Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 25

A maid entered the dining area where Yoruichi, Yūshirō, Mei, and Suì-Fēng were still sitting. "Excuse me, but I would like to report that Yuichi has retired for the night and has fallen asleep," the maid said.


Yoruichi turned to Mei and asked, "So Mei, I would like a full report on Yuichi and Kira. What have you noticed about Yuichi’s growth and progress at the academy? For Kira, I want to know how she behaves and if she’s close to any other student."


Mei nodded and began her report, "Well, Yuichi has made significant progress in his training. He's much stronger and more focused than when he first arrived at the academy. I believed due to the progress he’s been making he should soon be moved up to class #1 but when I asked another student in class #2 it seemed his skills still remain at the same level. I also saw signs of this in our recent excursion where he was easily defeated by a hollow but from what I’ve seen in our training he should have been able to easily able to come out of that battle unscathed."


"And what about Kira?" Yoruichi asked, "How has he been doing?"


Mei sighed, "Kira, on the other hand, seems normal. She is the top student but takes her training seriously. I do notice that she is friendly to those she works with but will not go out of her way to get close to anyone. She keeps her distance from me unless I approach her but she seems close to Yuichi. I’ve noticed them sparring multiple times. I feel that what she shows on the surface is false."


Yūshirō nodded in agreement, "I've noticed the same thing. Kira puts on a nice gentle persona which she mastered to make her a more effective killer. I believe she may have physiological issues that she’s covering up and doing her best to seem normal. From what I observed last time she’s regularly beaten and tortured by her parents."


Suì-Fēng added, "That's concerning. Is she a danger to the other students?."


Yoruichi nodded, "Possibly Yūshirō previously stated that she was under a forbidden kido and is unable to refuse an order for her family. I don’t believe she would personally attack them but if her parents were to order it then she would. That’s another reason I asked Mei to keep an eye on her so we not only know what she does but how best to take her down without killing her."


Mei was shocked hearing this for the first time, "A forbidden Kido!?"


Yoruichi nodded, "Yes, the forbidden kido Ketsugō no Mark" (結合の刻印, Binding Mark). It's a powerful forbidden kido that controls the victim by craving a mark on their back which is said to be so torturous that it can drive you mad. Once the mark is placed they will obey the orders of those whose blood was added while making the mark. It's extremely dangerous and illegal to use. We need to keep an eye on Kira, especially now that we know she's under such a spell. Kisuke is trying to find a way to break it and make sure she's not a threat to the other students or to herself."


Suì-Fēng nodded, "I see then all we can do for now is to keep a close eye on her. I must implore however we make a plan for the unfortunate turn of events where we find out saving her might not be possible."


Yoruichi nodded in agreement, "We'll have to be prepared for any outcome. But, for now, our focus should be on observing her behavior and reporting any suspicious activity to Kisuke. He may be able to find a way to break the spell and save her. We need to make sure that she's safe and that the other students are protected as well."


Mei nodded, "I'll continue to keep an eye on her and report back anything I find. I’ll keep my contact with her minimal but I’ll try to encourage her interaction with Yuichi. If she realizes this, she could become even more dangerous. Yuichi will genuinely want to get close to her so she won’t be suspicious."


Yūshirō added, "Agreed. We need to tread carefully and be vigilant. We can't afford to let our guard down for a moment."


Suì-Fēng nodded, "Understood. I’ll help young master Yūshirō with his investigation. I have some contacts that I can have look into their underground dealings. With what you’ve told me I’m sure they have some."


Yoruichi nodded, "Excellent, we're all on the same page. We'll work together to take down the Ankoku family head and his wife while making sure Kira is safe. We can't let the forbidden kido continue to control her. Let's keep each other informed and report any updates to Kisuke as soon as possible."


Yuichi woke up early the next morning, feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. He got dressed and met Mei in the living room, where they said their goodbyes to Yoruichi and Suì-Fēng before setting off for the academy.


The journey back was quiet, with both Yuichi and Mei lost in their own thoughts. As they arrived at the academy, they made their way to their respective dorms to get changed before heading to their classrooms and settle in for the day's lessons.


Yuichi was eager to get back to his studies and learn as much as he could. As the day passed, Yuichi found himself fully engrossed in his studies, his mind completely focused on the tasks at hand.


As the day progressed, Yuichi found himself thinking about Kira he needed a sparring partner but he couldn’t find Mei. After his lessons, he walked over to class #1 to look for her but did find her in the classroom. As Yuichi was leaving the classroom he bumped into someone and fell backward. When Yuichi looked up he saw a face he recognized and had hoped to avoid for 5 more years Aizen.


Aizen smiled as he looked down at Yuichi, "My, my. I’m sorry I didn’t see you there. Are you okay?"


Yuichi quickly regained his composure and stood up, "Ah yes I’m fine. I also apologize for bumping into you."


Aizen's smile looked warm and friendly, "You’re not a member of class #1 right? It’s the Accelerated Program of the academy from what I can see you should be in this class. It’s strange that you’re not. Should I talk to the teacher to have you transferred?"


Yuichi's heart started racing as he wondered if Aizen knew about him and was planning to kill him. He tried to remain calm and collected, "I don't think I’m ready for that yet; I’m fine in class #2, Aizen-sensei."


Aizen raised an eyebrow and asked, “Oh you know who I am?”


Yuichi smiled and said, “Of course, I have a friend whose in your calligraphy course. She tells me it's fun and very popular.”


“That's good I’m glad she’s enjoying my mediocre lesson. Well, I shouldn’t keep you here any longer you looking for your friend right.” said Aizen once again smiling


“Ah yes then please excuse me.” said Yuichi


“Oh right before you go I didn’t get your name.” said Aizen


“It’s Yuichi sir I’m Yuichi Toshikyo.” answered Yuichi


"Ah, Yuichi Toshikyo," repeated Aizen, as if committing the name to memory. "It was nice to meet you. Good luck in your studies."


With that, Aizen continued down the hall, leaving Yuichi alone to catch his breath. He felt uneasy after the encounter, knowing that Aizen was notorious for his cunning and manipulation. Yuichi made a mental note to keep his guard up and try to avoid popping up on his radar until he was ready.

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