Blossoming Path

Chapter 65: Contract Complete

Chapter 65: Contract Complete

"Kai Liu, you've piqued my interest," Lady Xiao-Yun said, her eyebrow arching gracefully. "Please, share your proposal."

Taking a deep breath, I gathered my thoughts before speaking. "Lady Xiao-Yun, your offer is generous, and I'm grateful. Yet, I propose we pause on sealing our pact until the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet concludes."

Lady Xiao-Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, the cogs in her mind visibly turning. "A bold suggestion, indeed, Kai Liu. How, pray tell, does this serve the Azure Silk Trading Company's interests? We thrive on certainties, not gambles. What's to say this delay won't be our loss?"

"I understand your concern, Lady Xiao-Yun. My aim is to elevate both my standing and that of the Azure Silk Trading Company. A strong showing at the Gauntlet by someone under your patronage will undoubtedly draw attention. It will enhance the prestige of your company, associating it with top-tier cultivators products. Moreover, should I succeed, it would position us to negotiate a more favorable deal that reflects my enhanced status. In essence, it's an investment in potential higher returns for both of us."

Lady Xiao-Yun studied Kai for a long moment, her expression inscrutable. "Your confidence is commendable, but what if your performance falls short of expectations? The risk for us is not insignificant."

Kai met her gaze firmly. "I'm fully aware of the risks involved. But I also know my capabilities and the effort I'm willing to put in. It's a calculated risk, yes, but one with the potential for significant rewards. And I believe that aligns well with what I've seen so far from your company."

Lady Xiao-Yun leaned back, her fingers tapping lightly on the armrest of her chair. The room fell into a thoughtful silence, only broken by the soft rustle of scrolls being shifted by her attendants.

She regarded me with a gaze that could pierce through the veils of any facade, her demeanor calm yet commanding. "Your assurance speaks volumes, young alchemist. Yet, should the winds not favor us, the gamble could tarnish more than just silver. The stakes, they are not to be underestimated."

Holding her gaze, I let my resolve shine through. "I'm not blind to the stakes at play, nor am I a stranger to the weight of expectations. If you place your trust me in me, there is no doubt in my mind that I can be of great value to the Azure Silk Trading Company."

I hoped my request didn't come across as too forward, but I trusted in the strength of my conviction. This was a gamble, but one I was willing to take.

After a moment, she nodded, a hint of admiration in her eyes. "Very well, Kai Liu. We'll await the outcome of the Gauntlet. Your confidence speaks volumes, and we're intrigued to see how you fare. Let's hope your performance lives up to your promise."

Relief washed over me, and I bowed slightly. "Thank you, Lady Xiao-Yun. I won't disappoint you."

With the meeting concluded, I assisted in loading the crate of my goods onto the horse-drawn carriage outside. The crate was heavier than it looked, but I managed to secure it firmly in the carriage.

As I straightened up, wiping the sweat from my brow, Lady Xiao-Yun's attendant approached me, holding a small, intricately designed charm. "Lady Xiao-Yun wishes you to have this," the attendant said, extending the charm toward me.

Taking it in my hands, I examined the delicate craftsmanship. "What is this?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"It's a charm that will grant you a small discount at any of our branches in the Tranquil Breeze Coast," Lady Xiao-Yun explained, stepping closer. "Consider it a token of our faith in your potential, and a symbol of our continued interest in your endeavors."

I looked up at her, feeling a sense of gratitude mixed with renewed determination. "Thank you, Lady Xiao-Yun. I'll treasure this."

As they departed, I received a notification from the Heavenly Interface.

Quest: Contract Fulfillment (Production) has been completed.

Due to your status as Interface Manipulator, your rewards will be adjusted accordingly.

One of my oddest quests so far. I wonder what it had in store for me.

You have now gained access to the feature, Binding Oath.

Binding Oath - A feature that allows cultivators to create and enforce agreements or promises through the Heavenly Interface. Upon drafting an agreement, both parties must agree to the terms. Once bound, the penalties for breaking the oath are enforced by Heaven's Will.

As the carriage disappeared into the distance, leaving behind a trail of dust, my focus shifted to the new notification from the Heavenly Interface.

The explanation sent a shiver down my spine. 'Enforced by Heaven's Will' - the phrase resonated with a sense of ominous power. I had heard tales of cultivators suffering dire consequences for breaking heavenly oaths, their cultivation bases crippled, or worse, meeting untimely ends shrouded in misfortune.

This is a scary feature! I don't think I want to use this. Unless I came across a powerful cultivator and had to twist his arm into teaching me, of course!

