Brightest Doom

Doom 27

Brightest Doom

Chapter 27

By: BigToFu


High Rise Apartment - 2B

Across the city and in an apartment where red light filtered through the sides of the curtains, the sound of tinkling could be heard giving away the fact that chains were being used. This chain was found being used to bind two people together, one end attached to a collar around a man's throat and the other in the hand of a dainty dame.

A Dame who was on the table within the dining room, her legs spread, chest on the table with her hands spreading her backside. She gave a tug on the chain and pulled the man who happened to be her lover forward. A mere glance could see that his face was buried into her glorious backside, her eyes closed and moans escaped her lips as his tongue plundered her puckered star.

More tinkling like sounds rang throughout the room as the lady on the table looked over her back and growled at who was clearly her lover, "Fuck me Clark, fuck me hard."

The man raised a brow, and finished his work, face dripping with moisture as he stood. The man now known as Clark towered over both his lover and the table. His height nearing seven feet tall, muscles rippling across his frame. His lover on the table couldn't help but watch the display of his muscles flexing. She watched with her anticipation building as he parted her cheeks with one large hand as the other stroked his already full mast and very impressive manhood.

They both shared a smile as they knew what would come next. Clark watched on as his lover arched her back, his head pressed firmly against her sphincter. He felt it as she gave his leash a hard tug forward, his body obeying her commands, his hips thrusting forward with a hard jerk. They both gasped from the differing sensations. Relaxing her core muscles and her rosebud, Lois accepted the massive member up her backside as Clark thrusted forward. A hand on her stomach cradling the bugle of his head showing the world exactly how large her partner was.

He released a hiss as she clenched down with his pull back, her well-trained muscles showing off their flexibility and toughness. Clark thrusted forwards once more and her breath hitched as he smashed into her ovaries from the back like a battering ram. Again she relaxed her cheeks as Clark thrusted forward, then clenched as he pulled back.

They both continued this way for a time, her knees had given out and the gymnastics in her youth came in handy as she was played out across the table in a split. Clark was behind her growling as he thrusted as if his life depended on it. The table beneath her rocked from each of his powered thrusts, her lower body shifting up and down as he fucked her so hard it was as if he wanted to rearrange her insides.

With how hard Clark was going, it was almost as if he was trying to fuck through her and Lois loved every minute of it. The table rattled, the chairs around the edges were pushed aside, but neither of the pair cared as they enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh. This continued for a time, the pair transitioning from the kitchen to the living room, and then finally to the bedroom. The same bedroom in which they broke the bed once more even as the one known as Clark face palmed at forgetting to replace the bedframe with more advanced materials.

With a sigh that turned into a chuckle, Clark pushed that little thought aside as an arm curled around Lois and pulled her in closer to his frame. The moment was pure bliss and the two of them knew this, and that was why the soft click soured the atmosphere to the extreme. A quick check made sure that Clark had his boxers on even as a hand went out and snatched the baseball bat from the side of his bed.

Near the bed, Lois pulled on a pair of pants along with a shirt even as a hand flew out and hit the switch which turned off the red light all throughout the apartment. Instantly Clark felt his reserves swelling, power filling his limbs. He blinked a few times cursing that his x-ray vision hadn't kicked in yet, but with the body shifting he heard, happy that his advanced hearing was at least back for now.

Standing at the side of the bedroom door, Clark gave Lois a hand motion in which she replied with a nod of the head while going into the bathroom and grabbing her hair curler. Clark noticed that from the way she was holding the hair curler, Lois was more likely to use the cord as a whip instead of the metal implement used for her hair.

They shared one last look before Clark opened the door and they stepped into the apartment hallway. With the moon at their backs, Clark and Lois slowly made their way down the hall of their shared apartment, even now as they passed the halfway bathroom and their shared office, Clark could hear low mutterings from the living room and kitchen island area.

Before they could walk into the open space, Lois tapped Clark on the shoulder and made a hand motion which he returned with a nod of the head. Lois held up a hand with three fingers and started to drop them slowly. When she only had one finger up, and then that dropped Clark tensed and then sprinted around the corner only applying a minor boost of his strength to make sure to use his sudden speed to blindside the thief.

With a dash, Clark was around the kitchen island, baseball bat raised and ready to strike, but stopped cold in his tracks as he was finally able to lay eyes on the person in their apartment inspecting the table. The same table that was knocked to the side, had nail marks and was currently knocked to its side with a few stains that they would make sure to clean up in the morning. Better yet, he might as well get rid of the table with the rise of the sun and get them a new one.

There standing over the mess was Bruce in his full Batman gear, his little pen light out inspecting the scene. Bruce didn't even flinch or say anything as Clark lowered the bat and walked over, he did though turn and glare at Clark.

