Blood Lily

32.5. Recap

Hello everyone! Blood Lily is officially off hiatus, and to help you all get back into the flow of the story I have created this recap chapter so you shouldn’t need to reread the rest of the story again. This chapter is 100% skippable, but if you have not read Blood Lily in a while then I recommend you read through it for a reminder. It’s also written in an enjoyable way, so if you do read this recap chapter then please enjoy! <3


Hi! I’m Lil’ O’Sang! Lil’ is just my nickname though, kind of, I don’t have a real name yet, but I like being called Lil’ anyway! Hehe, sorry, I’m still not very used to writing yet. That’s why Amber and Millie said I should try and write down all of my experiences so far and, uh, reflect on them! So, that’s what I’ll try to do.

Let’s see, um… r-right! It all started on that fateful night when I was alone in the park. I saw a falling star and made a wish, and that’s when Magnolia O’Sang arrived to kind of fulfill my wish in an indirect way! Magnolia is kind of like my adopted mother, but, well, also more than that because I inherited her scarlet eyes and silver hair when she turned me into a royal vampire! One of four royal vampires of the century, even! Wow!

Well, carrying on, I awoke and found myself changed. Not just into a royal vampire, mind you, but also a girl! It was quite the shock, and we’re still not sure why that happened! Weird. At first, I tried to run away cause of this shackler mark thing on the back of my neck, but mother got rid of it! We talked a lot and ate, and wow is the food here amazing! Blood too! W-Which is kind of weird to say, but I’m getting used to it! Anyway, she decided that I should be referred to as a boy, since, well, that’s what I was before being turned. She even planned to have an elixir made for me so I could return to being male. Soon enough, she sent me off to have a nice bath!

After the bath- wait, actually, hold on. I almost forgot Amber and Millie! So, yeah, that’s when I first met the two of them! Amber is a vampire, like me! Millie is a werewolf, unlike me! They were pretty odd at first… or maybe I was the odd one? I don’t know, but we became fast friends! They’re even the ones that named me Lil’, which I really appreciate even now! Some eavesdropping and social awkwardness later, I eventually returned to my room which somehow got redecorated pink while I was gone! I mean, really, how does mother work that fast?!

The next day was… very mixed! It started out pretty rough, unfortunately. I got this mysterious box that contained a really pretty dress in it, and it even kind of matched mother’s dress! At the time, I didn’t know who gave it to me, but I thought I should at least see what it looks like in the mirror! And, uh… y-yeah. Wow. Seeing my old self in the mirror wasn’t fun. It just made me feel… awful. Really awful. All I could see was my birth dad, the one that cooperated with my birth mother to shackle me… for some reason. So, I punched the mirror! It really hurt on both a physical and emotional level but, thankfully, Amber and Millie arrived and managed to soothe me! Ah… I love having friends so much. But yes, I had a nice discussion and tour with them and they explained lots and lots of stuff to me. Like alchemy, the fusion of science and magic! Oh! Or like myths, pretty much any and all mythical creatures! That’s an important one, cause, well, I am a myth.

Let’s see, what else… Oh. Right. Amber is trans. And so am I! I think? At least the way she explained it. That’s kind of a confusing one, honestly. I, uh, I’m honestly still not sure if I want to be a girl or not. I’m definitely happy like this, but it’s hard to say if I’m just happy because of everything else that’s an amazing improvement in my life, or if it’s also because I’m a girl. I’ll explain more later, i-it’s confusing me too much right now!

That said, we toured a lot of the house! There’s the third floor (where my room is), the second floor (where the servants live and do all kinds of work), and the first floor (which has the dining room, lounge room, plus the entrance to the garden). We ended the tour in the lounge room, and… mother was there! She hugged me! We ate pizza! Played some games! I even learned that her job is being a myth hunter! She basically finds bad guys, like my ex-parents/shacklers, and… h-hunts them? I guess she, like… puts them in myth prison? Is there a myth prison? I don’t know! I do know that sometimes she has to… end them. That kind of makes me sad. I wish everyone could just get along, but maybe sometimes it can’t be helped. Oh well…

A-Ahem. It was around then that I learned of the garden and the fact that vampires use sunsilk to function in daylight. An important piece to know since, when I woke up the next day, I was deathly curious to visit the garden. Especially after Mister Batler- err, I mean Birch, kindly let me know that everyone would be focused on the meeting with the A’ketsueki family, one of the other royal vampire houses. Once he left, I figured out that the curtains were made of sunsilk! And that light really hurts without sunsilk. Oh, also, the box the dress was contained in booped me into the light! But I didn’t get hurt! So I realized the dress was sunsilk… and then I put the dress on. L-Look, Amber said anyone can wear dresses! Just cause I wore it and liked it doesn’t mean anything! Probably. Ok, well, I wore it so I could sneak into the garden, and I did! It was so beautiful, too, and I even found this lily that I really liked, and uh… k-kind of accidentally stole it. Oops.

