Brightest Doom

Chapter 24

Brightest Doom

Chapter 24

By: BigTofu



Vincent Von Doom


Leaning back into my chair, I cast my gaze across the city's skyline as I reviewed what had just transpired over the last few hours. There was no denying the amusement that I felt from her antics because no matter the role. Harley will always be Harley, and that was alright.

With a wave of my hand, the video paused, then rewound to before Harley commando flipped and rolled over the couch. Then with slow turns of the wrist, the video slowly played and I could only marvel at how proficient she was in dispatching her foe's.

With a loose chuckle, I waved a hand shutting the video off before swapping to one of my smart tablets. With my work shifted to a more personal carry style, I allowed Talia to direct me to the roof then got on the waiting hover jet. With tablet in hand, I gave the screen a little flick and brought up a hologram of a geographic map of Colombia.

Tapping my chin idly, I gave the bottom left corner of the holo-image a pinch before rotating the map a little. This allowed the cityscape to shift and bring up more of the rainforest that swept down into hidden beaches ending at the ocean. On the map it was a clear green indicator with the name Ivy highlighted. If I was reading the map correctly then she was still looking over and confirming the task I had asked of her.

The matter was simple really; and she might be the only one that could confirm my suspicions on transplanting some of the mangrove clippings from the pan pacific islands along the coast. If this worked as I envisioned it would, then this would help the country alleviate its water situation. If Ivy had the roots drill right into the country's water basin to deposit its aquatic payload, since the mangroves were far better at naturally desalinating the water that came from the oceans, the aquifer would stabilize.

Not only that, but with her powers, Ivy would be able to hit two birds with one stone, well technically in this case she would be hitting three birds with the one sapling. The mangrove saplings were only the start and if she was able to get them to not only root but also modify them, then they would not only play as a natural barrier but also return a lot of what's lost during rains. The return would of course go towards keeping the rainforest healthy since I didn't want to make too many trips out here for touch-ups; but nothing stopped me from setting up my own zeta-tube.

Even if the goals were simple, I still had to go take a look at what was happening since the compilation of such a project would kick off the clearing of some of the forest. Hmm, maybe I should feel bad about all this but honestly. I just couldn't bring myself to.

The plan was to tackle the city once the forest was cleared and Ivy set up her little babies to alert us of runners. From there, Santa Prisca would be next and I can't lie and say that I wasn't looking forward to that operation. A flick of the wrist brought up Bane's profile and I could only grin at the picture before me. This wasn't the Bane from the Movies, the old-school cartoons, or that god-awful cheap knockoff in Young Justice.

No, this was the Bane from the comics: and if my intel was correct, he also knew that I was coming. Of course, he would know that I was coming, I did threaten the president of Colombia after all and no mini warlord like Bane would have been able to make it as long as he did without someone high up on the inside in his pocket.

So yes, I was not only looking forward to conquering the unconquerable, but I was also looking forward to breaking a president while also coming out of it with accolades. It was hard to say if the mad need to dispose of a sitting leader was the American in me or if it was from being in Gotham too long that allowed the curse to stain my soul.

Seated with a relaxed posture, I stared at the masked face and the uncovered one right next to it. Bane, the true man with no one. The leader of Santa Prisca and the true power behind the drug cartels here in DC. This battle would be legendary and I would rip and tear until nothing was left. And once the dust settled, a nation would thank me for being its savior.

The thought of that should have sent a thrill through me, yet that feeling did not come. I had to wonder if that was because of the reality that I reside in. Fan's would never admit it but the DC Universe was set up so that only the Hero's won and I could admit that even with my approach. By this realities standard, I was a grey borderline villain in my approaches. It surely didn't help that I was perfectly okay with making sure my enemies vanished from the face of the earth.

The flashing yellow lights overhead pulled me out of my thoughts allowing me to put my tablet away and take in our approach to my latest area of operation. Once the tablet was secured, I then checked the time on the shrunken-down mother box strapped to my wrist. Seeing that it was a little after twelve, I gave the order to prepare a light lunch before hitting the button to lower the ramp.

Talia fell in line behind me as we walked down the ramp and along the path until we reached the forest line that worked as a three-way break. To the left was the beach where the shuttle had landed, to the right was a massive tangle of mangrove roots and straight ahead was the path into the rainforest.

