Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 36

Kira's gaze met Yuichi's, and she could see the gears turning in his mind. She nodded in agreement, recognizing the potential of his idea. "You're right. If we can't break free from the illusion, then let's use it to our advantage. By making ourselves appear vulnerable, we can bait out the invisible attacker."


They began to enact their plan, subtly altering their positions within the illusory environment. Yuichi positioned himself slightly away from Kira, simulating a moment of vulnerability. The silence of the forest weighed heavily, the tension escalating as they waited for any sign of movement or attack.


Moments passed, each one stretching out in anticipation. Then, as if responding to their calculated ruse, a faint rustling of leaves could be heard. It was followed by the telltale sound of footsteps, though the source remained unseen. The invisible hollow, sensing what appeared to be an opening, was moving in to strike.


Kira's grip tightened on her zanpakuto as she tensed, ready to react at a moment's notice. She signaled to Yuichi with a subtle nod, indicating that the time was right. As the footsteps grew closer, Kira's senses honed in on the attacker's location.


In a swift motion, Kira swung her zanpakuto, releasing a burst of reiatsu in the direction of the invisible hollow. The impact disrupted the air, revealing a faint outline of the assailant. Without missing a beat, Yuichi seized the opportunity and lunged forward, his own zanpakuto poised to kill the hollow. However, as he swung the faint outline disappeared and his attack missed.


Yuichi's frustration was palpable as his attack missed its mark. The hollow had managed to slip away, elusive as ever. He clenched his teeth, disappointment and frustration mingling in his expression.


"Damn, we were a second too late. It escaped," Yuichi muttered, his frustration evident.


Kira's voice cut through the disappointment, her tone composed and steady. "It's okay. We need to be prepared for its next move. The hollow will be more cautious now, so we have to remain vigilant."


Yuichi nodded in agreement, as he adjusted his stance, his zanpakuto held at the ready. The tension in the air was thick, both of them knowing that the hollow was still lurking nearby, waiting for the right opportunity to strike again.


Time seemed to stretch as they maintained their guard, senses heightened and focused on detecting any sign of movement. Minutes ticked by, each one filled with anticipation. Then, just as suddenly as before, a soft rustling of leaves echoed through the forest, followed by a faint shimmer in the air.


Kira's instincts kicked in, and she swung her zanpakuto once more, releasing a wave of reiatsu that struck the hollow disrupting its invisibility. The invisible assailant was revealed; a fleeting glimpse of its form before it lunged forward, attempting to land an attack.


Yuichi reacted swiftly, meeting the hollow's assault with a fierce attack. His blade clashed with the hollow’s razor-sharp claws, steel against steel, the impact resonating through the air. A battle of strength and wills ensued as they engaged in close combat, each movement calculated and precise.


Beside him, Kira's movements were calculated and precise. Her intention was clear – to take advantage of the opening he created. However, an inexplicable phenomenon seemed to be at play. No matter how she moved, the distance between her and the hollow remained unchanged, an eerie and confounding occurrence that defied the laws of space.


Kira's brow furrowed in frustration, her instincts telling her that the other hollow was making a move. She swiftly adjusted her strategy, realizing that a direct approach was futile. She pointed her finger at the hollow attacking Yuichi and recited, “Hōkō seyo, kaminari no keshin yo, shiroki inazuma yo. Waga teki o nagiharaiharae, Hadō #4. Byakurai!”. (Roar, embodiment of thunder, pale lightning. Sweep away my foes, Way of Destruction #4 Pale Lightning!)


Kira's voice carried the incantation with precision, her reiatsu focused into the spell. The air crackled with energy as the spiritual force gathered at her outstretched finger. In an instant, a bolt of pale lightning shot forth from her fingertip, hurtling towards the hollow that was engaged in battle with Yuichi.


The bolt of lightning struck the hollow with a searing impact, its electrifying force tearing through its form. The hollow's roars of pain echoed through the forest as the lightning surged through its body, discharging a blinding radiance that illuminated the surroundings. Moments later, Yuichi decapitated the hollow stunned by the damage of Kira’s powerful Kido spell.


