Brightest Doom

Chapter 25

Brightest Doom

Chapter 25

By: BigToFu

Vincent Doom

On the Hunt for a Worthy Foe

The thing that woke me before the alarm could wasn’t the body pressed against mine, or the cool air that blew across my body from the left. No, what woke me was the sun that came through the curtains and shined across my companion. That would have been alright until I noticed the minor reactions. 

Turning to my bed partner, I took in the sight of tossed blonde hair without the blue or red highlights. The shifting of my body woke my bed companion as a leg was thrown across my waist to hold me in place while the arm that was across my chest pulled me closer to her own substantial assets. Turning my head to the side, I took in the smile of the beauty at my side.  

Slowly the memories of last night returned, or was it early this morning? Doesn’t matter really, what mattered was that she showed up; windswept and wanting, and there was nothing to stop me from obliging her since Talia had already passed out and couldn’t go any more rounds. Honestly, there was no need to lie and say that I wasn’t enjoying this tamaranean hybrid physiology of mine. 

Being a hybrid had hit that nice little sweet spot of being more than just a man; allowing me to reach endurance peaks that few could ever reach. Sure, I was more than just a man, but I wasn’t so far removed that I needed tools to keep from killing my bed partner. Talia had found out about being human the hard way and was extremely lucky that I had remembered the difference between the two before she was hurt. 

All it took was Power Girl to buck those lovely hips of hers one time for the bed frame to snap, which then gave Talia the dose of near-death experience for her to realize that maybe she didn't want to join in. Then again, Power Girl was mighty hungry and Talia took the first chance she could to get away so that her vag didn’t take another beating once I was finished pounding Power Girl’s insides to butter. Or could it be that since she got the Power Girl to vacuum clean her insides, she was looking for any chance to escape before getting pinned underneath those massive mammaries.


Didn’t bother me any since she went to assist Pamela with pruning the rainforest. Yet, all of that didn't really matter right now seeing that I had Power Girl in bed with me. I would say underneath me, but that type of phrasing would have to wait for me to roll her over. She did like being on top after all and I really couldn’t find it in myself to tell her no. Any real man knew how to give and take and Doom was no selfish lover. 

Allowing Power Girl to get on top, she got her cuddle in even as her moist core gently rubbed against my own rising mast. Ohh, I knew exactly where this was going and I really couldn't begrudge such a start to my day. She shifted, a breast covered my face as a nipple brushed my chin, then before I could react, Power Girl captured my rising shaft with her own velvet embrace. 

Pressing her hands against my chest, she slowly pushed herself upwards while slowly descending inch by tortuous inch down my shaft. The look that I was given had my breathing panting as if I was the bull from the Saturday morning bugs bunny cartoon. Although I loved how she got my blood pumping, Doom would never demean himself by displaying the same reactions as those buffoons. 

In recompense for her actions and payment for getting my blood pumping, Doom shall repay her efforts by nibbling on a nipple as he thrust upwards into her gooey depths. 


Leaning back in bed, I checked over the day's schedule on my tablet as Power Girl finished her breakfast. The shower that we had taken wasn’t quick and with the red solar lamp activated, I made sure that Power Girl worked up a proper appetite. Even though she had come of her own accord, the morning was fun and so were our shower activities. And since she was here, I was honestly contemplating letting her in on some of my planned activities. 

It's not like she needed the money since she was CEO of her own company in her civilian ID. The thought of her turning down blind funding to the Justice League and asking for recipes did bring a warm glow to my cold black heart. That was a story I made sure to properly note so that I could mention it to Clark later just to throw him off. 

Messing with that naive farm boy was just too easy if I was being honest, but a deal was a deal and I was going to embarrass him a few more times. Not all pranks had to be a complete humiliation of his character after all. 


Looking over with a raised brow, I raised a hand to stop her before she could deactivate the red lamp. Ignoring the look that she gave me, I patted the spot next to myself on the bed. Of course, where I tapped was also away from her squirt spot, but she still gave me, Doom of all people ‘that’ look as if I wasn't aware of the deed we had done upon this mattress. 

