Bow and Arrow

Chapter 3 — Crestfallen Industry, Central HQ

Crestfallen Industry, Central HQ




Inside the large silver car, the shabby clothed man and Lei were quietly passing time looking at their surroundings and just driving. In their way from the apartments, Lei tried multiple times to 'discreetly' inquire about him and 'Ellie'. Since the shabby clothed man naturally took his time with her then surely her false pretense of persona from the day before was exposed even to a Leitard like Elder Brother Lei. 

However, the shabby clothed man simply didn't answered back at any of his antics. After some time he instead inquired about the procedures during their 'visit' to the Crestfallen Industry's main base of operations from all over the populated Regions of humanity in New Earth. 

"What's it gonna be, are we to take a kind of tour and then get my GT?"

"Oh, no no no, 'we' it's not a thing. You see, while I'm gonna check the preparations and to see who is really attending and not attending, and even who will arrive late, you'll instead will actually take a tour around. You'll even have those couple of hours before the party starts... ah... well for you- never mind..." 

Understanding, the shabby clothed man nodded somewhat passively and rested his head on the changing-type-of seat that now allowed him to put his right leg almost at the height of the window while the rest of his body was pretty much leaned somewhat unnaturally. But was then interrupted by the just then hesitating Lei "and also, there was a call this morning right after I left you two horny dogs, for some reason you may even get to- well, meet the CEO... so..."

An instant frown formed at the shabby clothed man's uncaring face and his chest leaned forward, making his already unnaturally sitting position to become even more vulgar. He just maintained the face while looking at his driver, perhaps in contemplation of murder and rebellion against reality or maybe just speechlessness towards the almost uninformative Elder Brother that can never do anything without offending him.

Lei naturally couldn't take it, there was nothing he could do, his mother specifically told him to let them do as they pleased since they were the ones to offer such service. He was rather jealous and even though he may meet a few girls and even get to them, what does it compare to an actual 2 hours free tour on the most advanced technology through all of humanity's history?! He may even make best buddies with the CEO, or at least those that are close people to the CEO, truly a waste.

The shabby clothed man suddenly breathed a relaxed strand of air that softened his chest and hence allowed him to calmly, yet dead quietly go back towards his less vulgar but still unconventional sitting position. Preparing to close his eyes, he wouldn't forget to cover them before closing them of course, but there was nothing comfortable to use so he had to put his arm over his head to do so; which meant he wouldn't be able to put a sleepy countenance when arriving at the most distinguished and hellish of developed technologically place in the New Earth.



Arriving close to the HQ, they saw a huge electricity, energy, plasma or whatever kind of barrier it was, encompassing an area that they couldn't even calculate how long it was since they could see only fog to the extremities of their left and right with obvious signs that it wasn't the end of it. Every hundred and dozens of meters extra, there were a few outposts that seemed even better than the already extremely experienced armies defending the borders of the Regions populated by humans, and the rest of the New Earth. Obviously, they were entrances to the most acknowledged 'center of humanity'.

When they arrived at the post they were indicated to go to, they noticed that from all outposts, this one was probably the only one that was the most luxurious looking, and even the other ones that were rich-looking and full of people who they suspected to be attending the party, were far away from the uniqueness of this one. Looking at each other for but half a second in uncertainty and looking back at their front, they noticed 4 small army-like squads trotting with extraordinary formation, towards them. At least, they didn't seem angered or agitated, so they felt reassured that they were being received. Lei was still slightly nervous, everyone is when coming into contact with such insuperable gap in technology-like weapons for the first time, but also because this fact made it more obvious how great of a place it was.

"Hello! We are here to receive you, maybe, I don't know. Are you two perhaps Mr Y-"

As having suffered the day before and even this morning, Lei's eyes shined at a fast speed and in but an instant, cut off the soldier-like guard by exchanging with them his well-prepared greeting: "HELLO! Look here, this silver card is enough to prove our identities and you'll see a few important information there"

Lei flicked his nose a little before adding "You should check it."

The soldier somewhat understood, and with his eyes widening for a second he lowered his head to look at it. "Alright, seems fine, forgive me for my rudeness from before" he smiled and modestly bowed his head, a courtesy but not obligation towards the Big Clans from the New Earth that deserved their acknowledgement for leading and managing humanity without dirt nor darkness. Then he added "Please follow me, I'm afraid that if you're crossing from here, you'll get your souls sucked dry by the defenses, haha."