About ten feet from the path was a walkway bridge leading upwards into the canopy made from roots and vines of numerous trees and other vegetation. Rolling my eyes at such a display, I gave the path one good look making sure the surface had grip.

It would be the height of foolishness to walk along the path of smooth moss across a bridge at least twenty feet up in the air. That was just asking to fall and receive a broken neck from placing such a tempting circumstance in front of Murphy.

From what I could see it was a good thing that I had stopped along the path before heading upwards. Of course, there weren't any hash marks set into the bridge to help with grip nor was there any moss that would retain the moisture in the air causing one to slip and land on their fool neck. Instead, it was plain vegetation, which was just as dangerous with the type of moisture available in this climate and location.

Letting out a sigh, I did a half-turn, "Use the chi stepping technique that you have learned Talia."

Talia replied with nothing of course but did follow behind regardless. The path traveled was a five-minute walk that went up a spiral staircase until we reached a very lavish treehouse set inside of a massive tree that looked to be the combination of several others. Ignoring the ninjas posited at the door as guards, I strolled inside and was greeted with a view that almost took my breath away.

From the view that shone over the beach from on high, it was clear that Ivy placed our little home away from home in this location just for the view outside. Honestly, I couldn't fault her for it because I would have done the same if such an idea had graced my mind.

Strolling through the open area of what was clearly a living room, I ruffled Damian's hair since he was seated on the couch that faced the balcony and the view outside. He of course didn't look up from the Gameboy that he was playing, but that was alright since he was a little tuckered out from his own little adventures into the city.

From the reports that came in from his little jaunt, the kid had more than a little fun and I might have to contact Mas Y Menos to have play dates with the kid more often. I still couldn't figure out how he had run into speedster twins of all things all the way out here in Colombia. Doubly so since if I remembered my lore right, those two were from Guatemala.

As I strolled past the couch, I said nothing as Talia poured herself a glass of wine before taking a seat within arms reach of Damian. There was nothing to be said since I knew that, with my influence, she was at least trying to be a better mother to the boy. Even if she was hard on him during training, this was still vastly better than what she used to perceive as proper treatment of the kid. Never could understand how she felt that locking up a child inside of a dark cell before he could understand anything was the proper way to train the boy.

Leaving her to do her own thing, I dropped the lunch box on the counter, before then walking the few steps that would take me to the far wall in the room and then down the four or five steps that led into Ivy's little lab. Inside the lab, I could only shake my head at the fact that she had an entire wall taken up by her chemistry equipment. I scanned around, I noticed that in the middle of the lab facing outwards was a chair clearly made from the three that we were inside. Hmm, it really looks like she took my control chair concept to the next level with her plant manipulation powers.

Still a powerful set of abilities that she hadn't explored before, even if it was a minor downgrade from the full biological manipulation that the mother box allowed for. From the control chair in the middle of the room ran one massive vine that ran from the chair over to the stool upon which Ivy was sitting.

If my vision wasn't perfect I would have thought that Ivy was using that vine for more than just controlling the massive tree and the surrounding forest. From my angle of viewing, I could tell that the vine snaked across the floor, up the stool, and connected to Ivys lower back as if it was an umbilical cord.

On closer inspection, I could also tell that the vine wasn't fused to her body but was connected to what was clearly a lotus-shaped neural linkage. Yeah, it was clear that Ivy was taking the bio-engineering ideas that I shared for her powers to the next level. And in all honesty, if that was the case, I really hoped she at least had the foresight to create a secondary brain to offload all the signals coming in from the rainforest.

Then again, the green was DC's magical mumbo jumbo bullshit. This means that she wouldn't need a secondary brain to process all the input and the Green would just do it for her because magic was bullshit. Since that vine was clearly for sensory input, that would mean Pamela already knew about my arrival on the beach and inside our tree home.

"Pamela dear," I called, my tones smooth as silk. "I've come for a report since you missed compiling one and sending it in." I continued as I arrived at the side of her workstation. The sight before me didn't spark any indignation but he did make me feel as if I should have known better.

Ivy had her face stuck to one of my more advanced electron microscopes built with parts from Kord and Star Labs Industries. This was to make sure that neither Luthor nor Bruce would be able to track the chips or backdoor their way into anything worked on out here in the forest. I was still on the fence about Star Labs since I knew that half of DC's super-villains came from their labs and the same for murder clones.

