Brightest Doom

Doom 28

Brightest Doom

Chapter 28

By: BigToFu

Ninja Automotive and Towing

With hands on his hips, Leo frowned as he looked over the display of Gotham City while ignoring the sound of the heavy bag on the right side of the garage. They had been in this god-forsaken city for four months now after agreeing to pursue the legendary towing. Raph's fist against the bag once more made a sound that showed his thoughts on the matter. With who they were going after, Leo and his brothers had to get a letter of pursuit and writ from both the Mayor's office along with the Governor's signature. The letter of billing on this one was going to net them ten million dollars easily even if the government was going to take three out of that in taxes. There was still a lot of money going into the pockets of the brothers.

There was a flash of blue, the crackle of static, and then his other brother Donny yelled out with excitement as he did whatever it was that he was doing. Then his eyes went wide as he noticed what Donny was working on.

With a hand pinching his nose, Leo sighed, made peace with the world, and then walked over to his brother's area of operation. "Tell me you didn't just break those."

"HAHA! *SNORT*SNORT* Not even close," Donny started with a laugh. "I boosted the power and rerouted things from the battery to this twelve-volt hook-up for the truck and capacitor system."

Leo looked over everything but still didn't get it, "And what's that gonna do for us?"

"Well, with the increase in power and a swap of the control system, it allows me to boost the speed of the tractor beam which boosts our response time overall.' Donny replied with a smile on his lips. Then he frowned, "Bro, we really need to get in and get out, I've been looking at some of these Batman victims and I don't want us to be eating out of a straw for years to come."

"HA!" Raph belted out a loud fake laugh, "I wish that Bat-ass would try that shit with us, I'd break his fucking legs."

"Again, I must reiterate, we are not here to fight Batman, just to collect the ticket bounty on the Bat-mobile. That's ten million dollars legally and we are free and clear with the law on our side."

Raph rolled his eyes and went back to swinging on the heavy back. Donny gave Leo a look, shrugged his shoulders, and went back to working on the equipment for their prized tow truck. With a shake of his head, Leo went back to watching the monitors as he waited for Mikey to come back with the word on the street. It wasn't that hard to track the Batmobile and with Donny looking into things, it also wasn't that hard to figure out who owned the damn thing. Talk about surprised when they figured out it was Billionaire Bruce Wayne funding Batman.

Donny was certain that it was Bruce the Batman but Leo didn't believe him, funding was one thing. It was entirely another to go out into the night to punch and break people in the fickle name of justice. It was just a good thing that the damn Clown wasn't around. Word on the street was that someone took him out and that was the only reason why Leo even came to this city with his brothers. Now that the Clown was dead, there was a far slimmer chance that he and his brothers would die from collateral damage.

A sound drew all of their attention towards the door, Raph grabbed a baseball bat and made his way over only to stop when Mikey came through the door with some pizza boxes balanced on one hand. His skateboard in his other hand with a slice of pizza and cheese dangling from his mouth.

"What's sup me compandres?"

Raph rolled his eyes and then grabbed the top two pizza boxes for himself. With a sigh and being the brother in charge, Leo walked over and helped Mikey handle the rest of the pizza and made sure that Donny actually ate. The last time they had gotten Donny some tech he had gone four days before passing out from lack of food. With Donny handled Leo finally had a chance to sit down and eat while he waited for Mikey to calm down. He didn't even comment as Donny bite into a slice as he worked with a hand covered in some type of electrical grease.

Letting Mikey chill for a bit, the brothers ate and relaxed while going about their own preparatory work. Although, once the light outside started to fade, Leo felt that now was the time to find out what Mikey knew. It took a call of order and another thirty minutes before everyone was finally gathered around Leo's planning table.


"Alright, what did you find out Mikey?" Leo asked with a look towards his brother.

*CHUCKLE* Mikey kicked up his feet onto the table as he balanced on two legs of the chair, one of the last slice of his triple cheese pizza in hand. "Ohh, thats easy, they didn't want to say it but I'm sure something going down by the docks tonight."

