Bow and Arrow

Chapter 2 — Living the Life

Living The Life


"They say that life is to be happy, they say that going to school will bring your future forwards, that you need to study so that when you grow up you'll be able to help mommy and daddy, they say that you have to depend on yourself and form your own family to make your mom and dad happier. Well, I say, I grew up to be used. If it was a casual meeting, I would have to be there, standing like the trophy they got by 'suffering so much pain' and continue talking towards others in comparison between their kid and me, talking out loud as if I'm ignorant and stupid and when I open up my mouth, they snap at it. Crook their heads, fake a gaze in wonder, put a smile with eyes of 'keep talking'; then snap out again and yell until I'm entirely drowning, while my ears are buzzing because of my eyes got blurry or maybe my eyes got blurry because my ears felt like howling..." by this point he makes an ugly and then he kindly asks: ""ell, so, does this answers your 'when you were little, what did you wanted to be when you grow up?' beautiful, wonderful question?"

He smiles again, yet it seems to be playful and slightly provocative. Just rude and childish.

At this point, the supervisor already had a half-relaxed, half-stiff face which was complemented by a face full blankness, eyes big but relatively calm with clear dissonance reflecting between them and cheeks sunken thanks to the jaw being drawn way too much down below the appropriate position.

The supervisor's position in the chair was quite comical, were there to be another person looking right from above the seat, then one would surely think that the person sitting on the chair was having a 'moment' while working. And it would result in an even more ridiculous image when taking into consideration there's quite the elegantly dressed yet ugly looking man with an uncomfortable aura sitting right in front from the supervisor, a little more than half a meter away from the supervisor.

"I-... in any way, I don't think you should talk to your superiors like that, or your adul-" While the supervisor was clearly getting heated up from embarrassment yet still trying to talk nicely towards such a headstrong, rude person, it happened.


 The muffled sound caused by the countless papers, books and probably even lunch being rocketed against the table was heard as sudden as one can open ones own eyes by reflex.

This time, the supervisor's face was no longer that of a matured person, or an experienced and foolishly overbearing supervisor, much less so of that of a man. His eyes opened wide, as if to express for anyone who saw him to see how immensely scared and frightened he was.

After that of almost a minute of utter silence, the supervisor started to gain color in his previously paled face; now rosy. He once again felt extreme embarrassment but the only thought of survival he had was to reject this crazy lunatic and then take a nice long day relaxing time at a 'flower' house.

He was about to calmly conduct his master plan peacefully and without angering the big bosses, however, the heavens are not just and righteous. The door opened in force, and coming in were 4 uniformed guards with bestial-like expressions ready to do some damage, very timely. And after scrutinizing the room for 5 seconds, they looked at the elegantly dressed bizarre looking man.

They looked directly at him, and when they looked at him, he looked at them. When they looked at each other, they all slowly turned their bodies to a direct face off against each other. But, as always, the heavens are but just and righteous, so when the war was about to erupt, an agonizing and in-the-known fearful cry resounded.

"STOOOOOP!! PLEASE, JUST, PLE- eeheeh keawk-"

Coughing sounds could be used when one wanted to interrupt a conversation, besides the obvious reasons of why would one cough alright, but for now it really seemed to work 'as intended'.

A slim, languid looking middle-aged man was very tiredly dragging his body leaned on the wall towards the room where shit was about to go a bit way too down. Once he got there he couldn't help but want to scream to the idiots who almost completely got them in unimaginable trouble, the elegantly ugly man was an asshole alright, but they all needed to still be able to work tomorrow! But all he could do was to anxiously and desperately make signs with his hands, opening his mouth wide and with eyes squinted full of sweat around his forehead.

. . .


Getting out of the huge building, looking like an expert craftsman who just finished his masterpiece, the elegant-bizarre looking man walked ever so slowly towards his modest home. With two hateful, reproachful glares glued to his back. And another four that were somewhat like looking at their brother-in-arms getting his medal and going back home.



At the front of his modest apartment.

'Well, I got all interviews fucked up and quite a reputation in the process. I must confess I'm impressed and proud of myself, oh oh.' The elegantly ugly man self-derisively and childishly thought to himself, not caring at all for how delusional his thoughts, words and ideas were.

In the way towards his apartment, he saw a commotion, many people -females mostly- were all gathered to what seemed to be... his door.

'Oh no...'

At that moment, the circle semi-opened and the incredible handsome face of a grown 28 years old man was shown looking around, until the elegantly ugly man was in the range of his search. Once the handsome man spotted him, his face changed somewhat towards that of 'oh yes, I found you'.

