Blossoming Path

Chapter 64: The Verdant Lotus Sect’s Proposal

Chapter 64: The Verdant Lotus Sect's Proposal

As the moon hung full and luminous in the night sky, casting a silver sheen over the clearing behind the guest quarters, I found myself enveloped in tranquility. This place, nestled away from the daily bustle of the Verdant Lotus sect, had become a sanctuary of sorts, a place where my thoughts and movements could flow unimpeded.

The night, with stars twinkling like a tapestry of light above, set the perfect backdrop for my training routine. I was already fatigued from my morning and afternoon classes, but it helped to keep my mind elsewhere.

Tianyi and Windy were strewn about the clearing, exploring to their heart's content. It was quite concerning to see how well Windy managed to disappear into the foliage despite being pure white. Did it's unusual scales have some sort of reflective property that made blending into the surroundings possible?

It didn't matter. I trusted Tianyi to supervise her and to let me know if Windy wanders too far away.

I started with slow, deliberate punches, each one more precise than the last, feeling the power coiling and uncoiling in my muscles. My kicks sliced through the cool night air, fluid yet forceful, a testament to the countless hours I had dedicated to perfecting my form.

As I transitioned from one movement to the next, I could sense the stark difference in my body stronger, faster, more flexible. It was almost unrecognizable compared to the version of myself that first encountered Tianyi in the forest. The memory of that weaker, less confident self seemed like a distant echo now.

My routine became a dance, a physical manifestation of my inner growth. Yet, as I moved, my mind couldn't help but drift to Elder Zhu's offer. The weight of it hung in the air, as tangible as the mist that sometimes settled over these grounds at dawn.

'Elder Zhu as my mentor... joining the Verdant Lotus sect officially...' The words echoed again in my head, mingling with the rhythmic sounds of my own breath and the soft rustling of leaves around me. It was an honor, no doubt, a recognition of my efforts and potential. The sect had become a second home, its teachings and values resonating deeply within me.

But with this honor came a tether, a commitment that went beyond casual learning. It meant embracing the sect's ways. My heart ached slightly at the thought. Since childhood, I had been enthralled by Liang Feng's written works of solo practitioners free spirits roaming the lands, their destinies firmly in their own hands. That world of escapism had been a beacon in my younger years, a dream that had felt so distant yet so alluring.

As I continued my routine, each strike and block became a physical expression of my inner turmoil. I paused, taking the time to clench and unclench my fist to keep it from wavering.

To be part of the Verdant Lotus sect, to be under Elder Zhu's guidance... it offered a path of growth, stability, and respect. Yet, a part of me yearned for the uncharted path, the freedom to explore and grow in the unpredictability of the world outside a sect's walls.

The cool breeze brushed against my skin, carrying with it the subtle fragrance of jasmine. This sensory infusion from nature seemed to echo my inner conflict, presenting a stark contrast between the safety of the known and the allure of the unknown.

I paused in my routine, my fists slowly unclenching as I gazed up at the moon, seeking its silent counsel. It was then that I found myself transported back to that pivotal moment, the turning point that had brought me to this solitary practice under the moonlit sky.


In Elder Zhu's office, the air was dense with the weight of my decision. Feng Wu stood beside me, a quiet pillar of strength. My heart pounded in my chest as I faced Elder Zhu, his penetrating gaze filled with wisdom and expectancy.

"Elder Zhu, this honor... it's more than I could have ever imagined. But, I must respectfully decline," I started, my voice betraying the storm raging inside me. "I'm deeply grateful for your belief in me, but my path...I believe it needs to be one of self-discovery, away from the structure of a sect."

Elder Zhu's face remained impassive for a moment, then softened with understanding. "Kai, before you finalize your decision, consider what being part of our sect entails. Beyond the prestige, it's about the protection and resources we provide. With the Silent Moon sect's growing animosity, our support could be invaluable to you. And think of the knowledge we freely share with our own, knowledge that we would hesitate to impart to an outsider."

His words echoed in the chambers of my mind, intensifying the turmoil within. The lure of safety and knowledge was tempting, almost overwhelmingly so. My resolve wavered, teetering on the edge of capitulation.

