Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 31: The Capital

“There she is! It’s Princess Elsenthia!”
“The Crown Princess returns!”
“And with her… the Destined Hero!”
“Sir Hero! Thank you! Thank you for saving us!”
Elsenthia smiles and waves, her back straight and her posture perfect as their caravan moves slowly through the city. Both she and Marcus sit astride their respective mounts. Though to call them their mounts is a necessary bit of polite fiction. They’d traveled by carriage most of the way back to the Capital, but to convey the proper impression to the citizenry, two of them had swapped out said carriage for a pair of the last living warhorses that remained with the Crusade.
The owners of said warhorses had practically fallen over themselves to let Elsenthia and Marcus ride their mounts of course. Though, Elsenthia could admit that it had been something of a shock to find out Marcus hadn’t ever ridden a horse before a few days ago. He’d taken to it rather well, though thankfully she’d brought up the idea days before they reached the Capital, because Marcus HAD fallen a few times the very first day.
She wished she could say that seeing the Destined Hero fall off of his horse a handful of times had been enough to cure her of whatever this was that had hold of her heart… but to Elsenthia’s eternal shame, she could not. She’d been doing so well too. In fact, she’d thought she was fine. Sure, the orcs had definitely stirred something ancient and primordial in her when she’d found herself on the battlefield with them, but by comparison Marcus had not.
No, her burgeoning feelings for him were pure, or so she’d believed. Yes, she was well aware that they were almost certainly going to need to marry. But what Elsenthia had originally seen as an obligation had become much less of one after she’d met the Destined Hero and gotten to know him for the man he was, rather than merely the title of his Job.
Marcus was a good man for all that his heritage was mixed. He was a stalwart protector of the innocent, and more than that he’d saved her life. Was it any wonder that Elsenthia had decided to… to reward him? Perhaps she could have found a better, less embarrassing way to go about things, but in the end, she couldn’t bring herself to regret it, despite how things had turned out.
After all, here they were, returning to the Capital as conquering heroes. They’d done it. They’d won against all odds and saved the day. Paraded through the streets, Elsenthia could look in every direction and she would see the adoring faces of the citizenry. The Capital’s population was out in full force to see them, and her gambit had worked wonders. Faith in the Crown had never been stronger. It was obvious, at least to Elsenthia, that she had successfully managed to tie the Royal Family’s fate to Marcus’ rising star, even if he didn’t want to marry her in the end.
… And yet, she couldn’t bring herself to care about any of that. All she could think herself was the taste of his cum and how she’d made an utter fool of herself that day in the carriage. She’d been in full control at the start. It had been her will that saw her breasts exposed to Marcus’ eyes. It had been her will that saw his cock freed from its confines and wrapped up in her bosom.
However, it had NOT been her will that saw her ravenously devour every last drop of his seed once he finished all over her. Elsenthia couldn’t say what came over her, neither immediately before nor after he’d reached climax. He’d even tried to warn her that he was about to cum, and Elsenthia, rather than doing the smart thing by getting out of the line of fire, had done the very, VERY foolish thing instead by letting him cum upon her body.
Then, when those droplets had hit her tongue… it was like her body suddenly had a mind of its own. All of the sudden, she knew for a fact that her mother had been right. Perhaps their nature as half-orc and half-elf made it not quite as pronounced, but it was still there. As evidenced by how even all these days later, she couldn’t get the thought of his seed out of her head. Nor the taste of his cum off of her tongue.
She’d had to fight against every fiber of her being not to jump Marcus before they reached the Capital. She desperately wanted him inside of her, but she was afraid that if she came on too strong, she would only drive him away. That couldn’t be allowed to happen. It was bad enough that she’d felt obligated to confess her and her mother’s plans to him. It would have been so much worse if she gave in to her perverse desires and begged him to fuck her silly all the way to the Capital.
