Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 148

Mei, walking calmly beside him, seemed perfectly composed. She didn’t say much after they left the study, and Yuichi appreciated her silent but solid presence. He stole a glance at her, admiring the way she carried herself—always composed, always thinking ahead. Even now, she was likely strategizing how to handle the assignment, already calculating every possible scenario in her head.


Yuichi, on the other hand, was still wrestling with his own thoughts. "Byakuya Kuchiki, huh?" he muttered, more to himself. The name alone carried such weight in the Soul Society, and here he was, being tasked with looking after him. Yuichi knew what the older Byakuya was like but he didn’t know what kind of young man he was? Reserved and haughty like many nobles? Or perhaps, he’d surprise them.


"Are you nervous?" Mei asked, her voice calm and even as always.


Yuichi blinked and glanced over at her. "I’d be lying if I didn’t say a little," he admitted. "I mean, this isn’t just any kid we’re talking about. If something happens…"


"Nothing will happen," Mei interjected smoothly, her tone firm but not dismissive. "Lady Yoruichi trusts us, and she wouldn't have given us this task if she thought we were incapable of it. Focus on doing the job well, and everything else will fall into place."


Yuichi couldn’t help but smile at her calm reassurance. "You’re right, as usual," he said. "I guess I just need to stop overthinking it."


Mei nodded, her expression softening slightly. "You’ve grown stronger, Yuichi. Remember that. Lady Yoruichi sees it, and so do I. Remain confident and things will work out."


Her words, though simple, resonated deeply with him easing his mind. "Thanks, Mei. I’m calm now. So I wanted to ask what type of mission requires both the 2nd and 6th Divisions to work together? Do you have an idea?"


Mei sighed, “I can make an educated guess. The 6th Division handles all of Gotei 13's internal affairs, such as monitoring shinigami activity and handling any disturbances from other shinigami. While members of the 2nd Division mainly deal with stealth and assassination missions. Normally they wouldn’t need to do any joint missions unless ordered by the Central 46. For them to get involved means that this matter will be heavily intertwined with the current political situation. So they will most likely be purging a lesser noble house. Since Lady Yoruichi has been focused on gathering evidence against the Ankoku I would guess it’s them.”


Yuichi frowned, digesting Mei’s analysis. The Ankoku, a lesser noble house, had been under scrutiny for a while, and if they were finally being purged, it meant the evidence Yoruichi had gathered must have been damning. Still, the fact that it required both the 2nd and 6th Divisions working together made it feel even more dangerous and politically charged.


"A noble purge…" Yuichi muttered. "That’s a big deal. If it’s really the Ankoku, then things are getting serious."


Mei nodded solemnly. "Indeed. A purge of any noble house always sends shockwaves through the political landscape, but the Ankoku have been suspected of undermining the authority of the other noble houses for some time. Lady Yoruichi and the Kuchiki clan head must have felt that they wouldn’t go out quietly so it would be better to be cautious."


Yuichi's thoughts drifted back to Yoruichi. She never discussed politics with him, preferring to keep their interactions light or focused on training. But clearly, she had been dealing with more behind the scenes than he realized.


"Well since such major things will be occurring then I figure they assume someone will target Byakuya Kuchiki to use him as leverage correct?" Yuichi asked.


Mei nodded thoughtfully, her calm demeanor unshaken. "Precisely. With both the head and vice-captain of the Kuchiki clan involved, Young Lord Byakuya becomes a potential target for anyone looking to gain leverage. Even if the purge proceeds smoothly, there will always be those who seek to exploit such opportunities. It's a delicate time. That’s what I believe is happening but I can’t say for sure. I’ll leave you now I have a few things to prepare for tomorrow."


With that they parted ways for the night, Yuichi returned to his quarters, but sleep didn’t come easily. His mind was too busy running through every detail of the upcoming task, trying to anticipate how the day would unfold. Eventually, he drifted off into a restless sleep, his thoughts still buzzing with ideas and questions.


The next morning, as promised, Yuichi woke before dawn, setting an extra kido alarm that Niko had made just as he had joked with Yoruichi. He quickly dressed in his Shinigami robes, making sure they were presentable—after all, appearances mattered to the Kuchiki Clan.


After a good night’s rest, Yuichi felt much calmer. His mind had settled, and the tension that had clouded his thoughts yesterday seemed to have lifted. Walking beside Mei now, he felt composed, ready to take on the task ahead. She, as always, was her calm and focused self, her sharp eyes scanning the surroundings as they made their way toward the estate's front entrance.


Yuichi stole a glance at her, admiring how she always seemed so collected. Even when things got tense, she was a rock, always thinking ahead. If anything, her presence reassured him.


As they approached the front gates, Yuichi’s eyes locked onto three figures standing just outside. His posture straightened slightly at the sight. Byakuya Kuchiki stood in the middle, flanked by his grandfather, Ginrei Kuchiki, and his father, Sojun Kuchiki. Even from a distance, the regal air of the Kuchiki family was undeniable.


Byakuya, though only around fifteen or sixteen, already carried himself with the dignity and poise of a future clan leader. His dark hair was tied neatly behind him, and his sharp gray eyes surveyed the surroundings with quiet intensity. He was tall for his age, with a slim build that hinted at the elegant swordsmanship he was known for even at such a young age.


"That’s him, then," Yuichi muttered as they neared the group. "Young Lord Byakuya."


Mei gave a small nod. "Yes. He’s already shaping up to be just like his grandfather."


Yuichi and Mei came to a stop before the Kuchiki family, offering respectful bows. "Lord Ginrei, Lord Sojun, and Lord Byakuya," Yuichi greeted, his voice steady. "Lady Yoruichi has tasked us with ensuring the young master’s safety today."


Ginrei, the current head of the Kuchiki clan, nodded his approval, his face a mask of calm authority. "Thank you. I trust Lady Yoruichi’s judgment, as always."


Byakuya stepped forward slightly, his eyes meeting Yuichi's with a cool gaze. "I don’t require protection," he said in a measured tone, though not with arrogance. "But I understand that precautions are necessary."

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