Bow and Arrow

SS 23 — Selina, My Selina

Selina, My Selina




New Earth, in the main entrance of the main building of the Peaceful Rain Household, on a late evening where the sun was already gone.


Right at the entrance, within the main building, a couple hundred beauties and even some old fellows like Fusi, Kamagichi and some of the women's fathers that are now grandpas. Maids, Madams; basically all wives, were whispering between each other as they seemed to wait for something, that something making all Madams get to the front door without a doubt.

…It had already been almost a whole 50 years since Selina passed away, and when it happened, the Peaceful Rain Corporation organized a little special farewell to her and her husbands. While, in the same manner, the Peaceful Rain Household were the ones and only ones to attend such a ‘goodbye’; their deaths might’ve been experienced with a mentality of it being alright, but it couldn’t take away the fact that it was…a tragedy.

Just as Selina, and her husbands, who had not taken any lifespan elixir before but from which Selina was obviously somehow holding on to some of her youth while her husbands were beginning to show white hair, came back from a trip towards one tiny natural ‘pool’ in some of the still not fully inhabited zones outside of the Human Civilization, they didn’t imagined what kind of twist would hit them.

As soon as they returned home, recalling from Selina’s words, one of her husbands suddenly fell head first against the floor. Orange blood oozed from his nostrils as everyone else tried to raise him back up, but his eyes were already with heavy eyelids as his skin quickly paled.and his body became colder out by the seconds.

Selina could only call the Peaceful Rain Household, but before she even began the call, said husband was gone…

What ended up being discovered to be a bacteria who seemed to adore inhabiting human being’s bodies, all the way until they were dried up of any ‘good stuff’, and would then proceed to occupy the entire blood flow veins of their host, quickly killing them by spreading at a visible speed as if time was sped up.

By the time that some Madams appeared in the nearest hospital, Selina and the rest of her really old, but just not in terms of looks, husbands were on a stretcher at the sides of the deceased husband and fellow co-husband.

Though it was various Madams who came right away, and some more in the way, when it came to Selina and her husbands’ decision to die altogether, there was nothing they would even want to delay; it was their way after all. As such, while everyone else took their leave and let their family leave in peace, Yun Beishang stayed and stood at Selina’s side.

Her husbands were quickly to be affected by the euthanasia, but not her. No, she had a much too resistant and powerful natural body, even if she no longer exercised her body to become better and stronger, not even reaching a Mind or Agility Specialist from the old, bad history of humanity. And she actually needed his help so that she would leave as well, it was…practically up to Yun Beishang to let her die or not.

There were no words, they had been spoken, and a lot for that matter, before. Instead, Selina looked at Yun Beishang after taking his right hand with her left, therefore getting held by both his hands as her left hand was…really warm.

With tears in her eyes, a pained, not willing and even barely able to hold himself from taking her into his Unusual Cauldron - Yun Beishang, took her extremely powerful body’s properties to slumber so that she could deservedly rest in peace… And so Yun Beishang experienced the worst of fears; watching her go like this, her tearful eyes becoming serene.

…But now, after the long time where Yun Beishang’s silence always contained a little bit more of ‘something else’ within it, it was slowly becoming less and less frequent. And finally, on a certain day, almost half a century ago from Selina’s death in the 50th year; he just simply sent a message through his link saying ‘I’ll be back!’ and everyone simply got to think of the deceased Selina who passed away.

“Is he coming soon already? My gosh~, the tension!” - “I know right? What could have happened? My, my…” - “Shhh, just get things ready, in case he comes with good news…” - “Mn! We should have lots of gifts when he comes ba-” - “Gasp! I feel him, he’s coming!” - “Yes, he’s back!! What will it be?!” - “...” - “...” - “...”

As many maids were whispering to one another, Natalia, Yun Yun and the others were silently beginning to smirk, their facial expressions becoming really unexpected, as if having found a new color of sorts. Their eyes with flashes of a turmoil of emotions and feelings crossing them, with some of them even having their noses wrinkling up from time to time; one or two sniffs could also be heard…


“WELCOME BACK~!!!” As soon as they one of the doors creak, then with the image of Yun Beishang’s unmistaken little piece of his left shoulder at the edge of the door in question, the entirety of the maids around shouted out with their courtesy bow that Yun Beishang himself preferred them to have as a simple bow and with their skirts being picked up by 2 or 3 of their fingers on each side if they want to; a bit silly if they did ah.

“Yiyi- yaaahaaaa~~?” Instead of getting their Master’s eyes looking at them in return in the usual tenderness, all they got was a Yun Beishang who was smelling his own upper lip in response to their grand greeting. And the tender little baby girl, bald but with her black eyes looking at the maids with curious, familiarizing and thoughtful eyes…

“Kyaaaaa~~!!! It’s her! My idol!” One maid suddenly screamed, before rushing up to Yun Beishang and bending over to look closely at the bronze-skinned little thing which seemed to be full of curiosity in her eyes and with them even familiarizing somehow with the maid up above herself. The maid was one of Yun Beishang’s firsts, only coming after Fael’s batch of his very first 14 maids and when Yona joined his Household when it was insufferably tiny.