Despite the unsettling nature of this feature, I couldn't deny its potential usefulness. In the treacherous world of the Jianghu, where alliances were as fragile as a spider's web, and backstabbing was as common as the morning dew, a tool like this could be invaluable.

'I must use this wisely,' I resolved, storing the information in my mind. The charm from Lady Xiao-Yun, now secured in my robe's pocket, served as a reminder of the intricate web of relationships and agreements that formed the fabric of the Jianghu. And with the Binding Oath, I had a new thread to weave into that tapestry.

This story has been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report it

I navigated through the interface, marveling at the progress reflected in my status. It was astounding to see how far I had come in just a few weeks. The levels and numbers were a tangible representation of my hard-earned growth and dedication.



Interface Manipulator - Allows manipulation of the Heavenly Interface and access to special features.

Race: Human

Vitality: Sufficient


Affinity - Wood

Cultivation Rank: Mortal Realm - Rank 3

QI: Qi Initiation Stage - Rank 1

MIND: Mortal Realm - Rank 3

BODY: Mortal Realm - Rank 3


Spiritual Herbalism - 3 (...)

Nature's Attunement - 3 (...)

Reading - 8 (...)

Cultivation Techniques:

Rooted Banyan Stance - 2 (...)

Crimson Lotus Purification - 1 (...)

My Spiritual Herbalism and Nature's Attunement skills had both reached level three, a testament to my advanced classes. The advancements in these skills had been instrumental in my journey, enhancing my understanding of herbs and their properties, and allowing me to harmonize more effectively with the environment. Essence Extraction was becoming as natural as breathing, although the ability to extract the essence of metals still eluded me. But I feel as though there was some progress there, as minimal it may be.

Rooted Banyan Stance, now at level two, had become a cornerstone of my physical training. Despite only being a single level, it felt as though my understanding of the technique increased significantly. I could unleash it in quicker intervals, reducing qi usage and lag between offense and defense. Along with it, my Body Refinement had reached level three.

Reading, at level eight, was perhaps the most surprising. It reflected the countless hours spent poring over ancient texts, scrolls, and books. The act of reading itself was becoming more systemic to me. It felt like I didn't have trouble comprehending most subject matter, so long as I spent the time to actually read through them. It was through reading that I had expanded my understanding of alchemy, cultivation techniques, and the lore of the Jianghu. At this rate, I'd finish consuming the entirety of the sect's library! With the help of the Memory Palace technique, all I'd need to do was skim through the book to recall it's details, and then mull over it within my mind to actually understand the book's contents. I'd never be bored, even if I were to get locked in a cell for several months.

As I scrolled through my achievements, a thought struck me. Despite having learned and utilized the Bamboo Reprisal Counter in several spars, it hadn't registered on my Interface. This discrepancy puzzled me. Was it an oversight? Or perhaps the Interface only recognized skills when they reached a certain threshold of mastery?

I reflected on the Bamboo Reprisal Counter, recalling the fluidity and precision it required. It was a technique that symbolized adaptability and resilience like a bamboo, turning an opponent's strength against them. I had managed to execute it successfully in training, but perhaps the Interface required more consistent application or a deeper understanding of the technique's underlying principles.

As I left the training grounds, my mind still mulling over the Interface and its intricacies, I made my way back to the guest quarters to pick up Windy and Tianyi. Several second-class disciples have approached me, noting down the unique qualities of the Wind Serpent, along with a myriad of questions about Windy's behavior, feeding habits, and much more. The two had become quite the celebrities within the sect, especially among the female cultivators. They adored Windy for its unique snow-white scales and beady eyes, though I had to ensure Tianyi kept a close eye on the hatchling to prevent any overzealous admirers from getting bitten.

I swear I saw Instructor Xia Ji pet Windy during one of my spars, although maybe that was merely a result of Li Na clobbering my skull onto the pavement.

The Verdant Lotus sect was teeming with life, its forests a natural habitat for Windy to roam and hunt. Since Elder Zhu had given permission, Windy now had full freedom to explore and hunt in the forests. It was fascinating to see how well the hatchling adapted to its surroundings, blending effortlessly despite its stark white scales.

I noticed how Windy had grown significantly in the past weeks. It was now half the size of my forearm, denser and heavier with each passing day. The moment was fast approaching when Windy would shed its skin for the first time, revealing its gender. The anticipation was exciting, yet another milestone in our journey together.

I picked up Windy, feeling its weight in my hand. "You're getting heavy, little one," I chuckled, as it coiled around my arm with ease. Tianyi, ever the graceful companion, fluttered onto my other shoulder, her wings softly brushing against my cheek.

The forest, with its lush greenery and serene ambiance, was the perfect playground for Windy. As we reached the edge of the woods, I let Windy down, watching as it slithered into the underbrush, its white scales glinting in the dappled moonlight.