Then there was also the little fact that both Luthor, Bruce, and a lot of governments funding them with shell companies and the like. Unfortunately, there was nothing that could be done until a few companies finished liquidating and then converting into my own manufacturing centers.

Trying not to grimace as I noticed the earbuds within her ear, I watched as the other hand took shorthand notes even as Pamela's left hand swapped out some of the sliders she was robotically looking at. Preparing myself for what was about to happen, I took note of the surrounding foliage, created a bubble shield, and then poked her in the side.

The reaction was swift and brutal.

The wooden flooring beneath my feet shot upwards with spikes that were at least five inches long with serrated tips. The luminescent hanging bulbs doubled their intensity and lit up the room while swinging downwards. That was followed by the other vines that hung around the room snapping outwards at my heat source like whips.

Lucky for me, the shield that I conjured tanked all of the hits, and once she realized who it was Pamela started to freak out.

"Ohh my gosh, Vince!" Pamela shrieked in total freight even as her reflexive actions had me hanging around in the air. Honestly, what was there to say, well there was nothing to say so I just gave Pam a flat look even as I hung in the air.

With a few motions of her hands, the vines pulled back with everything else that tried to kill me. Landing lightly on my feet, I shared my thanks before pulling up a separate stool.

A smirk graced my lips as I looked at her, "Now that we have gotten past the moment you try to rip off all my clothes. I do believe we should maybe go over a progress report before getting to the fun times."

Pamela gave me a baffled look before she then checked the watch on her wrist. "Ohh dear."

"Hmm, you also missed our lunch date to watch Harley's little late-night fun," I replied by humming while bouncing on the balls of my feet.

Pamela's face scrunched up and a hand went to the bridge of her nose in irritation, "Damnit, I was so caught up in my latest discoveries."

Stepping forward, I placed a hand underneath her chin and lightly lifted it upwards. "That's alright, I brought lunch with us and we can always catch the video later. It is recorded after all."

The smile that she gave me in return was dazzling enough to outshine the sun itself. We shared a kiss before I then took the stool and sat down. Then I watched as Ivy ran around her lab for a little bit gathering her things. Granted all she really had to do was explain the sensor network over the forest, but I would be a bastard if I popped her bubble.

A whiteboard was rolled into the middle of the room and placed against the control chair with a bang before ivy finally was able to calm down.

"Okay, now where was I?!" Ivy asked with a huff and a scarlet red lock of hair out of place.

Chuckling, I could only return her disheveled look with my own calm smile, "I do believe you were going to tell me about expanding your sensory network and being able to control more fauna within the local area without mutating them too badly."

Ignoring that she didn't use any of the holograms, I settled in for the sexy teacher as she started a lecture with her black dry erase marker flying across the whiteboard.

Hmm, I would definitely have to see what her ass looked like in a pleated skirt while I play the role of a young lad in need of a stern lesson.




Standing outside on my penthouse balcony, I enjoyed the cool night air as the light breeze ruffled my silken trousers. In one hand was the whiskey sour that I was enjoying and on the other was the control of the alarm system that was triggered fifteen minutes ago.

From what the readings were telling me, something had breached the air space and with cross-checks, the alarm went off when there weren't any scheduled flights set to cross overhead. Some would say that maybe I was being a little paranoid, but the sensor echo's and the sound of ruffling cloth told me that I wasn't being paranoid enough.

So here I was playing bait for one of this universe's largest man-child. Some would say that I should cut him some slack, but I really couldn't find the sympathy for him in my heart even if I attempted to try. There really was no sympathy for a multi-billionaire that carried a genius-level intellect going out and causing far more issues than he tended to clean up.

Things were hard enough in Gotham as it was before Batman started to run around and breaking people. Honestly, they weren't out on the streets because they were scared of the man. No, they were scared because it was hard enough to feed their families and that only got worse once Batman decided to help them grace a hospital bed.

Suicide due to crippling medical debt is a far higher killer than the Joker ever was, and man was that a bitter pill to swallow once I found out. Sigh, if he had taken his head out of his ass and actually done something maybe Gotham would have been in a far better state than it was now.

Hundreds of gutted buildings that Bruce could have purchased and then used the citizens of Gotham to rebuild to help the city. Since it was clear for any who looked, the man wasn't funneling any actual cash into the city. Funny how they could call him Gotham's prince and miss such an easy thing.