Unwilling to believe such a joke-like comment, Lei just stood there until the squad was already leaving them behind before sticking right to their backs. While the shabby clothed man just had the same indifferent face all this time, not even rolling his eyes he followed them at his own pace which made them have to go back or wait for him sometimes from the outside of the HQ all the way to the reception of the enormous, gigantic main building. In fact, he even almost got shot to death twice, if it wasn't because the guards there are extremely perceptive people, he would've been lying down long ago.

As for the main culprit of such unnecessary trouble? The shabby clothed man, with his indifferent face forever, never changing at all, as always. If anything, he grinned a little inside.



Once in the reception.

Somewhat sweating, but definitely worn down mentally, the 4 squads took the reception area as their oasis in the desert, quietly. There were four figures standing there, the shabby clothed man seemingly noticed that they were there for them- or rather, him. One of them was an old man, caucasian and ordinarily looking, but behind that appearance he noticed a slight trace of strictness and a good amount of decency, honesty and stern personality and a little plump but healthy. The other two were middle-aged men who were clearly at an inferior status as the old man, not only in their positions but also their character and personality, probably a short future ahead of them. Finally, the middle-aged woman on the farther right side probably at around 37 years old. She had a tall disposition, almost as tall as the shabby clothed man himself as he could easily see the glances she would set on him every 2 seconds. She had red-crimson black hair that was so long that it reached the half of her almost visible plump buttocks, a elegant-styled babydoll blood red colored dress, which easily and sensually denominated her c-cup breasts; also being temptingly perky. Needless to say, her heart shaped face and cream-white skin contrasting the dark-red colored pupils were nonetheless, the more attractive aspect of her.

One of the middle-aged men took notice of this 'beggar' and obviously knowing who he was, he still reacted contemptibly "Hey you, continue on and she'll let the guards put you down. That way you'll get to watch in a daze our magnificent shining floor, hahaHAH--" 

"I didn't thought an old ass fart like yours would want to go after such fragrant ass like hers, complete imbecile. And if she wanted to have done that then I pretty much believe she would've done it before your dick even gave you the idea to speak like that to me." Answered the shabby clothed man, coldly looking at the middle-aged man that spoke but with his stilled-indifferent face, as always.

No one, not even the old man expected such vulgarities, it felt as if they were witnessing a pair of adolescent guys getting at it... Usually they would all be blushing and asking forgiveness while then trying to talk to her to get something, only to be spoke to into a depressed berated countenance. But this 'fine' young man actually not only was unnecessarily vulgar, he as well used his verbal attack to flirt with her. Truly laughable.

Sure enough, that woman started narrowing her eyes and was looking at her left in pretended ignorance while containing her chuckles at the best of her capabilities, while the middle-aged man's face fell and his only thought was that to beat the beggar up some lots.

"My name is Robert Hegwerd, the manager of one of the branches of Crestfallen Industry, I'll explain to you the procedures for this tour of yours, ah, this-"

"Just call me you, you is fine and you is just like you. But thanks, I appreciated it."

Somewhat relieved of his newbie mistake being cleared up, and for the shabby clothed man to not act like before, Robert Hegwerd shrugged his shoulders before continuing: "So anyways, your... ah, haha Mr Lei can talk to the receptionist and receive guidance towards the list of things to do and then we can give some heads up for your party later, how about that? Haha."

He continued "As for these two and that woman there, they are Shao Yi, the man who you just 'spoke' with and the other is Gou Feng, this woman over here is called Nora Béart. One of them will be your 'tour guide', but you'll have time to ponder who to choose while we speak. Come young man, this little room over here is actually a 'recess area' of a good friend of mine..."

'He sure is experienced as hell.' Thought the shabby clothed man, before following Robert Hegwerd to the little room; of course he didn't forgot to look at Nora Béart somewhat provokingly, while she responded by raising her left eyebrow but not giving any refusal. 

'Seriously, what is it with today. I must be in fucking heat or just getting it out of my system... or whatever's left.'

He was thinking to himself aggrieved when he stepped into the 'little room' which, to his shock, was easily 250 meters large and about 60-70 meters wide. 

'What the fuck?' It really seemed like a small room, it was the only structure that wasn't adjoined to any other room and seemed to be only 7 meters wide while no more than 10 meters large from the outside.

