landmass for humans to spread out and build upon.

Was that wrong? Was that so terrible? Not when you considered Team Aqua's ultimate goal. Their plan, to use the Legendary Pokemon Kyogre to wash away all human civilization and return the world to a more primitive and primal state… it was based in complete idiocy and lunacy! They wanted to wipe out everyone, themselves included! They had no sense of preservation!

That all said, Courtney might be impressed by what Team Rocket has achieved in the Kanto Region, even if their goals don't feel nearly as noble as Team Magma's… but she's not remotely impressed with the new Rocket Leader, Cam. He's just some brat, barely legal from the look of things, and it's obvious to her at least that everything he's achieved must have been done on the back of his predecessor, Giovanni.

After all, things didn't move this fast. In just over half a year, Cam wanted them to believe he'd not only consolidated Team Rocket's place in Kanto's hierarchy, but also had this Rocket HQ built? It was utterly ridiculous! Such a thing would have taken inhuman feats of competence, determination, and drive to pull off in such a short time frame!

No, more likely, Cam was just some kid in over his head. Everything around them must have been planned years in advance. Giovanni was probably still ruling both Team Rocket and Kanto from behind the scenes… and that meant she and Shelly were just talking to a patsy. Ugh. How lame.

Courtney was much more interested in sniping with her peer. After all, Shelly too was an Admin in her own right, of Team Aqua of course. And after her latest impassioned plea, Courtney lets out a laugh and gives Shelly a sneer when the darker-skinned woman turns to glare at her.

"Why does he have to 'see' anything? Look around you, Shelly. This… all of this is the result of human ingenuity and innovation. You've already lost. Clearly, Team Rocket is going to side with Team Magma on this. They've always cared about humans more than Pokemon!"

Shelly scowls mightily and crosses her arms over her chest, giving Courtney a downright icy glare.

"T-That's not true! You don't know that! Several of Former Champion Lance's initiatives were incredibly harmful to the wild Pokemon of this Region! Team Aqua hasn't failed to notice that Team Rocket has rolled back ALL of those initiatives, ever since taking power! That's why they sent me!"

Courtney scoffs at that, biting back the urge to point out the REAL reason they'd sent Shelly. It was incredibly obvious, after all. Her Team Aqua counterpart is a pair of long legs attached to a fine ass attached to a slender waist and a busty chest. There was no other reason. It wasn't because they thought Team Rocket would be amendable to their cause.

It was because they thought a young man like Cam would be amendable to Shelly's tits.

Of course, Courtney doesn't say this for two reasons, both of which were closely tied together. One, she was well aware that she herself was sent to be a honey trap for Cam. Between their similar hair color and her own feminine charms, Courtney was VERY aware of why she was here, even if Shelly wasn't. It was fine.

That said, the second reason tied into the first. While she COULD point out Shelly's true purpose here and sabotage her efforts to get the young Rocket Boss on side, it would only hurt and hinder Courtney's own efforts, so she'd rather not.

Better to avoid that particular landmine and focus on using her feminine wiles to get Cam to-


When the Rocket Boss finally speaks up, Courtney has to admit to being a little surprised. She and Shelly were two steps away from engaging in a cat fight right there in his office. And he wasn't going to let that happen? Huh, strange kid.

"There is a simple solution to this problem. We will settle things as we settle all things in this world. Pokemon Battle."

Oh! Oh, he DID intend to have them cat fight. Just a bit more officially and with less hair-pulling and scratching on their end. Courtney can't help but smirk, even as she glances over at Shelly, who while surprised for a second, is also now wearing a confident smirk of her own.

"A Pokemon Battle? Against her? Sure, easy."

Shelly probably thinks that because Water has an advantage over the usual Pokemon that Team Magma employs, from Ground to Fire. But Courtney didn't get to be an Admin of Team Magma by being susceptible to even Team Aqua's Grunts and their shitty Water Pokemon.

"Sure. I'll fight Shelly for you, if that's what you want to see kiddo. Should be a learning experience if nothing else."

Shelly scowls at Courtney's confidence, as if she hadn't just been overly confident herself. Still, before the Team Aqua Admin can respond, Cam speaks up, the Rocket Boss shaking his head as he stands from behind his desk.

"No. Not the two of you against each other. Rather, a Team Battle. The two of you together… against me."

Wait… what?!




This… this wasn't how Shelly, Admin of Team Aqua, expected to end up when she'd received this mission to go to Kanto and persuade the new Rocket Boss by any means necessary to side with Aqua over Magma. Sure, she'd known she might end up on her back as she was now… but not like this.

As Cam's cock fills her again and again, Shelly sees stars, her eyes crossing and her tongue lolling out of her mouth as her hips buck in time with his thrusts. He's unrelenting with her… and also that hussy from Team Magma at the same time. Where Shelly is on her back, laid out across Cam's desk, Courtney is bent over it, her skirt flipped up and her panties around her ankles as the Rocket Boss pistons multiple fingers in and out of her squelching cunt.

