Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 72: Bethany & May

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story and want to hop on board my next story right at the moment of its conception, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It just started and I'm really excited for it~


May was a Pokemon Coordinator. And she was a damn good one too. Back in Hoenn, she'd made a name for herself as one of the best, even earning the right to represent her Region in Pokemon Contests in other Regions. From a young age, she'd known what she wanted to do in life, and she hadn't let anything stand in between her and the way of her dreams.

By comparison, Bethany had always… drifted. Her big sister had never really seemed to know what she wanted out of life. Did she want to be a Pokemon Trainer? Did she want to be a movie star? Did she want this or that or something else? It was… tough. Because really, May loved her big sister. She loved Bethany with all her heart. But that indecisive flightiness that Bethany had always shown was a big part of why May had turned out the way she did, obsessed with a single-minded goal and not deviating one iota from her chosen path.

When Bethany had disappeared off the face of the earth, running away to seek her fortune 'elsewhere', May had been heartbroken. She'd been young enough at the time that Bethany left that she couldn't just go running after her. Meanwhile, their parents were focused mostly on May. Maybe understandably so, given she was already a successful Contest Champion at that point, but in hindsight, they had neglected her big sister and in doing so ultimately drove Beth away.

Unable to follow Bethany to wherever she ended up, May had turned all of her attention to the task at hand, becoming the very best Pokemon Coordinator, that no one ever was. She hadn't quite made it there yet, but one day… one day, she felt like she would.

Still, she was all grown-up now, a young adult in her own right. Maybe that was why Bethany had finally got in contact with her. There was no more risk of their parents stepping in and blocking Bethany's mail or telling May not to bother interacting with her sister. And so, when Bethany had sent May her letter… of course May had come running.

Kanto. She should have known it would be where Bethany ended up. Her big sister would wind up in the ass-end of nowhere, in the backwater to end all backwaters. And more than that, settling down in a place like Pewter City? May privately felt like the place barely deserved the designation of 'city'. Sure, it had a Pokemon Center, Poke Mart, and Pokemon Gym, but that being the basic criteria for calling something a city definitely offended her Hoenn sensibilities. The only form of entertainment in the whole place was a museum, for Arceus' sake!

Still, May had been in for quite the shock when she'd met her nephew. Bethany's baby boy was absolutely adorable, natural pink-hair included. Meeting him was an eye-opening experience, and she still wasn't sure what to think about it.

Bouncing her nephew up and down on her lap, May listens as Bethany talks about this and that, going on about her new life. Obviously, most of Bethany's life centered around her son… who May noticed didn't seem to have a father at home. Furrowing her brow at that, May opens her mouth to ask Bethany about where the father was, when a knock at the door stops her in her tracks.

Glancing over, Bethany hums consideringly.

"I wonder who that could be. Here, let me take little Jimmy, you go and get the door for me, alright May?"

Blinking owlishly, May nevertheless nods and does as she's told. It's a little odd, and she feels a little strange answering Bethany's door when she's just here as a guest… but she can do this much for her big sister, she figures.

She's completely caught off guard however, when she opens the door and sees a pink-haired young man wearing a very expensive-looking suit standing there in the doorway. In that moment, a few thoughts go through May's mind in rapid succession.

Number One. He's fucking hot. May feels a certain heat rising to her cheeks the moment she lays eyes on him, admiring his handsome face before catching herself.

Number Two. He's fucking loaded. His attire reminds her of how some of the pretty boys in her competitions back home like to dress. Pokemon Coordinators come in all shapes and sizes, just like Pokemon Trainers. To say that men are more likely to be Trainers and women are more likely to be Coordinators… well that would just be sexist, and frankly untrue.

But there was most definitely something of a stereotype for a reason. A lot of her toughest competitors WERE women, and the men were almost always rich and sharply dressed, just like this guy. For a heartbeat, May even believes that he might somehow be here for her for some weird reason. Or maybe she just hopes, who can say for sure.