So, of course she would know Selina and be her idol. Also, because of her being such an ‘old’ member of Yun Beishang’s harem, she was pretty damn powerful already, slowly just about to become a ‘non-mortal’ and hold the power that a God Devourer would as well. She could then, more than ‘of course’, be able to discern what the Madams were aware of the moment that Yun Beishang was coming back closer and closer.

“Helloh, babeeh Selina.” The maid in question said, poking the bald tiny thing’s cheeks and making the tiny thing somehow become flustered, why was the word ‘bald’ hitting her so hard? Yun Beishang smiled at the notion, and seeing it was okay, more and more maids came as they realized that their doubts were all true!

“Oh my god, my god, oh - my - god?!” - “Is it really her? Big Sister said that she was crazy when she visited Master for a few months…” - “Woah, even as bald, she looks so amazing!” - “Eehe, did she just react to being called bald? Baaaald~, come on, let’s call her bald, hehehe…” - “Bald, bald baaaald~!!” Slowly, the first maid to come took baby Selina with her hands with Yun Beishang’s silent eyes giving her encouragement.

As she did, the maid felt like she was so damn lucky for being able to hold her idol like this, not blessed though, she had already felt that with her half a dozen children. And as Selina was brought into the sea of maids as if she was about to be sacrificed, she looked back at Yun Beishang as if she was not supposed to ever be taken away from his side! Why?!!

“Uh- humph~,” Yun Beishang had to half-laugh and half-snort in a cheerful manner inadvertently when looking at Selina’s worried and about to cry baby face. Yun Beishang’s reactions to herself made baby Selina tranquilize herself for some strange reason, and instead, she turned her head around and looked at all the other maids and Madams as they came closer and began violating her human rights by caressing her head without asking for permission from the tiny beauty, hmph!

“Selly, I’m glad you’re back… You have no idea how much our hubby has been missing you, you foolish thing.” Despite the rebuking and not that ambiguous tone of her words in her voice, Natalia still spoke to baby Selina gently and also irrefutably lovingly. And to finalize just as baby Selina was confused, somehow understanding what Natalia was doing without even yet knowing that she was talking, Natalia fatally struck her head. “That’s right, he has been waiting and not let go of you in his thoughts; and heart.”

Natalia then smiled, oh dear, her smile was so magnificent - radiant. Those complete starry light blue universe eyes were more wordy than a heart full of love confessing in sincerity one’s direct core to the person whose love is directed towards to.

“YUPPII~!!!” - “Aunty Selina, is that you? Where are youuu~~?!!” - “Shhh, Kumoo! It’s Mommy Selina, not ‘Aunty’, uggh~!!” Then, just as Natalia was letting a bunch of maids close in and like beasts trying to eat little Selina with their eyes, they rested their chins on her arms that were neatly, expertly and lovingly warmth; embracing little Selina to slumber in peace.

Some young adults that acted like children came into the main hall and began making noise, being basically silenced by a few Mommies’ stares, they were obedient to keep quiet alright.

Meanwhile, from behind herself, Yun Beishang appeared to slowly but tightly embrace her. And with his chin resting on her left shoulder, to which she received 3 kisses, one in his right temple, one in his ear and another in the right corners of his mouth. They both then looked at the sleeping baby Selina; mirth covering their eyes.

. . .


13 years passed, and the once just a week-old baby Selina had become a cute little Selina girl.


Her black-gray hair, which was a large, smooth ponytail in her part life, was now a gorgeous, wild short hair that didn’t go beyond the lobules of her ears. Her eyes had become bigger, too, and her body was becoming bigger, too. Her bronzed skin gained freckles really quickly, her natural, innate self-growing powerful body and capabilities was not growing her faster though. She was just a child.

And, right now, this little brat was making her way towards a bedroom where she kinda last ‘knew’ that Yun Beishang was in. Not knowing that he was not her father until she became 7 years old, little brat Selina was now harboring thoughts of employing a scheme to steal Yun Beishang away from his harem! …But only in ecret, nobody could know…

Of course, she also didn’t know that she used to have a past life, yeah, those things happen. And that she was Yun Beishang’s lover already, which she rejected because of her love for her husbands but…now…that she was born… Sigh, if only she didn’t need to become strong enough to remember it all, tough look for Selina for suffering such a cliche. At least, Yun Beishang wasn’t getting blue-balled since she wasn’t anywhere near old enough for ‘it’.


“Heeey, Dadd-ahem, Beishang? Oh! I knew you’d be here, hehehe~! I found a new way to grow stronger too! Just like you told me, I just need you to check if it’s okay? …Eh?” Selina entered the room that, if her memory didn’t betray her, it was the cleaning-resting room for maids who could just wait a little ‘till it was their turn to go out and keep their Household clean.

And indeed, it did not— her memory—betray her, as she indeed entered the room which had 2 sections. One for the products, tools and some required cloths for cleaning, and the one at the back, which had another door, for the resting maids. Within the latter, there were 10 large beds that were 10 meters wide and 3 meters long.

