Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 152

The night was still, the mansion shrouded in silence as both Yuichi and Mei continued their practice, eyes closed in concentration. The flow of reishi from the environment into their bodies was subtle yet steady, like a stream of energy filling their reserves. Hours passed, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary, their guard post undisturbed. Yuichi's thoughts wandered occasionally, though he always brought them back to the task at hand, ensuring his senses were attuned to any potential disturbances within the mansion. Mei, seated with perfect posture, was focused on the outer perimeter, her senses stretched to cover as much ground as possible.


Suddenly, Mei's eyes snapped open. Her body tensed slightly as her heightened spiritual senses picked up something—someone. The stillness of the night was interrupted by a presence, faint and distant, but enough to alert her. She turned to Yuichi, her voice low but urgent.


"Someone just touched the edge of my spiritual senses," Mei said, her tone calm but laced with caution.


Yuichi's eyes opened immediately, his sharp gaze locking onto Mei’s. He trusted her spiritual sense; she was better than him at detecting distant presences. While Yuichi's senses were focused on the inside of the mansion, Mei’s abilities allowed her to cover the vast outer perimeter, giving them a dual layer of awareness. It was a system they had worked out through necessity, making them an efficient team.


"One person or multiple?" Yuichi asked, his voice steady as he considered the situation. His hand instinctively rested on the hilt of his zanpakutō, ready to act if needed.


"Just one that I sensed," Mei replied, her brow furrowing slightly. "But the moment I picked up on them, they pulled back. They could be skilled at hiding their presence, which means there could be more."


Yuichi nodded, his mind cycling through the possibilities. Whoever had touched the edge of Mei’s senses had been cautious enough to retreat the moment they were detected. That wasn’t the behavior of someone casually wandering the outer grounds—it was someone probing the mansion’s defenses, testing for weaknesses.


"Do you think they were just testing the waters?" Yuichi asked, his voice one of curiosity. "Seeing how far they could get before we noticed?"


Mei shook her head slightly, her expression thoughtful. "It’s possible, but we don’t know for sure. Either way, we should move as if they’re preparing for something."


Yuichi agreed, and they both stood up. Whoever this intruder was, they couldn’t afford to be careless. The mansion was home to one of the most prominent noble families in Soul Society, and Byakuya, their charge, was a young noble. One wouldn’t attack lightly they would raze the mansion and kill all witnesses.


Without wasting another moment, Mei knocked lightly on Byakuya's door. A few seconds passed before they heard a faint movement inside. When the door slid open, Byakuya was already sitting up, his eyes calm but alert, as though he had sensed something was off himself.


"Young master," Mei began, bowing deeply. "Someone has breached the outer perimeter of my spiritual senses. I sensed one person, but they retreated immediately after I detected them. We are uncertain of their intentions, but I believe it is wise for you to ready yourself."


Byakuya’s face remained composed, showing no sign of panic or alarm. His training as a noble of the Kuchiki clan had ingrained in him the importance of maintaining poise in all situations, no matter how dire. He glanced at Yuichi, who stood just behind Mei. There was a moment of silence as the young head of the Kuchiki family seemed to consider his next move.


"I understand," Byakuya said, his voice calm and measured. He rose gracefully from his seated position and moved toward his zanpakutō, Senbonzakura, which lay nearby. Without a word, he secured the sword at his side, showing that he was prepared for whatever might come.


Yuichi couldn't help but admire Byakuya's composure exhibiting the traits of a capable leader. "Stay close," Byakuya instructed, his tone indicating that he was ready to follow their lead. He had complete trust in them due to Yoruichi assigning them.


Mei and Yuichi both nodded, and together they moved swiftly but quietly out of Byakuya’s quarters. The tension in the air was palpable as they moved through the corridors, their senses heightened. Mei’s spiritual senses extended once more, stretching out to probe for any further signs of intruders. Meanwhile, Yuichi sharpened his own awareness, focusing on the interior of the mansion in case anyone had slipped past Mei’s initial detection.


"Any sign of them?" Yuichi asked as they walked.


Mei shook her head, her eyes narrowed in concentration. "Nothing yet, but they’re out there. I can sense it. They’re well hidden so I can’t narrow down how many in total."


Yuichi gripped the hilt of his zanpakutō more tightly. Whoever was probing their defenses was skilled enough to stay hidden after being detected. That was concerning. Another concern arose when a thought appeared in Yuichi’s mind. Could the intruders be trying to lure out the hidden members of the Onmitsukidō? They should have sensed the intruders even before Mei so why hadn’t they appeared in front of them yet to lead them out of the mansion?


They continued down the hallways, their footsteps light and silent. Yuichi’s mind raced through potential scenarios. Whoever was at the mansion was clearly here for Byakuya so it’s possible that it's an enemy of the Kuchiki family or hired goons. Depending on whichever one it is Yuichi would have to approach the situation differently.


When they reached a more secure part of the mansion, Mei stopped abruptly, her eyes narrowing as she concentrated harder.


"There," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Just outside the perimeter again... but they’re staying at the edge. I can’t tell if it’s the same person or if there are more now."


Yuichi's expression darkened. "They're testing us," he muttered. "Seeing how we react. This could be worse than we thought."


Mei nodded in agreement. "Yes, you should inform the guards on patrol outside the estate, just in case this turns into something larger."


Yuichi agreed. "Alright stay with the young lord," he said firmly. "I'll head over to where the guards are."


Mei nodded as Yuichi swiftly turned to leave, his zanpakutō ready at his side. He made his way down the hallway silently, his senses alert for any further signs of movement. The mansion’s corridors were long and winding, but Yuichi moved through them effortlessly, his memory of the layout sharp. Yuichi analyzed the situation; finding that everything was getting more complex by the moment, and the absence of the Onmitsukidō was unsettling.


As he neared the exit that led to the outer grounds, Yuichi began to mentally prepare for any confrontation. His reiryoku reserves were full from the reishi absorption training earlier, and his mind was already analyzing potential combat scenarios. He wasn’t expecting a full-on assault just yet. But that didn't mean he could afford to be complacent.

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