Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 26

‘God that was scary. I hope he didn’t figure out anything. Of all the people I could have run into it had to be the ultimate planner. Well, at least I can be sure he didn’t use his zanpakuto ability on me.’


As he walked away from Aizen, Yuichi couldn't help but feel relieved that the encounter was over. He made his way to the dormitory to look for Kira, hoping that sparring with her would be able to help him clear his head and ease his nerves.


When he found her, what Kira said scared him. "Aizen-sensei said you were looking for me so I came to find you. What’s up?"


‘I’m pretty sure I didn’t mention Kira by name so how in the world did he know who I was looking for? Did she talk about me with him or was I already on his radar? I want to ask but I shouldn’t in case Aizen pumps her for more information later.’


Yuichi tried his best to act casual, not wanting to raise any suspicions, "Oh, I was just hoping to have a sparring partner to practice with." He paused for a moment and added, "If you're not busy, that is."


Kira nodded, "Sure, I can spar with you. Let's go to the training grounds."


Yuichi was grateful for the opportunity to clear his head and focused on the sparring session, pushing all thoughts of Aizen and the encounter earlier to the back of his mind. As they trained, he tried to keep his movements smooth and controlled, focusing on improving his skills.


After the sparring session, Yuichi felt much better. He thanked Kira and made his way back to the dormitory, his mind clearer and his nerves more relaxed. Normally he would enter his zanpakuto inner world to train himself but today he decided to take a nap instead, hoping that the rest would help him regain his energy and focus for the rest of the day.


As he lay in bed, Yuichi thought about his encounter with Aizen. He couldn't shake off the feeling that the powerful teacher was onto him and up to something, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. He made a mental note to keep a low profile and be careful of what he said and did if he encountered Aizen again.


Despite his concerns, Yuichi felt some sense of peace knowing that he had Kira on his side. She was a powerful ally and due to her ignorance, she could get close to Aizen without rousing suspicion.


‘As they say, the best spies are those who don’t know that they're spying.’


He knew that he needed to stay alert and focused, but he also knew that getting some rest was important. He promised himself that he would be ready for whatever challenges lay ahead, and that he would be able to protect what mattered most to him his own life. With these thoughts in mind a sense of calm washed over him Yuichi closed his eyes and let himself drift into a peaceful slumber.


As Yuichi woke up from his nap, he felt refreshed and ready to face the day ahead. However, as he was heading to class, he once again saw Aizen walking in the distance. Aizen briefly glanced at Yuichi and gave him a small wave before continuing on his way. The encounter made Yuichi feel uneasy, and he couldn't shake the feeling that Aizen was onto him and his activities.


As he entered the classroom, he tried his best to focus on the lesson, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Aizen. He couldn't help but wonder if Aizen was really onto him or if he was just being paranoid. The teacher, Kensei, noticed that Yuichi was having trouble paying attention and called him up for a demonstration on Bakudō #9 Geki.


Geki (撃, Strike) is a Kidō spell where the practitioner draws the symbols of the spell in the air, and their entire body permeates with red energy. The energy then engulfs the body of the target, causing complete paralysis. Yuichi reluctantly made his way to the front of the class, feeling embarrassed and nervous about the demonstration.


He closed his eyes and focused, drawing the symbols of the spell in the air. The energy began to permeate his body, and he felt its power coursing through him. He pointed towards a training dummy in the room, and the energy shot out and enveloped the dummy, however maybe due to his current state of mind the dummy failed to become paralyzed. The class laughed as they witnessed the demonstration, and Kensei admonished Yuichi for his failure to master a simple spell.


Feeling somewhat humiliated, Yuichi made his way back to his seat, his mind racing with thoughts of how might die. The rest of the class was a blur, as he was lost in his own thoughts and worries. He couldn't help but think that Aizen's presence and the failed demonstration were both signs that he needed to step up his training and become stronger.


After class, Yuichi made his way back to the dormitory, his mind focused on his goals. He decided to enter his zanpakuto inner world to train himself, determined to become stronger and more capable. As he entered the inner world, he was greeted by a cloudy sky overhead.


“What’s got you so scared and worried? I don’t like cloudy skies or rain.” said Kagami no Jotei


Yuichi sighed and said, “Sorry I know this place is affected by my state of mind but sometimes you can’t control your emotions. I met someone who will kill me if he figures out I know the truth about him and for some strange reason he seems interested in me.”


Yuichi went on to explain to Kagami no Jotei in great detail about the world of bleach, Aizen, and how once he had you in his sight death was imminent.


Kagami no Jotei walked over to Yuichi and hugged him as she said, “Well, that's pretty simple to solve. From what you told me if this man Aizen knew anything he would have either killed or captured you by now. At most all you’ve attained is his interest so there’s no need to worry just do as you have always done. I want to protect you so I will train you until nobody in this world will be a threat to you, not Aizen or even this boy Ichigo.”


Feeling reassured and motivated, Yuichi set to work on his training. He focused all of his energy and attention on improving his Kidō spells and honing his swordsmanship. He and Kagami no Jotei trained for what seemed like hours on end, pushing himself to the limit, and gradually he began to feel more confident and capable.


Yuichi felt that he made significant progress in his training. He felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead and was determined to protect himself. He emerged from his training with a newfound sense of confidence and determination.


As he returned to the real world, he was ready to face Aizen head-on. He was determined to protect himself. He’d keep a close eye on Aizen, always alert and ready for whatever lay ahead. However, to his surprise, Aizen seemed to have lost interest in him and moved on to other things.


Yuichi was relieved to see that Aizen was no longer a threat, but he was also wary. He knew that Aizen was unpredictable and dangerous, and he didn't let his guard down. Despite Aizen's lack of interest in him, Yuichi still felt a sense of unease. He couldn't shake the feeling that Aizen was watching him, waiting for the right moment to strike. However, he refused to let his fears control him, and instead, he focused on his training, honing his skills and becoming the strongest version of himself.

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