Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 32: Her Holiness Pt. 4

“How did this happen?”
It’s a rhetorical question, of course. Sitting in her office, Serafina knows how it all happened. She trusted the wrong people. What irritated her was that she still didn’t know who those wrong people were. Still, it was obvious that she needed to do things differently going forward. Marcus should not have come as close to death as he had. Neither should Elsenthia.
But in all honesty? Serafina would trade the Crown Princess’ life for Marcus’ in a heartbeat. As fond of the girl as she was, everything Serafina had done, she’d done for Marcus’ sake. And now he’d nearly died for her foolishness. When she’d first heard the reports of his foray into the woods, Serafina had been impressed. His ability to deal with the bandit problem that had plagued the Empire for months demanded no less than her ever-increasing respect.
After he’d sent back the head of Lord Graham, a Baron’s fourth son, along with a letter detailing the man’s numerous crimes, Serafina had been equally incensed and proud. She’d been incensed that the Nobility was getting so uppity, but proud of Marcus for how he’d handled it. Of course, there had been some who questioned his methods. Baron Graham himself had not dared to say anything, at least in public, but others had whispered here and there that the new Destined Hero was an unstable brute and that his half-orc nature made him too erratic.
They thought that he should have kept the young Lord alive. That he should have brought the Lord back to the Capital, to face justice.
Perhaps Serafina had been a little heavy-handed in her response to those whispers. She had made it abundantly clear in no uncertain terms that Marcus’ actions were righteous and just. He was the Destined Hero after all, and any and all actions he took were undeniably righteous. In the wake of her decree, the whispering had stopped… but she’d clearly made Marcus enemies in doing so.
After Marcus’ success with the bandits, sending him with the Princess and her Crusade to the border had seemed like a no brainer.
Unfortunately, they’d been betrayed. Her Shadow had been away on another mission, and so Serafina had been forced to rely on other Church Resources to report on the Orc Warband forming on the Holy Empire’s border. She was told there were hundreds of orc warriors answering Roka-Ra’s call, but no more than a thousand at most. A thousand orcs… it was still the most that the Holy Empire had seen in centuries, but it was nothing compared to the true numbers Marcus and Elsenthia had ended up facing.
One might imagine that perhaps it wasn’t the fault of the Church Scouts. Perhaps the orcs were simply hiding their true numbers. Except Serafina knew that wasn’t true. She knew how orcs really were, she knew how they acted. Subterfuge wasn’t so much beneath them as it never entered their minds in the first place. They weren’t the kind to rely upon stealth or obfuscation. No, they were warriors, plain and simple. The obfuscation hadn’t come from the orcs. It’d come from her own people. Of that much, Serafina was sure. After all, there was the other piece of treachery as well.
Not only had the numbers she’d received been heinously underreported, but the reinforcements Serafina had always intended to send after the first Crusade had been… diverted.
The five hundred Paladins that Serafina had sent with Elsenthia were only ever supposed to be the first wave. They were the men and women that could be gathered on the shortest possible notice. Many of them had come from Chapels that had recently shut down as a consequence of the Church’s recent contraction, so forming them up into a Crusade had been the work of days instead of weeks.
The second Crusade, which Serafina had still had to rush to form, was only supposed to be a few days behind the first. If all had gone according to plan, then Marcus and Elsenthia would have been facing Roka-Ra and her Warband with a thousand Paladins of the Most Holy Light at their back. It should have been even, given the numbers that Serafina had been working with.
Instead, in Serafina’s rush to form up the second Crusade and get them rushed off, she’d cut corners. Corners that someone else in the Church had used to divert the additional five hundred men and women from their path. After all, the Holy Empire shared two borders with the wildlands where the orcs made their home. Was it all that surprising that the Holy Pope would send a Crusade to reinforce the West at the same time that she was sending a Crusade to the South?
That had never been Serafina’s intention, but in the end it didn’t matter. None of the commanders in the second Crusade had had any reason to doubt that their orders were anything but legitimate. It made sense after all, there were reports of orc attacks from weeks before beginning to trickle in from the West. The Western Border wasn’t any safer than the Southern Border in that regard.