"Oh, so he comes hehehe! Come here little buddy, let me see the looks of a genius and aura of a lead- oh my but what THE FUCK?!!?!"

While at first it seemed to be a quite agreeable aged voice, it turned into a shocked and aggrieved cries as if his long-lost son returned home from being a prisoner enduring torture that he thought was already dead. He shouted so loud that the not yet closed door was an aid to the people outside in the whole reception area to hear, causing everyone to somewhat bitterly react. Specially Nora Béart, who was once again holding her hand at her mouth, this time not bothering to hold herself though.

In the 'little room'. A few minutes passed, and speechless by this even older-looking man than Robert Hegwerd, the shabby clothed man then proceeded to ignore his antics until he was finally called back into the conversation.

"So you are- ehem, it's you I see." The shabby clothed man just smiled kindly, and knowingly, the even older man added: "What are my manners, ehem, excuse me. I'm Kleus Shark, the big bad 'CEO' of all good shit technology from this Crestfallen Industry, and I'm here to make a lot of inquiries to one of the most amazing test results spec- ehem, student we ever had in our damn research through humanity. Come come, you, old Hegwerd, go prepare us some tea while I talk to this young man here, go on go on."

Robert Hegwerd, somewhat helpless only berated back after a while: "Fuck off, wrinkled ass; we are supposed to be the ones to talk to him then let him go around the place, don't go abducting kids again, or else you'll cause a commotion again you butter brained fucker."

'Okay, I'm out. Mode braindead activated, I won't even flinch unless they talk to me directly.'

After 10 damn minutes of waiting from beinf forced to listen those oldies bark at each other, he decided to test the proverb "Okay, let's fight, I'll take Kleus Shark's side and Robert Hegwerd can fight us both, I'm immensely weak and this is only a poor old man so there is no disparity between ourselves too much." and sure enough, it worked.

"Ahh, forget it, let's just talk. Cindy!!! Come serve this young master- no, young noble here. I'm talking about tea, don't worry. Hehe."

"Mn, I concord with Shark here, and the tea as well, Cindy's tea gets better every time I come back here."

Agreeing with stern nods and a knowledgeable demeanor, the three weird as hell people seated down to talk, finally in peace.

"So? What is this about, if I may be frank uh... what changed this morning." he paused for a second to ponder and then added "And what was that student tests thing coming from? Oh, and about the tour, I'm fine with it, I'm just gonna accept Ms Nora Béart's guidance, though."

"Hmph, of course you will. Younglings these days, ah." Robert Hegwerd sighed.

"Tsk, tsk. Whatever, whatever. What's important is the tests results we got from you when you were about 10 or 11, do you remember?" Said Kleus Shark, somewhat annoyed by the attitude of this Hegwerd dog.

"Aaaah, are you referring perhaps about the silver-card level of authorization required to partake in the test about implanting nanobots to scan our whole body and even the person's being for 12 days, then once the time limit is over, to take them out for analysis? Yes, I remember. I didn't thought it was for so much or too much big of a deal, though." Said a shabby clothed man, not sarcastically at all.

"Exactly, we confirmed them -after quite the years- to not have the slightest amount of error or glitch and the kind. A being with comprehension high enough to even 'comprehend the heavens' hehe, higher than no oth-"

He was cut off by a polite voice, the shabby clothed man's: "Please, just get to the point. I'm in no position whatsoever to be of worth, just tell me what you need from me, and I'll see whether or not I can help."

Kleus Shark stopped momentarily before speaking again "Basically, young noble, we just need your help when it comes to delivering and developing the next GT coming for the future, in the best terms of settings and comfort. Would you agree? Pay is high, very high. You won't depend from anyone ever again, if I may say so." He said at the end with a contemplative and suggestive gestured face.

The shabby clothed man lowered his head at the end of his speech, thinking more about not caring about the money, but if he's going to, then to at least 'let go' of everything without being held onto by, from anything.


Next, there were many tests in which the old farts left him alone with the blonde, black eyed 15 years old looking, innocent girl. Because the tests where about getting not only measurements for future developments and possible new ideas, but also to take samples of his corporeal body -without fat- integration. Even more so for his veins, blood vessels, arteries, tendons and etc. The most troubling part was the main reason they didn't let anyone else but the only female do it... there was a need of reaction and after-party for when an erection is formed and 'made use of'. 