Putting the bat to the side, Clark walked around Batman and made for the fridge, "Why are you here inspecting my broken table, Bruce?"

There was a grunt which Clark ignored to pull out the water and hand it to Lois as he took one for himself. Turning around, Clark paused as he noticed Lois in his shirt which was far too oversized for her frame, pushing his lust aside, Clark noticed the glare being sent his and Bruce's way and had to suppress his wince at the situation because he could understand it all with just that one look.

Giving Lois a nod of his head because he understood her feelings on the matter, Clark turned around to find Bruce standing there glaring at him, the tv remote in hand. Instead of speaking, Bruce pointed at the tv and pressed the power button on the remote control. As the tv turned on to the news, Clark noticed Lois walking over to him, a hand going upwards to his neck. Eyes wide, Clark gulped and had a sheepish look as Lois removed the collar from around his neck along with the handcuffs from his wrist.

Giving Lois a kiss, Clark looked up and found Bruce glaring at them before the man shifted his attention to the tv. Blinking, Clark had to force away the thought that came to mind even as Doom's words floated around his head. Of all people, Clark never expected to have to speak with Bruce about boundaries.

The sound from the tv attracted Clark's attention even as he made the mental note to have a chat with Bruce. The tv was on and it was switched over to the news and they were talking about critical information in the case of Alexander Luthor being a deadbeat father, they even went on to disclose how this just might be an open court preceding because of the individuals involved.

Clark heard the shift in body weight and posture before Bruce stalked closer. "Is this true?" The tone of voice that he used to ask wasn't even that of questioning Clark noted. It was all demand and Clark was not pleased with that at all.

Lois scoffed from where she was standing, the collar and cuffs sitting on the island counter before her, "It's a family matter Bruce, and not something we want to spread around."

At the mention of that Clark grimaced at the memory of his mother finding out about Superboy, gods above he would need to get that kid a name soon. From what Karan had told him and done, it was clear that the media shitstorm would be firmly placed on Luthor's shoulders for once.

It was an immense help and Clark really didn't know how he felt about Doom getting intimate with his cousin along with the others, but at least it kept him out of those crafty plots. Clark also had to admit it to himself that with Doom out in the world there have been far fewer supervillain crimes.

"I want answer's Clark, and where is the clone?" Bruce growled, and demanded once more.

With a sigh and shake of his head, Clark turned back towards his long-time friend,Batman, "Bruce, there is nothing to share: also we both know you would still run your own parallel investigations."

Before Clark could hear what Bruce had to say, his ear twitched as they picked up entertainment weekly and how the lady was going on about Superman's love life and the possible implication of a three-way love triangle between him, Luthor, and Batman.

Clark shuddered at the thought of the internet shipping wars that were currently going on. He really wished that Lois hadn't shown him that fanfiction. Talk about nightmare fuel and he would make sure to find whoever wrote Forbidden Cape and Business.

"This is not over, and I plan to raise concern before the League," Bruce growled, his voice coming from the distance.

Shivering once more, Clark turned back in time to see Bruce turn on his heel, the cape on his back swishing through the air in a controlled manner as he stalked from the apartment. With a shake of his head and sigh, Clark let Bruce think as he will, but he did pick up his phone and typed out a text message.

-Ma' would like you to come by the farm this weekend, she is holding a get-together.

With his part finished, Clark put the phone down only to get a cuff slapped over his wrist. Following the hand upwards, he found Lois leering at him with a seductive smile on her features, the leash in her off-hand.

That smile sent a shiver running down Clark's spine; but unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to indulge himself anymore for the night. Bruce had come by and ruined the evening after all; but also, he would need to contact Karan so she would be better prepared for when Bruce decided to stick his nose into matters. Lifting Lois' hand to his lips, Clark placed a kiss on her fingertips while explaining the situation and heading for his phone.

"Well, since the cat's out the bag, tell Karan that she should bring Conner over for dinner in a few days," Lois replied with a sigh even as she resigned herself to no more action for the night.

Clark stopped in his tracks and turned around with a confused look on his features, "Conner? Who's Conner?"

This prompted Lois to stop in her motions as she gave Clark a critical look, "Conner is the name of Superboy, your Pa picked it out after learning that the kid had none."

"Ohh," Was Clark's uneasy reply.

"What do you mean by ohh, we have been calling him Conner for like half a month now," Lois remarked even as she finished her action of removing the handcuff from Clark's wrist.