And yet… the diversion of the second Crusade to the West had nearly seen Marcus and Elsenthia dead and the Orc Warband allowed to rampage through the South. Someone had tried to ruin Serafina with this move and only Marcus’ heroism had saved the day. Worst of all, Serafina still didn’t know exactly who had altered the second Crusade’s orders. But she was going to find out. That was for sure.
And once she did, she would-!
“Your Holiness. He’s here.”
Blinking, Serafina glances up. Her Shadow stands at her side and at the questioning glance, taps the ear. Listening more carefully, Serafina realizes that the Shadow is right. Marcus is here. She can hear his raised voice.
Frowning, she quickly rises from her desk and makes her way to the doors of her office, quickly pushing out into the antechamber to find Marcus having an argument with Bishop Travis.
“As I’ve already told you, her Holiness wishes to meet with you alone.”
“And as I’ve told you, I’m not letting my party out of my sight without her Holiness herself telling me as much!”
Catching sight of Marcus for the first time in months, Serafina’s breath hitches. It’s also the first time she’s seen him in his armor and with his halberd. She’d helped Karn complete the equipment, but then they’d sent it by courier to be delivered to Marcus on the outskirts of the city. Now though… now he stands before her and in doing so, takes her breath away.
He looks more and more like Caleb every time she sees him. He looks strong and stalwart, standing tall and proud as he refuses to let Bishop Travis intimidate him. In return, Travis is looking more and more irritated by the second, but Marcus clearly has no desire to stand down.
Of course, Serafina’s entrance changes things. Bishop Travis bows at the waist, and Marcus turns to her, a small smile appearing on his face.
“Your Holiness!”
“Your Holiness.”
He’s grown so much. More than that, he’s been through a lot since they last spoke. She can tell. Giving Travis a smile, Serafina waves her hand at him.
“That will be all Bishop. Thank you for bringing the Destined Hero and his party to me. Please, see to securing the prisoner.”
Bowing again, Travis hums.
“As you say, your Holiness.”
He very carefully doesn’t even look at Marcus as he leaves. Marcus, meanwhile, looks a little embarrassed now that the other man is gone.
“I apologize for Travis’ exuberance, Marcus. But he is right, I had hoped to speak with you alone. Your party can wait out here though if it pleases you.”
For a moment, Marcus looks conflicted… but then he nods, glancing at both Angelina and the Thief that Serafina saddled him with.
“You two stay out here and wait for me, please.”
Truth be told, Serafina was a little surprised. The red head had expected Marcus to free Eris quite quickly. It was why she’d given her to him after all. While the practice of collaring those given the Thief Job was… abhorrent, it was also necessary. Some things were so ingrained in society that even someone with Serafina’s power couldn’t hope to change them.
However, that didn’t mean she had to like them, and by giving Marcus a freshly collared Thief, she had fully anticipated him freeing her at his earliest convenience. Of everyone in the Holy Empire, the Destined Hero was one of the only ones who could possibly get away with such a thing. That she was still wearing her collar and chains honestly flummoxed Serafina. Had she misread Marcus, perhaps?
And yet… the look of adoration on the girl’s face is certainly not faked as she nods to her Master right alongside Priestess Angelina. The two wait out in the antechamber as Marcus follows Serafina into her office and the doors close behind him.
As they arrive, Serafina looks to her still-present Shadow and clears her throat.
“Dismissed. Follow up on what we discussed.”
Her Shadow bows and disappears, off to hunt down the traitors that had nearly gotten Marcus and the Crown Princess killed. Only once her Shadow is gone does Serafina turn to Marcus.
“Your Holiness, I-mmph!”
Crossing the distance between them, Serafina wraps her arms around Marcus’ broad shoulders and presses her bosom into his chest as she leans up to kiss him soundly on the lips. His eyes, so much like his father’s eyes, widen in surprise for a moment… but only a moment. Marcus has clearly become quite the worldly young man since they parted ways. Unlike last time, he doesn’t hesitate. His hands fall to her hips and he holds her to him as he finds himself kissing her back.
As expected, his orcish blood does not allow him to ignore such a willing woman standing right in front of him. Moaning into his mouth, practically whimpering, Serafina even goes so far as to suck at his tusks a little bit, her tongue swirling around his tongue and prodding at them both. Her body grinds against his even more, until his grip begins to grow… rougher.