But a deeper voice within me whispered of freedom, of uncharted paths that I yearned to tread. It was a voice that spoke of dreams nurtured since childhood, dreams of a life unbound by the strictures of any single creed or sect.

With a heavy heart, I responded, "I understand the gravity of what I'm relinquishing, Elder Zhu, and it pains me to refuse. But my long-term goals...I don't believe they align with remaining within the sect. I seek a journey filled with unpredictability and learning that only the open world can offer."

Elder Zhu regarded me for a long moment, his eyes reflecting a mixture of respect and unspoken disappointment. "I see. The Verdant Lotus Sect values the freedom of its disciples, even if it means letting them go. You have our blessings, Kai. The Tao teaches us the beauty of letting things be. Non-attachment is a principle we hold dear. You have done no wrong in following your heart."

Feng Wu's reaction mirrored Elder Zhu's, a mixture of respect and slight sadness. "Choosing to join a sect is no light matter," he said. "I respect your decision, Kai. It takes courage to follow your own path, especially when it leads away from the safety and resources of a sect."

I nodded, feeling a bittersweet mixture of relief and regret. Elder Zhu's offer had been a beacon of security, a fast track to cultivation knowledge and protection against external threats like the Silent Moon sect. The thought of turning it down was daunting. I was stepping away from a path many would covet, venturing into a world where I would have to rely solely on my own strength and wits.

As I stood there, a part of me questioned my decision. Was I being naive, romanticizing the life of a solo cultivator? The sect offered a wealth of knowledge and a network of support that I was now choosing to forgo. The risks of walking the path alone were many, and the journey would undoubtedly be more challenging.

Elder Zhu's voice pulled me back from my thoughts. "Kai, remember that the Verdant Lotus Sect will always regard you as a friend. Our doors will remain open should you ever seek guidance or respite."

I bowed deeply, gratitude filling my heart. "Thank you, Elder Zhu. Your understanding means more to me than I can express."

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Now, back in the clearing, these words resonated within me, harmonizing with the rhythm of my movements. I resumed my martial arts routine, each motion infused with a newfound sense of clarity and purpose.

I had made the right decision, for me. Yes, the allure of being a recognized disciple under Elder Zhu was tempting, but my heart lay in a different journey - one of freedom, exploration, and self-discovery.

Once I got my bearings and established a strong foundation, I'd travel throughout the Tranquil Breeze Coast, and once I finished that, I'd head to the world beyond this province! Jade Mist Valley, Crimson Flame Peaks, The Emerald Spirit Forest! There were so many places I've heard about only through hearsay or rumor, and I wanted to see it for myself.

As I moved, my mind spun with ideas of how I could maintain a close relationship with the Verdant Lotus sect and give back to the community that had given so much to me. Perhaps as a solo wanderer, I could bring back treasures and knowledge from other faraway regions to the Tranquil Breeze Coast. Then they'd have no choice but to consider me as a hero!

The idea excited me. It was a way to stay connected to the sect while following my aspiration. I could venture into the unknown, learn from the vast world, and return with rare herbs, unique cultivation techniques, or even tales of uncharted lands.

I laughed at myself, shaking my head slightly. "Kai, the dragon, flying free across the lands! Where no young master would dare." I said aloud, trying to inject some humor into my thoughts. It was a grandiose image, one that felt both exhilarating and daunting. But deep down, I knew that seeking such glory wasn't my true aim. It was the journey itself, the experiences and the growth that would come with it.

Yet, amidst this self-assurance, a whisper of doubt crept in. I stopped my movements, standing still in the moonlight, feeling its cool light wash over me. I looked up at the stars, imagining my parents somewhere among them.

"Mother, Father," I whispered, my voice barely more than a breath in the night air. "Am I making the right choice?" The question hung in the air, unanswered.

I didn't expect a reply, nor did I truly believe one would come, but voicing it felt right. It was a connection to them, a way to share my doubts and hopes.

Only silence greeted me, the eternal quiet of the night. I sighed, feeling a mix of relief and lingering uncertainty. "Only time will tell, I guess." The words were for me, a reminder that some answers only come with patience and experience.