Not being able to help himself, Clark winced at that bit of news, he after all did hear the name being brought up more than once or twice. The thing was he had been busy for some time now in his double life as the journalist for the Daily Planet. Along with his other job as Superman, both parts of his life were currently going through their own bag of troubles. It also didn't help that he now has an actual sex life, and his sex drive was in high gear trying to compensate for all the years that he missed out on.

With a huff and a hand to ruffle his own hair, Clark put on an earnest expression as he answered Lois, "I do recognize the name, but I didn't know you guys had decided that it was the kids, I've sort of been busy, sorry."

Lois let out a sigh and shook her head, "It's fine," Lois replied, then gave Clark a steady look, "The kid has been through a lot okay, we don't want to make things worse."

Smiling at her fiercely protective nature, Clark leaned over a little and placed a kiss on Lois' lips, "I know and I promised that I would do what I can."

Lois gave Clark a pleasant smile and nodded in return, "Well, it's too late to make that call so send her a text, and let's get to bed since there isn't going to be any more fun. Might as well turn in and get enough rest for work in the morning even if it's 2 A.M. We can try that fox tail on me this weekend or maybe a little villainess play…."

Clark watched as Lois walked away with a sway to her hips, his heartbeat speeding up.

{Scene Break }


Fluttering overhead lights came to life in a space that has been used for years underneath a massive mansion that belonged to the mainstay family of Gotham City. With the dim lights of the cave activating multiple things all went into play as the owner commanded them with pre-installed directions. The butler above was alerted to the approach of his young master, the ventilation system was activated to circular the air and warm the space, The other was recent security alerts getting reviewed for disturbances while the owner was away.

As all of this was taking place, the curtain that was a waterfall at the end of the cave was pushed apart by a giant pillar in the roof. As the waterfall was pushed apart, it revealed a giant set of double doors that were also opening from the previous signal sent to awaken the entire cave.

With the rising of the doors leading into the Bat-Cave open, a dark jet flew into and around the massive platform in the center. It circled once in a very tight manner before rising and landing in the place marked for the flying aircraft.

With the aerial vehicle touched down in its location, the pilot didn't even waste time as the canopy opened and he jumped out. This pilot turned out to be none other than Batman himself, also known at times as Bruce Wayne, the playboy billionaire.

As the Batwing continued its procedures to power down, Batman paid it no mind as he stalked single-mindedly towards his computer which activated as he got within ten feet of the machine. Once he was within five feet of the massive machine, the chair automatically pulled back and Batman sat down with a silent grunt. With his weight on the chair, the automated system kicked in as it pulled him underneath his desk. Once he was in place Batman's hand started to glide across the surface of his multi-million dollar machine.

Forget what Clark said, Batman activated all the spectrum analysis devices across all Wayne buildings. If his hunch was correct he would be able to locate this clone by the large influx of solar radiation within a local area. With a grunt, he sat himself to his task while also shifting Wayne tech satellites to run the same algorithm.

Batman didn't know how long he sat there as the time ticked by, it could have been for one or even four hours. None of that mattered though because the ping from the computer meant he had found what and who he was looking for. Then the computer pinged once more and then again and again, with a perplexed growl of frustration Batman brought up the marker of the pings and marked each location while also setting a diagnostic program to work just as a precaution to make sure the sensors were working properly.

Once the algorithm finished running there was no stopping the growl that escaped his chest, the hand that was holding the armrest splintered underneath his grip. The solar signature pings were tabulated and marked on the graph, once it was run through his bat-computer, it came back as, DOOM!

To add insult to injury the exclamation mark was a combination of points that included the GCPD, Wayne Enterprises, Arkham, and Wayne Manor. Frustration was what he felt, but that paled in comparison to the rage that was simmering just beneath the surface.

Striking them from his map, Batman proceeded to run the diagnostics once more while typing an entirely new algorithm for the Kryptonian clone. As his hands flew across the keyboard, the caller function for the GCPD activated.

Ring! Ring!


"Commissioner Gordon," Batman growled, one ear listening while he shifted the automated trace call system to the side.

"It's good to see that this number is the correct one, Good afternoon primo, this is Bane." The caller spoke, forcing Bruce to sit properly in his chair, his hands flying across the keyboard to bring up CCTV footage.

"What are you up to? How did you get this number?" Batman growled at his massive supercomputer showing him images from at least fourteen different points within and around the GCPD.

"As of right now, moving and as to how I got this number, well I have always had this number, everyone needs money, but that is unimportant for now," Bane spoke and Batman could hear the shifting of equipment in the background.

Batman narrowed his eyes as began to type into his supercomputer to triangulate the location of Bane's call. "And what is?"