Deciding to risk it, Serafina anchors herself on her neck… and jumps up off the ground to wrap her legs around Marcus’ waist. His eyes widen, but his hands on her hips are already properly positioned to catch her. He grabs her by her hips, spins them both around… and a moment later steps over to her desk and lays her back across it. Their lip lock continues for a few moments more before Marcus finally breaks it, leaning back and also breaking her grip around his neck in the process.
Propping herself up on her elbows, Serafina reaches down and with one smooth motion, exposes her breasts. She’d been… irritated by how annoying it was to make herself available to Marcus doing their first meeting. Since that time, she’d looked for a way to properly alter her robes in such a way that outwardly she looked the same, but inwardly… well, she wanted to be able to give herself to Marcus at a moment’s notice.
It's obvious the young half-orc is trying to collect his thoughts when Serafina exposes her pale, freckled bosom to him. His eyes immediately catch upon her naked chest, even as the red head also spreads her legs and moves a hand down there as well. Another movement, and the full lower half of her robes falls away, exposing her naked crotch.
“Marcus… please…”
That’s all he needs to hear, it seems. He’s on top of her a moment later, feasting upon her breasts. His tusks poke into her soft supple boobflesh, and his tongue lashes at her nipples. Freeing his cock from its confines is a little harder since he’s still wearing his armor, but not impossible. It would probably have been more practical to have him remove it first, but that would have probably led to too many questions. Serafina needed him inside of her NOW.
Luckily, she gets what she needs. She’s successfully riled him up, and in the next moment the Destined Hero has impaled her upon his cock. He fucks her right there on her own desk, grunting and growling for a little while. Serafina cries out in throaty pleasure. The office is soundproofed, so his party members won’t hear them. Though, given the way Marcus is fucking her, Serafina suspects he might already be in a sexual relationship with one or even both of them.
Unfortunately, halfway through the Holy Pope gasps as Marcus comes to an abrupt stop, pulling his mouth back from her chest. He doesn’t pull out of her all the way, but he does have a frown on his face.
“Your Holiness… we need to talk.”
Hadn’t she told him to call her Serafina before? Pouting up at him, Serafina shakes her head.
“Please Marcus, call me Serafina.”
The words almost feel like déjà vu, and from the expression on his face, Marcus feels the same. Still, he’s far from the stuttering, stammering boy she met all those months ago. Instead of blushing and trying to deny it, Marcus just shakes his head with a rueful smile.
“Serafina… we need to talk.”
He still hasn’t pulled out of her, which the Holy Pope takes as a good sign. Her cunt walls clench around his shaft, even as she nods.
“Of course, Marcus. I’m always here for you.”
The dry look he gives her makes Serafina want to blush, though she’s more than capable of holding said blush at bay. In the end, he just sighs.
“We think… that is, the Princess and I think that there’s a traitor in the Church. Someone lied to you about the numbers. We faced… unfavorable odds in the battle against the orcs.”
Ah. Of course Elsenthia would have realized something fishy was going on. Hm, fair. Still, Serafina isn’t willing to completely forego play for work. Wrapping her legs around Marcus’ waist as best she can, she pulls him into her a bit more. Taking the hint for what it is, Marcus begins to move his hips once more. As he slowly fucks her, Serafina nods.
“You’re right, Marcus. I have my best people looking into it. Someone betrayed us. When I find out who, I will take care of them, I assure you of that.”
Marcus grimaces, even as he plants his hands on either side of her head, leaning forward once more. He looks strangely conflicted for a moment, his eyes flicking to the side and then back to her again.
“What would you do with such a traitor?”
Serafina, panting for breath, gives Marcus an earnest smile.
“The only acceptable punishment for such actions is death, Marcus. Not to worry, they will be dealt with.”
Unfortunately, all of this talk about work has Serafina’s brain working even with Marcus’ spectacular cock buried inside of her. Something comes to mind and she can’t help but furrow her brow and voice her concern.
“That said… the Dark Lord wasn’t at the battle?”
Marcus freezes for a moment before shaking his head.
“I faced no one with the power of the Dark Lord during the battle against General Roka-Ra and her orcs.”