I turned my gaze back to Tianyi and Windy, who were now playfully chasing each other around the clearing. Watching them brought a smile to my face. They were reminders of the paths I had already taken, the choices I had made that led me to them.

"Alright, enough daydreaming," I said to myself, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "I've got the Silent Moon sect to prepare for, and the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet isn't going to wait for me either. Focus on the now."

As I resumed my training, my thoughts shifted to the immediate challenges ahead. The wager with the Silent Moon sect was looming, and the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet was an opportunity I couldn't afford to mess up. Otherwise, I'd be proving that girl from the Lian family right! And that would never happen. Both required my full attention, my best effort.

The night wore on, and as my training session came to an end, I felt a sense of accomplishment and clarity. I had made a choice, one that felt true to me, and now it was time to follow through with action.

I whistled softly, calling Tianyi and Windy back to my side. "Alright, you two, playtime is over. Let's head back." They fluttered and slithered over to me, their presence a comforting reminder of the bonds I had formed on this journey. Tianyi landed gracefully on my shoulder, her delicate wings fluttering softly, while Windy coiled around my arm, its scales cool against my skin.

As we walked back to our room, the weight of my decision still lingered in my mind, but so did a sense of excitement for what lay ahead. The path I had chosen wasn't the easiest, but it was mine, and I was determined to see where it would lead me.

In the quiet of our room, I settled Tianyi and Windy in their respective resting places, ensuring they were comfortable for the night. They seemed content, their presence a constant source of solace and motivation.

I sat down on the edge of my bed, taking a moment to reflect on everything that had happened. The path of a cultivator was never easy, filled with challenges and decisions that could change the course of one's life. Yet, it was also a path of incredible growth, discovery, and, most importantly, the freedom to choose one's destiny.

As I lay down, closing my eyes, the events of the day replayed in my mind. The training, the revelation of Windy to Elder Zhu, and most importantly, my decision to carve my own path. It was a lot to process, but I felt ready to face whatever came next.

"Tomorrow is another day," I murmured to myself, feeling a sense of peace despite the uncertainty of the future. I drifted off to sleep, my dreams filled with visions of distant lands, untold adventures, and the endless possibilities that lay ahead.

Time flowed like water, and the leaves transformed from a vibrant green to a rich tapestry of reds and golds, signaling the deepening embrace of autumn.

There was a crispness to the air. With each falling leaf, I found myself more immersed in my cultivation journey, embracing the lessons and challenges that came with each new day.

Now, I was embroiled in a sparring match against Han Wei, who volunteered to help me prepare for the upcoming duel against the Silent Moon sect's disciple. As we circled each other, I couldnt help but compare his style to Li Nas. Where her movements were graceful and fluid, Han Weis were powerful, less about finesse and more about the sheer force of his palm strikes.

We exchanged a series of strikes, testing each other's defenses. I noticed that Han Wei favored his palm strikes over leg sweeps, unlike Li Na, who balanced both in her fighting style. This gave me a slight advantage, as I was more prepared for his approach.

As we sparred, I found myself recalling the teachings of my instructors, blending their advice with my own instincts. The Bamboo Reprisal Counter seemed like the perfect response to Han Weis aggressive style.

I bided my time, waiting for the right moment. Han Wei, sensing an opening, launched a powerful palm strike towards me. I moved with the blow, using his momentum against him. I twisted my body, ready to deliver a precise kick to his midsection.


But just as I was about to connect, a voice called out, "Kai Liu!"

I halted mid-strike, pulling back at the last second. Han Wei stumbled forward, caught off balance by my sudden stop. He quickly regained his composure, looking at me with a mix of surprise and respect.

Turning towards the voice, I saw one of the sect's messengers approaching, a look of urgency on their face. "Lady Xiao Yun has arrived and is expecting you."

I clasped my hands and bowed to Han Wei and turned to Instructor Xia Ji.

"Instructor, may I have permission to leave training early? I have something I must discuss with the Azure Silk Trading Company."

