Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 50: The Barony of Thornswood

The Barony of Thornswood. Located in the East, it was ostensibly part of the Holy Empire. However, it was also a notoriously insular area, with the Baroness Bloodstone said to take no part in Capital Politics, and making no effort to play the game so many of her fellow noblemen and noblewomen so loved to play. Tribute was sent from the Barony without fail year after year, taxes paid in an orderly and timely fashion.
By all rights, the Barony of Thornswood was not a place that the rulers of the Holy Empire had to worry about. Over time, more and more of their attention had been taken away from the Barony by other more pressing matters, until ultimately… the area now operated under no oversight whatsoever these days.
But then, knowing what Marcus knew, he supposed it made sense. After all, if HE was a Dark General who wanted to be left alone but couldn’t help ruling over people… he supposed he would do exactly what Camilla apparently had. For you see, that was the great big secret that Sepia had revealed to Marcus back at the Convent. The Dark General Camilla and the Baroness Bloodstone… were the exact same person.
It certainly explained a lot. Like how ever since they entered the Barony proper, there had been less and less sunlight. It wasn’t as swift as a snapping of the fingers of course. In fact, it started rather innocuous. A dark cloud here, a dark cloud there. But as they’d gotten closer and closer to their ultimate destination, the clouds had stopped going away… and then they’d started getting thicker.
By the time they reach the town directly outside of Castle Bloodstone, deep in the darkest heart of the Barony, there’s not an ounce of sun to be seen, despite it being the middle of the day. It’s also perpetually stormy, with rain pelting down on them, even as their carriage trundles along. Yes, a carriage. When there was that much rain, you tended to stop preferring walking quite quickly.
Wrapping themselves up in enough layers to be unidentifiable, Marcus and his party had chartered a carriage driven by a dour, slow-moving fellow who had barely said a full sentence since they’d hired him. His name, apparently, was Rogi. He was native to the Barony, which made sense given his incredibly pale complexion. Didn’t get enough sunlight, that was for sure.
Then again, the whole place was just… well, Rogi fit in, that much was for sure. Truth be told, Marcus was the one who felt out of place, still wearing his armor from the Chief Blacksmith, infused by the Holy Pope herself with the Light. He’d covered up of course, and even wrapped up his halberd as well for good measure… but even still, he felt like he had led his party somewhere they didn’t belong.
Unfortunately, there was nothing to it. Camilla had the answers Marcus sought. Everyone was sure of it. Even if she was the most evil creature in the entire Holy Empire, she was still a Dark General for his mother right? So by all rights, she should be willing to help him as well.
As Rogi’s carriage comes to a stop in the town beneath her Castle however, Marcus can only frown and poke his head out.
“Uh… would you mind driving us up a little ways further, sir? All the way to the Castle?”
From underneath a pitch-black top hat and a rain-drenched black coat, Rogi looks at Marcus with an almost expressionless face. Except, he also manages to look decidedly unimpressed as he slowly unfolds one of his arms from his side and holds out his hand palm up, managing to make the move look as unnatural and freakish as possible with how he does it.
Mouth opening and closing as he looks between the palm and Rogi’s face, Marcus finally just grimaces and sighs, looking back to his party.
“… Looks like this is where we get off, everyone.”
None of the others look happy about that. Roka-Ra grimaces, Erised wrinkles her nose… and Angelina downright shudders before leaning in close to Marcus and whispering in his ear.
“This place… is a dark place, Sir Hero. Please be careful. I do not sense the Most Holy Light in this place. I fear we have entered the jaws of True Evil.”
Considering how Angelina had reacted to Sepia… that is, declaring the Succubus a fellow adherent of the Light and ultimately accepting her as a Sister without complaint, Marcus can only nod seriously in the face of Angelina’s warning. That doesn’t stop him from paying Rogi of course. The man might have been a dark and dour fellow who only added to the darkness of their surroundings, but he had done nothing to harm any of them, and ultimately he’d even provided them with a good, solid service.
As the women all pile out of the carriage, Marcus pays Rogi for his time and watches as the pale man slowly curls his fingers around the coins, before nodding and pulling his arm back just as ponderously. Finally, the carriage driver and his carriage are off, trundling down the road as Marcus and the others watch him go.
“… Where to now, my Lord?”
Erised’s question is a poignant one. They could head straight for the Castle, Marcus supposed… but it was rather telling that Rogi hadn’t been willing to take them there himself. Sure, they knew where Camilla was… but that was no reason to go charging in blind, now was it? At the same time, they’d been left out in the middle of a muddy street surrounded by dark, dreary-looking houses on all sides. Every single building looked to be boarded shut, and given the constant poor weather, Marcus wasn’t sure if that meant they were abandoned or simply battening down the hatches and trying to last out the storm.
It's because of this that he doesn’t even notice what they’re standing next to at first glance. But then to be fair… you would expect a tavern to have more light leaking out of it. Blinking owlishly, Marcus finally realizes Rogi didn’t just leave them in the middle of the street as first expected. No, he’d let them off right in front of a tavern. One with a sign that said…
“Hang on, is this place called the Half-Orc’s Kiss?”