"Be careful, and don't go too far," I called out, knowing Tianyi would keep a watchful eye.

The forest around me was alive with the gentle sounds of nature the rustling of leaves, the distant hooting of an owl, and the soft rustle of Windy making its way through the underbrush. I stood there for a moment, letting the tranquility of the night wash over me.

My wager with the Silent Moon sect was in three days time.

I couldn't help but reflect on how my thoughts on cultivation had subtly changed ever since I started my training regime here in the Verdant Lotus sect. The feeling of improving and refining oneself was addicting, and I began to relish it. There was something incredibly satisfying about pushing my limits, feeling my body and mind grow stronger with each passing day.

I walked back to the clearing, where I had set up my training routine for the night. Reaching into my pack, I pulled out a sturdy bag that could be filled with rocks a makeshift weight to add resistance to my exercises. Courtesy of Li Na's careful instruction, I learned how to make my own bag from canvas and bamboo string. Carefully, I placed the bag on the ground and adjusted the straps, ensuring it was secure.

As I lifted the bag and placed it onto my back, I felt the weight press down on me, a physical reminder of the challenges I faced. But instead of feeling burdened, I felt motivated. Every rep, every push-up was a step towards becoming stronger, towards reaching my full potential.

I got into position for knuckle push-ups, feeling the rough ground beneath my hands. As I began my reps, my thoughts drifted back to the sparring sessions with Li Na and Han Wei. Despite growing stronger, I couldn't derive enjoyment or pleasure from sparring. Fighting hurt, and even when I landed a strike or counter, it didn't fill me with pride.

Deep down, I was thankful I'd never have to wield a blade. I couldn't imagine slicing through someone with a sword, or in someone like Feng Wu's case, a bladed fan. The thought made me nauseous.

"Am I just a coward?" I muttered to myself, pushing through another rep. Despite Li Na and Han Wei's reassurances that I wasn't hurting them, and the dangers of holding back too much during a spar, I couldn't shake off the feeling. My childhood dreams of beating up young masters seemed so naive now, so far removed from the reality of what fighting truly entailed.

I paused for a moment, catching my breath. The reality was that I much preferred the disciplined process of cultivation and the inner growth that it brought. It was about more than just physical strength; it was about self-discovery, understanding one's limitations, and learning to overcome them.

As I continued my push-ups, the weight on my back felt lighter, not physically but mentally. I think that acknowledging my reluctance to harm others wasn't a sign of weakness but of empathy. It didn't make me less of a cultivator; it simply meant that my path was different.

The moon hung high in the sky, its light casting long shadows across the clearing. I pushed on, each rep bringing a sense of clarity and purpose. I was not the same person who entered the Verdant Lotus sect; I was evolving, growing in ways I hadn't imagined.

Continuing my routine, my thoughts drifted to Gentle Wind Village and how my friends would react to my transformation. The children back home would idolize me, and I'd have them call me 'Supreme Celestial Sovereign of the Eternal Dragon Realm'. I imagined the look of surprise on Wang Jun's face when he realized I could now easily outwrestle him. Probably. I'd probably run circles around Elder Ming too. The thought brought a grin to my face.

But more importantly, I wanted to show Elder Ming that I could cultivate on my own without suffering from Qi Deviation. I could almost hear his stern voice cautioning me, yet I knew deep down, he'd be proud. These little thoughts, these snippets of my past, served as fuel, pushing me to strive harder, to become someone they all would be proud of.

In between sets, I began to yell out quotes from my favorite tales, the words echoing through the clearing and blending with the night's chorus. "In the face of adversity, the courageous heart will prevail...!" I gritted, feeling a surge of energy with each word.

I filled the bag with more rocks, adjusting the weight to push my limits further. The added resistance made each rep more challenging, but it also made me stronger. I was not just training my body; I was training my will, my resolve. Another aspect of my training necessary to evolve my Essence Extraction skill.

I settled the bag more firmly on my back, feeling the weight press down on me. "A cultivator's journey is fraught with hardship, but it is through hardship that the spirit is tempered!" I continued, my voice growing louder, more confident.

I started another set of push-ups, my arms burning with effort, but I didn't let up. With each push, I imagined overcoming another obstacle, another challenge on my path. The pain, the exhaustion, it was all part of the journey, a testament to my commitment to grow and evolve.

"Like the phoenix, I will rise from the ashes, stronger and more determined!" I yelled, pushing through the fatigue. The night was my witness, the stars my audience. I wasn't just training my body; I was forging my spirit, molding it into something unbreakable.

Once I learned to strengthen my will, Essence Extraction on metal would be as easy as making pork buns!

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