Bow and Arrow

SS 22 — Wolf Cubs And Conventional Wifeys

Wolf Cubs And Conventional Wifeys




New Earth, Yun Beishang's bedroom, 140th year of the Lineage Era.


"Push! Push!! YES! Keep goooiing~!!" ID Silha aka Long Zi, with her overall azure hair, eyes and even the monstrously big aura that was surrounding her right now as she helped Zyv and let the poor woman hold her hand strongly while Jones Selva was on the right of Zyv and also giving her hand for Zyv to hold. As Long Zi shouted, Zyv's exhausted, sweaty body began feeling some relief once again, as the sensation of 'coming out' overwhelmed her once again.

"AAAAAAH!!!!" Zyv tried keeping it quiet, but the moment the last one was coming out, her entire body was enshrouded by pain that forced a scream out of her lips, her eyebrows still knit tightly and in pain with her face enlarging as she opened her mouth wide agape to scream, all while the last baby was being sent out of her belly.

“Yiyyaaaaaaaa!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~!!!” From the room next door, as if Zyv’s scream had barely reached the other room’s space, the babies in question screamed out loudly, began crying and seemingly in a search to find their mommy.

“Aaah, huaff…” Zyv’s whole body suddenly relaxed, found strange by Long Zi and Jones Selva even after so many decades of belonging to the Peaceful Rain Household. Selva went over with her flawless, cute small face towards Zyv’s field of vision and with her long brownish-chestnut hair cascading over the sheets covering Zyv’s body.

“Zyv, do you need anything? A warmer blanket, a few hugs?” Zyv was still panting as she felt herself become fully recomposed, her paled skin regaining color of her angelic, immortal-like fairy skin and her eyes gaining vigor all at the same time. Zyv looked at Selva with tired eyes that slowly regained vigor before muttering under her breath, “I should’ve listened to Mother more…”

“Hm? What was that, Zyv? Zyv, is there an-” Selva said, her cute face frowning as she tilted her head a bit to the left, but Zyv’s eyes suddenly opened just as a nurse was carrying the crying baby away and was about to step through the door. “No! Hey, wait! Wait right there!”

“Please stop for a moment, ah, let me bring him back to her Mother you go and…bring the others as well!” Selva carried her brown eyes over to where Zyv was pointing with her eyes, flurrying over with a series of steps and taking the seemingly calming down baby in the nurse’s hands. The bulky lady was wide eyed and confounded but, once she heard a command, she saw herself to it with a light response. “Yes, Ma’am.”

Walking away, the nurse’s back was seen by Selva, who then looked back at Zyv in mild confusion. Zyv, on the other hand, looked restless as she extended her hands towards Selva. Or more specifically, towards her own baby in Selva’s hands, her voice anxious, for once. “Here, gimme gimme. Let me see him!”

Not necessarily shouting, Zyv appeared 3 parts cute, 3 parts dumb, 3 parts a bit desperate and 1 part pitiful. Selva hurried back with a flurry of steps while Long Zi looked towards the door where more than a dozen nurses began coming right in with a baby in their arms.

“My baby…my baby~~!” As soon as Zyv got her baby from Selva’s hands, letting Selva still hold on to his back, she held Selva’s arms and her baby son’s mantle covering him. Seeing his face, though, she suddenly said as red began painting her nose and part of her cheeks. The baby in question, however, had fluffy wolf ears and notable fangs without any other teeth coming out from his newborn gums, and all he saw was a ceiling that was kinda comforting; before suddenly and just so out of nowhere, a huge beautiful and unique face appeared right above him.

Feeling the need to touch that face, the need to feel the face’s warmth, the baby that didn’t even really understood what he was seeing and what he wanted, let alone what he was doing; slowly extended his hands upwards.

“Mm? I feel something, it’s moving, it is…gasp!” Selva said while Zyv was dumbfounded looking at her son already liking her mommy so much! But hearing Selva’s words, she turned a little bit towards her, Selva was shocked as she stuttered. “Wagging! It’s wagging?! I think it’s a tail! But how? It wasn’t there before, did they grow up just now? Ah? It suddenly stopped…”

Zyv herself was also damn confused, for all she knew, some retain their wolf features when being born, some others can only transform or at least have them after reaching a certain level of their own and on their Clan’s technique. Nothing that Selva said was making sense according to those records of her Clan and knowledge of herself.