He now remembered, a week after the agreement between him and that mom of his she called with a brand new delivered ultimate generation cellphone, to ask for his measures to which he answered 'the same as always'.

Vagueness was met with silence for 10 days until the 11th day, when he suddenly got a package containing colors that he doesn't disliked to wear. Something utterly strange taking into consideration his obvious stoic and non-committal personality. Without wondering too much he casually wore it, and it made him see that he still looked... human. 

2 weeks and 5 days have already been forgotten in time, as the selective day to go out to a new place for more than an hour came today. Or rather, tomorrow.

"Hey! Hey, brodd-brrr-" The handsome man looked around himself and found all the girls surrounding him were still wolf-like staring at him in wonder, he changed his tone incredibly fast before saying: " Hey! Finally we are meeting, how are you?"

The elegantly ugly man simply ignored him and continued moving towards his door. While was moving, all the girls thought that another "real man" has arrived, and a friend of the handsome man at that! But when they saw that though incredible well-dressed, it was actually an ugly bastard; they became quite disappointed.

His appearance was closer to a movie beggar than an actual beggar, so frowning in disgust and alertness, they moved away until he was about to reach his door. It was there, ready for him to cover himself up forever again; if possible. He looked back to signal to his "brrr-hey!" to follow him in if he wanted to talk, but when he regained his vision on the door, what appeared instead were too very well formed small-mountainous proud creations of heaven... loose. 

"Hey, this is that tasty handsome man's territory, are you trying to commit a robbery? You filthy shit smelling piece of rat."

He froze for half a second with his head still lowered while his chin was 2 inches away from the heavens' wonders. He unhesitatingly looked up until his face was above that woman's head and lowered his eyes to say "Why do you reek of semen?"



He then looked back, his 'brother' was foolishly smiling while glaring at her small-mountains, but when he heard those words he jerked his head back a little and grimaced with his fat pad showing.

Turning to look at his door again, he put his arm down, glued it to his body ready to push her lethal arsenal away, but then he had an epiphany, and he very deviously opened his hand in a grasp with his fingers fully extended right besides his other arm.

When he "pushed" her away, even when he didn't plant to go too far, he strangely found his fingers to enjoy the feeling of something hard on them. Unconsciously, he slowed down his speed of "pushing" her away while his snake-like fingers kept on "biting" and intertwining around it, everything was silent. 

He sobered up from the abrupt stillness and rather casually and carefree -after letting go of that little eraser he caught- made his way to his door, then once he opened it, he just wanted to look back at that "brother" of his but saw instead a fiery, resentful but unusually hot (?) gaze on him. Upon discovering it was the girl with the twin mini-pillars of heaven, he couldn't help but have his breathing slow down and gaze at her for two seconds before once again looking at the handsome man before finally entering. 

When the handsome man noticed his position, and that the door was almost closed, he dashed to the door, knowing this retarded useless little brother of his, he wouldn't open that damn door and if he were to forcefully open it... the handsome man stopped trembling after arriving at that thought and managed to put his hand amidst the closing door, getting it slammed. Then he came in after trying his best to ignore the pain.

'How embarrassing, I don't even wanna look back.' The handsome man thought.



Inside the modest apartment.

"What is it now, Lei?" Turning around somewhat lazily, the elegantly ugly man asked that "brother" of his, Lei.

"D-don't you see this?! My hand is hurt, what kind of- how come you are still childish, ah? Eh, eh wait! It's about your GT, we are getting it tomorrow, hey, HEY!"

The bizarre man just went to his room to get his towel as well as clothes for each part of the body that he just randomly found to wear. When passing from the room towards the bathroom, he looked at Lei for an instant before elevating his voice: "I'm not wearing any bullshit, you sleep in the sofa or floor, choose and just order something to eat, don't bother me and I don't bother you."

Then the elegantly ugly man calmly walked to the bathroom and slammed the door before showering sounds were heard.

Not holding his precious hand in pain anymore Lei just threw his arms down as he quietly muttered in a voice in a way he himself barely heard it: "But there is a party we both must go to, though..."

Not even a few seconds later, from the bathroom a voice was heard: "Are you serious?"

It was no longer any of the voices he usually or most commonly used, it was a dark, somber voice that felt like a devil when coming from the bathroom.

Scared, Lei could only jump and shakily respond "No, ye-yes I mean, no no, it's not like we can go, we HAVE to go, you see? Th-The family-" 

"What family?"

The same somber, yet extremely calm and indifferent voice went out of the bathroom, this time clearer and as if he was right next to him, Lei was about to go nuts.