Number Three. He's Jimmy's father. This is the last thought, but the moment she has it, she feels dumb for not realizing it sooner. He's so clearly Jimmy's father it's blatantly obvious. Of course, Bethany also makes it even clearer by piping up a moment later.

"Oh! Cam! I didn't know you were coming by for a visit!"

Sliding his gaze past May to her big sister, the now-named Cam raises an eyebrow at that.

"You didn't, did you?"

Bethany just giggles, but May's hackles are immediately raised. That dry, irreverent tone… just who did this guy think he was? Sure he was super handsome and hunky and c-cute, but that didn't give him leave to talk to her sister like that! She was of half a mind to slam the door in his face! Before she can do that however, Bethany clears her throat.

"May, honey, let Cam in please. Cam, this is my younger sister, May."

As May steps aside, Cam gives her a look… almost knowing in nature. It's like he's staring right into her soul or something!

"I'm aware. Joy told me she was in town."

May really didn't like that tone he was taking. No sir! Scowling a little bit, she crosses her arms over her chest and thrusts out her chin.

"What of it? Can I not visit my older sister?"


Bethany's admonishment is uncharacteristically quiet, and May shrugs her off, even as Cam narrows his eyes at her.

"I didn't say that."

Smirking triumphantly, May shrugs her shoulders.

"Good, because I'm not going to let some rich asshole tell me what to do just because he knocked up my sister."


This time, Bethany's tone is sharper and louder. Cam just smiles a sharp smile, one that raises May's hackles even further. She wants to wipe that smug look off his face, damn it! And there's one simple way to do that.

"You. You're bad news, I can tell. Probably think your money makes you a big man, lets you throw your weight around. Well guess what? Bethany doesn't need your Pokedollars anymore. She has me to help out now. So you can leave. And if you don't want to leave… I'll make you leave."

May pulls a Pokeball from her belt at that, holding it up threateningly. Sure, she was a Pokemon Coordinator by trade… but that didn't mean her OR her Pokemon were pushovers. This jerk… he needed to be taught a lesson. He needed to be brought down a peg. And May felt like she was just the person to do it.


"A-Ah. Why? Whywhywhy?!"

"Shhh, May. It's Kanto tradition. You lost. Just relax~"

May whines and squirms in her big sister's grip, stripped naked and laid out on Bethany's bed. Bethany was just as naked, and while the skinship was downright nostalgic… they've never done anything like THIS before. May's nephew has been put to bed, and May… well, May has found herself taken to bed.

It was supposed to be a piece of cake! It was supposed to be a walk in the park! But… it turned out she'd sorely underestimated Cam and his Pokemon. He'd wiped the floor with her without breaking a sweat. And then Bethany had proclaimed that May needed to apologize. Properly. May had begrudgingly agreed, only to discover what a 'proper' apologize in the Kanto Region entailed.

She was humiliated, and not even remotely aroused. At least, at the start. The more Bethany toys with her nipples, the more May moans in between whining and whimpering. At the same time, Cam… Cam is being a lot… nicer about all of this then she would have thought. Currently, the pink-haired man is toying with her. Teasing her, really. But at least he's not just sticking it in, as is his 'right' apparently.

No, while his throbbing cock IS out and dangling between his legs, he's currently using his fingers on her, making May mewl and moan as he toys with her increasingly wet pussy lips. The Pokemon Coordinator can do little more than squirm, trapped between her big sister and her big sister's baby daddy.

"Come on. You can't tell me you're not having fun. Cam might have beaten you… but you don't mind it too much, do you? You're certainly making all the right sounds."

Bethany is honestly teasing May more than Cam is, at least verbally. Its her big sister that's really laying into her, as May whines back.


"It's fine. We can stop if you want… but then I have to make you leave. You disrespected the father of my child, May. You have to make things right~"

May whimpers and hesitantly nods… only to go stock still when Cam suddenly speaks up.