It had all… happened so fast. After his clarification regarding the Team Battle, both she and Courtney had tried to protest. Working WITH that Magma bitch on anything?! Hell the fuck no! And Courtney had felt the same exact way! But Cam had been adamant and somehow talked them both into it.

She wished she could say that it was Courtney's fault they lost. She wished she could claim that the Team Magma Admin dragged her down, that she refused to listen to her and that they just didn't have the teamwork necessary to beat Cam as a result.

But the harsh, honest truth that Shelly is forced to confront as she's split open by the Rocket Boss' thick, throbbing cock is that… he was just better than them. He was better than them both combined. He'd handed them their asses on a silver platter, and before she knew it, she and Courtney were like this.

It felt right, to submit to him. He was so strong, so powerful. They'd lost, he'd won… and now here they were. It felt sooooo good, being on her back with a powerful Trainer's cock plunging in and out of her.

Of course… that didn't mean Shelly wasn't still on task! That didn't mean she didn't still have her eyes on the prize, so to speak!

Moaning throatily as she's plowed across the desk, Shelly tries to focus her gaze up at Cam as he easily handles the two of them at once, despite having just the one dick.

"Y-Your support w-would, nnngh, be a great boon to, oooh, Team Aqua, y-you know! We're j-just… trying to get b-back to the natural order of thiiiings!"

From beside her, still laid out on her front, Courtney scoffs and scowls, panting as her own cunt is reamed by Cam's fingers. The Team Magma Admins is still wearing her hoodie with the hood up, even as she turns her head and glares at Shelly heatedly.

"A-Are you still going on about all of that? Nnngh, g-get off your high horse, Shelly! No T-Trainer as stroooong as Cam, w-would ever follow your organizatiiiiion's shitty, hippy ideals!"

Groaning, Shelly shakes her head back and forth, even as her dusky tits bounce and jiggle with every thrust, her bust responding in kind and moving up and down as Cam pistons in and out of her.

"N-No! That's where you're, ooh, w-wrong! Only a Trainer with such a s-strong connectiiiion to his Pokemon would eveeeer understand our g-goals!"

Before Courtney can reply, Shelly suddenly lets out a loud, explosive squeal as she orgasms HARD around Cam's cock. This in turn prompts a grunt from the Rocket Boss, who proceeds to unload inside of her without so much as a 'by your leave'. Not that Shelly really minded all that much. In fact, it feels really good, having him spill himself inside of her. Really, REALLY good.

Tongue lolling out of her mouth and a happy smile on said mouth, Shelly lays back and slowly recovers as Cam pulls free of her cunt… and promptly thrusts into Courtney next. The Team Magma Admin's eyes go wide and her back arches as she lets out a cute little squeal (not that Shelly would ever admit it out loud). In an instant, the desk is rocking again, this time as Cam fucks Courtney hard and fast from behind, pounding into her without hesitation or mercy.

Shelly's satisfied smile lasts up until Cam decides he's neglecting her. His fingers go down between her legs, but rather than stopping at her creampied, leaking cunt… they go to her ass instead. As he begins to prod at her back door, Shelly's eyes widen and she lets out a confused little groan as she tries to figure out if she's enjoying the sensation or not.

It's as he's toying with her and fucking Courtney that Cam finally gives his verdict.

"You're both wrong. Your organizations are stupid."

The two Admins jolt at that, only to whimper as Cam continues to give it to them, leaving them no room to breathe, let alone come up with convincing arguments to what he's saying.

"Pokemon and Humans have coexisted for eons. They will continue to coexist for eons. Humanity doesn't need artificial landmasses made by Groudon to thrive; they're already doing just fine. Pokemon don't need Human Civilization destroyed by Kyogre either. Think of how many non-Water Type Pokemon would die if you had Kyogre drown the world. Think of how many Pokemon already with loving Trainers would suffer if you killed all of humankind."

Shelly flinches at his accusation. Maybe his interpretation of their goals wasn't entirely correct… but she would be lying if she said she hadn't thought about some of the salient points he was bringing up once upon a time as well.

Courtney, meanwhile, scoffs.

"Y-You can't… guarantee it though!"

Cam just shakes his head and speaks with a sense of finality, even as he continues to fuck the Team Magma Admin to his next release, clearly intent on creampieing her just as he did Shelly.

"So long as I draw breath, Pokemon and Humans will continue to coexist… I and Team Rocket will make SURE of that."

It's a threat, obviously. As good as a declaration of war even. Though, neither Admin moves to try and fight him. They already DID fight him… and lost, terribly.

Truth be told, neither Shelly nor Courtney would have thought to take him seriously before that Team Battle. But now… now they know he's very serious, deadly serious in fact… and he has more than enough power to back up his words. To back up his convictions.

In the end, they aren't going to be the ones to change his mind. In the end, all they can do is moan and mewl as Cam uses them like a pair of streetwalkers instead of the serious, stalwart leaders of their respective organizations that they were supposed to be.


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