Look, that aside, I also met this guy named Sebastian A’ketsueki! He’s, um… he was interesting! He thought my name was Lily cause, well, you know, the lily thing I just talked about. Funny misunderstanding. I’m sure that’ll get cleared up eventually. Though it’s really really close to Lil’ now that I think about it… S-So yeah! I had an interesting encounter with him and managed to sneak back up to my room without being discovered. At least not for long. Amber and Millie spotted the evidence that I had clearly been up to something, and thus the spiral of lies and misunderstandings began. Mother also showed up later, and, thanks to Millie’s idea, we planned to invite Maximillian Louve over the next day so I could beat him at, uh… video games. Millie really wanted us to put Max in his place, I guess. And I was ok with it. But! The problem was that if Max arrived and everyone kept referring to me as “he” and whatnot, it would complicate matters since, you know, we’d need to explain this and that, and we don’t even know how I got turned into a girl in the first place, so I think it’d be easier for my family’s sake if they just went with the story that I was a trans guy…? Instead of explaining that I used to be a guy and that I… became a girl by some unknown method? O-Ok, I’ll admit this is really confusing, the point is that I wanted an excuse to be a girl for the day, ok?! Ok!

…Wait. Is that why they agreed to my idea in the first place? Maybe they knew it was a pointless idea and just let me do it since it seemed like I wanted to do it. Maybe? Nah, surely…

Well, after that, I ended up alone with Amber, and uh… yeah, she knew something was up. I spilled the beans to her and explained everything that really happened, thus starting the unwinding of lies and misunderstandings. One discussion later and I was off to sleep, definitely kind of feeling like maybe I was a girl. Probably. Maybe… I-I don’t know. Still working on it. To be sure, you know? I fell asleep, had a nice dream, and woke up pretty bloodthirsty. I snapped out of it and realized that it was “be a girl for a day” day, so I was excited! I put on my dress, loved it, and headed to breakfast to speak with mother. The uh… the lies and misunderstandings kept piling on. Mother taught me a few things about being a vampire, like how I’ll need to learn to self-discipline myself when it comes to blood. She also had some important news she was going to tell me, but uh… I had to use the bathroom. I-I really did have to use the bathroom though! I just, um… kind of visited the garden afterwards. Yeah… oops. Couldn’t resist my curious urge.

Once I was in the garden, I just quickly visited the spot I found my lily (which I was now keeping in my hair because it was pretty and I liked it). I was only there for like, a minute, I swear, but when I turned to go back inside I bumped into Mister Batler. Birch. I mean Birch. He was looking at some flowers similarish to the lilies, said some pretty vague stuff, and then revealed he was the one who gave me my dress. It really confused me, but I rushed back inside and found that mother went away for some important business. I felt pretty guilty and decided I should start coming clear with all the lies and misunderstandings. Fully. So I headed to the lounge room to await Max’s arrival. I revealed everything I had done to Millie, and then Max arrived along with the mousy maid named Meredith, the one who told me that mother had left. Max was… ugh, god. He was something.

Regardless, we started playing against each other and we decided on a bet. If I won, he’d apologize for his behavior, and if he won, I’d go on a date with him. He cheated, but I ruled that cheating was allowed since I never agreed on what we could and couldn’t do to win. But even so, I forced him to apologize for his behavior anyway, otherwise he wouldn’t get his date. He did actually apologize. He also flirted, of course. I don’t really like him, to be honest. But… I still want to keep my word. Maybe it’ll be an experience I can learn from? That said, he left and we celebrated since I technically achieved our goal of “wiping the smug grin off his face.” Apparently he was Amber’s ex, though. That’s awkward. The important end result here is that I have a date with Max on Friday. Which is soon. I also wondered what mother was doing. Probably not meeting with her secret lover for the last time, right? Probably not. Not like I would know what mother was up to with her important business.

Afterwards, Amber and Millie took me upstairs to practice my writing. We, uh… we talked about stuff. Like the fact Birch gave me the dress. Oh, and my gender identity. Which, um… I admitted to enjoying being a girl. I do. But like I said earlier, I love so many new things about my life. I want to be able to discern which parts of my life are making me happy and which might not. That includes my gender. I’m just… I-I’m really new to being happy, so I’m really scared of committing to something, you know? That’s… That’s why I decided that I wanted another day as a girl! To keep going with it and to see if it’s what I really want.

And so that’s what brings us to the most recent event: summoning the staff and telling them to continue referring to me as a girl. I had to use magic for the first time to do it, even! Well, consciously at least. It was easier than I thought and really helped to fuel my confidence! I even learned about the many different kinds of work each staff member does. Like research or communication. I also learned that Mister Batler. I-I mean Birch. Birch gave me the dress because he noticed some kind of pattern in the O’Sang family and wanted to test a theory. It was, um… a weird reason, to be honest, and I’m still not sure what he meant. I’m sure I’ll learn soon enough though. Maybe I’ll notice the pattern myself!

That’s, uh, that’s it. I mean, I also considered the idea that if I don’t ever drink the elixir, that would just, y’know… make me a girl. A-An oddly euphoric idea! We’ll, um… have to see where that goes! Ehehe~

Thanks for reading this practice journal thing!

-Lil’ O’Sang, Princess and Heir to House O’Sang

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