Serafina believes him. Not just because she thinks he’s telling the truth, but also because such a battle between the Destined Hero and the Dark Lord would have been far too visible for anyone to have kept hidden from her. Especially on a battlefield with thousands of witnesses. Still…
“That’s both good and bad news. On the one hand, I fear you would have been overwhelmed if the Dark Lord HAD been there. On the other hand… it leaves me wondering where the Dark Lord could actually be. This was their greatest opportunity at removing you from play. Instead, they’ve lost the both the orcs and a Dark General.”
Marcus grunts at that, beginning to pick up his pace. Not something Serafina minded one bit, of course. She moans, even as he shakes his head.
“Most of the orcs lived… had to let them go so they didn’t keep fighting. Maybe… maybe the Dark Lord is too weak still or something? Maybe they haven’t made contact with anyone on the side of Darkness yet?”
Serafina smiles at Marcus’ outlook. Pessimistic one second, optimistic next. The latter comes from his father. Caleb was ever the optimist. That Marcus can be a bit more realistic… it will hopefully keep him alive longer.
“You might not have killed them all, but you did defeat them, Marcus. Even if the Dark Lord were to show up tomorrow, the orcs aren’t likely to join them after everything that happened down south. They, oooh, were soundly, nngh, b-beaten~”
As she speaks, Marcus is thrusting faster and faster. He’s fucking her harder and harder. Serafina’s eyes threaten to roll back in her head, even as he grunts.
“Let’s… not talk about this anymore.”
Normally, she would chide him. Sticking his head in the sand and ignoring the Dark Lord wasn’t going to make it go away. But in this moment, getting to do the one thing she never got to do with Caleb… Serafina can’t bring herself to mind. She moans and cries out, cumming around Marcus’ cock as he plows her atop her desk. Until suddenly, a few minutes later…
“Serafina! I’m g-getting close!”
Eyes snapping back open, Serafina looks up at Marcus, seeing his big blue eyes staring right back at her.
“I-Inside! Don’t worry! I’ll t-take care of it!”
He doesn’t need to be told twice. With a loud groan, Marcus cums deep inside of her, shooting his seed directly into her womb itself, or so it feels. Serafina gasps, her back arching as she damn near lifts off her desk in some sort of religious experience. And then it’s over and she collapses back onto the surface of the wooden desk as Marcus slowly pulls out of her.
Fixing herself up takes a little bit longer than exposing herself did, but in a couple of minutes they’re both properly dressed again. Only to have Marcus glance at his halberd, which he’d set aside before.
“I… my halberd took some damage in the fight against the General. I wondered if it would be possible to repair it.”
Serafina glances at the halberd, eyes widening briefly at the thought. That was one of the strongest weapons she’d ever helped craft… and the Dark General Roka-Ra had been able to damage it? It was good they’d managed to defeat her…
“Of course, Marcus. Head down to the Foundries and speak with Karn, I’m sure he’d be happy to help you.”
Marcus slowly nods, collecting his halberd… but pausing before departing.
“… On the subject of the General, what happens to her next?”
Serafina tilts her head to the side. For a moment, she considers whether Marcus knows. She is, of course, aware of the connection between Roka-Ra and the previous Dark Lord. But Roka-Ra couldn’t possibly know who Marcus was, especially if she’d tried to kill him. So no, Marcus likely didn’t know. He was just asking because that was the kind of man he was. An honorable one.
Unfortunately, the Dark General’s fate was not the purview of honorable men. Smiling at him softly, Serafina shakes her head.
“You need not concern yourself with her anymore, Marcus. After the banquet, later tonight, General Roka-Ra will face Divine Justice… and never trouble you again.”
Marcus looks conflicted for a moment at that, no doubt assuming Divine Justice to be execution. Which it was… eventually. Finally though, he nods.
“… Alright. Thank you.”
She’s not sure which part of everything he’s thanking her for, but Serafina likes to think it’s the amazing sex. She can still feel his seed inside of her, steadily leaking out of her freshly fucked cunt. Broadening her smile, the Holy Pope lets out a soft laugh.
“No, Marcus. Thank you.”
He proves he can still be embarrassed when he blushes at that, and a moment later he’s gone. Serafina’s smile, however, lingers long after his departure from her office.


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