That hadn’t stopped her from fantasizing about it though. And it certainly hadn’t stopped her from touching herself with his name on her lips every single night of their trip home. Was that really all that surprising though? Even setting aside the… unnatural attraction she had for him, he was her savior. He was the savior of not just the remains of the Crusade, but the entire Empire besides! It had been quite easy to fall in love, all things considered.
“… Elsenthia.”
Marcus’ soft tone pulls her from her thoughts like nothing else, and she blinks at him as he looks ahead. It would seem that they’d managed to wind their way through half of the Capital while she was distracted by her inner thoughts. Up ahead, Elsenthia could see the Royal Palace looming every larger in the distance. But then, one could see that from anywhere in the Capital if they just looked in the right direction.
More importantly, Elsenthia could see her MOTHER looming in the distance. Standing at the top of the first flight of stairs leading up to the Palace Gates, Queen Lisanna Layla Leliana looks regal as ever, surrounded by guards and staring down at their little parade as they get closer and closer to the Palace. The High Elven Queen looks like she could be carved from stone as she meets Elsenthia’s eyes. Her expression isn’t one of wrath, and there’s even a polite little smile on her lips… but the Crown Princess knows her mother quite well. She knows what Lisanna’s anger looks like.
She’d hoped that returning victorious would cool her mother’s inevitable rage, truth be told. And for a given value, it has. Lisanna is not running hot right now, perhaps well aware of what it would look like if she threw a fit at her daughter arriving triumphant from war. But she’s definitely filled with an icy, quiet fury that has Elsenthia shivering in her armor.
“Is that…?”
Hah, she’d almost forgotten Marcus’ presence for a moment. It was the first time in days that her thoughts hadn’t been assailed by him.
“Ah… yes, that’s my mother, the Queen.”
Shifting atop his warhorse, Marcus grunts.
“She doesn’t look happy to see us.”
Elsenthia winces and sighs. The Destined Hero could be startlingly perceptive sometimes.
“I might not have told her I was leaving on this venture when I did. I… may have gone behind her back in order to join the Crusade.”
Heh, her beloved was a man of few words at times, and yet so very good at conveying a certain depth of emotion in those few words. Though, had she really just thought of Marcus as her beloved? Elsenthia’s face colors a bit and she licks her lips self-consciously as she and Marcus finally come to a stop a few hundred feet away from the stairs. Behind them, Marcus’ party, the remains of the Crusade, and of course their caged prisoner all come to a stop as well.
Clearing her throat, Elsenthia calls out to her mother, knowing full well that there needs to be a fair bit of pageantry to this whole affair.
“Your Majesty! I, Crown Princess Elsenthia Seradina Leliana return triumphant! The Orc Warband has been disbanded, and the Dark General Roka-Ra sits behind us in chains, her defeat inescapable, her humiliation complete! I relinquish her to you now, to do with as you wish!”
There’s a loud cheer all around them as the citizenry all go absolutely mad with excitement and happiness. To be fair, it’s probably the best news they’ve heard in a long time. Not that any of them had ever really been the victims of a Dark General, but they were all raised on the stories, just as she was. Dark Generals, being the directly appointed subordinates of Dark Lords, were truly only a step below their leader in power. They were the strongest monsters, the vilest creatures, and the worst of the worst.
Roka-Ra had proven as much when she’d threatened the Holy Empire’s peace with her Warband. Her actions had labeled her as the monster that all those living within the Holy Empire had been raised to fear all their lives.
Queen Lisanna lets the uproar continue until it dies down, which takes several minutes. Minutes in which she stares down at Elsenthia with an unreadable expression on her face. The small smile that the High Elven Queen is wearing is little more than a façade and Elsenthia knows it. She need only look into the depths of her mother’s eyes to see just how pissed off Lisanna is.
Truth be told, she hadn’t thought her mother would be THIS angry. Especially so long as Elsenthia came back unscathed. Had she not achieved their goals? Yes, she’d gone behind Lisanna’s back to do so, but even still…
“I, Queen Lisanna Layla Leliana, welcome you home, dear daughter. I congratulate you and the Destined Hero on your victory over our ancient enemy, the orcs. I accept stewardship of the Dark General Roka-Ra.”