Letting out a sigh, I stood then moved to the love seat that was in the corner of the room facing the tv and of course, accepted her sitting upon my lap. With both of her legs tossed around my waist, I wasted no time in turning around my tablet and holding it with the screen off. 

“You can either accept plausible deniability or you can be aware of what shall happen today.” I stated, looking Power Girl right in her eyes. “You have decided to walk the path of a hero, I have chosen no such thing, so my operations may run counter to your view point.”

With that, the happy-go-lucky vibe that she was giving off slowly tapered as she shifted on my lap. I was certain that she might have heard things about me through word of mouth, but never expected one such as I to be so bold. That was alright, she was already learning Doom's ways. 

Power Girl looked at me for a moment before taking the tablet and holding it for me to enter the pass code. "I would love to be blissfully ignorant with plausible deniability, but I would rather know what is happening so that I may be prepared for any meetings." 

I snorted at that, “You mean if Batman decides to spring this on you while in the Watchtower." 

The shrug she gave did amazing things to the shirt that was strained at the seams to contain her impressive assets. Deciding that it was best to just ignore my libido, I relaxed into my seat and waited for her response. 

“Perhaps,” She returned with a half-smile. Then she went silent as her eyes scanned over the full plan and I could see her put the numbers together. Yeah, with this one move Doom would remove seventy percent of the world's drug trade. 

With this one move, Doom would make as big an impact on the Earth as the Justice League with their last world-saving battle. Yet, the impact that I brought not only changed an industry but also changed more than one nation. This was a plan of Doom and it was a plan that guaranteed success regardless of any who interfered. 

Power Girl sat in my lap and I watched as her finger glided across the screen as she read more and more of the plans that were in action. Of course, they were in action, I wouldn't wait to set something so monumental into action. Only a lesser being would wait to set something of such import into motion. The key to making sure that none can foil your plans is to give the hero or villain false information. 

Letting out a light chuckle at the memories from my last life on the evil overlord’s list. Doom was not defined by such petty titles, Doom was the one true Overlord. 

Looking up from her tablet, Power Girl squeezed my hips with her thighs. “What was that chuckle for?”

With a shake of the head, I decided that it was best to dismiss this train of thought from being followed. “Just a minor memory that coincided with this situation. Now… are you finished?”

Power Girl looked at me and I held her gaze for as long as she wanted, which lasted longer than was necessary in all honesty. Then without any warning, she let out a huff and leaned into me. Slowly she let out a breath and I gave her time to gather what she wanted to say. Already I could feel the time-shifting since it was already well very close to the afternoon and I wanted to make my preparations for later. 

“This is, this is going to change the status quo,” Power Girl spoke with her eyes going wide. 

“I know.”

“This is beyond just playing in politics, this is seventy-two percent of the world's drug trade.” Power Girl said with more heat in her voice as she shook the tablet in her hand. “Seventy percent of the world's drug trade Vincent in one move you will shift the world's balance of power.”

“I know.”

She breathed hard before letting out a short huff, “I need more than just an ‘I know’. This alone will call in question the ‘war on drugs’ at the minimum since it's clear that you are also doing this with a lot less resources than what has been pumped into the country.”

The only response that was given was my lips moving up into a slight smirk, “Now you are aware, and you also know the benefits far outweigh the downsides.”

Power Girl looked at me before her brows furrowed. “The way you worded that makes it sound like you know something…” 

“I do and you will either not care or will feel some type of way about the fallout. I’m sure Batman already knows since I allowed him to hack into the tablet and steal the plans. Unfortunately, he won't be able to stop it and will have his hands full for some time.”

She blinked, then blinked once more before looking down at the tablet in hand as a scowl swiftly took over her features. “And what about all this that he will try to stop you while also making him unable to do anything?” 