With the immediate threat eliminated, Kira wasted no time. She rushed over to Yuichi's side, her movements swift and purposeful. The distortion that had constrained her earlier seemed to have ceased, allowing her to move freely now. Her expression was resolute as she spoke, her voice urgent. "Be careful, Yuichi. We still need to take down the hollow that's been trapping us here."


Just as she finished her sentence, a thunderous explosion resonated through the forest. A spider-like hollow crashed to the ground, its demise imminent. It squirmed for a few seconds before fading away, its existence vanquished. The aftermath of their battle left a tense silence hanging in the air, the forest slowly returning to its natural tranquility.


In the aftermath of the chaos, the instructors arrived on the scene. Gengorō Ōnabara and Kensei Muguruma surveyed the area, their stern expressions softening as they saw that both Kira and were safe. The instructors' presence added a sense of finality to the encounter, their arrival a reassurance that the danger had been neutralized and that they were safe.


Kensei Muguruma's voice carried a hint of approval as he addressed them. "You handled a challenging situation well. Your adaptability is a vital skill for any Soul Reaper. A shame that you’re times up though."


Gengorō Ōnabara's expression reflected a similar sentiment. "Indeed, a job well done. Your teamwork and resourcefulness were commendable. While you weren't able to take down all three hollows within the class time, we will consider this as the elimination of two hollows for your evaluation. You demonstrated your ability to think on your feet and face unexpected challenges."


“All the other students have returned. Your group is the last one left in the forest. Let’s head back quickly,” said Kensei as he turned to lead the way back.


As Kira and Yuichi returned from the forest, a sense of relief washed over them. Their exhaustion was palpable, but their expressions held a hint of accomplishment. Just as they reached the others, Mei and Hanatarō approached them, concern evident on their faces.


Mei's voice held a note of worry as she asked, "Are you both okay? Did anything happen during the practical lesson?"


Yuichi managed a tired smile and shook his head. "We're fine, Mei. Just a bit tired."


Hanatarō, always ready to offer his assistance, chimed in, "If you're feeling any discomfort, I can provide healing Kido. Don't hesitate to ask."


Kira exchanged a glance with Yuichi before addressing Mei's question. "Actually, we had quite the experience. We ended up fighting against two separate hollows – one that isolated us and another that attacked from invisibility."


Yuichi nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we managed to take down one of them, and the instructor took down the second. As for the third, we didn’t get a chance to look for one. It was definitely a challenging situation."


Mei's expression shifted from worry to curiosity as she absorbed their explanation. "That sounds intense. Well, at least you were able to eliminate the threat and make it back safely."


Kira smiled wearily. "Thank you, Mei. We did our best."


Hanatarō gave them an encouraging smile. "It's all part of the learning experience. You'll get another chance to improve."


He then sighed, his tone carrying a hint of self-doubt. "Our group managed to kill all three, but Mei single-handedly took them all down. I can’t help feeling like all I do is drag her down."


Mei's gaze softened, and she gently placed a hand on Hanatarō's shoulder. "Hey, don't say that. We're a team, and we all contribute in our own ways. You've got skills, too, Hanatarō."


Yuichi chimed in with a supportive smile. "Yeah, that's right. Each of us brings something valuable to the team. And we all have areas where we can improve. So I was wondering if during the next practical lesson if our two groups could team up."


Hanatarō looked between them, his expression gradually brightening. "Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. Let's keep working hard, then."


Mei nodded in agreement with Yuichi's suggestion. "Teaming up for the next practical lesson sounds like a great idea. It'll be a chance for all of us to learn from each other and work together in a different dynamic."


Kira added, "And it could help us cover each other's weaknesses and play to our strengths."


Hanatarō's smile grew wider as he nodded. "Yeah, I like that. Let's propose the idea to the instructors and see if they're on board."

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