Blood Lily

32. Speak

"So we can keep her?!" Millie squealed, her tail swishing as she bopped up and down. Somehow, I still felt like she was containing her excitement. Somehow.

Amber's empathetic grin deepened.

"Now now, she still has to give that order first, and even then..." she said, eyeing me, "that is for her to decide. Right, Lil'?"

I blinked hard, nervously processing what I've set in motion. Yup, that's for her to decide. Me. My choice. Oh wow.

"U-Uh... Yeah. Just until I can, um... figure it out more," I agreed.

I'm really going to do this, aren't I? Gather the majority of servants and tell them all that I want to be referred to as a girl until further notice. As Magnolia's daughter. As... as the princess of House O'Sang. Not the prince.

I've already made the decision, yet my stomach is roiling with fear.

Fear, yes... but excitement too.

"S-So, how do I do it?" I asked again, focusing that excitement into a piercing light to push forward through the terror.

"Simple," Amber responded. "Just descend the stairs to the second floor where most of the others rest and tend to their duties. Once there, a firm snap of the fingers will suffice to draw their attention."

"...Anytime?" I asked.

"Anytime," she plainly responded.

Oh. I definitely wasn't hoping they wouldn't be available at the moment.

"So, like... now even?" I asked, still stalling.

"Lil', would you like to go assemble and address them?" she said with a giggle.

"I-I, uh..." I said, drawing a deep breath. "Yes."


"Well, come on then! Let's go!" Millie exclaimed, not a moment's delay in her eagerness to escort me downstairs.

I gulped yet again, following Amber's lead out the door as Millie shut it behind us. Each step down that flight of stairs felt like dropping further and further into a murky swamp. Somehow I could still breath and somehow I could still find the strength to keep going. The last time I met all of the staff, it was like... a thing set up in advance. It was planned. I was just there to experience the stage set by the others, but now I'm the one completely in charge, I'm the one going out of my way to do this...

It reminds me of... of how I sat there in that park bench. Always alone, never speaking to others. No one ever spoke to me, either. Sure, some spoke at me, but never to me. Every child was tugged away by their parents' protective hands. Every teenager either stood at a safe distance to mock me with harsh words or they meandered close by because they lost a bet. Every adult just knew better than to associate with me, few daring to spare a pitying glance. Well... most, at least.

There were a handful of times a kind soul sought to find me a home. Each time, however, I was inevitably processed and released right back where I started. Why? Because I had parents. I wasn't an orphan. Those were the cold words that graced my ears, so what else was I to do but accept it? Each time I was given hope, it was ripped out with ease, and each time a part of me slipped away for reasons I could never understand. It truly seemed as if my presence repelled the world itself, almost as if by magic. A cruel, repulsive magic.

The point is that, until the moment I snap my fingers on this floor, I have never gone out of my way to speak to so many strangers let alone ask something of them. Something that took my all to tell my friends and my mother.

Distracted by my own reflective thoughts, I hopped off that last step, nervously looking down the hall on both sides, all doors closed without a single individual in sight, save for Amber and Millie at my side. With a raised, shaky hand, I snapped my fingers as loud and firmly as I could, the sound-

The absence of sound made me realize I didn't know how to snap my fingers.

"Um... C-Could one of you teach me...?" I pleaded, my courage taking a nosedive as a blush spread across my cheeks.

Their eyes simultaneously darted away from me as they shared in the mutual awkwardness.

"Um... We can," Amber started.

"But..." Millie continued.

"We didn't, uh..." Amber added.

"Mean for you to snap like that," Millie finished.

"Sorry," they both apologized with a deep bow.

Oh. What?

"T-Then how am I supposed to...?" I asked, a bit lost.

"With magic," Amber answered.

"Remember how I heated your food the other day? Like that, except you need to make a sound, not heat food," Millie explained.

"I don't- How do I do that?" I asked. They're not going to teach me magic on the spot, are they?

"We'll teach you magic on the spot," Amber said, clearly still embarrassed from her own mistake.

"It's as easy as speaking once you realize the trick," Millie confidently added, masking her own shame in forgetting my magical ignorance.

"A-Are you both sure? I've never used magic before, I mean, I want to, but I-"

"You already have," the maids said in unison.

I tilted my head.


They shared an amused glance at one another. They're starting to enjoy this, aren't they?

"Twice, actually," Amber grinned. "Once when you were playing the game against Lady Magnolia and..."

"Once when you played against my trashcan of a brother," Millie added with her own grin.