As such, Zyv seemed to have thought of something as she returned her eyes to her baby son, then back to Selva, then back to her baby son, then to Long Zi, then to her baby son; all over and over again. “Ah! It’s there! It’s there again! Wagging, the ‘tail’ it’s wagging! It’s gone! What? It’s gon- ah! It’s there again… Oh, it went away again!... Ah, it’s back! …Gone! …There! …Wagging once more, I’m confused… It’s back, hehe, it feels so fluffy under the mantle but so strong as well…it’s back!”

While Zyv was experimenting, Long Zi looked at Selva indifferent but blinking a ton, and Selva herself was becoming all the more ecstatic and marveled at the incredibly new possibilities. Along with the babies being carried into the bedroom, Yun Beishang himself also finally entered the bedroom too. Seeing all the babies go back into his bedroom, he naturally wondered why they were being brought back…

Step, step! Step-!?

“Ah, Yun Beishang, come! Come quickly! Look at them, ehehehe~!!” As soon as he walked straight up into the room with quick, successive steps, Yun Beishang saw his dear little- no, big wolf cub surrounded by a ton of babies that…had furred ears and a wolf’s tail!

Their fur was pretty eye-catching but somehow lowkey and easy to escape one’s radar, just like Yun Beishang’s personality and whole self. They were of a dark, very obscure, powerful violet color that had a silvery brilliance which was hard not to notice, glowing off from the fur as if it was a type of protective aura; but a beautiful one.

Thankfully, however, it wasn’t their skin replaced by mostly fur and them having a humanoid body structure; also, he noticed that most babies were girls, that was a good thing!

“...??” However, as Yun Beishang looked at the babies actually moving around and even jumping and starting to play with each other with bites and grabs, Yun Beishang noticed a few that suddenly glowed a strong silvery shine with a powerful violet in the middle of that shining blaze. In the next moment, those few children became little wolf pups.

“Hehehe, aren’t they amazing? I told you to expect something wild!!” Yun Beishang was crazed alright, his pups- wait no, his children could already do what their Mother could, and that was with her being the most promising star of the entire Eternal Silver Clan’s history? But, now that he thought about it, with his Unparalleled Bloodline and her Eternal Silver Bloodline, it seemed normal that the latter would become ultra enhanced.

Hence, Zyv should’ve become someone even greater than the Eternal Silver Clan thought her to be in the past. If they were to check Zyv’s potential and future prospects from her talents alone, they might or might not be shocked to their utter core, shell and fur.

“Ow,” but instead of feeling even a tiny iota of disgusting aversion towards these furred eared and with tail children of his or the ones who directly transformed into their Wolf Form; Yun Beishang picked up a couple of those pups and brought them up above his nose.

When Yun Beishang closed in towards them, the pups all suddenly stopped biting, grabbing, jumping around and flattering their Mother by rubbing their heads on her arms and her very own head as well. They all stopped and became as if petrified, before their noses, as if incredulous, began sniffing the air lots and lots of times before they all suddenly gazed at Yun Beishang.

Throughout all of this, Zyv remained quiet and merely looked at him with her big sky-blue eyes glowing white as it is habitual when it came to being with him. Then, just as Yun Beishang was looking directly into his pups’ sky-blue broken-glass eyes, he felt danger. Just as his nose was being licked, abashedly and cutely by the wolf pups, Yun Beishang’s senses caught another 13 of such pups that all transformed in their way towards him lunge at himself!

Step! Fwooosh, swish swish swish swish…!!

With a strong step from his left foot, he placed his left leg stably on the ground in order to rotate his body and avoid the calamity, the pups in his hands were trying to send themselves straight into his face though, which clouded his mind and distracted him.

“Woooooooooooooooooooh~!!!” But that was enough, and with a little female wolf pup howling over to the other wolf pups, stopping in the run and proudly showing daddy what was up, then resuming her run with a tongue dancing in the air and a dumb-cute as fuck face; Yun Beishang was tackled down y the wolf pups that didn’t even smell of blood or so from being born.

“Aagh- aghahaha, neh! Aahh…kguahha…oh you, you little devil- come here! …aaughkk…pfft! Bwahha, no- eh eh, ey…” In a moment, Yun Beishang was defeated by the wolf pups, soft bites were used against his body, especially on his ribs and the sides of thighs that gave Yun Beishang tons of tickles.

