Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 97: God?

“Regrettably, I cannot,” Nelliel answered without thinking twice. Her voice was firm, her resolve unshakeable. “They rely on my protection.”

Nelliel’s compassion reminded Kazuya of Harribel’s gentle nature. After all, Nelliel was a fairly energetic person in both her toddler and normal forms. The Nel from before Nnoitra’s ambush was indeed a different person — less vibrant and more of a serious person.

“We can share the responsibility,” Harribel said, her gaze resting on Kazuya. A glimmer of determination lit her eyes. “I propose we make this cave our stronghold in Hueco Mundo until we put our plans into motion.”

The cave carried a lot of memories like his first meeting with Mila Rose and Sung-Sun, his insane growth through training, many touching moments, and his Arrancarification. No place would be better to serve as a base of operations for their conquest of Las Noches.

Apacci huffed, folding her arms across her chest. “I don’t know. Why not just siege Las Noches and take Barragan’s house or something?”

“This place has a name now. I call it the King’s Stand,” Sung-Sun announced dramatically, looking towards Kazuya for an approving nod, which he gave with a charming smile. “Let’s hear your thoughts first.”

Kazuya stroked his chin. In his perfect world, his Hollow companions wouldn’t be in Hueco Mundo when Aizen starts his Hueco Mundo conquest — which could happen any day. It’d be problematic if Aizen ran into Harribel or any other Arrancar and took interest in them. He had to convince them to stay away from Hueco Mundo in the near future.

A flurry of strategies swirled in his mind, out of which he selected the one that best fit the situation.

“Nobody is staying in Hueco Mundo after this,” he declared solemnly. “I received intel that a certain dangerous individual is out to hunt Hollows to use them as test subjects. And he is a more powerful enemy than I can handle right now.”

Nelliel was ensnared in the comforting cadence of his voice, missing the critical information he shared. She was yet to build a defense against his compelling voice.

Apacci, meanwhile, blinked her eyes. His accomplishment of killing Barragan cemented him as a god in her heart. He was the most powerful individual in her eyes without a shadow of a doubt. Just imagining someone stronger than him gave her the chills. Clenching her fists, she pushed down the fear, letting loose a smirk.

‘He’ll outgrow that enemy in some years. So will I.’

Her ambitions for strength were reaching absurd levels.

Sung-Sun, tapping her cheeks thoughtfully, chimed in, “We, as natural Arrancars, would make the perfect guinea pigs, wouldn’t we?”

“Yup,” Kazuya affirmed. “We’re perfect specimens.”

Harribel crossed her arms defiantly. “We can confront him, together.”

With an abundance of confidence in strength, she proposed. Having such a criminal loose didn’t sit well with her. She was fearless, unwilling to let fear impact her decision — a great yet terrible quality for a queen. 

He shook his head. “Won’t you listen to me?”

Harribel gazed at him for a few moments before she exhaled a resigned sigh. “I will get Mila Rose and Cirucci back home.”

She didn’t argue against him. Then again, she hardly ever went against his decision even though she was the elder one in their relationship.

{Such a good mommy.}

“Thanks. Also, keep an eye out for powerful Hollows with good characters. I’ll evolve them into Arrancars with Kisuke’s Hōgyoku.” He pivoted to face Nelliel, who had been attentively absorbing their conversation. “If you desire peace in Hueco Mundo, join us. You don’t have to leave your friends either. I simply want you to stand by our side.”

Nelliel had been keenly observing him, her understanding of his character deepening with every word spoken. For one possessing the might to obliterate a Vasto Lorde instantaneously, he radiated an unexpected gentleness. Even with their vast power disparity, he treated her with an unwavering respect. His composure and charisma carved an irreplaceable mark on her heart. He embodied every quality she’d desire in a good leader.

“If that's the case, I see no reason not to join your cause. But, there's one thing I need to know.” Her voice was soft, yet her gaze was piercing. She placed a hand over her heart. “How do you intend to bring peace?”

He closed his eyes. “Through the only method known to Hollows — violence. We’ll rule with an iron fist. Diplomacy or any other method is futile.”

Aizen’s reign in the canon had brought a sense of order to Hueco Mundo, compelling the more powerful Hollows to compete for higher Arrancar rankings and reducing the slaughter between them. Kazuya aimed to establish a similar system, fortified by a more robust structure and stricter rules.

‘If Yama can do it, so can we. Hollows are more driven by desires but they also fear strength more than those in the Soul Society.’

{Things you do for women.}

‘What do you mean? Kingdom building is fun.’

{Minecraft is more fun.}

‘The day you become a Vasto Lorde is the day I… Insert Minecraft eating sound effects.’

Nami gasped. {Okay, Partner. I’ll let you eat me out.}

‘Good girl.’

Throughout his exchange with Nami, Nelliel didn't take her eyes off him. She wished to counter his logic, but found herself in agreement. Hollows weren’t creatures of words, but of violence. Overwhelming power was required to suppress the ravenous nature of Hollows and put them in their places. And he possessed such power. Even the dark-skinned woman, while powerful, was below him.

‘He is doing it with a noble cause.’

Reassured by his intentions, she offered a solemn nod of agreement. “Just one more question.” She sounded embarrassed to be bothering him with one question after another. “What are you…? I know you’re Hollow but you’re not a pure one. I don’t know how to explain it in words.”

Their appearance and nature were in stark contrast to every other Hollow she had seen in Hueco Mundo. She felt like an anomaly amidst their humanoid forms.

His laughter rang out, easing the tension. “Relax. I’ll explain.”

He proceeded to detail the concept of Arrancars, broadening her understanding on the Hollow race as a whole. The allure of an Arrancar’s power and characteristics ignited a newfound desire within her. She attempted to inquire about the transformation process, but he swiftly dismissed her, saying that she had yet to meet the necessary prerequisites. He was correct in a sense. The bond necessary for his ability 'Crumbling Heart' to function was yet to be established. He didn’t want her attempting Arrancarification on her own and potentially failing.

Her chivalrous disposition would serve as an excellent asset to his future kingdom.

‘A perfect knight.’

{Who will be eaten by the Devil King of the Samsara Palace during nights,} Nami said, unamused. {At least she is smart, not a dumb bimbo like Mila Rose.}

‘Hey, don’t insult my golden retriever.’

Choosing to ignore Nami, Kazuya devoted some more time to elaborate on the impending dangers to Apacci and Sung-Sun. The former harbored a voracious appetite for power that could potentially lead her on a bloody hunt for weaker Hollows for months. She had to be put on a time restriction or she’d run into Aizen.

Afterwards, he ventured to interact with the small, endearing Hollows residing in the cave. They swarmed around him like he was that uncle who brought children candies and gifts. Surprisingly, some Hollows grew in size right before his eyes, experiencing power growth that raised them from the bottom of the barrel class.

Nelliel observed this, her eyes widening in astonishment and disbelief. “A-Are you... could you possibly be a god?”

It was rare for her to lose composure and stutter, but the accelerated growth of the Hollows, who had been stagnant for years, was an extraordinary sight.

He let out an awkward chuckle at her question. “It’s just my passive ability.”

The effects of his ability were more subtle on Adjuchas due to their considerable Reiryoku reserves. However, for Hollows with Reiryoku even less than an average human, the impact was noticeable to eyes. It was no less than witnessing a miracle.

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