"Ahh, now that is the million-dollar question, or ten million in your case. Anyway, I have called to inform you that you have been cut from my nemesis roster as of signing yesterday." Bane spoke then a sound came from the back that made him pause in his speech, "As of 5 P.M. yesterday, you are no longer my nemesis. I've made a trade and will be going to Star City from now on. Sorry to tell you this so late hermano, but my doctor told me that the sun and less cursed atmosphere would be good for me."

Batman leaned forward in his seat, then Batman stood up, his voice slightly raised, "Nonsense, you can't just make a trade like that"

Bane's voice came back like a whip, "I can and did. Green Arrow and Black Canary are a duo with wrestling and high-flying combat skills that go back to the early luchador beginnings. It will be a great fresh start for me and my image. Don't worry though. I got you a great replacement for losing one of your top Rouges."

Batman shook his head, "Enough, I will not accept Doctor Light within my city."

On the other end of the phone call Bane chuckled into the microphone, "And I thought I had an ego. Just so you're aware, Doctor Light stated that your brooding was beneath him when I put out the call city switch. Don't worry because I was able to wrangle you a consolation prize... The Moth Man!"

Even on the other end of the call, Bane could hear Batman grind his teeth, what he wasn't aware of though was the glare being sent at the bat-computer.

It was clear that Batman was frustrated but Bane was certain that it wasn't his doing, but then again, the ani-tracing program he was using had to be working. Thinking about it, Bane shruged. Even if Batman couldn't see it. "Anyway, I know your little tracking should be getting close by now, enjoy your participation trophy. Adios."

Then the call ended because even though this was fun, Bane didn't feel like having Batman show up to ruin his good day. Within his cave and standing before his supercomputer, Batman's glare intensity increased as the call cut out and GPS showed no conclusive location.

[ Scene Break ]

Columbian Highrise

The one known as… DOOM.

Standing with a hand behind my back, I enjoyed the video footage being shown on the smart glass of my penthouse. Watching the heroes scramble about like ants as they danced to the invisible strings was always enjoyable. Then again, my boredom was abated by the beauty that was kneeling on the ground between my legs.

Poor kitty cat, so neglected by a man that just didn't know how to stop while he was ahead. And because of that fact, he was going to miss out on one of the greatest things in his life as I snatched it from his paranoid grasp. There really was no reason to take her from his cold dead corpse, not when I could rub it in his face.

Death by a heart condition, now that would be an interesting way to defeat the Batman of this reality. The niggling sensation that churned in my lower gut as I got closer to my release pulled me from my thoughts as I held a fist pull of pony-tail in my grasp. Plans were already in motion so there was no point in micromanaging things from here. With the flick of my other wrist, I had the holo-screens dismissed as I pulled the kitty cat closer and gave her a belly full of her favorite cream.

Pulling back a little, I gave the good kitty the last of her cream and applied it to that lovely face of hers. Those lovely lips of hers pouted at me even as she fluttered her lashes, green eyes shining with lust. With a chuckle and shake of my head, I walked over and sat on my throne while Salina licked off the cream that was on her face. Once I was seated, Talia of all people walked in with her tablet in hand, business professional on display for all to witness.

Talia took one look at my position and the mess that was on Salina's face before putting her tablet away and releasing the top four buttons on her blouse. Putting the tablet away and adjusting herself, Talia came forward a hand caressing my cheek, then ran down my perfectly sculpted abdominals.

I watched as Talia traced her hand down my form until she was standing directly in front of my seated form. Talia gave me a smirk, then descended before me into a kneeling position, the transition smoother than flowing butter. The smug smirk she threw back at Salina was one of a challenge even as one of her hands appeared with a hair scrunchy. Raising a brow, I said nothing as Talia placed her hair in a ponytail with one hand even as the other stroked my length.

Holding steady eye contact, I said nothing even as Talia ran a hand over the head of my penis with her thumb to gather the last dregs of cream. Then her lips parted, and her throat vibrated, my eyes went wide. The hand that was placing the scrunchy around her hair traced my thigh before pulling my hands onto her head. It was all too easy to see what Talia wanted and I wasted no time in giving her the face fucking that she was demanding.

It didn't take exceptionally long for my second climax to happen as I erupt directly down into Talia's waiting gullet, but it would seem that she had other plans. Talia pulled back and took me in her mouth even as she swallowed what she couldn't hold. Talia pulled back even as she took a few creamy shots on the face. The look she turned and gave Salina was one of pure smugness.

Salina didn't let Talia get too far as she downright attacked the other and basically pried her lips open with her tongue. I raised a brow even as they rolled around before me, with a snort, I levitated them both back over to where I was seated and just stuck my dick between their lips.

If they both had so much energy, I might as well put it all to good use.

Author's Note's: Fuck Batman….

Sorry for the late chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter.

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