Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 18

As he sat there, an idea suddenly came to him. He remembered hearing about a method of passing one's reiryoku into another being to heal and strengthen them. This was the method used by Kirio Hikifune to help Ichigo and his friends after they were defeated by the Quincy. Yuichi figured by following the same principles passing his reiryoku into his zanpakuto and then retrieving it back into the body, he might be able to forcibly pull out more of his reiryoku. He decided to give it a try and began to focus his energy on his zanpakuto. He visualized his reiryoku flowing out of his body and into the sword.


As he concentrated, he could feel his reiryoku flowing into the sword. It was a strange sensation, but he found that he was able to control the flow of energy with ease. He felt the sword hum with his reiryoku as it was absorbed. Once he felt that the sword was saturated with his reiryoku, he began to focus on bringing it back into his body.


To his surprise, he found that he was able to retrieve his reiryoku back into his body with ease. He could feel his energy levels increase ever so slightly and he could access more power. He realized that this method not only increased his reiryoku but also improved his control over it.


Excited by this discovery, Yuichi decided to continue practicing this method, determined to master it and use it to increase his power and improve his control over his reiryoku. He knew that this would be a crucial aspect of his training, and he was determined to put in the time and effort required to master it. He spent the next hour repeating the process, focusing on both the flow of reiryoku into the sword and then back into his body. Each time he felt a slight increase in his reiryoku and his control over it.


However, he soon realized that his body had limits, and he couldn't force more reiryoku than it could handle. When he tried he was wracked with pain and what felt like nausea. He would have to continue to train his body in order to increase the limits of the power he could pull out. Yuichi was visibly happy since he had finally found a way to increase his reiryoku and this little session had been enough to push him past the upper limits of his current spiritual power. He made a note to himself to continue practicing this method regularly as part of his training regimen.


After realizing the potential of this method, Yuichi decided to call it a night and head to bed. He was exhausted but also excited for the possibilities that this new method could bring to his training. He couldn't wait to continue practicing and mastering it in the coming days.


The next day, Yuichi woke up early and headed to his normal classes. He was a bit tired from staying up late the night before, but he was determined to push through it. As he sat in class, he couldn't help but think about the previous night's discovery. He couldn't wait to get stronger so that he could continue increasing his reiryoku.


Throughout the day, Yuichi's mind kept drifting back to his training. He found it hard to focus on his classes, he took no notes and thought about the different ways he could use this new method to improve his abilities. He was determined to become stronger and make the most of the 5 years he had left.


After classes, Yuichi headed back to the dorm and immediately began to practice the method he had discovered the previous night. He knew that it would take time and dedication to master it, but he was willing to put in the work. He spent the rest of the night practicing, determined to increase his reiryoku and improve his control over it. Unlike before he could only stand about 10 mintues of the training before the pain and nausea set in.


As the days went on, Yuichi's training continued. He spent every spare moment pushing his body to its absolute limit, using his mediocre healing kido to heal himself, practicing the method he had discovered, and getting stronger with each passing day. His control over his reiryoku was also improving, and he knew that this method would be a crucial aspect of his training. When his body could no longer take any more Yuichi spent the rest of the night practicing his kido.


Yuichi woke up early, feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead. He went through his normal routine of getting dressed, eating breakfast, and then headed to class. Throughout the day, he found himself thinking about how he might continue to improve the new method he had discovered or how to apply it in other ways.


During his free time, Yuichi would practice his sword techniques and focus on his reiryoku control. He was determined to master the Getsuga Tenshō a powerful technique that is used by soul reapers who have mastered their zanpakuto and have a high level of control over their reiryoku. The technique involves absorbing the Soul Reaper's spiritual energy into the zanpakuto and then releasing it in a highly condensed form at the tip of the blade. This creates a powerful slash attack that is magnified by the released energy and takes the form of a crescent moon or a wave.


To perform Getsuga Tenshō, the Soul Reaper must first focus their reiryoku into their zanpakuto. Once the sword is saturated with energy, the Soul Reaper must then release the energy in a sudden, explosive burst. This creates a powerful wave of energy that is released from the tip of the sword and is propelled forward by the energy.


The Getsuga Tenshō technique is incredibly powerful and can cause devastating damage to an opponent. However, it also requires a high level of control over one's reiryoku, as well as a mastery of Zanjutsu in order to use it effectively. It also consumed a lot of reiryoku, so it is considered a high-risk, high-reward technique. This was Ichigo’s technique and he used it to overwhelm most opponents.


Yuichi had always been fascinated with the Getsuga Tenshō technique, ever since he first saw Ichigo perform it in battle. He had always dreamed of being able to release the technique himself, but unfortunately, his reiryoku levels were not yet high enough to allow him to do so. Despite this, he had been training tirelessly to increase his spiritual energy and hone his skills, in the hopes that one day he would be able to unleash the Getsuga Tenshō just like Ichigo.


One day, as he was training, he decided to try to transfer his reiryoku into his zanpakuto, just like he had seen Ichigo do. He focused all of his energy into his blade, but to his dismay, the technique was sloppy and spread out thin. It seemed that his reiryoku was not yet concentrated and amplified enough to allow him to fully release the Getsuga Tenshō.


Yuichi was disappointed, but he didn't give up. He had assumed this would be the end result because, unlike Ichigo who had a zanpakuto whose ability was to use the technique without the need for the tedious steps, Yuichi would need to master those steps.


He knew that he still had a long way to go before he could truly master the technique, but he was going to continue training and pushing himself until he did. He realized that another factor as to why he couldn’t use the technique was because he had not yet awakened his zanpakuto and the connection between them was not yet strong enough. He figured that once he has a strong enough bond with his zanpakuto and mastered controlling his reiryoku, he would be able to release the Getsuga Tenshō with less difficulty.


Yuichi's training continued as he focused on building his reiryoku levels and strengthening his connection with his zanpakuto. He spent countless hours meditating and honing his spiritual energy, and gradually, he began to see progress. His reiryoku levels began to increase, and his connection with his zanpakuto grew stronger.

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