Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 51: The Downtime

A/N: Holy shit, we made it to the front page of the website! Awesome to see, especially for an old story like this one.

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It’s just like old times, Erised reflects. Leaning back against the wall, the lithe young demon’s eyes are heavily lidded as she spears her cunt with two digits from one hand while toying with a nipple with the other. Meanwhile, the rest of the room is… well, in a similar state of sexual indecency. In fact, Erised is actually the only one who’s not currently engaged in intercourse with someone else.
Eyes darting from one side of the room to the other, Erised honestly can’t decide who to watch. Both pairs are being positively indecent, each in their own way. On one side of the room, for instance…
“Squeal for me, Priestess. Cum for me while I prepare you for my warriors.”
Moaning wantonly, squealing at the top of her lungs as she bucks her hips into Roka-Ra’s thick orcish fingers, Angelina is clearly having the time of her life. Roka-Ra’s other hand holds the Holy Priestess’ arms above her head by the wrists, even as she pins Angelina in place. Angelina, for her part, wiggles back and forth, her large pale breasts bouncing and jiggling all over the place as she pretends to struggle.
“N-Noooo… y-you can’t… I must stay true t-to my vows! T-to the Light! Please, you can’t just throw me to your warriors and let them use their big fat o-orcish cocks on me!”
Even as these words leave Angelina’s lips, her hips are definitely enthusiastically humping Roka-Ra’s digits, making it abundantly clear how much she’s getting off on all of this. Roka-Ra just snorts in amusement, before letting out a lustful growl.
“Hm. Perhaps we can come to an arrangement. Please me and I shall not throw you to ALL of my warriors.”
For a moment, Angelina freezes up, unsure what Roka-Ra is getting at. After all, the buxom blonde WANTED to be turned into an orc fuck slave. That was kind of the whole point of the roleplay, fulfilling Angelina’s fantasy. So what was Roka-Ra getting at? Erised didn’t get it either… until Roka-Ra’s eyes dart across the room and she leans in close to whisper into Angelina’s ear. Erised hears of course, but she doesn’t think the other two do, if only because they’re… busy with one another.
“Serve me well, and I shall let only my greatest Champion have his way with you. Once he’s done playing with his current toy, that is.”
Heh, that’s one way of escalating the roleplay, Erised supposes. The demon bites her lower lip to contain her own moans, even as Angelina does no such thing, mewling wantonly as her eyes too dart over to Marcus and Beth for a moment before she nods enthusiastically to Roka-Ra’s ‘deal’. Snorting in derisive amusement, the orcish Dark General removes her fingers from Angelina’s cunt and brings them to the blonde’s lips instead.
The Holy Priestess eagerly and altogether dutifully takes them into her waiting mouth and sucks them clean, moaning all the while. Then, Roka-Ra places said hand atop Angelina’s head, slowly pushing her ‘captive’ down to a kneeling position. From there, Roka-Ra steps forward, forcing Angelina to lean back as she brings the blonde’s face to her cunt, prompting noisy licking and slurping from the perverse Priestess.
It's super-hot, watching them go at it. And not just because it’s a fantasy of Dark triumphing over Light, though that is part of it. Erised has to admit… it’s also kind of hot to see Angelina get her needs taken care of. They’ve gotten to know each other pretty well over these past few months. She never thought she’d say this… but Erised had really come to care for Angelina. They weren’t just the devil and angel on Marcus’ shoulders. They were a team… HIS team.
Speaking of which… Erised finally slides her gaze back to the other side of the room, biting her lower lip as she watches Marcus and Beth go at it. Running into the brunette woman again, here of all places… it had certainly been quite the surprise, but not an entirely unwelcome one. Even if it did bring up bad memories for Erised, at least it hadn’t seemed to do the same for Marcus.
After all, Beth represented the start of Erised’s biggest mistake. She also represented Erised and Angelina’s very first team up. Only, Angelina had had no idea at the time that Erised was using both of the human women in order to distract Marcus so she could sneak off to have her letter delivered to General Roka-Ra.
To think, everything had sort of worked out exactly as Erised had imagined it in her wildest dreams. If everything had gone perfectly, Roka-Ra would have come to the town in order to submit to Marcus properly, as well as help Erised convince him that he should be the Dark Lord and not the Destined Hero. That obviously had not happened… and yet, after some bumps and bruises, after some rather sharp turns and massive obstacles, they’d all ended up here together anyways, Beth included.