Looking at her, I let out a throaty chuckle, “Batman is a man that has extreme control issues and will do anything, and I do mean anything, due to his psychotic need to always have a way to end what he perceives as so called threats.”  Instantly the Tower of Babel storyline from the comics came to mind paired with some of the plans that I skimmed from the Bat-computer. Instead of dwelling on those thoughts, I gave Power Girl a smile that was all teeth, “Yet, in his paranoid induced psychosis to control whatever future battlefield he envisioned my defeat upon, he came here in an attempt of a two-prong attack.”

Power Girl looked at me with a raised brow and motioned for me to continue.

So of course, I obliged my fair lady and continued to speak. “The first was to investigate the joker while displaying a pitiful attempt at intimidation. And the other was to have Alfred slip a backdoor into the wifi and allow him to gain access to my personal computer and tablet.”

Ohh how her shocked face looked so cute, but I put her fears to rest as I leaned forward and placed a small kiss upon her forehead as she looked down at the tablet within her grasp. 

“Fear not my dear, Doom has already foreseen such a thing and allowed him only partial entry while performing my own counter hack.” I spoke with a chuckle even as I kept the fact that this wasn't the first time that I have hacked the Bat-computer. A shame that he could never learn that I used his own backdoors set within the Watch Tower to access his systems. From the data trails, both T.O.Morrow and Luthor also performed the same feats. Hmm, I wonder how the rest of the League would react knowing all of their defeats came from the mind of Mr. Wayne. 


“You hacked the Bat-computer!” Power Girl reeled backwards in my lap, shocked at such a minor thing.

“Only in retaliation my dear.” The only reaction I could do was to shrug at her. “ Now where was I… Ahh yes, his hacking of my device and falling within the trap laid forth by Doom…” Nodding my head as If I had actually picked back up on my train of thought, I continued. “Batman was allowed to download a scrambled form of my plans before his intrusion of course was booted from my network. As we speak he is most likely attempting to decrypt the little he was allowed to steal. This will keep him busy as word about the world's drug trade reaches the proper ears. Those in power that learn of what is happening here will attempt to hoard what few kilos are available. As he solves the little puzzle that I dangled to trip is psychotic compulsion to know. The city that he allowed to fester will become a nice little distraction as the gangs collide in a grand display of violence all for the dregs of the drug trade.”

As I finished laying out a little of what I had pushed into motion, Power Girl sat on my lap stunned. 

Power girl’s shock was a thing to behold.

“Of course certain plans are in place to protect civilians.” I said to reassure her, then shrugged. “He will not be able to intercede in an attempt to stop me from cutting this cancer from the earth. The drug trade will be brought to its knees.” 

Silence descended and instead of breaking it, I allowed it to settle as she put her thoughts together. Even with our current conversation, I was in constant telepathic contact with Zelda as she kept me abreast of the situation. Harley was being her usual self as she tore through some of the Cartels inside the inner city while Pamela dealt with the stores and refineries within the resin forest. 

Billions were already seized and transferred into various bank accounts vanishing into the wind. Funny enough, that traitorous President had asked for his own cut twice. Sigh, if only he was smarter I would not have to be rid of the man, but I had faith in his replacement to work properly on the behalf of Doom. If only he was aware of the aspirations of those who surrounded him, then he would not have fallen into such an easy trap. 

Slowly, Power Girl released a breath that I didn’t even realize she had taken. “I won't be able to involve myself as Power Girl because as a hero, I can’t be seen making any overt political moves…” Power Girl released another held breath and looked me in the eyes. “I am sure though that Karen Starr, CEO of one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, could be seen in Colombia on a fact-finding mission once it is known that they are the first-ever country to win the war on drugs.”

Ohh, that could certainly work in Doom’s favor. 


Standing at the bow of the boat, I cast my eyes to the island a little distance away where my fates awaited. The league of assassins has seen my plots and plans, now it was time for them to see my metal. Bane would be my challenge and my challenge alone:  not just so that they may stand witness, but so that I may truly conquer the fear within my heart. What better opponent to face than the man who broke the Batman. 

This was my proving ground and I would face it with my head held high as Doom should. 