Instructor Xia Ji glared at me, but I could tell there was no heat behind her stare. "Such a distracted trainee, how will you stand a chance against the Silent Moon sect like this? Go! However, don't think you can skip out like this tomorrow."

"Many thanks, Instructor Xia Ji. This humble disciple shall never forget the grace you've shown me."

Han Wei perked up, wiping the sweat off his forehead with a grin. "Disciple? Everyone's already heard about your refusal to join the sect. You can't take back words so easily, you know."

I groaned internally. Li Na and Han Wei never let me live it down after learning what happened from Feng Wu. "No, I just wouldn't want to be considered a junior to you and Li Na. Both of you would certainly use your seniority as a way to exploit me."

I turned away from the third-class disciple with a cheeky grin.

Reaching down into my pack, I retrieved the new robes I bought from the textile shop at Crescent Bay City. if I were to meet Lady Xiao-Yun, I'd need to look my best.

"Thank you for waiting, sir." I said to the messenger. "Could you show me where she is?"

"Of course, please follow me," the messenger replied with a polite nod.

As I followed the messenger through the sect's premises, I couldn't help but reflect on how much my life had changed. Just a few months ago, I was a simple village herbalist chasing butterflies, and now here I was, walking through the halls of the Verdant Lotus sect, arranging a meeting with the daughter of a prominent trading company.

We arrived at a lavishly decorated meeting room, where Lady Xiao-Yun was seated elegantly alongside her two attendants, Mei Liling and Liang Chen. I recognized them immediately they were the ones I had negotiated the finer details of my original contract with.

Taking a deep breath, I entered the room with a newfound confidence and grace, a stark contrast to the timid herbalist I once was. I greeted them with a respectful bow. "Lady Xiao-Yun, Mei Liling, Liang Chen, it's an honor to meet with you again."

Lady Xiao-Yun smiled warmly. "Kai Liu, you've...grown since we last met." Her eyes twinkled with a mix of amusement and respect.

I scratched my head, slightly embarrassed. "Well, I don't think I've gotten much taller," I replied, trying to deflect my nervousness with humor. I guess those tofu and vegan diets at a Taoist sect really do wonders for the growing body.

Lady Xiao-Yun laughed softly, her laughter like the chime of small bells. "Not in height, but in presence. You carry yourself differently now, more like a cultivator than a simple herbalist."

She was a vision of elegance, her robes a delicate blend of azure and silver that complemented her refined features. Her hair was pinned up neatly, adorned with small jade ornaments that shimmered in the light. Her eyes, sharp and intelligent, seemed to miss nothing.

Her attendants, Mei Liling and Liang Chen, were equally well-dressed, though their attire was more subdued, befitting their roles. They sat attentively, one holding a scroll and the other with a writing brush and inkstone at the ready.

"Thank you, Lady Xiao-Yun," I said, feeling a bit more at ease. "I wanted to discuss the final shipment of our contract. It's ready to go. But more importantly, I'm interested in what direction we're willing to go forward in the future."

Lady Xiao-Yun nodded, her expression turning to one of keen interest. "Of course, Kai Liu. The Azure Silk Trading Company is always looking for long-term partnerships. We've been impressed with the quality of your products and the efficiency of your deliveries. Especially despite the...rumors we've heard concerning your situation."

Ha, did the Silent Moon sect leak out the fact they made a wager with a herbalist? How did it reach the Azure Silk Trading Company of all places?!

I listened attentively, already having my plan and answer prepared. However, it was crucial to hear what they had to offer before putting my plan into action.

Mei Liling carefully placed a scroll on the table, unrolling it to reveal the contract extension paper. Liang Chen, meanwhile, dipped his brush in ink, ready to note down any new terms we might agree upon.

"The Azure Silk Trading Company is prepared to offer an extended contract with better terms, considering the success of our current arrangement," Lady Xiao-Yun continued. "We're also interested in any new herbal formulas or discoveries you might have. The market is always looking for innovations, and your unique background could provide that."

I nodded, looking down at the written contract that they offered.

It was time to implement my plan.

"I'm grateful for the opportunity to continue our partnership. However, I have a proposal that might benefit us both even more..."


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