Unlike Roka-Ra and Angelina, who were having fun roleplaying out Angelina’s fantasy of being a Holy Priestess captured by the orcish Dark General, Marcus and Beth were simply enjoying each other’s company, as they’d always liked doing back at the Border Town all those months ago. Laid out on her back on the bed, dress discarded, the tavernkeeper’s legs are up in the air and her arms are wrapped around Marcus’ neck, draped over his broad green shoulders.
His back muscles ripple as he takes Beth hard and fast. Erised’s Lord has never looked to be in better form than in this moment, pistoning in and out of the human woman with every last inch of his cock. Honestly, it’s just as hot a sight as Roka-Ra and Angelina… hotter, Erised might even claim. Watching Marcus take Beth on her back, making her his woman and fucking her hard and fast… it was as delightful now as it was back then.
Of course, Erised didn’t dare try and include herself without permission. She probably could have gotten away with joining Roka-Ra and Angelina, perhaps acting as Roka-Ra’s second in command or something while they tag-teamed Angelina… but she didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes, nor did she want to provoke a reprimand from Marcus.
She’d gotten to participate a fair bit back at the Convent, after all. When Sepia and her flock had found themselves flagging against Marcus’ impossible stamina, they had called her and the others in. In the mixture, Erised had presented herself and at one point Marcus’ hands had closed around her waist. Deep in a lustful haze, the Dark Lord had fucked her silly, perhaps without even realizing who he was fucking. After all, she was just one set of holes among DOZENS at that time.
Now though, it was a lot less… obfuscated. If she made a move, she couldn’t say for sure what would happen. So she would stay back, and she would refrain from… interfering. It probably wouldn’t last much longer anyways. This little vacation of theirs was nice and all, but it had already been two days since they arrived.
Surely the Baroness wouldn’t make them wait too much longer, right? Especially if she truly was the Dark General Camilla. At the very least, Erised sure hoped not.  The disguised demon could tell that Marcus was getting a little impatient that their message to the Baroness still hadn’t gotten a reply. But Roka-Ra had stressed that pissing Camilla off was a bad idea and they were better off just being patient.
Truth be told, Erised had to agree with Roka-Ra. Camilla was the Dark General that she knew the least about. Her mother had told her some things, but when it came to Camilla, it was one big mysterious Question Mark. Which in Erised’s eyes meant she was all the more dangerous. In the end, while they probably could have leaned on Marcus’ strength as the Dark Lord to storm the foreboding Castle up on the hill overlooking the town, it wasn’t going to win them any favors… so really, what was the point?
All the same, Erised did hope that they would get called to speak to the Baroness soon. After all, while she might not know much about Camilla, if anyone was going to tell Marcus once and for all that he WAS the Dark Lord and it was his destiny to conquer the Holy Empire, it was going to be her, right? Never mind that there hadn’t been another sighting of anyone else Awakening with the Destined Hero Job in all of these months. Erised had to admit, she’d been worried it would happen, and kept expecting to hear about it… but it never had.
That didn’t mean anything though! Marcus WAS the Dark Lord… and once the Dark General Camilla confirmed as much, everyone would just have to accept it. Luckily, Angelina was a big ole pervert who slept with demons like her and Sepia and orcs like Roka-Ra and Marcus, so she’d probably fall in line pretty easily. Contrary to what she’d suggested to Marcus so very long ago, Erised really didn’t want Angelina to get hurt anymore. She-
Stiffening, the disguised demon is brought out of her inner monologue in a heartbeat by her Lord’s voice. Marcus is looking her way, having clearly finished inside of Beth at this point. In fact, Beth is looking her way as well with… a strangely pitying expression on her face. Erised didn’t know what that was about, but when Marcus gestures for her to approach, she wastes no time in scurrying over to the bed.
“Yes Master?”
Marcus glances to Beth, and then back to her… before finally letting out a sigh.
“Beth and I were talking and I think it would be best if she knew the truth about you.”
Erised’s eyes go wide at that. Truly? She’d kept it a secret even back when they’d been engaging in foursomes together during their time in the Border Town. And now he just wanted her to expose herself? Well, he was the Dark Lord. His desires superseded her own, of course.
“As you wish Master.”