The spray from the ocean shot upwards casting glittering water droplets across the deck of the ship;  yet I stood firm. Behind me stood my troops, all silent as they understood the glorious purpose of our mission. None said a word as the boat gently rocked amongst the waves, even as our boats moored onto the soft sand, nothing was spoken. 

With a light hop, I floated my way leisurely over the side of the boat allowing my cape to flap with the wind. Then before my armored feet could land upon the beach, I tossed the end of my cape over one arm. My look was both dashing and dignified and it would be very unbecoming for my cape to get snagged on the underbrush. A signal from Talia sent the ninja’s onto their task allowing them to vanish in a swirl of leaves and swirls of water as their chi training showed its worth. 

Ignoring the ninjas as they very happily vanished into the tree’s. I spoke up for the first time in hours, “Come along Talia, let's not keep our gracious host waiting.”

With the wave of my wrist, I uncovered the path that clearly led from the beach to wherever Bane had his current base stashed away. Honestly, it wasn't that hard to find the path since a man like him could of course have a way to get his troops from one end of the island to the other and it clearly wasn't going to be a mode of transportation. 

Ignoring my ninja as they jumped from tree to tree, I strolled down the path without a care in the world for I knew that in the end, I shall conquer. With the assurance of my victory, I stepped over the body that blocked my path as I stepped out into the clearing. Roughly twenty meters from where I understood was the entrance to the hidden caverns that spanned the cliff-side and down into the shoreline and docks. 

Walking into the clearing, I gave a signal as I took position and stood with my cape over one arm. Nothing was needed to be said as everyone was given their marching orders before our arrival. I stood and watched as the door was ripped from its hinges while shadows swiftly made their way into the darkness that awaited. 

While that was happening, I read over some of the progress reports that the mother box Zelda fed to my HUD. It was clear that someone of course had made the tip-off, if the way the big name drug dealers around the world were reacting. Hmm, I knew my plan was going to cause a little chaos sure, but from the initial reports. Clarion the Witch Boy himself would cream his pants due to the fallout. 

Nations were in turmoil, large companies were flatlining in stocks and there was actual martial law being passed to stop the fighting in the streets. Yes, it was clear that I would have to tip another domino over to keep both the Justice League and United Nations busy. I would be a very poor mastermind if they were able to gather wits and prepare for my plans. 

Hmm, it might be time to give Vandal Savage the proper nudge in the right direction. Ohh and let us not forget both Scandal and Cassandra, he really didn't appreciate his toys and was always such a rough-houser. Yes, I would need him to tie the noose around his neck with no escape before I took everything from him. Unfortunately, that line of thinking was interrupted when the big man himself decided to let his presence known. 

Then again what he was calling stealth wasn't much since I had the local area under a blanket of psionic power so there was no hiding his mental signature from me. From her earlier twitch, I knew that Talia had also noticed his silent approach. 

I raised one hand up and forward so it was easy for Bane to see from his position at the forest edge. *snap* The sound my fingers made instantly activated the floodlights, one on me and the other shining down on Bane.

With a flourish and wave, I gave Bane a slight bow of the head. “I welcome you to what might be your last night on earth.”

The hulking form of the man walked out from the forest now that his cover was blown. The way he looked upwards into the forest canopy told me that he was well aware of being surrounded.

“Si, you talking all that stuff but am not sure about what you might be smoking harmono.” Bane grumbled as he made an attempt to loom over me. 

“Doom has foreseen everything that has led to our meeting. Your pathetic plots, your catspaw president, Doom foresaw it all. And doom found your attempts wanting.” My reply was to the point and in his face, I spoke with a sneer in my voice, “No powers, thunder dome rules, the only way you will survive the night.” 

Bane looked at me as silence descended,  but I wasn't going to give him the chance. I put out a hand, *snap* Talia came forward with a case, then holding the case between Bane and I, she opened it. Inside the case were two equal knives. Bane snorted and I knew why, these weren't anything fancy or ceremonial, no. These two knives were as basic as you could get them since they were standard issue kbars that you could find anywhere.