His ears and back of his hands were also constantly bitten, while his face, palms and even hair was instead licked by the wolf pup pack. And though Yun Beishang couldn’t see her, with his senses, he could tell that Zyv was even clapping her hands, joyfully tearing from her eyes as Long Zi had a nice, natural smile on her little lips and Selva looked on a bit envious; she wanted to play as well, but those were her husband’s children and not actual…pets. Still wanted to play with the children, though.

“Wooooooouuuhh~!!” Finally, as Yun Beishang the Daddy was with his back heavy against the floor, a wolf pup sitting on each part of his body except the crotch that they instinctively avoided. The howl from a snout that was small yet that Yun Beishang recognized as the one always biting his talons, his popliteal fossa and the nook of his arms; as she made her way towards him.

Being at his feet, the little female wolf pup, leader of the wolf pup pack, walked from his right leg to the right side of his waist with her head semi-high, remaining humble all the way. His torso was walked on, by those fluffy, powerful paws, and just as the wolf pups on his chest were making way, so did the wolf pups who prioritized licking and biting his face.

Just as Yun Beishang was mentally praising his oldest daughter with Zyv, she appeared in his eyes with her fluffy violet fur and powerful violet eyes, as they then became sky-blue and glowed a powerful violet with each paw she moved forwards more and more. ‘Well, you are indeed even more different than the rest of your younger siblings, Antara…Mmm- mn! Yun Antara.’

While Yun Antara didn’t know of her father naming her, she, in turn, shocketh Yun Beishang by speaking right into his mind.

Daddy, we are your sons and daughters! Are you proud?

“...” Yun Beishang was shocketh, Zyv was with her mouth wide agape, Selva and Long Zi tilted their heads cutely, colliding at the same time with Zyv’s. While Yun Antara, on the other hand, sat on Yun Beishang’s neck and wagged her fluffy tail only inferior in fluff to a fox in winter. Left-right, left-right, left and…right…

“...Mn, I am proud.” Standing up, slowly and without making any sudden motions, for fear that they might fall from his body, which would’ve been fine since he could just help them levitate; basically. Yun Beishang hugged Yun Antara and five other wolf pups in his arms as he crossed them over his chest, the pups all looking up at him with tenderness as they became not shy but slightly drowsy already.

Yun Beishang’s few words spoken in a short breath, though brief; they were like the warmth accompanying them through an eternal winter. A stability of emotions in the middle of the coldest, rainy nights, and the hug that the other wolf pups clinging on him or sitting on his shoes could directly feel at the moment but only the warmth coming from his body instead.

And his tone; his tone was quiet, noncommittal even and very too casual. But once again, in their fluffy ears, it became a most wondrous sound that always looked up for them, to guide them and protect them.

“Woo! Woo!” - “Weeuuuu~~!!!” - “Awoooooooo~~...” - “Awooooo!” - “Awooooo!” - “Awooooooo~!!!” - “Woo, wooo woo.” Letting her siblings go wild for a bit, Yun Antara only stopped them once they were about to go back to their Mother’s embrace, letting out short, quiet calls that immediately shut every other wolf pup right away.

Rustle, crank~~.

Yun Beishang fell on his bum on the bed, making sure not one of his pups was smashed with each of them being at his front body, either embraced by his arms, seated on his shoulders, clinging on his shirt and pants or sitting on his shoes.

Then, slowly and under Zyv’s addicted gaze deadly set on him, he fell with his back against the bed, his shoes taken off by Long Zi and Selva as the wolf pups left his clothes— partially —to join their father and mother to lay on bed. Though, mostly, they laid on their bodies as they were warmed and, more than all; they were their parents.

Like this, with each of them having seven of their fifteen wolf pups all over their bodies, calmly becoming sleepy at last and with Yun Antara having Yun Beishang’s solar plexus all for herself as she slept like a fox with her tail used as a blanket on her tummy. Long Zi joined Zyv’s side and hugged her to sleep, Yun Beishang was too far away after all; though it was just one Zyv away.

On the right of the bed, Selva comfortably took Yun Beishang’s right side and slept with her head on his chest. Which, only when Yun Antara saw that her Daddy didn’t mind did she stop giving the ‘not her Mother’ woman a ‘quiet’ glance’. Though feeling the ‘threat¡ from the incredible little, tiny female wolf pup leader of the pack, she merely smiled at the sweet, sweet murderous thing; awww.