Donny put down his screwdriver and looked up, "How do you know what they said if they didn't say anything?"

Mikey was already too busy chewing into his pizza so Raph took over.


"Donny the fact no one wants to talk about the docks means they are talking about the docks, just not to outsiders," Raph answered with a shrug and grunt.

Leo gave his brother a nod"Thank you, Donny we need to send the drone over and keep an eye out. And how are the upgrades to the tow truck coming along?"

Donny fixed his glasses, "Ohh, the parts we purchased from ToyBox are working just like I predicted they would. With the upgraded engines we no longer have to worry about gas. *SNORT*CHUCKLE* I've also got the new anti-gravity tractor system wired into the powerplant which will boost our overall performance. OHH, OHH and I rigged these mag-grabbers for the wheels so we can keep the target from escaping. Ohh and I got the camouflage canopy working so he can't get us with the Bat-Wing."

"Aye, Lele why we snatching the B-man's ride again,*ACK*BOOM* Mikey asked, then lost the balance of his chair and fell over.

Leo sighed and picked up the folder filled with paper, instead of reading it all. Leo decided to pick out the sum total paper and held it up. "No registration, No license plate, No experimental tags, Parking violations, Driving violation, Speeding violations, Collateral damage, Moving violations." The list kept going and going.

"Alright, alright," Mikey called from the ground as he rubbed his bum as he stood up. Raph burst out laughing at Mikey's mishap and Donny went back to working on his technology.

"Alright, take some downtime and chill because we don't know if this will be our night to hit this low. We can reconvene later before midnight." Leo spoke up with a shake of his head.

"Yeah, sure, yeah." His brothers replied before vanishing towards other parts of the warehouse not even looking at any of the paperwork he has to deal with.

[Fifteen Minutes After Midnight…]




"HEY! LEO, WE GOT SOMETHING!" Donny yelled over the sounds of gunshots off in the distance.

Spinning around on the spot, Leo placed the swords he was inspecting inside of the scabbards on his back and jumped down from the upper levels of the garage. It was clear that with that call his other brothers also heard it and came running to see what Donny found.

"Found it over on 5th and Main, drove by a still functioning camera, sending a drone now," Donny called out as he got to work on his terminal.

Leo rubbed his chin, "You pick up anything from the GCPD scanners?"

Donny gave him a nod of the head, "Yeah, but nothing in that area, there's a fire on the other end of town along with a situation over in Bludhaven."

Leo looked over the monitor and decided that they might be able to pull it off tonight. "Alright, Load up."

Raph slammed a fist into an open palm, "About damn time."

It took ten minutes after his decision before they were all geared up and heading out of the garage.


Raph drove while Donny took the back passenger seat in the double cab tow truck and kept his eyes on the monitor with the drone overhead. Mikey was keeping his eyes out, but looking over. Leo found that was not the case because he had headphones in and tapped away with his nun-chucks. With a sigh and a shake of his head, Leo just closed his eyes in meditation while Raph drove.

Leo steadied himself with focused breaking exercises as he prepared himself for the upcoming mission. The government had contacted them to tackle a towing contract that could make or break their careers. So many hero and villain tow and repo bounties out there worth hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars. This particular towing bounty was on the bat-mobile and the pressure was totally on. The weight on their shoulder was unlike any other because if they were fail this job. Then they would not be able to pay for their fathers medical treatment.

His brothers didn't want to admit it, but the pay from normal tow gigs and repo's just wasn't paying the bills anymore. The medical treatments along with the hospital stay were not starting to dig into their livelihoods. So it was a no-brainer that they agreed to put their savings together to get Donny all the gear he would ever need to tinker up a few premium solutions. That was good because the first lucky break came in from Raphs contacts in the underground boxing, Toybox.

