Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 71: Officer Jenny & Nurse Joy

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story and want to hop on board my next story right at the moment of its conception, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It just started and I'm really excited for it~


For a few weeks, Officer Jenny had been on cloud nine. One might not think it after her humiliation at the hands of that Rocket Boss and his two groupies. Not only had he soundly defeated her, but he'd also then made her admit the truth of her perverted nature! S-She was more than just her fetish, thank you very much!

And yet, in the heat of the moment, Jenny had spilled the beans. And every second after that, she'd waited with bated breath for the other shoe to drop. Only to realize… it wasn't going to, seemingly. Despite being defeated and then fucked silly, she was not removed from her position as Pokemon League Guard.

No, rather… she was the only one who remained, only a few days later. It was mind-boggling how fast things could change. Within a day of Jenny starting her new job as a Guard, Champion Lance had become Ex-Champion Lance. He'd been deposed by an eleven year old kid of all things, the same kid she had worried about that very day.

Champion Blue, of course, hadn't let all of those Johto Guards on Lance's payroll remain on the path up to Victory Road. He'd replaced them all, except for her… because she was a Kanto native, born and raised. Funny that.

Suddenly, Jenny had been the Senior League Guard. She'd even gotten to lengthen her skirt a couple more inches, so she wasn't always pulling it down and what not. She was in charge, and everyone else was suddenly a rookie that she was expected to lead because of her seniority. Sure, it was only the seniority of a week or so… but it was what it was.

And so, for a few short glorious weeks, Officer Jenny had been on top of the world.

… Then she'd missed her period. At first, Jenny had tried to ignore it. Surely once risky day couldn't possibly result in something like that, right?

Wrong. She was pregnant, and once it was discovered, there was nothing to be done. Their hands were tied. The worst part was, Jenny knew it wasn't discrimination. They'd been perfectly happy to have her stay on as a League Guard after kicking Lance and his cronies out of the Region. But she couldn't very well hold the line on the way to Victory Road in her condition. Some of the strongest and most volatile Pokemon Trainers in the world tended to show up there, and such aggression wasn't good for a pregnant woman to have to deal with, full stop.

They didn't fire her. She was still a Police Officer. But in the end, she'd been gently but forcefully prodded into accepting the transfer from Pokemon League Guard Duty to patrolling around Pewter City. The home of the Pewter City museum, Pewter City was commonly considered the nicest and quietest town in all of Kanto.

Even more so after the Gym Leader Brock had taken a week long leave of absence and then come back more dedicated to his work than ever. Apparently, something had happened and now if you asked, he was happy to say he felt like Team Rocket would be very good for the Region going forward.

Unfortunately, even after she'd given birth to a baby girl who looked just like her that she named Jenny Jr., Jenny had been left in her new position. Truthfully… she hadn't gone looking to take back her old position. Maybe pregnancy had mellowed her out. Or maybe she simply didn't want to have to take a spot from whoever they'd had fill her vacant position while she was gone.

No one calls it a demotion, but Officer Jenny can't help but feel like it's one anyways. More than that, she can't help but feel like Team Rocket got off too easy. They'd gone from the terrorist organization she and her colleagues had fought tooth and nail… to suddenly being above even the Kanto Police Department overnight!

As a part of the Kanto Government, Team Rocket was now a Regional Agency, with more authority than the more local and spread out PD. But at the same time, no one else seemed to agree with Jenny. Most of her colleagues were all too happy to let Team Rocket bear the weight of defending the Region from bigger threats… mostly because they had all been the lazy sorts who were happy to let Lance and his Johto Guards do the same when THEY were still around.

Jenny wished she could do something about it… but she was too afraid. Mostly for herself, but also for her daughter. Her dreams had been filled with the man who knocked her up every day since it had happened. Even though she KNOWS she can't go to him, she can't help but fantasize about seeing him again.

Pokedollars have been discretely dropped into her bank account ever since she gave birth, and Jenny knows where they come from of course, but even still. She just… she can't. Right?

