Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 34

After the intensive Hakuda lesson with Instructor Kensei and the insightful Kido lesson with Instructor Rin Tsubokura, Yuichi returned to his room, feeling the weight of the day's training settling upon him. With a deep breath, he focused on his next objective – a profound meditation that would take him to his inner world.


As he settled into a comfortable position, Yuichi activated a sound-blocking Kido, ensuring he could immerse himself fully in his meditation. His zanpakuto rested in his hands, his fingers wrapped around the hilt, and his mind began to quiet as he delved into his inner world.


Time seemed to slow as Yuichi's surroundings shifted, transporting him to a realm of mirrors and light. Before him stood Kagami no Jotei, a vision of elegance and beauty. Her presence was captivating, and he couldn't help but marvel at the ornate palace that surrounded her.


The palace, a masterpiece of architectural wonder, was composed entirely of mirrors. Towering walls and majestic towers created a breathtaking scene. With each level, the palace grew more intricate and awe-inspiring. Yuichi's eyes were drawn to the grand entrance, a gate of delicate mirrors swaying gently in the ethereal breeze.


Kagami no Jotei, a reflection of grace, greeted him with an enigmatic smile. Her pale skin contrasted with her waist-length violet hair, pulled back into a ponytail that showcased her beauty. The strands of hair that framed her crystal-like crimson eyes added to her mesmerizing appearance.


Drifting like an otherworldly apparition, she wore a red kimono with voluminous separate sleeves that revealed her pale shoulders. The kimono's long hem flowed gracefully, and a pink obi with a fractal floral design was wrapped around her waist. The obi trailed to a large, pale purple bow on her back, an emblem of her regal poise.


In her graceful grasp, she wielded an ō katana, its obsidian sheath adorned with the delicate elegance of begonias, casting an enchanting spell that cocooned her in an aura of refined power. Her presence was nothing short of mesmerizing.


"Greetings, Yuichi," Kagami no Jotei's words carried the resonance of a gentle zephyr through the palace of mirrors. "The time has come to initiate our tutelage. Prepare yourself. To master my might, you must forge yourself into a bastion of strength. The impending future, which you fear, draws nearer with each fleeting heartbeat. Waste no breath, seize every instant, lest remorse becomes your sole companion."


"Yes, I understand, Kagami no Jotei," Yuichi responded, his voice resolute. "I am ready and I will not regret anything. Guide me, teach me, so that I can confront the future with strength and conviction."


Kagami no Jotei's vermilion eyes shimmered with endorsement, a nod of affirmation gracing her demeanor. "Very well, Yuichi. Then, hand in hand, let us embark upon this odyssey." With these words, she drew her ō katana with a flourish, launching herself into motion.


As before, Kagami no Jotei embarked on her role as a guiding mentor, bestowing upon Yuichi the wisdom of the Sutoraiki o Kaesu (Return the Strike) technique to Yuichi. This intricate ability allowed him to reverse an opponent's attack and use it as a countermove. The complexity of the technique made it challenging to execute, especially in the midst of battle. Its application demanded precision and mastery, making it a formidable addition to Yuichi's arsenal.


Throughout their training session, Kagami no Jotei demonstrated the technique's intricacies. She displayed how, with a touch of her blade, she could reverse an incoming attack and redirect its force back toward the assailant. Yuichi felt his own attacks pelt his body as she explained the inner workings of the ability, absorbing every nuance and strategy she shared. He understood that timing, precision, and a profound understanding of his opponent's attack were crucial to successfully employing this technique.


Under Kagami no Jotei's guidance, Yuichi attempted to utilize the power of Sutoraiki o Kaesu. He faced the challenge of executing it flawlessly, finding himself entwined in a dance of evasion and calculated strikes. The rule remained unchanged – Kagami no Jotei's touch was essential to reversing the attack, and the magnitude of the opponent's strike determined the amount of reiatsu consumed.


Yuichi dedicated himself to mastering the technique. Each clash with Kagami no Jotei drew him closer to mastering the potential of Sutoraiki o Kaesu. Yet, despite his relentless efforts, the technique eluded his complete grasp. The battles were fierce and unrelenting, with Kagami no Jotei's attacks flowing like a tempest, testing his limits and urging him to achieve mastery.


As the training sessions continued, Yuichi's determination remained steadfast, and his understanding of the technique deepened. He began to slowly sense the moments when Sutoraiki o Kaesu could be employed effectively, but each attempt ended in failure. Because he needed to not only get the timing correct, but he also needed to instinctively feel the correct amount of reishi to use to reflect each attack. The strain of wielding this advanced technique became evident, both physically and spiritually.


Exhausted, bloodied, and battered, Yuichi lay on the ground, his breath ragged and his body covered in bruises and cuts. Kagami no Jotei, her presence an enigmatic blend of sternness and compassion, regarded him with a steady gaze. With a deliberate motion, she sheathed her sword, a signal that their training for the day had concluded.


"That will be enough for today," Kagami no Jotei's voice resonated, carrying a note of finality. "Any more, and your wounds could prove fatal. We shall end the lesson here."


Yuichi's eyelids fluttered as he struggled to regain his senses, his body a canvas of aching agony. With great effort, he managed to push himself into a sitting position, wincing at the pain that radiated through his battered form. He glanced up at Kagami no Jotei, his gaze determined despite his exhaustion.


"Thank you for your guidance, Kagami no Jotei," Yuichi's voice was laced with gratitude. "I will continue to train to master Sutoraiki o Kaesu."


Kagami no Jotei's stern demeanor softened slightly, a glint of pride shimmering in her vermilion eyes. "Your determination is commendable, Yuichi. However, remember that the path to mastery is not without its challenges. It is a long road that must be traveled one step at a time. So rest, heal, and when you are ready, we will resume our training another day."


Yuichi nodded, his fatigue weighing heavily upon him. He allowed himself to lay back, closing his eyes briefly to collect his thoughts and regain his strength. The echoes of their training session resonated in his mind, a testament to his progress and a reminder of the distance he still had to traverse.


When Yuichi next opened his eyes, he found himself back in the familiar surroundings of his room. The cuts and bruises from his training session still marred his body, and he could feel the sting of his wounds. Gritting his teeth against the discomfort, he decided to take care of his injuries before attempting to rest.


With careful movements, Yuichi removed his blood-stained uniform, his fingers trembling slightly as he wiped away the traces of blood. His uniform had borne the brunt of his rigorous training, now serving as a vivid testament to how weak he currently was. He would need to wash it in secret later because he could not explain the blood without exposing a secret or two of his.


Taking out a healing salve that Hanatarō had gifted Niko and him, Yuichi applied the soothing ointment to his wounds. He winced slightly as the salve made contact with his cuts, but he knew that its restorative properties would aid in his recovery. Slowly, he felt the bleeding cease, and a sensation of relief washed over him.


Once the salve had done its work, Yuichi changed into clean clothes, the soft fabric a stark contrast to the pain he had endured during training. As he settled onto his bed, he could feel the exhaustion settling in, a heavyweight that pulled at his eyelids. With a deep breath, Yuichi closed his eyes, allowing the salve's healing properties to work their magic.

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