"Listen, listen... it's a meeting about the incoming game w-w-what was it called? 'Essence something' it was, well, the Clans from around the world, well, New Earth have already had a meeting of seniors. Now some things have already been decided AND, before you think anything else, no- none of the younger generation were involved. It was all just about mingling in and... that stuff you know, politics hahahaah... so, when Mo- mom heard you needed something... that of "attending to scheduled meetings" was not just... jobs, you know?" Stuttering and a bit afraid, Lei spoke.

"It wasn't that, they were interviews, why do I feel I just heard the word meeting only now?"

A yet even slower voice was heard from the bathroom, and a dry mouthed Little Lei was harshly gulping down: "Well, thing is, she may have had changed the- I mean, a- a word in the digital contract, that's it. It doesn't inv-"

At this point Lei just stopped, he realized every thought of his went to nothing but complete utter shit with his choice of words and he knew he had already fucked up, so he let the shit smell in the room and started talking clearly.

"Listen, it's just the younger generation meeting each other in the central HQ of Crestfallen Industry's Honor Hall. We'll just be walking from person to person to greet each other... and..." Lei was doing well so far but couldn't help but start panicking when he knew that things were far for simple even for him, let alone such a cruel omnipotent-like cleverness of an individual such as the devilish voice coming from the bathroom.

As if punishing him for his failure, the devilish, somber, calm and indifferent yet now deducing-like voice sounded out: "I get it, it's just 'be on the place. Then get shit on my face and start dancing, turning into the mobile zoo of our prodigal Clan', right? Isn't just to let the young masters and young missus get their dummy butchered as a form of going against your Clan to alleviate past grievances, and also to kick me even more down to the underground from the back while they do so, isn't so? Little big smart brother? Am I right?"


. . .


 From then on there was only silence. From the afternoon, to the night where they sat on the sofa not saying a whole world all the way to eating in that sofa and watch TV until midnight, to finally going to their respective 'beds' with one of them being actually a sofa, and the other being just a resting place until the elegantly ugly man loses consciousness. 

Lei accepted it, he randomly poked at the abyss and actually got stared back at it in exchange, though he slept soundly and was peaceful after that, he still felt it could go even worst at any moment.

Just as the afternoon was full of silence, the entire night was so as well, as always in that modest apartment.

In the morning as they dressed, Lei with a pretty black suit and amazing hair looked quite like the unforgettable knight in many young and mature women's best bed friends forever.

The bizarre man instead looked like an even poorer than a poor family boy getting dressed to their first meeting with kids out of their neighborhood. And onward they left the modest apartment; one in nervousness, and excitement to meet beauties and brothers while the other in silence, as always.

As they were walking towards the front of the apartment, they saw a six-seated silver car, knowing how amazingly designed this one was, it was obvious that...

Lei was walking towards the car when suddenly felt as if that little retarded brother of his was disagreeing with him, obviously the car wasn't there the night before, and his little brother wasn't dumb: "Ah. This? I let someone to drive it back here in the morning close to where we would go out, I parked it somewhere else because... I didn't... wanted to attra-"

Face to face, the shabby clothed man produced a disagreeable brow up and the other derisively down when suddenly Lei turned around and started walking towards the car again, knowing better to not talk.

When the shabby clothed man was about to talk with his mouth open, he noticed that the woman with the small-mountainous proud heavens' creations was next to him, she wasn't standing there in an imposing manner though, her stance was relaxed and unconsciously provocative towards the shabby clothed man. He stared at her and tilted his head a little, she tilted her head somewhat as well in response and blinked innocently, twice.

"I don't buy whores."

A sudden voice came from the man she was standing for.

"Well, I don't sell myself, I do it for free."

He abruptly tilted his head a lot towards the other side and said "Listen, this 'I'm a huge whore and I can make dicks rain' method is nowhere near what my tastes are. Maybe if you are to tell that to someone like that Leitarded over there; like, that if he fingers himself right then in front of you, you'll let him do you in public. Of course, he'll only need a few minutes of convincing before you see him pointing his fingers at a new religion."

The girl: "..."

Shabby clothed man: "..."

"Then, what can work?" She asked.

"Uhm... why not be my maid? Then may-"

"Ellie." She suddenly announced her name, to him, only.

The shabby clothed man hesitated, something he hadn't done for more than a decade, only to be broken when he caught sight of a new form of life-inducing... future -the game Rising Essence-. And was now being broken once again because of a brave and courageous 'little girl', right before him.