Marcus blinks, even as Roka-Ra reads out the sign somewhat incredulously. But she’s right. That is indeed the name of the establishment. Kind of weird, but he supposes it’s also nice, in a way?
“Let’s see if its open, I guess?”
The tavern doesn’t LOOK open from the outside. Unlike practically every tavern Marcus has ever stood in front of, this one looks closed up. And yet, when he leads his party up the steps and to the door, giving the door handle a good tug… to his surprise, it actually opens quite easily. Looking at the others, he shrugs and steps inside.
… He’s not expecting to be hit by such a cozy atmosphere the moment he steps through the door. Leaving behind the dark, dreary, and stormy outside and stepping into the warmth of the tavern is like stepping through a damn portal into a whole other world.
That isn’t to say the place is bustling or festive or raucous or anything like that. It’s not even that busy either. But it’s a massive difference from everything else they’ve experienced in the Barony of Thornswood so far.
Of course, the moment they enter, they’re the center of attention for the entire tavern. Eyes turn to regard them all, though with less suspicion then Marcus would have expected. In fact, most of the tavern goers looks downright disinterested in him and his party at first glance. Is it the fact that they’re all covered up? Possibly…
Marcus still keeps an eye out for anyone who’s attention lingers a bit too long, fully prepared to defend himself if it comes down to a fight. At the same time though, he’s also looking for the innkeeper. But because his attention is so split, she finds them before he finds her… and a familiar voice rings out over the tavern, causing Marcus’ eyes to widen in surprise.
“Well hello there, newcomers! Why don’t you come up to the bar and I’ll get you all something to drink. Got some grub cooking too, if you’re hungry!”
Slowly, Marcus’ eyes turn towards the front of the bar, where behind it stands Beth the Barmaid. Or rather, Beth the Innkeeper, he supposed. The mousy brunette with the buxom chest had actually changed a fair bit since the last time Marcus saw her. She looked… different. Paler, for one. But more than that, she looked quite matronly, as though the past few months since they’d parted ways had matured her in ways he couldn’t begin to imagine.
He can feel Erised and Angelina are just surprised on either side of him. Roka-Ra, of course, has no clue who this is and is only interested in the drink and grub. All three of them follow him as he hastily approaches the counter, however, quickly pulling away his head-covering and revealing his face.
“Beth? What… what are you doing here?”
Beth’s eyes go wide at that, and her jaw drops open for a second in disbelief. Then, without saying a word, she’s hurtling herself out from behind the bar and wrapping her arms around Marcus’ neck. For just a split second, Marcus was half-expecting a distended belly or a bump of some kind when she revealed her lower half. But no, Beth is the same as she always was, even as she clings to him happily.
“Marcus! Well now, I sure wasn’t expecting to see you in a place like this!”
His arms wrap around her right back of course, and for a moment Marcus can’t help but feel like he’s home. Maybe it’s one of Beth’s abilities… or maybe he just missed her. Either way, he chuckles a little bit as he holds her close.
“The feeling is mutual, Beth. This is about the furthest part of the entire Empire from where I left you last…”
Finally pulling back from the hug, Beth just smiles and gives him a wink.
“Yes, well… that was sort of the idea. Honestly, I just couldn’t stick around there and continue ‘making it work’. Not with all of the… memories. I decided I needed a fresh start. So I sold the tavern and made my way East, eventually finding myself… here.”
She looks around at what is clearly her new tavern, a sense of pride and satisfaction on her pale, glowing face. Marcus looks around as well… before frowning and looking back to Beth.
“Here. You uh… and you’re okay here, Beth? You’re happy here?”
Blinking, Beth looks taken aback for a moment before seeming to realize what he’s talking about. She giggles for a moment, putting a hand on his chest.
“More than happy. Oh sure, the place is… well, it’s perpetually dark and stormy. But that’s just part of Thornswood’s charm!”
Glancing around at the silent tavern goers, some of whom are watching with flinty eyes and some of whom are ignoring the exchange, Marcus frowns even harder than before. Was Beth blind or was he missing something?”
“I won’t lie… I’m not seeing much charm here Beth. Outside of your cozy little establishment, of course.”
Beth beams, taking the compliment as it is and all but bouncing back behind the bar.
“It grows on you, Marcus. Sure, there’s no sun… but there’s also no war here. No orc raids. No bandits. Not even animal attacks. There are no safer lands in the entirety of the Empire, Marcus.”
Feeling a little taken aback by Beth’s certainty, Marcus just shakes his head.
“How… how can that be?”
Beth shrugs, giving him a wry smile.
“Well, I’m not exactly a native, as you well know. I’ve only been here a couple months myself. Still, I can safely say that it’s all thanks to the Baroness. She’s a touch… reclusive, but her practices and policies keep the Barony safe and she’s fair and just in the taxes she demands. Even a newcomer like me was able to get set up with this tavern in such a short amount of time, all because of those practices and policies.”