Taking a sip of my whisky sour, I could only shake my head at how Bruce got away with donating scraps to charities and yet everyone bent over to kiss his ass. Maybe I should point the IRS in a few interesting directions. Chuckling some more at how easy it was to topple the house of cards these heroes called a stable foundation.

I felt the atmospheric shift around me more than anything since I didn't hear the man's stealthy approach, nor did I pick him up on my mental radar. Yeah, that was an interesting bit to note, of course, the Batman would have a psionic blocker. Idly, I wonder if it was built into that bullshit utility belt of his or in his cowl. Maybe along the back, inside that spinal brace he wore underneath his cape.

Minor and major thoughts floated through my mind as I smoothly turned around to face the jackass. Draining the last of what was in my glass, I placed it down on the table before looking upwards towards the dark spots of the overhang.

"What is it that you want, Detective?" I called out in smooth tones. Nothing happened, not even a twitch from the shadows. Then again, he could also be shocked by my asshole move.

The silence was the only thing that floated around the roof for some time since it was clear that Batman wasn't going to come out. So that checked the mark of him being here to plant a few things. Shame on him because I was going to activate the lethal defenses soon.

Thirty minutes went by, so of course, I shrugged before bringing up the remote to the alarm systems. "Suit yourself, but I am going back to bed. So that means the lethal systems are going to be turned on."

Shrugging once more, I picked up my drinking glass, then turned to toss out the water from the melted ice then turned back around. Standing right there between me and the sliding glass doors stood the Batman in all of his broodiness. The sight of his cowled face just made me want to punch him in his perfect nose even more.

Could have done so much for his city but spent days playing up the playboy billionaire angle while punching and breaking people at night. Tcch, all he had to do was buy up the lands and put proper management in charge while clearing the undesirables out with his own paramilitary. It's not that hard to clean up a single city with the type of resources that Wayne Enterprises had available at its fingertips.

Letting out a sigh, I gave the dark knight a flat look, "I see you have finally decided to drop in."

Batman narrowed his eyes, but said nothing even as I noticed the tightening of his fist. Hmm, it would seem that the Detective dig actually struck. Ohh, then I could be doubly sure that Batman was well aware of who my night's companion was. Okay, maybe the man really was a masochist to show up right after I had just finished clapping Talias cheeks.

Seeing that the man didn't want to show any reactions, I shrugged, "Yeah yeah friends call you Batman, but last time I checked I'm not a friend; even if decorum dictates that I use your real persona to address you. Although, we both know it was born on that fateful day, back in that alley."

Okay, now I was allowed to be smug as fuck, because it was clear that not even Ra's knew that little bit about Batman. Ohh, I knew that Ra's had put the clues together and had multiple psychic profiles put together, but that little morsel of information no one knew and I only knew that because there was a comic floating around back home about Batman holding the lasso of truth and saying his real name.

That was of course followed by the confession of Bruce dieing in that alleyway and Alfred being his true father even if it was emotional and yadda, yadda.

From his half combat position, Batman stood straight and tried to loom, but came up short. Not only that, but the fact that I knew he was only a mortal man. I really couldn't bring myself to fear the being before me. I also had no thoughts to allow him to plan or set up anything.

That was why I liked to keep him on the back foot while also guessing about what powers I might or might not have. Batman would never ever realize that all it would take was a mental command to the mother box on my wrist. Just one thought, and his day would be forever ruined no matter which side of the planet where he was located.

Just a thought...

The silence that Batman forced to stretch out was broken as the glass door to the balcony was shifted to the side bathing us in pale yellow mood lighting. Batman played it cool, but I noticed the subtle shift in posture and the way he was suddenly angled to see who was approaching from his peripherals. I was able to instantly tell that this was so he could see them approaching while also keeping me clear in his sight.

Long legs, curly hair, and a killer smile most men would die to have sent their way came out from the penthouse looking nice enough to eat.

Bruce and I said nothing as Talia came out topless with a nice little silk wrap around her waist, the tie loose so all it would take was one careless motion for it all to fall. Yeah, she was a temptress alright.

"Ohh, there you are beloved," Talia purred, those words going straight from my ears down to my dick. My erection only got harder as Talia gave Bruce a dismissive glance more arriving at my side. In clear view, Talia placed a chaste kiss on my lips before shifting to my side.