"I... I did?" I asked, almost disbelieving them.

They both nodded.

"You were using it to heighten your senses and achieve a flow state, albeit unconsciously. You'd probably be surprised at how fast you were reacting from our perspective," Amber explained.

"Yeah!" Millie cheerily added. "So, that makes this even easier! Just remember that feeling and focus it into your hand and imagine the sound when you snap! It'll amplify it for all the staff to respond to, even if you can't snap properly!"

"O-Ok," I said, still shocked at my apparent accomplishments. "I'll give it a try."

I gazed into the soft skin on the palm of my delicate hand, attempting to experience that feeling of time crawling to a halt. At once, I could feel an invisible string become taut. With a quick flit of my wrist and a determined look on my face, I reached up, snapping my fingers in the same manner as before as I felt an instinct to tug on that taut string. The physical snap was, once again, a pitiful failure. In spite of this, a gentle, majestic ringing of a bell echoed outwards into the halls.

I jumped, startled at my success.

"D-Did I do it?!" I asked, both spooked and excited to the point I almost jumped a second time. "That felt right, that felt like-"

I realized Amber and Millie were, still at my sides, bent in a professional bow. My ears twitched as I heard multiple doors open...

All of the doors.

Glancing back and forth from the left and right, at least a dozen maids and butlers poured into the hall, lining up in front of me and striking a bow akin to Amber and Millie's. I recognized a lot of them, though some were new. I think.

It was at this moment I felt the crushing weight of a metaphorical anvil upon my body.

Oh. Right. That's why I just magically snapped my fingers.

In the silent awkwardness as they awaited to be addressed, I heard the faint fluttering of wings. Not entirely sure where from, a small bat dressed in an appropriately-sized tuxedo and top hat took position directly in front of all the others, a spot clearly left open to designate his role of leadership among the flock. In a shadowy flash, a dark fog engulfed his form and expanded until it dissipated to reveal an older, well-groomed man.

Lifting the hat off his head and placing it against his chest, he executed an utterly flawless bow and spoke.

"Your orders, Lady O'Sang?"

I was caught in a whirl of pressure, astonishment, and confusion. My eyes darted to Amber and Millie for advice only to see them remain in the posture as duty would dictate. Why is he here so casually? I mean, this isn't casual, but I thought he'd avoid me? What do I do? What do I say? I don't know how to react, I-I...

"Uh... um..."

I swallowed, sweat pouring down my face. One thing at a time. Just say what I summoned them here to say first. Easy.

"I, uh... w-want you all to... to..."

Not easy. Oh god.

Deep breaths... focus... it's not a big deal...

Just speak.

"M-Mother told you all to, um... treat me as her daughter for today... s-so... I'm asking that, um... you all continue to do so... until I ask otherwise...?"

"As you wish, Lady O'sang," they each said in unison, almost creepily so.

Huh... I did it. That wasn't that difficult. I felt a warm smile creep onto my face as I imagined all the time I would now have to explore being a girl. That metaphorical anvil seemed to fade away, several worries I didn't realize I had along with it.

"Is there anything else, Lady O'Sang," Birch asked, catching me off guard.

"Oh, um..." I said, pausing for a moment to think. Is there anything else while I'm at it? I mean, besides the obvious questions I have for Mr. Batler in specific.

An idea popped into my head.

"What do all of you do? I never see anyone during the day, it kind of seems... empty, at times."

Starting on the far left, a maid on the taller side stepped forward to speak.

"I oversee communications between the manor and O'Sang research facilities," she said, her voice clear and concise like an experienced archer.

"And I oversee and maintain the teleportation network to various locations," the maid next to her said, stepping forward.

W-What...? Research? Teleportation?!

In spite of my inability to keep up, they continued to step forward, each listing their exact role.

"We handle indoor cleaning and maintenance," a mixed bundle of maids and butlers said. "And we handle outdoor cleaning and maintenance, including the garden," another handful explained. "I'm the primary chef for both the staff and our revered Ladies," a humbled butler on the shorter side added. "And I handle hunt requests for Lady Magnolia," an elder maid stated. "I'm in charge of external affairs, including relations to the other Great Vampire Houses," a spritely maid said.

My head was spinning, yet they didn't stop.

"We're your personal maids," Amber and Millie said, subtly throwing in a wink.

"I am Lady Magnolia's personal butler," Birch explained. "I fulfill any task she requests, no matter how difficult or trivial. In addition, I am granted the privilege of acting independently when I see fit."

