Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 19

As Kira lay in her dorm room, taking a well-deserved day off from her duties as a soul reaper trainee, she was suddenly awakened by a knock on the door. Groggily, she got up to answer it, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. When she opened the door, she was greeted by the head maid of the Ankoku household, dressed in her traditional black and white livery.


"Good morning, Kira-sama," the maid said with a bow. "Your mother and father have requested your presence at the main house."


Kira's heart sank at the mention of her parents. Though she had long since learned to suppress her emotions, the memories of her childhood still haunted her.


"I shall be there shortly," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.


As the maid left, Kira couldn't help but think back to her childhood, before everything had changed. She remembered the love and warmth of her family, and how they had always treated her like a precious treasure. But all of that changed the day she awakened her zanpakuto.


It was a moment of pure joy for young Kira, as she had always been fascinated by the powerful swords wielded by the soul reapers. And when she had picked up her own zanpakuto for the first time, it immediately responded to her, granting her a very powerful ability within a certain space, which would affect both herself and her opponents.


But rather than celebrate her accomplishment, her family had looked at her with a new sense of fear and reverence. They stopped seeing her as their little girl, but as a weapon to be used for their house's glory. Fearing that she might one day turn on them, they subjected her to a torturous process where a mark was carved on her back that forced her obedience to her mother and father.


The treatment had been unbearable, both physically and emotionally. It had changed her from a light, gentle, and compassionate person into a cold and calculating personality. She had grown to know the burden of power as a child. She had withdrawn herself from her family and pretended to still be kind, but it was all an act biding her time.


As she made her way to the main house, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. She knew that her parents only summoned her when they needed something from her, and she couldn't shake the feeling that this would be another one of those times.


When she arrived, her mother and father were waiting for her in the grand reception hall. Her mother, dressed in her traditional kimono, sat on a throne-like chair, while her father stood behind her, his arms folded across his chest.


"Kira, my dear," her mother said, her voice cold and distant. "We have a mission for you."


"Yes, mother. What is it?" Kira asked, trying to keep her voice as calm and detached as possible.


"There is a rogue soul reaper who has been causing trouble in the Soul Society," her father said. "We want you to eliminate him."


Kira's mind raced. She knew that her parents only cared about their own power and prestige, and that these missions were just a way for them to eliminate a potential political rival.


"I understand," she said, bowing her head in obedience.


"Good," her mother said, a hint of a smile on her lips. "We expect you to complete this mission with the utmost efficiency and discretion. Failure is not an option."


"Of course Mother," Kira said, her voice devoid of emotion.


"We have also arranged for a small team of elite soul reapers allied with our family to assist you on this mission," her father added. "They will meet you at the designated location."


"Thank you, Father," Kira said, feeling a sense of dread in the pit of her stomach. This was the first time they had deemed it necessary for her to receive help from an outside source. She knew that her parents were only using her, and that they would willingly sacrifice her and this team without a second thought if it meant achieving their goals.


As she left the main house, she couldn't help but think about how her life had turned out. She had always dreamed of becoming a powerful soul reaper, but the reality was far from what she had imagined. She was now nothing more than a pawn in her parents' game, and she couldn't shake the feeling that these missions would be her downfall.


However, she knew that she had no choice but to obey for now. The mark on her back ensured her obedience, and would stop her from attacking those who marked her. She could only hope that this new team was really sent to protect her from dangers rather than to observe her. Maybe her parents had gotten wise to the fact that she had been planning on killing them.


Kira didn't waste any more time at the main house than she had to so she left to complete the mission. She gathered the team of three elites and set out to eliminate the supposed rogue soul reaper. She learned at a young age that one of these targets was not a rouge reaper but simply a person who had been in the way of her parent's rise to power. She was nothing more than an assassin and a tool to be used and disposed of when the time was convenient. She liked her time at the academy simply because she could forget what she was temporarily while she was away from this house that chained her down.


As they tracked their target, Kira couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She knew that the rogue soul reaper was near lieutenant-class power, and she couldn't shake the feeling that her parents had set her up for failure. She had always fought those who were at best a fifth seat until now. If she used her zanpakuto’s ability then it might be possible to secure a victory but the backlash would be severe.


But she pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the mission at hand. They ambushed the target and fought fiercely. Despite their enemy's superior strength and skill, Kira and her team managed to kill the rogue soul reaper although they took heavy damage.


But throughout the battle, Kira didn't use her zanpakutō ability, which would have made the mission go much slower and allowed their side to incur injuries. She knew that her parents would be displeased, but she didn't want to risk losing control of her powers again.


When she returned to her parent's house, they were waiting for her in the grand reception hall. Her mother, dressed in her traditional kimono, sat on a throne-like chair, while her father stood behind her, his arms folded across his chest.


"Kira, my dear daughter," her mother said, her voice cold and distant. "We heard that you didn't use your zanpakutō ability during the mission. Why not?"


"I don’t have full control of it yet so I deemed it was not necessary to put ourselves at such risk unless it was absolutely needed," Kira said, trying to keep her voice steady.


Her parents exchanged a look, and Kira knew she was in trouble.


"Not necessary?" her father said, his voice filled with anger. "You are a weapon, Kira, and it is your duty to use your powers to their fullest extent for my house. Do you like seeing us under the heels of the five noble houses?"


"You foolish girl!" her father shouted. "You could have ended that fight in minutes, but instead you chose to play it safe. Your lack of ambition is unacceptable!"


"I understand, Father. I apologize for my misconduct," Kira said, bowing her head in submission.


But her father was not satisfied. He gestured to the guards, who stepped forward and strapped Kira down to a whipping post.


"You will be punished for your disobedience and for disappointing us," her father said, as the guards began to whip her with a spiked chain whip.


Kira gritted her teeth and made no sound as she was punished. She was used to this treatment, and she knew that it was better to take her punishment in silence.


When it was over, her mother ordered her to kneel down and apologize, which she did, still bleeding from her wounds.


"Good," her father said, his voice cold. "Now go get your wounds healed, and when you're done, come back and clean up your blood from our floor."


Kira nodded, and with a heavy heart, she left to tend to her wounds. She knew that her parents would never truly love as they did before. Those feelings seemed to have been transferred to her little brother who would one day become head of the family. She also knew that she had to keep up the facade of obedience if she wanted to survive.


Soon after Kira returned with her wound treated and stood in front of her parents, her body still sore from the punishment she had received. She could feel the blood from her wounds seeping through the bandages, but she knew better than to show any sign of pain.


"Kira, you are dismissed," her father said, his voice cold and distant. "We expect you to return to the academy and continue your duties to become a soul reaper. Remember you must be the best and any action that brings dishonor to our family will not be tolerated. You must become a captain so that the political power your brother will wield when he is old enough cannot be challenged so easily."


Kira bowed her head in obedience. "I understand, Father."


"Good," her mother said, a hint of a smile on her lips. "We expect you to continue to serve us with the utmost efficiency and discretion. For your brother’s future do not disappoint us."


Kira turned and left the main house, her mind racing with thoughts of rebellion and escape. But she knew that it was impossible as things stood. She was bound by her family's mark, and she couldn't shake the feeling that they were always watching her, waiting for her to make a mistake.


As she made her way back to the academy, she couldn't help thinking that the future ahead of her would either be one of servitude and pain or she would be executed along with her family members for the countless treasonous matters they dabbled in. She had to find a way to break her ties and free herself before those fools dragged her down with them.

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