She took up a half position behind me and the arm that went around my side found its way into my pants in clear view of Bruce. Honestly, I didn't even stop her until she tried to pull my dick out in front of the man. I would have let her do it too if the clenching and unclenching of the man's jaw didn't say he was ready and truly willing to throw down right here, right now.

Snorting, I caught Talia's hand by the wrist and gave Bruce a raised brow.

"Please do not tell me you have interrupted my night because you would like to watch?" I asked, my irritation finally starting to show.

Even as the man's hands pulled back into the dark areas that the cape made by his waist, I still kept things leveled with a relaxed stance. Down below, I had my ax floating because if he pulled something out of that damn utility belt, I would have something for his ass.

Well, that would come after Spartan kicked his ass off the balcony with a full telekinetic empowered action. My ears twitched as I faintly heard Alfred's voice speak over Bruce's com device.

"Now, that is an interesting development, Master Bruce."

The man never answered, but he did growl at me as he spoke, "What have you done with the Joker?"

Ohh, now that was an interesting development, I didn't think he would figure it out that fast. Then again, Harley was known to be in my circle along with Poison Ivy. Who was of course a known associate of Harly's.

"What I have or have not done with a person by that name is of no concern to you." I shrugged at the man, but it doesn't really matter in the end. The world will keep on spinning regardless of whether such a madman shows up or not.

Bruce took a menacing step forward and I could only raise a brow at that attempt of intimidation.

"Urgh, must we do this here and now," Talia said, cutting clear through the bullshit. "There are at least four others within your rogue's gallery that could be a danger to your precious city. Instead of dealing with them, you are interrupting my beloveds and my night of passion because you have misplaced your paramour"

Bruce's attention shifted to the supremely deadly woman at my side now that she wasn't trying to make the man die of jealousy.

"He does not factor into our plans so begone from here as you have not been invited." Talia continued while taking a very predatory step forward. To prove a point, I stepped up behind her back, a glare of my own piercing into the man. "If it was up to me, I would make sure that he never saw the light of day. I would gladly rob you of the satisfaction of finally being able to put him out of his misery."

Bruce said nothing as Talia decided she wanted to stick him with the slow knife once more and then give it a twist.

"Look into my eyes and see that I would rob you of the eternal struggle you enjoy so much," Talia whispered as she took another step. "Understand that if I had any notion of where he might be, the Joker would cease to exist."

Okay, the look of pure loathing on her face was fucking hot, I know they said not to stick your dick in crazy, but damn. A touch of crazy made things spicy especially if she was a badass super ninja. Nothing was said as she stared into Bruce's eyes, after a while, the man had finally gotten enough. Without a word, Batman turned on a dime with a cape swish. Then he jumped and raised an arm as his grappling hook fired out.

Talia's face was scrunched up as she let out a cute snort at Bruce's retreat. With a minor button press, the lethal defenses activated. Tossing the remote control to the side with one hand, I pulled on the sash of Talia's silk with the other.

My super ninja minx did a little twist with the unfurling of her robes, then posed for me in the nude. The silken bottoms to my own pajamas fell down beyond my waist and were forgotten on the ground as I took a predatory step closer to where she stood posing.

"Talia my dear," I whispered, running a hand down her svelte stomach, fingers traced along the curves of her abdominal muscles.

Talia moaned from my touch, a slight shiver running through her. "Hmm, beloved?"

Turning her around, I kissed up and down her neck, while a hand ran down her rump. "I do believe a reward is in order."

"Ohh, then..."

Her words were interrupted as I pushed right past her sphincter. I grinned a savage glee as I bent Talia over and fucked her right up that sexy ass of hers. She squeezed down hard savoring my invasion. Slowly I pistoned in and out of her chocolate ring, allowing her to savor each and every thrust that I gave. Yet, it was clear that her motor was running as she brought one of my hands down from cupping a breast to her clit. Ohh, I knew exactly what she wanted, and if Bruce got himself an ear and eye-full from that surveillance device he left behind. Then that was his problem because Talia was going to get her just rewards this night.

Even if I had to cream her multiple times to get the message across.

Author Notes: Hot damn!

Well, I had to cut the follow-up short and that will just have to come out some other time. Hope everyone enjoys the chapter. This is only the beginning. Colombia is about to get a little fun.

Let me know what you guys think about the chapter.

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