The same ToyBox sold gear and tech to everyone from heroes, to villains, and even civilians if they had the money to spend. The second lucky break came from Mikey of all people who ran into some suits. All it took from there was a few security checks along with Donny making sure they were legit before the bounty list of items came in. It ranged from Bat-mobile to Invisible-Jet to Cat-Woman's bike, Mantis submarine, Vandal Savage limo, and the list went on and on. Hell, he knew that Weather Wizard had a flying ship thing but never knew that the government had a lien on the thing for services and storage.


Now he was getting sidetracked inside of his own head. Shaking those thoughts away, Leo focused on this job and what it would mean for Master Splinter. The medical care they would be able to pay for along with a few of their back-logged bills. They would pull this off because they had to, there was no way around it. Master Splinter took care of them and now it was their turn to take care of him.

There was a grunt pulling Leo from his meditation as Rath spoke up, "We're five minutes out, mount up."

"How are the eyes in the sky, Donny?" Leo asked even as his right hand shot out and punched Mikey in the arm to catch his attention.

"Clear so far, but I think I saw a moving shadow four blocks over," Donny replied with a mutter. "Trying to get a better look right now."

"Stop!" Leo nearly shouted but his voice was very forceful. "Moving shadow means the Bat or someone and we want to do this nice and clean."

Raph shook his head, "I don't know Leo, we might be able to pull this off better by knocking them out first."

He shook his head, "Yeah, that's not going to happen, we get in get the tow, and get out."

Raph grunted, "Well fearless leader, we have arrived." Then his brother jabbed a hand in a direction and Leo found what he was pointing at.

Directly across the street and pushed far back into an alley was the Bat-mobile. The infamous vehicle of Batman was all sleek lines and clearly had more horse-power than anything you could ever find on the roads. It was also worth millions if they could get it to the police compound and collect the bounty on the damn thing from all the tickets. The state was going to pay out and Batman would have to pay them to get his vehicle back, Leo was alright with that. Although, they might be able to tag another ticket onto that since Leo noticed the fire hydrant right next to the Bat-mobile. He was going to make sure he got a picture of that for his paperwork later.


Leo looked at the Bat-mobile and frowned, "Donny, anyone on our six or around us? What about above?"

Donny looked at him with wide eyes and pointed at his own chest, "Me?"

Leo gave him a nod of the head.

"Ohh, ohh," Donny replied with wide eyes. "Give me a minute, no make it two minutes."

Raph shook his head and looked out the window on one side while Mikey looked out the other. All Leo himself could see was a very empty street because everyone knew that Batman was parked up over there and they didn't want to be forced to swallow a tooth or two.

"Okay, okay… we are clear and I had the closest camera shut down and I got a path towards the nearest tunnel set up." Donny called out with a mad smile on his lips, his hands absently going over the keyboard.

"Alright, give me that ECM device, Mikey you take the mag clamps for the left and I'll take the ones for the right. Raph, you're the best on the wheel and Donny's got out backs." Leo called out before opening the door on his side of the big tow truck. Hopping out with Mikey following behind, they got their gear and dashed across the street.

Taking a position on either side of the alleyway the Bat-mobile was sitting in. Leo stayed silent to listen for a bit. Then raised a hand and gave his brother a signal which they took.

Touching his throat mic, Leo spoke up, "Bring her back slowly, we don't want to trigger the ECM until that beds down."

Raph growled in his ear, "I know that Leo, how about you worry about getting that hunk of junk ready while I do this."


"Yes Mikey?" Leo asked, turning towards his brother.

Mikey scratched at the top of his head, then tilted to a side with a confused expression on his face. "I know this is a job and all, but you sure we can't take this thing for a quick ride?"

Leo shook his head, "No Mikey, just no."

His brother pouted at him, but Leo wasn't paying attention to that as Raph started to back the tow truck up to the mouth of the alley and block off the line of sight. With a signal to Mikey, Leo walked into the alley and threw the ECM device with an underhand twist throw and watched as the disc landed with a very hard magnetic thunk to the hood of the Bat-mobile.