A deep, incredibly comfortable and warm night…was spent like such. The large birthing of fifteen of their kids exhausted Zyv a lot, for as she became less active the next few days. Though, also, it might have been due to becoming a mother… Except when in bed, things were still overly naughty and playful in the talks about life.

. . .


One night, days and days after the birth of Zyv and Yun Beishang’s powerful pups. In Long Zi’s bedroom.


On a little someone’s main bed, Yun Beishang was yet again with his back against the bed, he had his hands on the back of his head and his cock filling up that someone’s pussy like there was no tomorrow. The belly of the person in question was damn good-feeling, it entrapped Yun Beishang’s phallus so well that it even turned the bulge in her tummy into an already known occurrence between the rest of her body.

On the other hand, the reason for tonight’s meeting about talking ‘bout life was for a very similar occurrence of a belly bulging, just not with the same method. Right now, as Long Zi impaled herself over and over again, her mound of venus protruding excitingly and sweetly showing off to Yun Beishang how puffy and meaty it is. Selva was on the side with her elbows on the bed and her belly against the bed; her snatch, however, was deadly liquefied from all the water that her pussy lips were drowning in.

“Ah, help me, please!!!” Desperate, Long Zi asked Selva, who in return gently stood up and knelt on the bed, lowered her head and went over to take the phallus out of her entrance to her womb. Directly, gushing semen streamed the fuck out of her pussy lips and danced about, while Selva was hypnotized, her right hand didn’t forget to ‘help’ Long Zi who suddenly became docile and so warm.


“AAAAAHHH~~~💓💓💓!!!!! Harder, harder, harder💓 please💓💓, HARDER!!!!” Selva’s hands were already going hard at her, slapping her coochie like there was no tomorrow, making Yun Beishang’s glans go from her quite full and mushy mound of venus to her entrance, letting the glans enter it for a fleeting moment before pulling it back from where it came from exactly in the same way.

Her voice becoming hoarser and hoarser as she held her eyes closed with her pinkies and those sides of her hands, Long Zi began crazily shaking, convulsing from her hips to her thighs without humane reactions. Her last, utmost hoarse screech brought about a ton of her heavenly water that even made Selva part her lips as she looked on; longingly.

“...Is it my turn?” Only when she saw Long Zi breath evenly did the gentle and obedient of Yun Beishang asked the smaller chested, azure haired and eyed beauty. Long Zi, the latter’s flat, flaccid and limp body sweating buckets with her back on Yun Beishang’s shins looked with her head down at Selva who was still kneeling and looking at her pitifully.

“All yours.” Gestured Long Zi with her right hand. She was about to make an effort, an attempt, to move away from Selva’s pleasure turn…but Selva instead sat on top of her and directly impaled herself in a cowgirl position. Letting Long Zi look at her pretty little pussy surrounded by goldish cream colored skin eating down that phallus that was as hard as when Long Zi barely began to take him on and before all those 7 impregnation loads of cum Yun Beishang fucked her with.

“...?! !” At the same time, when the pussy gloated and fell flatly on his balls with her clit charging on against their fleshy, thick selves. Long Zi saw her anus blink, blink at her. So provocatively, so shluttily…so deliciously.

‘I…want to have…you.’ While such were Long Zi’s thoughts, it was even before they finished that, without her body nor brain’s knowledge, she had already started to brutalize that wrinkly asshole for her pleasure with her tongue thrusting in, making out with it and even nudging it with her whole nose, mostly starting with the tip of her nose before starting to sink it in.

“Aaah💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓…” All Selva did, though, instead of terrifying Long Zi from doing just this, was to moan slightly out loud with her snatch slowly eating down and spitting out covered in ‘her’ saliva - so that Long Zi could eat her anus out and make love to it with all of her face.

And…maybe not right away, maybe not tonight…but Selva will definitely pay her back. And what started as a little something in bed…would become their daily naughty life and even more pleasant marital life with their husband besides their lesbian love for each other from thereon; quite a love story in a sense.

On the other hand, without anyone’s notice since Selva was too busy feeling his cock and Long Zi’s tongue making a home of its own with her anus to notice his expression; that Yun Beishang grinned satisfactorily. ‘Another two, what a good pair of my wifeys.’


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