Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 98: A Pledge to Unseen Strings

An elongated flexible pipe, its end resembling an elephant’s trunk, snaked on the floor. The one holding the peculiar gadget ‘Suniffā’ was Kisuke Urahara. “It’s sensing traces of Garganta. Kazuya-san left for Hueco Mundo.”

An audible cluck of the tongue escaped Yoruichi. Having arrived late, she missed the opportunity to intercept Kazuya. The cause of her blunder lay in the time-altering effects of the Dangai.

“Got any way to enter Hueco Mundo?”

“Nothing right now,” Kisuke said, shaking his head in quiet disappointment. He had yet to get to his Descorrer replication that accessed Garganta like Hollows. Curing Cirucci was at the top of his priority list. “What happened?”

Yoruichi had told him about the Shinigami trials scheduled in seventeen days. The most logical explanation for Kazuya’s return to the Living World would be to spend time with his family. He, however, couldn’t pinpoint the reason behind Yoruichi’s urgency to go after Kazuya in Hueco Mundo.

Seeing her silence, he shook his head. “Did you have a fight with him?”

Yoruichi was wise, mature, and even caring but her whimsical nature, which saved him at the most crucial moment, but the same nature often troubled the people around her. She could be a pain in the ass without being aware of it.

“Kind of,” Yoruichi acknowledged with a sigh. “I may or may not have rejected his request.”

“Ouch. Always the heartless one, aren’t you? What did he request?”

“He wants to learn Kidō from me.”

“And what’s wrong with that? It would be beneficial to him as a Shinigami and get him a higher seat right after graduation,” Kisuke paused and punched his palm in realization. “You thought it was too much effort and wanted to delay it for another day.”

“Be gone, Demon,” she growled. “I know I messed up.”

She had all types of experiences as the former commander of the most versatile squad in Gotei 13. A small problem like this wouldn’t disrupt her mission.

‘Things would’ve been easy if I wasn’t a banished Shinigami.’

Her banishment and criminal status handcuffed her. Her words bore no weight in the eyes of the Central 46, meaning she lacked the standing to act as a witness in Aizen’s trial. Moreover, she wasn’t close enough with other captains to sway their opinions. She had no choice but to rely on Kazuya.

With a renewed determination, Yoruichi strode out of the room… only to return moments later. Waiting at Kazuya in his place was a better choice than aimlessly wandering the streets.

Kisuke chuckled and left Yoruichi to wait alone. He had more productive things to do like finding the cure to Cirucci Sanderwicci’s Zanpakutō problem and working on his Garganta project. He had yet to find a breakthrough in both of his problems.

As the vibrant hues of sunset gradually melted into the velvet darkness of the night, Yoruichi saw no sign of Kazuya’s return. Fortunately, patience was a virtue shared among all long-living souls.

Upon returning, Kazuya was surprised to discover Yoruichi sleeping on Harribel’s bed. She rustled into alertness upon detecting their arrival.

“Wife, I told you dogs are superior for guarding the mansion. You still went ahead and adopted a cat.”

“I-I’m sorry, Husband,” Sung-Sun faked a sob, playing along with his charade. “This cat was pleading with me to adopt it.”

“Awww. I know cats are cute but dogs are cuter. They are also more loyal and less lazier. Cats only sleep all day and night.”

Each comment was like a sharp dagger thrust into Yoruichi’s heart, particularly the jab about her laziness. Yet, she could sense he harbored no resentment towards her. She snarled at him, flashing her deadly claws. “How dare you call the dogs superior? Cats are fluffier and hella adorable.”

Kazuya smiled at her sassy reply. “Yoruichi, why did you break into my house?”

“You left without explaining. I thought you permanently shifted to Hueco Mundo with everyone.”

“I just wanted to spend some time with my family.”

“Enough about that, let’s return,” she urged, swiftly changing the topic. “I promise to teach you every Kidō in my possession. Don’t disappear next time without telling me, okay?”

A mere unexpected departure from the Soul Society had spurred her to be more cautious about rejecting him. He could proudly claim everything happened according to his plan. Now, Yoruichi was more than motivated to teach him. He was especially eager to learn Shunpo and Shunkō under her guidance, skills that would certainly be useful down the line.

{Learn fire-based Kidō spells too. We’ll use the demonic life flames of Black Phoenix lineage to banish our enemies!}

His Chunni Zanpakutō Spirit reminded him about a phoenix’s signature flames. Even though he was a phoenix, he had no flame-based abilities, which was indeed strange. His outstanding Reishi control indicated potential to evolve into his Power of Creation, while Oppression could arguably be deemed his Power of Death.

‘Will I get in my Shikai or Bankai?’

He was optimistic that his Shinigami Zanpakutō would have different powers from his Partial Release Arrancar Zanpakutō and his Aspect of Death. Possessing multiple forms of offense was better than being a one-trick pony.

{They should be different. Remember, Hollows, and by extension, Arrancar, draw out power from their regrets and the cause of their death. A Shinigami’s Zanpakutō manifests power from their identity. This has nothing to do with race or origin.}

‘Nami, I love it when you go full sensei mode.’

{Anything for you, Partner. Anything… I have a good hunch about my partner’s Shikai and Bankai. They will be extremely strange, useless, and powerful at the same time. I won’t spoil it.}

‘I’ll find it sooner or later.’

Wrapping up the conversation with Nami, he flicked his gaze to the clock. “I got one hour before meeting up with Kaien. What should I do?”

Apacci seized his hand, firmly squeezing it in her grip. “C-Come to my room. I have something to talk about.”

Her expression was stern, signaling that the matter was of importance. She would have convinced anyone, had it not been for the subtle blush warming her cheeks. She was anticipating some lewd time, and he was all for it.

Before he could answer, Sung-Sun took a hold of his left hand, her smile radiant. “Husband, spare that hour for me. Let our bodies communicate with each other in a symphony of passion and love.”

Sung-Sun had the same thought of spending some lewd time with him. However, it was unlikely for him to satisfy them both in one hour. After all, as high-level Hollows, their stamina and lust were on another level, especially Apacci. She was a bundle of lust.

Apacci shot Sung-Sun a heated glare. “Back off, Snake.”

“No you. I’m not backing down. Who knows when he will return again?”

{How about a threesome? Assert your dominance by bending them both at the same time.}

Ignoring Nami’s devil-like whispers and the two arguing over him like cats, he turned to Harribel. “Want to spend some time with me?”

Rather than fueling the fire, he chose the third and safest option, even though Harribel would certainly reject his request for sex. She had reserved the lewding option for after his mission in the Soul Society, just like Mila Rose. Still, he was more than happy to accompany her just for her lap pillows.

Harribel shook her head. Stepping forward, she pressed her lips on his cheeks. “Keep coming back like this.”

“Hmmm. I’ll return as much as I can.”

She offered a nod in response and exited the room, leaving Sung-Sun and Apacci to exchange awkward glances, both shamed by Harribel’s mature approach. Harribel never allowed selfishness to take over, even though her love for him was unparalleled. This characteristic was why he found her so endearing, and he could admit she was his favorite lover by far.

Yoruichi let out a snicker and swiftly jumped out of the window, eventually settling on the mansion’s rooftop. The black feline made herself comfortable there until passionate moans jolted her from her slumber. The cries belonged to Apacci and Sung-Sun. Instead of competing for his attention, they had chosen to share him in their first ever threesome.

‘He is lucky to have them.’

She sighed and dashed to another roof, where the moans couldn’t disturb her sleep.

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