I took extra care to note that one. Is he trying to tell me that he found enough of a reason to gift me a dress instead of something more traditionally masculine? Even if it went against mother's wishes...? I still don't understand...

Just then, however, a small, mousy maid stepped forward. She was the last to speak and I recognized her as Meredith at once. I also realized how easy it was to miss her given her reclusive demeanor.

"I-I, um... outside of handling a few messages for Lady Magnolia, m-my exact duty is classified. I'm sorry..." 

"Classified?" I found myself asking.

"Y-Yes... I am not allowed to speak of it. L-Lady Magnolia's strict orders. Please forgive me..."

"Oh. Well, that's ok!" I said, trying to cheer her fragile heart up. I couldn't deny I was curious, though.

She apologetically bowed and returned to her spot.

I gave everyone a look-over, realizing a question still went unanswered.

"Um, but how come I never see anyone around...?"

I had been wondering this for a while, especially since I snuck into the garden. They live here and have responsibilities to take care of, yet I haven't once seen the majority of them outside of these gatherings. A few probably work in their rooms, but I feel like a lot of the others would be out and about more often.

"Lady Magnolia prefers peace and quiet, so she has the staff attend to their less subtle duties at night while she sleeps," Birch explained at once.

Oh. But...

"That seems kind of depressing..." I said rather bluntly. It's new to me, but I enjoy interacting with others. It's kind of scary, but it makes me feel... alive, if that's the right word. "Wouldn't it be better to do stuff during the day so it's more, um, lively...?"

"As you wish, Lady O'Sang," each and every one said in unison, startling me.

Wait, I didn't just... D-Did I?!

"Have you any other request, Lady O'Sang," Birch asked.

"N-No, I didn't have anything else..." I answered.

Before I could compose myself, all of the servants began to return to their rooms, including Birch.

"W-Wait!" I said with a delay, my mind fumbling over itself from the encounter.

Unfortunately, by the time I managed to come to my senses, only my friends remained.

…And Mr. Batler.

"Yes?" he asked, turning back around as innocent and relaxed as could be (which wasn't very innocent or relaxed at all).

It seemed too late to take back my last request. I mean... I could snap my fingers again, but that seems kind of awkward after they just left. Surely mother won't mind? And, if she does, w-well, she can ask them to go back to night shifts, right? No harm no foul?

Regardless, I had questions for Birch now that I had him here and seemingly willing to talk. Amber and Millie were standing at my side, too, for that confidence boost.

"Um... Why did you..." I started, looking down at my dress and realizing I had been lightly pinching the ribbon once again, "...give me this?"

He stood straight, his face as professional as ever and his voice booming with confidence and sincerity.

"I noticed a pattern and decided to test a theory. If you dislike it, I shall accept any punishment you see fit."

"I... I don't dislike it..." I meekly said, the admittance giving birth to a tender happiness in my heart. "I like it..."

"Very good, I'm glad to hear it," he said, showing me perhaps the first and last smile I'll ever get from him.

"Um... but what pattern did you notice?" I asked, still not entirely sure of his motives.

"Just a common trait I found within the O'Sang bloodline, though it is not my place to divulge O'Sang family secrets," he explained, the smile fading once all was said and done. "Is this reasoning sufficient?"

"Oh... Well... I guess so," I said, curiosity burning a small candle within my soul, the scent of disappointment strong and vivid.

"Will that be all?" he asked.

"Um, I think so," I replied.

"Goodnight then, Lady O'Sang," he said with a firm bow and taking his departure.

"Um! T-Thank you for the dress, by the way!" I quickly added, gently twirling the skirt of the dress as he took his leave. "And, I plan to tell mother everything tomorrow... I-I'll ask her not to get upset at you."

"You are welcome," he said with a gentle nod, "and I shall accept any punishment Lady Magnolia sees fit to give me as well."

And with a few more steps, he was out of sight.

"That was..." Amber hesitantly started.

"...interesting," Millie finished, just as hesitant.

Immediately afterwards, I found myself flanked on both sides by two warm hugs.

"But you did it!" they both squealed in pride, my heart swelling to share the sentiment. "You're our sister unless you decide otherwise!"

A wave of self-love and bubbling excitement washed over me. I couldn't help but savor the hugs as a few giggles escaped from my lips.

"Heh... hehe... I am, aren't I...?"

Just then, a thought crossed my mind.

If I find that I like this... if I never drink the elixir and remain in this form, then...

Wouldn't that mean I'm a girl?

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