With a crackle and popping sound, the Bat-mobile attacked the ECM device with what clearly looked like a full-body taser capable of solidly knocking a person out.

Mikey squeaked and Leo could hear Donny whisper wow in his headset, Raph grunted. This went on for a bit before the ECM that Leo had stuck to the roof of the Bat-mobile activated with his own light.


Leo stopped with the mag-clamps in his hand, "Huh what Donny, what was that huh for?" Leo couldn't help but ask as he took a step away from the Bat-mobile.

"Ohh, nothing, just that we are on a short time limit of like 6 minutes," Donny replied.

Raph grunted and growled at their brother. "That's not nothing Donny, why do we only have six minutes?"

Leo could hear the frustration in Donny's voice. "Well, if you had allowed me to get to that I would have been able to let you know that it has a timed check-in from a location since it's no longer connected to a wireless signal." Leo could see Donny shrug in the side mirror. "There is alot of code here and I don't have the right equipment to crunch it all."

Taking that as his cue, Leo got the mag clamps onto the wheels and dashed for the tractor beam controls.

Leo was on the move as he activated the tractor system. "Mikey, keep your eyes on the rooftops."

Making sure to hustle big time, Leo had the Bat-mobile on the tow bed and the wheels covered with a proper steel net within three minutes. Then before he got Mikey, Leo activated the mag clamps securing the thing to the tow bed even more.

"Mikey, let's go, Donny Raph, it's on you now." Leo called out as he pulled Mikey into the tow cab with him.

"Hmm, activating camouflage now." Donny muttered as six thing steel beams came out of the tow bed and covered the back of the truck. Then with a few presses of a button, the metal shutters extended to cover the entire bed and the towing flatbed truck was now transformed into a box truck."Make a left here and then take the right four lights down, that will take us through the tunnel."

Raph did just that allowing them to get into the tunnel Donny picked out with no issues at all.

"Now that was gnarly and I didn't even get to say cowabunga." Mikey crowed the smile on his face infectious.








The elevators opened with a swish as Alfred walked into the receiving area, his stride strong and unhurried as he made his way over to the rather large and excessive computer system. As he seated himself at the terminal, Alfred logged into the system and read over the alert that had warranted his coming down here to oversee things.

From what he could see, Bruce's latest bat-mobile had gone offline and had not checked in with its periodic timing. With a raised brow, Alfred went over the usual investigation procedures before contacting Bruce. What he found though did bring out a chuckle as it would seem that Lady Luck had a strange sense of humor.


Before the signal went out, the Bat-mobile was transmitting real-time data of the outside video footage to the systems located inside the Bat-Cave. What this meant was that they had a nearly full recording of everything that happened outside and around the vehicle in question. With a screenshot of the faces, Alfred was able to run a facial recognition along with a cross scan into a few of Bruce's programs.

The video showed one of the four brothers and that was used to figure out the other three of his accomplice. It also helped that Leonardo was recently seen in the Mayor's office a few days prior to pick up paperwork. And following that trail Alfred realized that his master Bruce was going to be dealing with another interesting situation. Reading more of what this company Ninja Automotive towing offered. Alfred came to the conclusion that it was the work of Donatello that was able to knock the Bat-mobiles GPS transceiver off the network.

Before he could look for any more clues, the bat computer alerted Alfred to a call that was incoming. Checking it over, Alfred found that it was Master Bruce on the other end, the line activated with a click.

"Why did the alarm for the Bat-mobile activate?" Master Bruce asked straight to the point.

"I'm not sure how to say this Master Bruce," Alfred started to answer then stopped himself from speaking up because it was just far too absurd.

Bruce on the other end of the line though just grunted.

Pushing down his humor, Alfred pushed through the best he could. "It would seem that the towing company has gotten rather advanced. It would also seem that your outstanding GCPD tickets have accumulated enough wealth to embolden those calling the Bat-mobile the Legendary Towing gig."