And just as Selina entered the second section, she saw Yun Beishang’s back, it was all dark and he was half-kneeling on top of the bed, seemingly looking down at something; or someone. With his back facing her, she had to walk to his right so that she could finally see…a naked woman with pitch-black hair covered in smelly white substance and even with lots more of it coming out from her little parts that she knows very well what they are from sexual education and her own body!

Somehow, with the lady’s eyes being closed just now as her heavy baggages of meat in her torso were heaving up and down and as little brat Selina even saw a ‘throb’ in the rosy, puffy pair of lips before the lady’s eyes opened 1/9th in total. On the left eye of the lady, azure and black on the right eye.

Seeing her body with her legs facing one way put one over the other and her torso facing the ceiling, her mouth slightly opened as those lips were definitely overly used the past…few hours, perhaps?

“...” Yun Beishang looked at the little brat Selina on his right, blinking profusely before an idea got into his head…oh, it was a bad one. Yun Beishang pointed at Selina who, even up until now, hadn’t seen his naked body and pair of dicks which were against all of nature’s laws. “Oh, Selly. How Silly of you to come, mmh…since you’re here, hey, watch this!”

Like a boy trying to impress a girl in school by being wicked, Yun Beishang gave no fucks about Selina’s mouth becoming agape, with her eyes going as big as saucers and her head lowered big time at the sight of a pair of penises attached to the same man! And not only that, they were dripping with several different liquids that- that…that made his dicks look really damn tempting, ahh??

Rustle, rustle- slap- paaah~! FWIP FWIP!! SLAP SLAP SLAP! SLAP!~ SLAP!~ SLAP!~ SLAP!~ SLAP!~ SLAP!~ SLAP!~ SLAP!~ SLAP!~ SLAP!~ SLAP!~ SLAP!~ SLAAAP!!~~...

“Uhm, Bei Bei, again?... Ah! Umf, there’s a little girl over there, oh? Aah~, don’t just touch…put it- them in, aah~... mnn… A! Anghh! Ah ah, aah, annngghaahh~!!”

First, Yun Beishang moved Tarn Irnn’s body, a little bid. Her strong, thick thighs were lifted a bit and brought to lay right before him. Then, as he stood up on the bed with his hands on her hips, he lifted her body up and with her pose, it was already easy to make her face the bed, her bum high up and her twat and asshole already begging for more as they opened and closed so deliciously; oozing some cum unwillingly outside of themselves.

Selina was, so far, extremely invested in the sight as if she had found a new Universe, speechless as he saw Yun Beishang give those buttcheeks some caressing from Yun Beishang as if he was contemplating his toy and how good it felt.

Then, with a strong slap that reached both cheeks in one swung of his right palm, making Tarn Irnn arch her body upwards and her eyes going to the back of her head for a little bit, Yun Beishang ‘fucked’ the lady but his dicks only slapped their whole bodies upwards from her asshole and her snatch, making an already hungry Tarn Irnn frown in deathly impatience.

The slap of his meatdicks and his flesh and skin against both her crotch, rear and thighs respectively was aloud and it even dragged on for not ‘just’ a little bit this time like the slap from just now.

Right after she stopped stiffening her body and arched her back so unnaturally a whole damn lot, Yun Beishang suddenly drove his glans to enter her both ways at the same time and with the same strength to reach as deep inside as possible!

The milf that had already begun forming new babies with her husband accepted another’s two cocks like they belonged there, and with Yun Beishang entering her, he didn’t just stop there and took a breather. He immediately began banging her, back and forth, as both of her holes hugged his phalluses so damn hard that they were halfway dragged out from their entrances.

Like the dog, bitch she is, Tarn Irnn remained with her cute and small but also big enough ass as high up as possible. Her twat’s mouth and rectum’s free use tender wrinkly hole, property of Yun Beishang, made very wet, awfully obscene sounds. The slapping from the first few hundred thrusts were okay, they were basically a set of very loud slaps.

However, the next few slaps were all about the slapping making ripples even within Tarn Irnn’s insides, up to her throat and raping her brain in a way that Selina didn’t even got to experience, let alone a little brat Selina who was seeing actual sex for the first time in her life. And it was of an adulterous woman who knew no better at that! Holy whore!

Those slaps that dragged on and that Yun Beishang slowly pulled out and thrusted in from - became the only sounds coming out from their lovely whorish union, Tarn Irnn, however; couldn’t have a face that was any content than right now. As she supported her upper body with her left elbow and right forearm, since her lower body was her knees’ work as they always are when becoming a bitch for Yun Beishang’s pleasure.

The back of her left hand covered her mouth, not because of pain or tears perhaps, but because she was biting her skin. No amount of mind would any of Yun Beishang’s women be capable of enduring when it came to him using both his dicks at the same time, and that was without even bonding with his Pure’s Essence.

While her right hand was harshly gripping the pillow and the bed sheets, while her eyes turned effervescent and her lips revealed a kind, grateful and subservient little smile that grew larger each 1,000 thrusts which was corresponding to several of her orgasms and a few of Yun Beishang.

“Eh? Seli-...oh.” Yun Beishang suddenly said as he looked for Selina once he was done with the initial ‘exercising’ round.


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