Both brunettes look at him then, to see him staring back at the two of them intensely. He moves his fingers away from her cunt and rests his hands on her thighs, rubbing soothing circles into her flesh with his thumbs.

"You don't owe me anything. You can stay and I'll go if that's what you want. I will only fuck you if you want me to fuck you."

May's eyes go wide at that. Needless to say, she wasn't expecting Cam to suddenly be the voice of reason. The way he bluntly describes her options while she's panting and mewling beneath him, trapped in her big sister's arms… it's kind of a massive turn on, shamefully enough. She blushes profusely, before glancing at Bethany who looks… actually a little chastised by Cam's words? After a moment, Bethany looks to May apologetically.

"He's right, May. I'm sorry… we don't have to do anything you don't want to."

It's weird how THAT is what tips her over the edge. No, not into a climax… but more into the sudden willful desire to WANT to go through with this. Blushing crimson, May looks up at her sister's baby daddy… and shakily nods.

"I-I want it. I want you to fuck me… s-sir."

He smiles softly at that… and brings his cock to bear on her cunt. May watches along with Bethany as it splits her open and slides right into her. A low, throaty moan leaves May's lips. She's no virgin. She's had a couple of boys over the years. Pokemon Contests were a great place to hook up without parental supervision. But as previously mentioned, most male Pokemon Coordinators were pretty boys. Rich boys at that.

They didn't know how to please a woman. Losing her virginity had been an awful experience, and most sexual encounters with guys hadn't been remotely satisfying since.

This one was different though. She didn't know if it was Cam or the fact she was doing it with her sister helping out, or maybe both… but it was definitely different. Moaning up a storm, May arches her back, pushing her chest up into Beth's hands as the older woman gropes and squeezes her tits. Meanwhile, Cam's cock thrusts into her again and again.

May can't get enough of it. The more he fucks her, the more she cums. Tipping over the edge for him, orgasming on his cock… a man has never actually managed to make her climax before. She's always had to fake it, and then get herself off later. Luckily, she's a performer and a great actress, hah.

But not with Cam. With Cam, May doesn't have to fake anything. She's having the time of her life, and all the while her big sister is right there with her, egging them both on, cheering them on really, moaning along with May, one of Beth's hands even going down between the MILF's thighs to finger herself to the sight of May getting fucked.

As Cam's cock jackhammers in and out of her sloppy wet twat, May's eyes threaten to roll back in her head. She's losing track of what's going on around her, truth be told. But before she can fully go off into Lala Land, Bethany leans in and whispers in her ear sweetly.

"May… Cam is getting close. He's going to cum soon. And there's not a woman he's fucked who hasn't ended up pregnant~"

That boast makes May's eyes snap open at the thought of getting knocked up. She'd never considered it before… but meeting her nephew HAD put the thought of having kids of her own into her mind earlier. She'd just never met the right guy… until now.

"You would look sooo sexy knocked up, baby sister. Sooo sexy."

May blushes at Beth's encouragement. W-Would she? She'd made more than enough money from Pokemon Contests. She could take a break. Have a kid. Make a triumphant return to the Coordinator scene in a year or two.

Looking up into Cam's eyes, May sees in his gaze that it's her choice. She decides. Not him. Not Bethany. But her.

… In the end, May nods and moans throatily, giving in to temptation and her big sister's cooed words.

"P-Please. Cum inside of me. B-Breed me!"

Cam just nods right back at her… and then gets down to business. He cums a few thrusts later, making May squeal and orgasm her brains out around his cock as he fills her with his seed. Afterwards, he pulls out of her and May finds herself resting in her big sister's arms as Bethany holds her and whispers sweet nothings into her ear.

… Ya know, as far as Kanto traditions go, May decides she doesn't mind this one. Getting beaten by Cam and then fucked silly while her big sister watched and participated… was actually pretty great.


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