Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 35

The morning arrived, and Yuichi's body was a symphony of aches and soreness from the intense training he had undergone. He gingerly sat up in bed, wincing as the movements sent waves of discomfort through his body. His injuries were still raw, but he knew he couldn't afford to let them hinder him.


Cautiously, he made his way to the mirror and examined his reflection. Bruises adorned his skin like dark patches of paint, and the cuts from his training with Kagami no Jotei had partially closed but were still tender. He ran a hand through his hair, exhaling as he mentally prepared himself for the day ahead.


He dressed in his spare uniform, the fabric brushing against his skin with an almost stinging sensation. He winced as he adjusted the collar, careful not to aggravate the wounds on his neck. Despite the discomfort, he knew he had to attend the practical lesson that awaited him – a session focused on hunting low-level hollows.


Joining the rest of his class, Yuichi noted the determined expressions on their faces, reflecting the shared anticipation of the training exercise. Gengorō Ōnabara, instructor of class #1, and Kensei Muguruma, instructor of class #2, stood at the front, detailing the objectives for the day. Yuichi listened attentively, suppressing the throbbing ache in his body.


As the class split into pairs, Yuichi was once again paired with Kira. The two of them shared a nod of acknowledgment before falling in line with the rest. They entered the forest together, their footsteps purposeful yet nearly soundless on the forest floor.


The sounds of rustling leaves and the distant calls of birds filled the air as Yuichi and Kira navigated the terrain. For a while, they walked in silence, eventually, Kira broke the quietude, her voice soft yet laden with curiosity. "Yuichi, have you had the chance to speak to Captain Urahara about my request?" she inquired, her eyes locked on the path ahead.


Yuichi's brows furrowed slightly, his gaze focused on the ground as they walked. "No, I haven't had the opportunity yet. I was actually planning on visiting him tomorrow. You're welcome to come with me if you'd like."


Kira's response was swift, her tone carrying a sense of determination. "No, that won't be necessary. I have something important to attend to tomorrow."


Unbeknownst to Yuichi, Kira's reasons for declining his invitation extended beyond things like a scheduling conflict. She was aware that her actions were being monitored, by the servants of her mother and father. Any deviation from her usual routine could raise suspicions, and she couldn't afford to give them any reason to doubt her. Despite her composed exterior, her mind was a whirlwind of calculations and careful considerations.


The forest stretched before them, the canopy casting dappled shadows on the ground as Yuichi and Kira continued their search for the assigned hollows. The task had become somewhat routine for them, a testament to their growth and experience. This time, however, they were tasked with hunting down three hollows, an increase from their previous assignments.


As the minutes turned into an hour, a subtle unease began to creep in. The forest remained eerily quiet, devoid of the usual wildlife sounds of the tiny animal-like hollows. Yuichi exchanged a glance with Kira, his brow furrowing in concern. Despite their concerted efforts, they hadn't come across a single hollow or even encountered other students from their class.


"We've been searching for a while now," Yuichi remarked, his voice tinged with frustration. "We should probably head back and regroup with the instructors."


Kira's agreement was swift, her eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of familiarity. They turned to retrace their steps, retracing the path they had taken. However, confusion quickly set in as the forest seemed to stretch endlessly before them, and the distinctive landmarks they had passed earlier were nowhere to be seen. The forest itself appeared to have shifted, creating a disconcerting illusion.


"We should have reached the forest's edge by now," Kira's voice held a note of concern as she pondered the situation. "This doesn't make sense. It's like the landscape is warping around us."


An epiphany crossed her mind, and she turned to Yuichi with a furrowed brow. "Consider this – we might be ensnared in an illusion or a barrier designed to disorient us. Our perception of space and distance could be manipulated."


Yuichi's narrowed eyes reflected his understanding of the gravity of their predicament. "If that's the case, we're not alone here. Someone, or something, is orchestrating this. It seems like the tables have turned, and now we're the ones being hunted."


Their sense of vulnerability heightened, the forest around them taking on a more sinister aspect. The familiar landscape they had grown accustomed to had morphed into an enigmatic labyrinth, a playground for unknown forces.


‘I hope this has nothing to do with Aizen abducting soul reapers for his experiments. If it does then we’re basically dead. Hopefully, it’s a slightly more powerful hollow than we’re used to.’ thought Yuichi as he scanned the area


In the midst of the unsettling silence, Yuichi and Kira exchanged a shared look of apprehension. The atmosphere was charged with an imminent threat that seemed to lurk in every shadow. Instinctively, they positioned themselves back-to-back, with a mutual understanding that danger could spring from any direction.


Yuichi's voice cut through the stillness, his tone low and focused, "Do you know any Kido that can break illusions or barriers?"


Kira's response was a somber shake of her head. "I'm not aware of any specific Kido for that purpose. Breaking illusions or barriers often requires either a powerful display of reiatsu or employing specialized techniques. It's not as straightforward as using a specific spell. Besides such a counter would require an understanding of the enemy's power."


As tension thickened in the air, Kira's acute perception caught a subtle shift in the breeze's direction. Reacting instinctively, she grabbed Yuichi and pulled him down just in time. A vicious attack narrowly missed them, its impact leaving a deep gash on the tree trunk behind where they had been standing moments earlier.


The source of the attack remained elusive, their adversary concealed from view. A realization hit Kira as she deduced that they were most likely dealing with not just one, but two separate hollows. One seemed to specialize in isolating them, creating an illusion of solitude within the expansive forest. The other, invisible assailant, struck with deadly precision, exploiting the confusion and vulnerability caused by the illusory manipulation.


Kira's voice held a mix of urgency and caution as she analyzed the situation. "We're dealing with two separate hollows. One isolates and disorients its prey, while the other attacks from invisibility. We need to stay on guard and be prepared for any unexpected assault."


As they continued to scan their surroundings, Yuichi's mind raced, considering their options. He knew that brute force alone might not be enough to overcome these adversaries. He needed to find a weakness, an opening that could turn the tide in their favor.


"Kira, if we can't break the illusion, maybe we can use it to our advantage," Yuichi suggested, his voice quiet but focused unsure of where the hollows were or if they could hear him. "If the illusion is meant to make us feel isolated, we should exploit that. Let's create a false opening, make it seem like we're vulnerable, and see if we can draw out the invisible one."

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