A 23 year old useless neet, a 15 year old innocent future research expert. How very easy to understand the thoughts of those old farts. Honey trap! But it seemed that the girl didn't even know what was going on, so he told her "Hey, just... I'll 'do it' myself ok? So just watch- wait, ah"

He realized that his choice of words would scare her, but in any way, she instead looked curiously and nervously yet excited at him, responding with: "No, but now I want to see it... in action, too."

She blushed when uttering those words and still looking at the shabby clothed man directly in the eye.

With a blank face and wide eyes, the no-longer shabby clothed man could only ask himself, what is life?

'Here goes nothing.'

At the moment he was about to start a shameful 'show', he heard a slightly loud 'ah!' coming from her and realized she was signaling him to stop. "What now? You should just leave for no- oh." 

As he was talking, he realized he couldn't move. The necessary procedure was to be completely installed with many incredible looking shiny and metal thingies. He. Couldn't. Move.



"I'll do it then" And then she blushed so much she looked like she was about to turn into a strawberry, cute.

Having decided for both of them, the no-longer shabby clothed man closed his eyes for 3 seconds; afterwards, in determination, he opened them before abruptly stiffening his whole body. As he realized that it not only felt extremely different from his already known 'self-disciplined' moments, it was no longer a difference in softness alone and size of the hand, he knew what was going on when he realized that 'that' strange feeling was... moisture. 

He looked down to what seemed to be a strawberry with golden colored leafs sucking on to a thick piece of bread. She was with her eyes closed, and when he looked at her, she somewhat took notice of it and looked up at him. For a second there was pure terror in her eyes, but afterwards, it transformed into glassy-longing eyes that stood out the most, and beautifully. She seemingly took a trace of relaxed air from around into her nostrils and while he still had a speechless face, she gulped down her own saliva so as to not choke, and began 'exercising' suction from within inside her mouth, since she was already quite deep into the 'not complete' piece of bread, she only had to move a little. An obvious help for her to realize her duty while being completely inexperienced. After some minutes, the now confused Cindy as to why she was taking her time and not wishing for him to end, it finally arrived.

"Huff huff huff huuufff ghaaa." After his bombardment was done, he went on to look at Cindy. But she wasn't breathless, only slightly narrowing here eyes which strangely now turned azure-lake like green eyes that were also a little red, looking straight at the now 'complete' bread much, much more sized than before when she first saw it. And much more than she thought it would be once out of her mouth from her estimations. Which was also pointing right at the middle of her nose.

No talking.

"R-ready for the second test?" She asked somewhat timidly.

"There's another one?!" He shouted, wide eyed and with an aggravated but euphoric face.

"Well, just one more. But for the sure, all procedures are taken at least one full extra time, repeating it... if you wan-"

"Continue." He commanded.

Happily inside, she resumed her extraordinary discovery and 45 minutes passed, ever so fast...



"Well, then" with two large smiles plastered on their two old damn faces, Robert Hegwerd added: "Now that we, excuse me, you are 'done'. How about that tour? You can take Ms Nora Béart with you, I've already informed her anyways." 

'Devils. A devil's smile in each of them. Motherfuckers!'

"Aight, see you whenever dear senior citizens." He looked back at Cindy: "I'll contact you afterwards, if you need me or something just tell."

Cindy just wide-eyed and totally shy-anxiously waved her hands in panic, she is in front of her grandfather, what was he doing?!... anyways since he so kindly talked to her as a goodbye -for now- she answered back: "Y-y-yeah, I'll see you in Rising Essence too."

But when mentioning "Essence" she once again transformed into a beautiful strawberry.

'For fuck's sake, so cute.' The shabby clothed man frowned in disguise and looked towards Robert: "Alright then, see you soon grandpa."

He dashed away as silently as possible. Not being able to see the almost about to lose consciousness little strawberry.


'What a headache, what a headache, what a headache.'

Arriving at the reception area where the only solitary figure was standing in waiting for him, he suddenly had an epiphany: 'Surely, I'll die of an exhaustion today, right?... Or maybe is the calm before the storm.'

His eyes suddenly turned cold, his demeanor entirely different from any he had shown today in the Central HQ. And it instantly attracted Nora Béart's eyes.




Author's note: Are you guys tired of not knowing the MC name? I know is tiring. I know things have gone crazy up erotically, but this isn't a sudden jolt kind of thought. I assure you. Ok, I've fixed the first few chapters now, phew~.

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