Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 153

As Yuichi stepped outside, the scene before him was utter chaos. Three Onmitsukidō members were engaged in fierce combat against a group of 15 attackers, all dressed in dark purple robes that concealed their identities. Blood stained the ground, with 12 bodies scattered in various positions—among them, Yuichi recognized two fallen Onmitsukidō operatives. The sight of their comrades lying lifeless only fueled the remaining fighters' ferocity, but they were struggling to hold off the overwhelming enemy force.


One of the Onmitsukidō members, his face streaked with blood, looked up at Yuichi and shouted, "Get the young lord! Close the door and flee! Now! We’ll hold them off!"


The urgency in his voice left no room for hesitation. Yuichi immediately turned back, gripping the door as he slammed it shut. His mind raced, knowing he had only moments to act. Channeling his reiryoku, he focused on erecting a barrier that would buy them time. His voice rang out as he began chanting:


“By the binding of realms, by the light that shields from the unseen, erect the gate that bars the way. Bakudō #73: Kyōmon! (Kunizakai no ketsugō ni yotte, mienu mono kara mamoru hikari ni yotte, michi o fusagu mon o kizuke. Bakudō nanajūsan: Kyōmon!)”


A faint shimmer illuminated the air in front of the door as the transparent barrier stretched across the entrance. The energy resonated softly, sealing the door behind him. Though this barrier could be broken from the inside, it would at least prevent intruders from forcing their way through, giving them precious time.


His heart pounded in his chest, and without a moment’s pause, Yuichi dashed through the halls, his feet barely making a sound as he sprinted toward the courtyard. As he moved, the distant clashing of steel and the shouts of battle echoed through the walls, heightening his urgency.


When Yuichi reached the courtyard, he found Mei, Byakuya, and Hui already embroiled in battle with another group of attackers. Mei’s zanpakutō, Shiro no Shikaku, had been released, and icy winds swirled around her as she cut down enemies with precise, freezing slashes. Her movements were fluid, a dance of cold and death as her blade created a trail of ice in its wake. Her face was calm but focused, her senses sharp as she fought.


Byakuya, though young, was no less impressive. His blade, Senbonzakura, moved with grace as he parried and struck down his foes, his training evident in every measured strike. Though his face remained stoic, there was no mistaking the deadly precision of his movements.


Hui, the maid, had shed her kimono to reveal the sleek black uniform of the Onmitsukidō. Her bare fists and feet moved in swift, calculated arcs as she employed hakuda, striking down attackers with deadly force. Every blow she delivered sent her enemies reeling, their bodies crumpling under the sheer power of her strikes.


Yuichi’s mind raced. They were outnumbered, and reinforcements could arrive at any moment. His hand instinctively went to his zanpakutō, but rather than engaging directly, he opted for support. With a swift motion, he extended his hand toward the nearest group of attackers and began chanting the incantation for one of the more basic Bakudō spells, hoping to restrain the attackers long enough for the others to strike.


“Hands that bind the wicked, chains that clasp the heart, wrap them in unbreakable bonds. Bakudō #1: Sai! (Akutō o shibaru te, kokoro o tsukamu kusari, kowarenai kizuna de tsutsume. Bakudō ichi: Sai!)”


The attackers nearest to him froze mid-motion, their arms wrenched violently behind their backs as the spell took hold. Their swords clattered to the ground, and they struggled to break free, but the force of the Bakudō was too strong.


“Now!” Yuichi shouted to Mei, Hui, and Byakuya.


Mei wasted no time, her icy blade cutting through the immobilized enemies with swift precision. Each strike was quick and lethal, leaving her opponents collapsing to the ground, encased in ice. Byakuya followed, his blade moving like a flash of light as he cut down the remaining attackers. Hui delivered a devastating roundhouse kick to the last enemy, sending him crashing into a nearby pillar, his body crumpling to the ground.


The courtyard fell silent, save for the ragged breathing of the combatants. Yuichi quickly scanned the area, his senses on high alert for any lingering threats.


“We can’t hold them off forever,” Mei said quietly, her breathing steady but her tone grim. “More could be coming.”


Yuichi nodded, his thoughts racing. "We need to get the young lord to safety, but the entrance is blocked, and there may be more attackers waiting."


Byakuya, ever composed, turned to Yuichi with his hand resting on Senbonzakura. "What is the plan?" he asked, his voice calm despite the gravity of the situation.


Yuichi met his gaze, determination clear in his eyes. "We’ll escort you to a defensible location within the mansion. They’re after you, young lord. We must keep you safe."


Mei stepped forward, her zanpakutō still emanating cold energy. "I’ll take the lead. Yuichi, cover the rear. Hui, stay close to the young lord."


As they advanced through the mansion’s corridors, the tension hung heavy in the air. Every shadow seemed to flicker with the potential of danger, and Yuichi’s senses remained on high alert. They moved in silence, their footsteps barely audible as they followed Mei’s lead.


Suddenly, Mei stopped, holding up her hand in a silent signal. Yuichi quickly halted, his eyes scanning the area. They had reached a large hallway where two paths diverged—one led deeper into the mansion, toward the safer, more defensible areas, while the other led toward the outer walls, where if there was anyone still alive in the mansion they would head there. But there, standing in their way, were five more attackers, cloaked in the same dark purple robes as before. These new foes, however, had an aura of confidence that the earlier attackers lacked. The level of reiatsu flowing off these men showed everyone this would not be an easy battle.


Mei’s grip tightened around her zanpakutō, the air around her growing noticeably colder as her reiatsu flared. "Stay alert. These ones are much stronger," she muttered under her breath, her eyes never leaving the figures in front of them.


Yuichi’s hand instinctively went to his own zanpakutō, readying himself for battle. "We can’t afford to be delayed for long," he whispered back.


One of the attackers stepped forward, their voice echoing eerily from beneath the hood. "You’ve put up more resistance than expected, but this is where it ends. Hand over the boy, and we’ll spare your lives."


Yuichi’s eyes narrowed. Surrender was not an option. Without hesitation, he called out, "That’s not happening. We both know you’d still kill us regardless. If you want him then you’ll have to go through us first."


The lead attacker chuckled darkly. "So be it."

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