That was… a ringing endorsement. Marcus blinks, but before he can question Beth further, Roka-Ra grunts and suddenly pulls off her own covering, exposing her orcish features as she sits down heavily at the bar.
“This touching reunion is all well and good, but I was promised grog and grub. Can we get to that now?”
Beth’s reaction… is interesting. Her eyes narrow to slits and the mousy innkeeper looks ready to leap across the bar and strangle Roka-Ra right then and there.
“General Roka-Ra, I presume.”
Roka-Ra’s eyes widen, but far from looking frightened at being called out, she grins instead a moment later.
“Ah, my reputation precedes me.”
Marcus grimaces and steps up, clamping a hand down on the back of Roka-Ra’s neck in a way that makes the orcish woman stiffen and freeze in her seat. When he speaks, he does so in a deceptively soft voice.
“Roka-Ra… Beth’s father was killed in an orc raid.”
He doesn’t have to expound on that statement. Roka-Ra’s eyes meet his, and he sees that the Dark General rapidly picks up what Marcus is putting down. To her credit, she actually looks remorseful the moment she realizes what he means. Regretful, even. Lowering her gaze to the bar, Roka-Ra hunches in a bit.
“… Sorry for your loss.”
Beth’s icy attitude doesn’t leave her, even as she looks to Marcus.
“News of your flight from the Capital reached even the Barony, Marcus. But I must admit, I’d hoped you and the Dark General had parted ways by now. Unfortunately… she’s with you, isn’t she?”
That’s a loaded question and a half, and one that sees Marcus grimacing up a storm. He even thinks about it for a second. Technically he doesn’t need Roka-Ra anymore. He hasn’t needed her since she brought him to Sepia. But at the same time… they’ve become close, haven’t they? From enemies to allies… and something more besides.
With a heavy sigh, Marcus slowly nods.
“She’s sworn herself to my service, Beth. So yes… she’s with me. Is that going to be a problem?”
He very carefully doesn’t phrase that question as a challenge. He tries his best to instead make it clear that if Beth DOES have a problem with it, they’ll all leave right now. He doesn’t want to cause trouble, especially not with the mousy, buxom brunette.
Beth huffs… and then is suddenly right back to all smiles.
“No. If you have use for her Marcus, I trust you. And I suppose its only right that a Dark General submit to the Destined Hero, if she’s to atone for her sins.”
Marcus hides his wince, even as Roka-Ra wisely stays completely silent right beside him. Meanwhile, Angelina and Erised have removed their coverings as well, though Erised is in her glamor as Eris the Beastkin underneath it. Looking to them both, Beth beams happily.
“Angelina, Eris. It’s good to see you both again.”
“You too, Beth.”
Eris really turns on the charm, her faux cat ears even pressing down as she gives Beth her best begging face. With a laugh, the innkeeper turns and heads into the back, coming out again just a few moments later with four bowls of a warm, hearty, delicious-smelling stew.
As they all dig in, Marcus clears his throat after swallowing his first spoonful.
“Ahem. Beth… we aren’t just here to visit, as you’ve probably guessed. We need to see the Baroness, but the carriage driver wasn’t willing to take us all the way to her Castle.”
Beth blinks, and then lets out a little laugh, as if he’s just told a joke. Then, she realizes he’s serious and covers her mouth in embarrassment.
“S-Sorry… it’s just… as far as I know, no one meets the Baroness. Even I haven’t met her in the months I’ve been here.”
That takes Marcus aback.
“Wait, truly? You were allowed to purchase a tavern and even pay taxes, and you haven’t met your liege lord?”
Beth just shakes her head with a smile and a shrug.
“All through intermediaries. It’s all but impossible to get an audience with Baroness Bloodstone, Marcus. Not only have I not met her… I haven’t talked to anyone who’s even been inside of the Castle at this point. It’s wonderful here, don’t get me wrong. And I appreciate the Baroness’ hard work in making her Barony so safe. But… she’s very secretive.”
He supposed he knew why that was, though he doesn’t outright tell Beth as much. He’s not planning on endangering her. In the end, it’s Roka-Ra who speaks up, having already slurped the entire contents of her bowl down her throat. As she slams the empty stew bowl down onto the bar and wipes the back of her mouth with a hand, the orcish woman lets out a grunt.
“He’s the Destined Hero, ain’t he? If anyone is going to be allowed an audience with the Baroness, it’ll be him.”
Beth bites her lower lip at that… before slowly nodding.
“We can try and send a message through the appropriate channels Marcus… but it might take a while, I’m afraid.”
For a moment, Marcus wants to demand expedience. But then he stops and thinks about it for a second. Honestly… he’s not really in any sort of rush, is he? The Church should have no idea that he and the others are here, so it should be fine to just… relax for a little bit, right?
Giving Beth a smile that makes her blush, Marcus just nods his head.
“I’m not in any rush, Beth. I don’t mind the wait. Besides, it’ll give us time to… properly catch up.”
Beth reacts with a smile of her own, tucking a brown lock of hair behind her ear as she giggles girlishly.
“… I’d like that, Marcus. I’d like that a lot.”
Heh. So would he.


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