The moment he was about to greet her back, Lei returned. Seeing the two of them, he surprisingly let out an exclamation and with an 'oh, I see' large smile he said "Hey, Be-"

But before he could continue, he got cut off by the sharp and loud bark of this little retarded brother of his, as the shabby clothed man barked: "SHUTUP!!"

Lei's large smile slowly disappeared and what replaced it was instead a reproachful and resented face. He turned around, and from the moment his smile disappeared, the shabby clothed man was looking at him in a fierce, firm and half-maddened glare. While Lei was walking back towards his large car, he said "I'll go and refill the energy, after all it's not always like you to continue the conversation with someone instead of shortening it at the fullest, so you should take it anyways."

Lei spoke so all the while the shabby clothed man was maintaining his glare. Right as Lei was about to sit properly inside his car and close the door, whose window was closed, he said: "Take care then."

All the same with the firm glare on him, Lei closed the door, then powered up the car as the shabby clothed man responded to Lei"Give me 30 minutes, after all we got 2 hours before the pre-meeting with them."

'Surely now this woman will get scared, with my barking and reaction; and with her sheltered life, her mind would wander to any possibility. And even being overtaken in any way alone is enough to make her fear trigger her useless -hence- non-efficient survival instinct. Making her panic before finally getting her away from me.'

Or so did the shabby clothed man thought. 

He turned around to look back at her but, it wasn't that he didn't see her; rather, it was that his mind had already recognized her body since not only her small-mountains where blossoming onto him in a soft, elastic feeling but the fact that he also felt her arms around his shoulder, both her hands going up his neck while her fingers were already grazing at his unusually attractive, tempting jaw, if it wasn't for a careless beard.

Her fingertips probed his tragus ever so tenderly while caressing him there, slowly. With such drawn events, he immediately stopped every natural repulsion and reject towards being close to somebody, let alone being touched.

But when he looked in her eyes, he saw for the second time in his life those eyes that could see through him, something that no one ever did, those 'Discerning Eyes'. Not only were her beautiful completely black iris with the blackest brown pupils contrasting her sclera exotically beautiful; all he could see half an inch before him, were those small looking but quite plump rosy-crimson colored lips, pure white skin and her elegant yet modest nose and straight smooth brows, making her already glassy gentle warm eyes looking at him to allow him to completely... feel her. She then extended these events by drawing a beautiful shape on her slightly pouting lips and closing them towards his. 


Then, there was the sound of a crispy noise though small incomparably loud for the two of them since it came from his lips, being partly dried, the moment the center separated it produced an enticing, irresistible call for her, to which she flicked her tongue from down to up towards the center of both his lips. Then after a brief moment of 'tasting' what just happened, he does the same, flicking the tip of his tongue from left to right once but slightly slowly; so as to 'taste' her instead. 

Afterwards both of them breathlessly, without a sound between each other, stared at one another. Around only 3 seconds later, they gave in, and still breathlessly tried to find the same sound of the crispy noise from before in a couple of small yet lasting lip under lip exchange.

'It was so strange. I... feel alive?'

The shabby clothed man took a self-sensing of his own body to see if any part felt different than when he wasn't typically injured which concluded in 'completely fine'. Then, why was he so woken up? So... real.

"Was it... yesterday your second time at garnering my attention, gi- ... Ellie?" He asked.

"Uhm, I now notice I wasn't exactly bright, but I'm glad. It felt more like a test to see if you'd like that type of woman." Ellie answered.

"It worked. Well, the part where you garnered my attention that is."

"Yes, it worked well." Ellie smiled pleasantly and joyful while listening to his rough yet slow breathing from his chest. 

The shabby clothed man pondered for a bit, then with a firm yet gentle pair of eyes he lowered his head, kissed gently her forehead and delivered a message to her right ear amidst her beautifully long smooth hair.

"Hehehe. So that was your name, hee hee I can even call you Bebe or Bobo endearingly, you know?" She reacted with her ever so resplendently smiling. Then somewhat gazed down while smirking bitterly, tilted her head and gazed at him how a wife would gaze at their departing husband, waiting for a consolation.

'Sigh...' Damning whole humanity for giving him such strong observant ability. He went with a forehead to forehead approach as they both kept on muttering to each other for a little while.

The last words from their conversation were basically "See you in a few months." And "I will, Ellie." Trying hard not to derive a forced situation between each other to the best of their capabilities. Since they were humans, how could they just live together forever as if becoming utterly perfect just by mere affection.

...At least what they have it's not dirty, but endless future.



By the time Lei came back, he had already been waiting 2 minutes.



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