Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 68: Cynthia

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story and want to hop on board my next story right at the moment of its conception, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It just started today and I'm really excited for it~


He's been the Pokemon Champion for about a year now. There's been a couple of challenges here and there, but nothing he couldn't handle. Now the very adult age of Twelve Years Old, Blue was feeling more confident of himself than ever before. He could take on the world, or so he figured!

At the very least, being Pokemon Champion wasn't all that hard. It was no wonder that weakling Lance had lasted in the position for almost two decades before Blue came along and took it from him! Heh, turns out when you spend your entire life being measured up against an inhuman bitch like Red, you came out ahead in terms of Pokemon Training!

… Not that Blue thought of Red as a bitch so much anymore. It wasn't like he liked her suddenly or anything, but he kind of understood that her situation was all his great-grandfather's fault. Also that she was Cam's sister, or something? Actually… getting into that whole side of things was what was ACTUALLY tough to handle.

Finding out his mom and his big bro Cam had THAT sort of relationship was something Blue was still struggling to wrap his head around to this day! N-Not that he would begrudge either of them their happiness or whatever… but they hadn't even gotten married! And yet, Cam was STILL the father of Blue's new baby sister!

… Yeah, that was another thing he was still coming to terms with, though a lot easier than the other part. Blue had a new baby sister, and she was adorable, and honestly, he would happily die for her. Probably even kill for her, really.

Still, even though his mom had a mansion now, Blue didn't live there. He was Pokemon Champion after all, and on top of that his big bro was fucking his mom on the regular, even if Cam ALSO didn't live in the mansion. So yeah, Blue needed his own space and because of his position, he got it.

It was currently his day off, with any challenges up at the Elite Four put on hold until he got back. He'd been relaxing after a day of rest and some light training with his Pokemon, when the doorbell suddenly rang. Not really thinking much of it, Blue made his way over and opened it while rubbing a hand in his eye. Only to freeze up by just who he finds in the doorway.

"Champion Blue? Hello, I'm-!"

"C-Champion Cynthia!"

Now, Blue might be a child, but he was pretty damn smart. And while Bill did a lot of behind the scenes work for him, Blue still needed to know certain things to be able to function as Champion. One of those things was the identity of his counterparts in the other Region.

Of course, when Bill had sat him down, showed him pictures of all of the Champions, and given him all of their names, Blue hadn't thought he would be using that information to identify Cynthia, the Champion of the Sinnoh Region, standing outside his doorstep! The tall and statuesque blonde smiles softly as Blue stares at her wide-eyed.

"That's right. Though please… call me Cynthia if you would. There's no need to stand on ceremony, I'm not here for an official visit. In fact, let's say that I'm not here at all, alright? Officially, anyways."

Blinking rapidly, Blue finds himself nodding his head up and down after a moment.

"U-Uh… sure, yeah! And uh, you can call me Blue too! No need for ceremony!"

Cynthia gives him a warm smile that has Blue blushing. For a moment, silence stretches, and then she tilts her head to the side.

"Would it be alright if I came in for a visit?"

"O-Oh! Haha sure, come on in!"

He steps aside and lets the beautiful Sinnoh Champion step past him. For a moment, he finds himself looking around to see if anyone saw her, feeling almost like he's doing something naughty. Then, seeing no one, he quickly closes the door behind him.


"And then… and then Blastoise sat down!"


"Yep! Right on top of the tree stump! But it couldn't hold the weight so it-!"

"Exploded, I'm guessing?"

"Hehe, yeah!"

The two of them share a laugh at that. It feels like Blue has been talking with Cynthia for hours at this point. More than that, it feels like he's known her all his life. She was so large and dangerous as Sinnoh's Pokemon Champion, and in person Blue had to admit he was incredibly intimidated by her at first. But now? Now he felt almost at ease. She was actually really nice, in the end.

She was like the big sister he thought he had but actually didn't, because Daisy was in fact his mother the whole time. And because Daisy knew she was his mother, she didn't really act like his sister. But of course, Blue didn't know the difference, because he hadn't had any other sister!

Anyways, the point was, Cynthia was like a big sister. And he honestly couldn't believe she would spend so much time hanging out with him, but he supposed he WAS the Champion of the Kanto Region, so maybe she just wanted to get to know her peer a bit better! That said…

"So… what brought you out to Kanto in the first place anyways?"

Cynthia perks up at that, her eyes twinkling as she gives him a rueful smile.

"Lavender Town and your Pokemon Tower, if you would believe it."

For a moment, Blue just stares… then, he laughs at that. It's not a full belly laugh to be fair, but a soft chuckle as he shakes his head ruefully.

"W-Wow! I wouldn't have guessed that! Out of everything to do in Kanto, visiting Lavender Town of all places… ah, most people would consider it the least interesting place in the Kanto Region."

"Oh? But not you?"

Cocking his head to the side, Blue gives a sad smile.

"Nah, not me. I think the Pokemon Tower is great. Really important, even. Some people wanted to tear it down recently, put some kind of Radio Tower up in its place, but I shot that down. Everything has its place. And maybe Lavender Town and the Pokemon Tower isn't all that exciting compared to everything else Kanto has to offer, but it's still important."

Cynthia's smile is damn near blinding this time.

"I agree wholeheartedly, Blue. I'm so glad to hear you feel that way. As a student of archeology… in my off time of course, I'm fascinated by what came before. I feel like our pasts… definitely inform upon our future."

Blue slowly nods, sort of following what she's saying. Shrugging, he lets out a helpless laugh.