There’s another drawn-out cheer at Lisanna’s words, though this time around the Queen doesn’t seem content to wait for them to shut up. Instead, she raises her hand and people immediately begin quieting down for her, to hear what the ruler of the Holy Empire has to say.
“Such a victory as this cannot go understated. The Holy Empire has not faced the threat of an Orc Warband in hundreds of years. That the Dark General’s forces were defeated before they could do any true damage is due purely to the strength of our heroes.”
This time, the cheering and uproarious applause are allowed to go unabated and peter out again, as Lisanna keeps her hands clasped in front of her. When things are finally quiet once more, the Queen continues on.
“As such, it is my pleasure to announce that today will be a holiday. No work shall be done. All shall make merry and celebrate this victory. Food and drink shall be provided on every street corner throughout the Capital so that all can properly observe our heroes’ accomplishments. Furthermore, a banquet in honor of the Crown Princess and Destined Hero will be held tonight in the Palace. All with an invitation will be allowed to come and dine with our heroes.”
More cheering, though a bit more muted. The common citizen knew they wouldn’t be getting an invitation. That sort of thing would be reserved for the Nobility. Which was probably why Lisanna had softened the blow by making today a holiday and spreading the wealth a bit via food and drink. The rest of the Capital were basically being encouraged to throw their own parties while the elite and the rich and the noble all came to the party at the Palace.
Elsenthia recognizes the politicking for what it is, and so do plenty of others she imagines. But just because a bit of political maneuvering isn’t subtle, doesn’t mean it can’t be effective. Once the noise dies down again, Lisanna looks down the stairs to her left. As she does so, a sour look flashes across her face, as though the High Elf is sucking on a lemon. Elsenthia is pretty sure only she sees it though, having gotten quite good at reading her mother over the years.
“Bishop Travis. I, Queen Lisanna, do hereby relinquish the Dark General Roka-Ra into yours and the Church’s capable hands, that Divine Justice might be visited upon her.”
More pageantry, obviously. The tall, skinny man in Bishop’s robes bows low at her mother’s words.
“On behalf of her Holiness, the Church thanks her Highness for her Fair and Just decision.”
Then, he begins to make his way over to the caravan. Realizing that things are coming to an end, the crowd begins to disperse, guided away by the City Guard. Elsenthia gets down off of her borrowed warhorse as Marcus does the same beside her. Before they can say anything to each other however, the Bishop almost seems to materialize at Marcus’ side.
“Sir Hero, her Holiness hoped to speak with you at your earliest convenience. It was also hoped that you would help us in transporting the Dark General to the Cathedral, so we do not risk her escaping her bonds in transit.”
Blinking, giving Elsenthia a single look, Marcus hesitates for only a moment before shrugging.
“Oh, uh sure. I’ll… see you around Princess.”
Feeling a slight pang at the sudden distance, Elsenthia nevertheless understands why Marcus might not be willing to call her by her name with certain individuals now in hearing distance. She gives him a soft smile and a nod.
“I look forward to it, Sir Hero.”

With that, the remains of the Crusade along with their savior and prisoner all turn back around and start heading for the Cathedral. Elsenthia is left standing alone for a moment watching them go, before finally ascending the stairs to the first landing where her mother awaits her.
“Elsenthia. Walk with me.”
The Queen doesn’t wait for Elsenthia to acknowledge the clipped order, she simply turns and begins making her way up the next flight of stairs, towards the Palace Gates. Elsenthia grimaces but follows. She’s not entirely sure what to say to her mother… but luckily, Lisanna seems to know exactly what she wants to say, once they’re properly in the front courtyard away from the vast majority of prying ears.
“Should I expect to be a grandmother within the year, daughter of mine?”