She almost calls him Dark Lord, but at the last second she realizes that he’d only said he wanted Beth to know the truth about HER. So even as she drops her disguise and reveals her demonic nature to the brunette, she continues to refer to him as Master, even keeping the collar and shackles in place. Beth, of course, gasps for a moment in shock before glancing at Marcus.
“I-I see. That’s… wow. That’s a lot.”
“Beth, this is Erised. She is a demon, but she does mean well…”
Mean well? What exactly had they been talking about? Erised is confused and that feeling only grows as Beth bites her lower lip, looking Erised up and down for a moment longer.
“… I stand by what I said. If everything else you said is true… then she’s earned your forgiveness.”
Wait, what? Erised’s jaw drops open, even as Marcus slowly nods. Suddenly, he reaches for Erised and pulls her into his arms, cradling her to his chest.
“Beth couldn’t help but notice how you’ve kept your distance these past two days, Erised. So I told her how you’d… lost my trust for a time.”

Erised blushes and shrinks into his chest at that, and not just because she’s enjoying being held in his arms, though that’s definitely part of it.
“I also told her how you’ve been working hard to earn my trust back in the time since.”
She doesn’t know what to say, but she feels like she should say SOMETHING. Unfortunately, all she ends up doing is stuttering.
“I… I…”
Thankfully, Marcus takes pity on her after a moment, taking her chin in his fingers and kissing her softly. The lithe demon gasps as her Lord’s lips press against her own, his tusks rubbing against her mouth. She melts into his touch, into his embrace, feeling nothing but happiness. Then, he pulls away, ending the kiss and turning her… towards Beth.
Erised squeaks, as she finds herself abruptly transitioned from Marcus’ arms to the innkeeper’s. The busty brunette grins as she pulls Erised down to her chest. It’s not exactly an unfamiliar position, to be fair. She and Beth had gotten quite intimate back in the day, and so this really wasn’t anything new to either of them.
However, at the same time it was undeniably different. Things had changed. This wasn’t back then, this was now. And yet… much like Angelina, Beth was looking at Erised with warmth in her eyes. As though she didn’t care that Erised was a demon, nor that Erised had screwed up.
In the end, Erised blushes crimson, wiggling in Beth’s grasp even as Marcus moves into place behind them and grabs hold of her hips. A squeak leaves the demon’s lips, especially when her Lord grabs her by the base of her tail after a moment, giving it a sharp tug that sees her ass raising into the air. His cock comes up against her pussy a moment later, causing her to moan as he runs the bulbous head of his meaty orcish member up and down her slit for a moment.
Beth coos in response, holding Erised to her and acting as a bed for the demon to lay upon as Marcus teases her for a few seconds longer… before finally thrusting in. The first thrust of his cock is so jarring that Erised finds herself pushed forward… right into Beth’s waiting breasts. Without missing a beat, the demon latches onto one of the brunette’s nipples, beginning to suckle on it and tug at it with her teeth.
Groaning, Beth runs a hand through Erised’s hair, sliding her fingers along the base of Erised’s horns. But truth be told, Erised is too distracted by Marcus’ cock to care about all of that. Having him inside of her like this is amazing. Only one thing could possibly make it better, and almost as though he’s reading her mind, Marcus suddenly leans over them both, placing a kiss on Beth’s lips before whispering in Erised’s ear.
“I forgive you, Erised.”
The demon stiffens for a moment, before shuddering as she cums on the spot around Marcus’ cock. Her moans are muffled by Beth’s breasts, but that makes them no less happy and wanton as Marcus rails her from above, the two of them sandwiching her between them. Her Lord’s forgiveness… it’s all she could have ever wanted. All she ever truly hoped for.
But of course, she would also gladly take his big fat cock too. She would happily let him fuck her to his heart’s content in whichever way he liked. Now that she was forgiven, Erised swore that she would make sure he had not misplaced his regained trust in her. She would never betray him, even unintentionally, ever again.
Though… she did have one slightly disloyal thought, as Marcus continued fucking her well into the evening. The sort of thought that she would never voice out loud, but still felt a little guilty over.
… She kind of hoped that the Dark General Camilla would take a little longer to get back to them about that audience now. After all, she had a lot of lost time to make up for…


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