"Plus, Pokemon Tower is where I really met Big Bro Cam, ya know? Sure, I fought him on Nugget Bridge, but it was in the Tower that we truly got to know each other!"

Like a switch has been flipped, Cynthia's smile suddenly becomes a little… rigid. The atmosphere in the room changes, even as she hums slightly.

"That would be… Team Rocket Boss Cam, wouldn't it?"

Sensing the change, Blue blinks.

"Uh, yeah?"

"… I wonder, Blue. Would you help me arrange a meeting with him?"

For a long moment, Blue freezes up as he considers that proposition. He thinks on what would happen if Cam and Cynthia met. He thinks on what HAS happened, not just between Cam and his mom… but also Cam and Lorelei. And Cam in that newer Elite Four Member, Karen. And…

He considers what would happen if he left his new big sis Cynthia get together with Cam and before he can stop himself, his mouth is moving ahead of his brain.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Big Sis Cynthia! You and Big Bro Cam… w-wouldn't get along! So it's probably better if you don't meet!"

Belatedly, he realizes that he called Cynthia 'big sis' outside of his own thoughts. Going scarlet red, Blue opens his mouth to apologize, only for Cynthia to cut him off with a soft giggle. He looks at her, wide-eyed, as she gives him a twinkling smile.

"I don't mind if you call me Big Sis, Blue. That said, I really do need to meet with Cam. If not unofficially… then it'll have to be officially, through the proper channels. But I would prefer to keep things a little more hush hush than that, you know?"

He did not know. He was the Champion of the Kanto Region! Sure, Cam was a Big Deal, but that didn't mean anything! More than that… Blue was feeling very protective of his new big sis. Even if Cam was his big bro… gah!

"I'm telling you, it's a bad idea! You really don't need to meet him!"

Then, before Cynthia can speak again, Blue thinks up a challenge.

"H-How about this! Let's have a Pokemon Battle, you and me! And if I win, you have to forget all about Cam… a-and go on a date with me!"

Cynthia raises an eyebrow at that, positively radiating amusement. But she doesn't immediately shut down the idea. Instead, she nods, clearly taking him seriously.

"And if I win?"

Blue grimaces at that. Bill had told him, out of all of his fellow Pokemon Champions… Cynthia was widely regarded as the strongest at the moment. But hey, he was new to the group! So who was to say he wasn't stronger than Cynthia herself, huh?! Still, if he DID lose…

"… Then I GUESS I'll introduce you to Big Bro Cam…"


That shark-like grin on Big Sis Cynthia's face… why did she suddenly get so scary?!


"You wanted to meet with me. Here I am."

Cynthia raises an eyebrow as her and the youthful Team Rocket Boss face off. Truth be told, even if his suits are clearly perfectly tailored and made for him and him alone… Cam's age means he doesn't really fit into the attire, at first glance. It's like he's trying too hard… at least, to the common eye.

She sees more, of course. More than most, even. Still, crossing her arms over her chest, the Sinnoh Champion smirks.

"Not even proper introductions? A pleasure to meet you, Rocket Boss. Now you say 'a pleasure to meet you, Champion'."

Scowling at that, Cam gives her a glare that says he's not in the mood. Almost as if he knows exactly why she's here or thinks he does. But that's impossible. After all, Cynthia herself doesn't quite know why she's here or why she's doing this.

She did feel a little bad for beating Blue in the match that got her this meeting, but it was a necessary step on her path. She assuaged her temporary guilt by assuring herself that she would stay in touch with the boy. She wouldn't be a very good big sis if she just used him to get here and then ignored him for the rest of time, after all.

Still, Blue wasn't here right now. It was just her and Cam.

"… What do you want, Champion Cynthia?"

What did she want? Hm, thinking of Blue had brought an idea to mind. Smiling sardonically, Cynthia pulls a Pokeball from her belt.

"What do I want? I want a Pokemon Battle. You and me. If I win… you'll leave Blue alone from now on."

Cam's gaze sharpens at that.

"Excuse me?"

"He's a good kid. You're a bad influence. So if I win, you're to stay away from him. Deal?"

Cam tilts his head to the side for a moment in silent contemplation, before reaching down and pulling a Pokeball of his own from his waist.

"And if I win?"

Flicking her hair back over her shoulder, Cynthia smirks.

"You won't. If you do… you can name your reward. Now, do we have a deal or not?"

"Yes. Go, Gyarados."

"Go, Togekiss!"

She wasn't remotely surprised. In fact, she was as prepared for this as she could be. None of Cam's battles had ever been televised, unlike her own, but she had still done what research she could. As Cam's massive, hulking Gyarados comes flying out its ball, Cynthia's elegant Togekiss appears in a flash as well.

Cam's eyes narrow, and it's almost like he knows what she's up to. But he makes no effort to trade out his Pokemon.




"-Shock Wave!"

Ah! Of course. Cynthia's eyes flash with some small amount of respect, as a bolt of lightning spits out of the Gyarados at the exact moment that her Togekiss flaps its wings and sends a powerful wave of electric energy coursing towards him.

They're both super effective against one another, of course. But her Togekiss has weathered worse… or so she would think.

When the dust settles, the sight is… startling to say the least. But at least Cynthia isn't the only one surprised to see BOTH of their Pokemon fainted from the simultaneous attacks. It would seem the first stage of their fight… was a mutual K.O.

In utter silence, the two of them call their Pokemon back to their balls… and pull out the second of six Pokeballs a moment later. Looking at Cam, Cynthia imagines the raw determination and resolve to be the very best that she sees in his eyes is mirrored in her own. Good, very good. This… would be a fight to remember, for sure.


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