Making her way around quiet Pewter City on patrol, Officer Jenny's lips are thinned out and she's deep in thought about her past and future. Maybe that's why the glimpse of pink hair catches her eye so easily… because she's already thinking about him. Eyes snapping up, the Police Officer watches as the Rocket Boss, completely unattended and seemingly unnoticed, sneaking into Pewter City's Poke Center.

She's convinced he's a hallucination at first, or maybe another daydream… but if he were, he'd be focused on HER, wouldn't he? No, he doesn't even seem to notice her presence as he slips inside and disappears out of her view. Which means he's real. Which means… she HAS to confront the dastardly criminal who ruined her life!

Walking over swiftly, Officer Jenny scowls as she fiddles with the back door of the Poke Center. It's late at night, but she IS a Police Officer… if anyone is entitled to sneaking around in the dark, it's HER, right?!

Eventually, she gets the door open and follows Cam inside… only to immediately be beset by very familiar noises.

"Oooh! Yes! F-Fuck! Nngh, you bad, bad boy!"

Now, Officer Jenny has been in Pewter City long enough to meet some people. To make some friends, even. She considered Nurse Joy one of her friends, at that. And so when she hears Joy being… well, obviously pounded silly, she rushes over.

It's precisely as she imagined when she bursts into the room. Cam is buried inside of Joy, fucking the cumming Pokemon Nurse from behind. Of course, they stop when Jenny intrudes, all three of them staring at each other for a long moment before Officer Jenny points a trembling finger Cam's direction.

"Y-You! You ruined my life! I'm not going to let you get away again! And don't think I'm going to go easy on you, t-this time!"

Slowly, Cam pulls out of Joy and stands up. Jenny tries not to stare at his rock hard cock, covered in her friend's juices, pointed unerringly in her direction. She tries really, really hard.

"Fine. Let's fight."


"Ooooh! I couldn't win! I couldn't defeat you! F-Fuck! I'm sorry! I'm so sorryyyyy! Don't stop! D-Don't STOP!"

Lounging back on her side, Nurse Joy has a beatific, cheery smile on her face as she casually plays with her creampied pussy, giggling while watching Officer Jenny get pounded on her back by Cam and his amazing cock. With her legs up in the air, her heels barely staying on her feet, the Police Officer has her skirt hiked up to her waist and turned into a particularly thick belt, her panties dangling from an ankle, and her top busted open to expose her breasts and rock hard nipples.

There's no doubt about it… Jenny is LOVING being pounded and plowed by the Boss of Team Rocket like the horny needy whore she is. Not that Joy blames her, no sirree. In fact, Joy would be a hypocrite if she did! After all… she'd just finished getting the same treatment~

After Jenny had rushed into the room, interrupting Joy's alone time with her baby daddy, the Pokemon Battle between the two of them had been… undeniably swift. Once Jenny was beaten and badly at that, Cam had told her to stay where she was and watch, giving the order in an ironclad voice that brooked absolutely no argument.

Already on her knees, Jenny had done exactly that, the helpless and altogether hapless Police Officer watching as he'd gone back to Joy and resumed fucking her doggystyle, plowing her and eventually creampieing her before finally moving over to Jenny and roughly beginning to take her next.

Nurse Joy definitely didn't mind the audience. Nor did she mind BEING the audience now. Even if Jenny wasn't looking her way, Joy could tell being fucked in front of another woman, and in fact one of her friends at that, was really doing it for the Police Office. Either that, or Jenny was just such a horny, whorish slut, that she was absolutely over the moon finally getting what she so desperately wanted.

Yeah, Jenny might have been in denial, but Joy DEFINITELY wasn't blind. They were friends, the two of them. They'd bonded over their shared pregnancies and then over their new lives as so-called 'single mothers'. But just because Cam couldn't be there every day of his daughters' lives, didn't mean he wasn't present in other ways. Financial support, for one.

It hadn't been hard for Joy to suss out who Jenny's baby daddy was, after she found out they were both getting a considerable sum of Pokedollars at the exact same time each month. The Policewoman might have been fairly cagey about it when asked, but Joy could read between the lines. Not that she was judging, nope. Not a hypocrite! Her own daughter, Joy Jr., was the light of her world, but even she would have struggled to take care of her if she didn't have Cam's support.