Bane looked up and around, then tilted his head at the hovering drones. It was clear that he knew his tech since he didn't make any comments about the anti-gravitational drones. If only he knew about this being broadcast nice and far. People might be worrying about losing what little drug’s were left in the world, when they should be more worried about the man who kept their supply flowing. All he had to do was lash out and there was a good chance that he could kill me. Well, a slim chance actually but still. All he had to do was let the world see him as less than honorable. But I had made a profile of Bane and knew that he would never do such a thing. 

To the normals, Bane was just some minor super-villain that Batman fought and almost died to on a few occasions. And even with all that underneath his name Bane was known to be a man of honor and his word. 

“And why should I agree to such terms?” Bane growled, knuckles cracking in anticipation of a fight.

“It is the only thing that would allow you to leave here alive, and you already know this.” Was my smooth reply. It was an easy deduction since Bane wouldn’t have come out to confront me if he had another way out. It obviously wasn't because his escape boats were scrapped or that hidden mini-sub on the north end of the island or that one mad jetpack he had stashed away in the observatory.  

I wasn’t just going to checkmate him, I was offering terms that his pride would be able to accept while also solidifying myself as fair in the eyes of many. 

Bane finally broke the silence as he walked over to one of his men’s side, “I accept your terms but not your knife.” Then with a swift move, Bane hit the release on his serum harness before removing the same kabar style knife from his goons sheath. The green liquid flowed out of the pipes strapped all over his body and we all watched as Bane’s muscles slowly deflated. Then with another move, Bane ripped off the shirt and harness that pumped his venom. 

“Doom can accept such a thing, a man must provide for himself after all.” Turning away, I hit the center of my chest piece. The pauldrons on my shoulders detached with a snap-tss then hovered away taking my cape with it. Then more snap-tss could be heard as the seals to my armor released and opened. Stepping forward, I walked out of my armor, picked up a knife and prepared myself. 

Ignoring the feel of the wind upon my bare chest, I stood a meter and a half from Bane. The man looked me up and down at my form, his eyes stopping at my helm. 

I scoff and cut him off, “Doom shows his face for no man, defeat me and remove it if you want to look beneath.”

“Si,” Bane nodded as he took a step forward. He stood just outside arms reach and really let the height difference set in as the drones rotated overhead. My boots crunched on the gravel as I slid into an easy combat stance. Bane did the same and it was easy to tell that words were clearly not needed. 

The drones flew overhead streaming everything live as the both of us squared off in a show down that would forever change the underworld. A left feint came directly at my head which I had to block even as I intercepted the blade aimed at my gut. Twisting my body and pushing my own knife outwards, sparks flew along the edges as I parried Bane’s blade away from my body while shoulder-checking him to gain some distance. 

Capitalizing on the minor distance, I twisted around, hoping to deliver a devastating blow with my steeled-toed boots in a roundhouse kick, but that was blocked by Bane. Before I could disengage, Bane pushed up and outward hoping to throw me for a loop. Using this as a chance, I twisted around dodging the tree that I was about to slam into as I vanished into the forest. The cameras followed right along with Bane as he dashed forward in chase. 

Bane came sprinting by, not even noticing me perched on a branch not that high above his line of sight, shame really. You would think that after all his battles with Batman, the guy would at least have learned to look up. There was no yelling as I came down swiftly yet, Bane must have had a danger sense as he dodged out of the way at the last second. Sadly, it turned out that he didn't have one, but what he did have was keen eyesight and overhead light from the damn drones. 

My blade went directly into the tree with a thunk, instead of trying to wiggle it, I let the knife go as I rolled to the right. Twisting around my arms went up to block the hammer blows that rained down on me due to our size difference, then went down to block the knee strike that came. Taking that as an opportunity, I wrapped my left around the thigh and knee before twisting away as if I was an alligator. Bane had no recourse but to follow my lead unless he wanted his leg ripped apart.

