Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 147

After dinner, the evening’s lighthearted mood faded, and Yuichi found himself walking through the winding halls of the Shihōin estate toward Yoruichi’s private study. Yoruichi had asked him to come by after their meal, but as much as he appreciated her informal demeanor during dinner, he had a sense that this meeting would be far more serious. His mind raced with possibilities. Was it about the task she had vaguely mentioned earlier? He had no clue what to expect.


When he reached her study door, he knocked softly. It was only a moment before it creaked open, revealing Mei Nakamura, who stood just inside. She gave him a slight nod, her expression calm and focused as usual.


"Come in," Mei said, stepping aside to let him enter.


Yuichi walked into the dimly lit room, the scent of sandalwood wafting through the air. Yoruichi was already seated at a low table, papers scattered in front of her. She glanced up from her work as he entered, a pleased smile tugging at the corners of her lips.


"It’s good you came so soon after dinner. If not you two would have missed each other," Yoruichi remarked, her voice carrying its usual playful undertone, but there was a seriousness in her eyes. She motioned for both Yuichi and Mei to sit across from her.


Yuichi complied, lowering himself onto one of the cushions as Mei took her place beside him. The study was quiet except for the faint crackling of the candlelight, and Yuichi could feel the weight of the upcoming conversation hanging in the air. After a beat of silence, he asked the question that had been gnawing at him since dinner.


"So… what do you need me to do?" he asked, trying to mask the uncertainty in his voice. He had a gut feeling that whatever this was, it wouldn’t be a simple task.


Yoruichi leaned back, her amber eyes sharp as they flicked between the two of them. "The 2nd Division and 6th Division have a joint mission that needs to be completed as soon as possible," she began. "Ginrei Kuchiki, captain of the 6th Division and 27th Head of the Kuchiki Clan, and his son and vice-captain Sōjun Kuchiki will be accompanying me on this mission."


Yuichi’s brows furrowed slightly, unsure of where this was heading. "So… what does that have to do with us?"


Yoruichi gave him a knowing smile, continuing as if she had anticipated the question. "Their mission is highly sensitive, and Ginrei asked me for a favor. While we’re away, the heir of the Kuchiki Clan—little Byakuya—will be left alone at their mansion. He’s too young to be left unattended, and the Kuchikis don’t trust just anyone with him. That’s where you two come in."


Yuichi blinked, not quite sure he had heard her correctly. "Wait… Byakuya Kuchiki? You want us to watch over him?"


Yoruichi nodded. "Exactly. He’ll arrive tomorrow morning, and I need both of you to accompany him and make sure he stays safe until Ginrei and Sōjun return. Normally, I’d leave him in Yūshirō’s care, but he’ll be joining us on the mission as well. While there will be a few hidden members of the Onmitsukidō keeping an eye on things, I’d feel better if you two also watched over him."


Yuichi felt a wave of apprehension. Byakuya Kuchiki was the heir to one of the most prominent noble families in the Soul Society, and guarding him felt like an enormous responsibility. His thoughts tumbled over one another as he tried to process what Yoruichi was asking. "Are you sure we’re the best ones for this?" he asked hesitantly. "Wouldn’t there be more experienced members who are better suited for such an important job?"


Yoruichi’s eyes gleamed with amusement as she looked at him. "You’re selling yourself short, Yuichi. You and Mei may be unseated officers, but with your current strength, you could easily take the 4th and 5th seats if you wanted to. Besides, if something were to happen, enemies are more likely to underestimate you."


Yuichi’s gaze flicked over to Mei, who sat beside him with her usual calm and composed demeanor. She didn’t seem surprised or flustered by the assignment in the least. In fact, she already appeared to be considering how to carry out the task efficiently, her hands resting neatly in her lap as she absorbed Yoruichi’s words.


Yoruichi continued, her voice confident and reassuring. "Truthfully, though, nothing should happen. The Onmitsukidō will handle most of the surveillance, and little Byakuya will stay inside the Shihōin mansion. He’ll be safe. Your job will be more like being his playmates than actual guards. Just make sure he stays within the mansion and doesn’t wander outside."


Mei gave a small bow of her head in acknowledgment, her expression serene. "I understand, Captain Yoruichi. I will fulfill your orders to the best of my ability."


Yoruichi smiled, clearly pleased with Mei’s response, then turned her attention back to Yuichi, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "And what about you, Yuichi? Ready to play babysitter to the future head of the Kuchiki Clan?"


Yuichi sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to help, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of responsibility that came with the task. He was being asked to look after one of the most important children in the Soul Society, and if anything went wrong… He forced himself to push those thoughts aside. Yoruichi wouldn’t have chosen him if she didn’t trust him to do the job. She must really also believe that nothing will happen.


"Yeah, I’ve got it," Yuichi finally said, though his voice betrayed a bit of his reluctance.


Yoruichi’s grin widened, her playful nature once again bubbling to the surface. "That’s the spirit! And don’t worry, I trust you two to handle this perfectly. After all, I wouldn’t have chosen you if I thought you couldn’t handle it."


Despite her confidence, Yuichi still felt a knot of anxiety in his stomach. "I guess we just stay in the mansion and make sure he doesn’t get into trouble?"


"Exactly," Yoruichi confirmed. "But don’t forget—Byakuya is a Kuchiki. They’re sticklers for the rules, punctuality, and appearances. You’ll need to be up early tomorrow because he’ll be arriving at dawn. The members of the Kuchiki Clan are always on time and expect others to be the same. So, don’t be late. First impressions and all that are important." She raised a finger as if to emphasize the point.


Yuichi sighed again, feeling the weight of the task already setting in. "I’ll set an extra alarm," he muttered under his breath.


Mei, ever the professional, straightened her posture and nodded respectfully once more. "We will be ready at dawn, Captain. Thank you for entrusting us with this."


Yoruichi gave them both an approving nod, her serious demeanor softening into a more casual one. "Good. I’ll see you both in the morning then. And remember, play nice with the little heir. It wouldn’t hurt for the two of you to get on the good side of the Kuchiki Clan."


With that, Yoruichi dismissed them, and the weight of the assignment settled more heavily on Yuichi’s shoulders. As they exited the study, he couldn’t help but glance at Mei, who appeared as unshaken as ever.


"I guess this is going to be more than just babysitting," Yuichi muttered, more to himself than to her.


Mei turned her head slightly, her eyes flicking toward him. "Perhaps. But we must be prepared for anything. No matter how unlikely it is that something will go wrong, we cannot take this lightly. As you like to say hope for the best and prepare for the worst."


Yuichi nodded in agreement, appreciating Mei’s steady presence. "Yeah, you’re right. Guess we should just focus on doing the job right."


"Exactly," Mei replied softly. "The Kuchiki Clan is one of the formidable Great Noble Houses. Failing them is not an option."

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