Lisanna’s sharp tone makes Elsenthia stiffen even as she finds herself gritting her teeth in anger. She knows she should be contrite for going behind her mother’s back, but even still…
“No, mother. You should not.”
At that, the Queen fully comes to a stop and looks at her, a surprised expression on her face. Feeling hot and embarrassed, Elsenthia clenches her hands into fists. It’s uncharitable in the extreme, but she finds herself speaking the first thing that comes to her mind in response.
“Should I expect a sister or brother in nine months if I leave you alone with the Destined Hero for any length of time?”
It’s just a hunch. And probably one born of defensiveness over her own lustful obsession with Marcus more than anything she actually saw during her and the Destined Hero’s approach. And yet, from the way Lisanna rears back as though physically struck, Elsenthia’s hunch clearly hits home. Some of the Queen’s distress comes from her own biological reaction towards Marcus, doesn’t it? She’d managed to hide it so well, but…
Before Lisanna can muster a response, Elsenthia continues, her arms crossing over her chest as she scowls.
“Is that what has you so upset, mother? Is that why you’re so angry? Because I brought him back to the Capital? We talked about needing him to secure my claim to the throne. I don’t know what you expected from me, but maybe it’s you who should be taking those lessons in meditation if you’re that afraid of your self-control wavering in his presence.”
The High Elven Queen is silent for several long moments as she stares at Elsenthia. When she finally speaks, it’s in a dark, quiet tone far worse than even the loudest screaming.
“You don’t know what I expected from you, daughter? I expected you to stay safe. I expected you to not nearly throw your life away on a whim. I expected you to heed my warnings and work with me, not against me.”
It’s Elsenthia’s turn to flinch back as though physically struck. Lisanna’s words are not just accusatory. If they were, Elsenthia might have been able to hold onto her feeling of righteous anger. But no, Lisanna’s tone also has a note of melancholy to it, and Elsenthia very easily reads between the lines. She hears what her mother has NOT said loud and clear.
I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost you.
Knowing full well just how close they’d come to losing and how close her mother actually HAD come to losing her, Elsenthia feels a pang of guilt. Grimacing, the Crown Princess lowers her head and stares at the ground for a moment, even as she feels the need to offer up one last mulish reply.
“… We won, in the end.”
Lisanna sighs at this and shakes her head. However, when she speaks again, she’s mercifully changed the subject.
“You should not have spared General Roka-Ra. You should never have brought her back to the Capital. Executing her on the battlefield would have been a much better outcome for all involved.”
Elsenthia’s eyes damn near bulge out of her skull at that.
“In front of all of her warriors?! You think they would have stood down if we’d done that?”
But Lisanna just scoffs.
“They likely would have respected you more, the savages. I’m telling you Elsenthia, bringing her back here as a prisoner was a mistake.”
The righteous anger is back, and Elsenthia straightens her spine, looking her mother in the eye once more.
“Showing mercy… acting with righteousness even to the Forces of Darkness will NEVER be a mistake, mother. I refuse to accept that we should have killed an unarmed woman who surrendered, regardless of her race OR her actions. She deserved to face Divine Justice for her crimes, just like everyone else.”
Lisanna stares at her for another long moment before shaking her head.
“I used to think your naivety was endearing, daughter of mine. Now I see that I did you a disservice by sheltering you all this time. We shall talk of the future after the banquet… and after the Church’s Divine Justice has been administered.”
Elsenthia doesn’t see it, for the Queen has already turned away, but she does hear the sneer in Lisanna’s voice when she says the words ‘Divine Justice’. She doesn’t understand where it’s coming from, but she also doesn’t want to go running after her mother to try and get her to explain. She’s not a little girl anymore. She’s a woman grown, and she’s come to recognize her mother’s manipulation tactics, like walking away and forcing HER to follow in order to keep the conversation going.
And so Elsenthia lets the Queen leave. She has a banquet to get ready for on very short notice, after all.


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