As we hit the dirt, I gave his calf a tug in one direction as I punched the side of his knee in the other. A sickening crack rang out for all to hear yet all Bane did was grunt his confirmation that he felt that. He must have thought that I was going to shift positions and take the mount but I knew better than to get in a scrum with a physically superior person. It's why when I rolled us, I took his back and then acted as if I was going to pull him for a German suplex. Instead of finishing like he thought that I would, since he put a hand to block the back of his head while the other grabbed my wrist, I tossed clear and wide right into the damn tree. 

Bane took me with him and even as he hit the tree, Bane never let me go for a second. Pain shot up my arm and looking at my hand I could see where my wrist had broken from that monster's grip. He tried to wrap the rest of his arm around, but I was already pulling myself out of his reach. Bane righted himself and I happened to notice that he was in the path of my blade. 


That would not stop one such as Doom. Striding forward purposefully, I held my fist up loosely in a boxer’s guard as before stepping into Banes range. 

“HA! HA! Come!” Bane shouted as he tossed his blade to the side. Pop! pop! pop! Pop! Rang out around the clearing as we exchanged blows at high speeds. None would have thought bane had such speeds, but I knew better. Even without his drugs, Bane easily ranked amongst superhumans. 

We traded a few more blows before Bane took a page out of my book and used the terrain to his advantage as he turned around a tree trunk. My knuckles broke as they made contact with the bark. With a *tssk* I did the same thing and disengaged to grab my knife and catch my breath. 

Bane looked at where he tossed his knife then we both shared a look. Giving him my own acknowledgment, I jabbed my blade into one of the low-hanging branches. The lights from the drones flashed once more and that was the only signal that we needed.  


Dodging away from one of Bane's high-flying luchador moves, I let the tree take the bone-rattling blow as I maneuvered into position. Accepting the vicious uppercut, I rolled with it even as my blood went flying from the busted lip. Rolling on the ground and ignoring the feel of the roots digging into my shoulder blades, I kicked out hard with both legs. 

Bane brought his arm up to block, but there was something to be said about the human legs. It's said that the human legs are at least four times as strong as the arms. Bane learned that lesson today as he was sent flying backward to slam into a certain low-hanging branch. 

There was no oomph of released air, just a hard crack and slick sound as bone broke, and muscles were sliced into. I had stuck that blade there on a whim, but even as we fought, a plan had hatched in my mind. We both discarded our blades, but nothing stopped us from using our environment to great effect.

Bane had lost and he had lost with no way to defend himself as the blade had sliced into his spine instantly lodging between his cervical and thoracic vertebrae. Of course, Bane would recover, but in the here and now, he was completely at my mercy. I knew it, he knew it, and anyone with half-decent medical knowledge would know it. 

This battle was over and Doom was the victor as it should always be. 

Standing up, I spat out blood while standing up and rolling my neck, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?! I am not a joke! I am not a riddle! I am not a bird or a cat or a penguin! I am not a scarecrow or a plant or a puppet! I am not your friend! I am not your teacher! Nor am I a child’s fairy tale! I am not a circus act here to amuse and frighten you! I am not another of the many madmen howling at the moon!  I Am … I am not… I am not some rich boy playing dress-up! I AM YOUR DOOM!!!” I roared with the vein on my neck throbbing. 

Standing there, my gaze bore into him even as his arms twitched which I ignored since I knew that he would be able to recover from a spinal injury. Walking up to him as he hung from the branch with the blade stuck in his back. 

I reached forward to rest my hand on his mask, “You do not die today, but I will take something that you value more than your life.”

Then without further words, I pulled.

Authors Note:

So much to unpack in this one chapter for sure, but one thing is absolutely certain. Doom is a master chess player on all levels. 

Interesting how that one blade just so happens to slice into Bane's spine perfectly without killing him. 

I found it funny to use Bane’s speech to batman in the comics here against Bane himself. 

Anyway, life was being life but I got it done. Happy holiday folks and I hope yours is not as crazy as my own. And remember killing the in-laws and burying the body in the woods out back is illegal, no matter how much you wish and fantasize about it. 


Let me know what you guys think about the chapter.

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