She wouldn't give her daughter up for anything… and luckily, with Cam's support, she would never have to. Meanwhile, Jenny is…

"What do you want from me?"

"PLEASE! PLEASE KNOCK ME UP AGAIN! I want it! I want your cum! I want to be BRED! Becoming your naughty little policewoman broodmare was the best time of my life! Growing heavy with your child was EVERYTHING! I want to give Jenny Jr. a sibling! Pleasepleaseplease-mmph!"

As Cam cuts Jenny off with a kiss, sticking his tongue into her mouth and dominating it just like he's dominating the rest of her helplessly climaxing body as it orgasms over and over again, Joy just smiles softly. At least Jenny was being honest with herself now. She really had been deeply in denial before, but now she was begging for it, pleading to be fucked harder and turned into Cam's broodmare yet again.

Joy had begged for the exact same thing, when she'd been fucked by the handsome young man just a little while before. And with her cunt filled to the brim with his seed, Joy was absolutely certain she would be getting it.

Running a hand over her abdomen, just above her creampied womb, Joy lets out a contented sigh… only to jolt as Jenny's high-pitched squeal surprises her for a moment. The Policewoman's eyes roll back in her head as Cam pulls away, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. He grunts and thrusts his hips forward, very clearly cumming deep inside of her on the spot.

At the sight, Joy lets out a light giggle and moves onto her hands and knees, crawling over as Cam pulls out of Jenny and sits back, barely winded. Without missing a beat, Nurse Joy puts her mouth around Cam's messy cock and begins to clean the Rocket Boss up. All the while, she stares up into his eyes, her own eyes twinkling with lust and lecherous intent.

After all, just one round? No sirree. She wanted more. And she was sure Officer Jenny wanted the same.

Bringing a hand down to rest atop her head, her little Nurse's hat knocked off ages ago, Cam smiles down at her and nods, letting her know HE was far from done with her as well.


Hours later, Jenny is unconscious and Joy is running a hand along Cam's chest as they lounge back together, cuddling a bit in the aftermath of their incredibly intense, incredibly fun threesome. Joy has never felt more wrung-out then after a session with Cam, and this time is no different. Even with Jenny joining in, he'd still given them both multiple hard plowings. But then, that was nothing new. Most of the time, it was her and Bethany with Cam anyways.

Ah, that reminded her. Perking up, Joy lifts her head from Cam's pecs and looks the young man in the eye, watching him for a moment as he looks back at her quietly.

"I should probably explain why Bethany wasn't here tonight, shouldn't I?"

Raising an eyebrow, Cam shrugs.

"I figured she was busy. I'm not the center of either of your lives, you know."

While true, it was only the case because their children were the center of their lives. Chuckling, Joy shakes her head.

"Yes, but she asked me to explain… and asked me to ask you to go over to her place for a visit, once you were done with me~"

Cam's other eyebrow rises to match the first, and he waits patiently. Joy, smiling coquettishly, lets the anticipation build for a second longer before laughing.

"Okay, okay. So… Bethany isn't here tonight… because she's entertaining a guest. A very special guest. Her little sister, all grown-up, has come to Kanto for a visit."

"… I see."

Its Joy's turn to raise an eyebrow, as Cam sighs quietly.

"She wanted you two to meet each other. If you were up for it~"

"… Sure. I'm up for it."

Hm. If she didn't know any better, she'd think Cam wasn't as thrilled as Bethany thought he would be. But of course, Nurse Joy does know better. She knows how insatiable Cam is. He might hide it, but he's a sexual BEAST of a man, with a woman… or two… or three in every 'port' so to speak. Yes, as he pulls away from her and gets out of bed, moving to get dressed, Nurse Joy moves in and cuddles up with the unconscious Jenny instead.

Grinning wickedly, the Poke Center Nurse giggles, drawing Cam's attention back to her for a moment, allowing her to wave her hand airily at him.

"Have fun~"

He just gives her a deadpan look, and then heads on out, looking every bit the confident Rocket Boss that he always does. Leaving ruined and utterly satiated women in his wake… like he always does.


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