There was a signal that Alfred noticed and found that Master Bruce had summoned the Bat-jet. Well, might as well send the video file over now. Even now it was hard for Alfred to process that someone actually had the daring to hook up and towed away the Bat-mobile of all vehicles.

A snort escaped his lips as Alfred looks at the name of the person in charge of the police impound lot. "Maybe you should pay this... *looks at note* Bill, Billingsly a visit, Master Bruce."

Alfred didn't even have to see his expression or be in a room with Master Bruce to know that he was grinding his teeth in mute frustration at Alfred's attempt at humor.

With a grunt, Batman forced his frustration aside, "Who are they?"

Alfred humming as he collated the data and sent it to Bruce's screen, "From what I found within such a short timeframe is that your vehicle master Bruce was towed away by four brothers that have been raised in a dojo. The records show that their name ninja towing is not just a gimmick."

Then Alfred sends over a video of the brothers fighting a basic power type with varying levels of martial arts. There was a lot more posted onto their social media by the one named Michelangelo or better known as the name Mikey. Alfred wasn't sure but he had a feeling that this might not go so easy for his charge.

"Did he send them?" Bruce asked after a moment of silence.

Alfred shook his head, "Not from what I can see Master Bruce, but it does not seem to be his modus."

On the other end of the video call, the frown on Bruce's face was clear for Alfred to see.



Perking up, Alfred checked the data the computer was able to compile for him. "Master Bruce, it would seem one of your tracking programs were able to collate a logical route these brothers would use to get to the Gotham city impound lot."

"The 6th street tunnel to Main and Westly," Bruce replied and Alfred could see the tracking of the Bat-jet changing course.

Alfred went silent for a moment as he looked over the intersection points on the computer's screen, "That is correct, but may I make a suggestion Master Bruce?"

Bruce said nothing, but after a few seconds, he glanced at the video call, "What is it Alfred?"

With a raised brow Alfred peered at Bruce, "I do believe that there might be more important matters to resolve? Maybe your day persona should take care of this one? "

"I'm already in route Alfred," *CLICK*

With a sigh, Alfred cleaned up his work station since Master Bruce was in one of those obstinate phases again.


Stopping his work, Alfred peered at the caller ID and smiled before picking up the call, "Good afternoon Miss Gordon, Alfred speaking how may I offer my assistance this day."

Barbra giggled on the other end of the line, "Good afternoon Alfred, and I was just calling to check in on something."

"Ahh, well I will endeavor to help however I can." Alfred replied.

"Okay…. So is it true?" Barbra asked from the other end of the line.


"Miss Gordon, I can assure you that there are many truths within the world, but I can neither confirm or deny this one unless I knew what it is." Alfred replied with a plum chuckle.

"Ohh, I'm sorry Alfred," Barbra stated, then Alfred could hear her taking a breath. "Is it true that the Bat-mobile got towed away?"

Alfred froze for a quarter of a second before proceeding to smoothly ask his own question, "And who told you that Miss Gordon?"

"Ahh, well no one needed to tell me Alfred, pictures are trending on Twitter right now. Someone in an apartment across the street even recorded the whole thing." Barbra answered and Alfred could hear the apprehension in her voice. "Then I was like no way this was true so I looked up Ninja Automotive Towing and found that it's a real company so I had to call but Bruce isn't picking up. So I called the cave, and now here we are, is it true?"

Before he could reply, the computer picked up important exclusive news, and when Alfred turned to check it out. He discovered that it was only TMZ, but it was the story they were reporting on that caused the computer to pick it up and flag it for attention.

Ohh dear, things just got even more complicated.

Author's Note: Well, well… would you look at that, someone up the food chain decided to finally call in those markers.

I wonder why this is all happening, but we know why this is happening. I wonder whose plot is that.

Because FUCK Batman.

Authors Notes - Removes the - for the internet links

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