Brightest Doom

Doom 29

Brightest Doom

Chapter 29

By: BigToFu

Ninja Automotive and Towing



Something was wrong Leo thought as he came out of his battle meditation, but as he looked around, Leo also noticed that they had not finished exiting the long tunnel to the edge of the city. Everything looked alright, but for some reason, he just couldn't shake the feeling.

Shifting his swords from his back, Leo tapped his brother on the shoulder. "Donny, how are we looking with eyes in the sky?"

Donny shifted the laptop, "Nothing right now Leo, we kinda need to be outside of the tunnels for me to get a better signal and see what's, what."

"Chillax Leo, we got away free and clear," Mikey replied before kicking his legs up and placing his hands behind his head.

Raph though, Raph wasn't saying anything but looking Leo in the eye with the rearview mirror. "Its like that huh…"

Yeah, Raph understood that something was wrong and was going to happen soon. Leo could tell his brother understood the vibes with how the tow truck picked up speed. He didn't force them to change lanes but they were clearly going faster now.

"AAhh, Raph, why are we going so fast?" Donny asked as he looked up from his computer, his hands still absentmindedly typing away. He never got an answer from Raph as they shot out of the tunnel going seventy-five, the highway open ahead of them.

Leo tenses as they shoot out into the open air, his senses all on high alert.

Mikey smacked his shoulder, "See, noting to wor-"


Mikey squeaked as he pulled in his legs, but Leo was already moving to peer out of the tow cab and look on top of the back of the truck. It took him a bit to notice it but when he did, Leo found a pitch-black jet flying overhead. Pushing that aside to assess the situation, Leo found some type of magnetic clamp thing sticking onto the roof of the box truck metal parts. Okay, he would need to deal with that.

"Leo, the backs lifting, somethings got us," Raph called out and it didn't take Leo long to figure out why with how the back of the truck started to sway. Leo grabbed his sword, hit Mikey on his shoulder to pull his attention, and then made a few rapid hand gestures on what to do next.

Mikey returned a nod of his head before they both turned away from each other and exited the cab. Using the hand holds, Leo swung himself back and then upwards allowing himself to land in a crouch on top of the fake box truck. Mikey landed right behind him and that was all Leo needed as he dashed forwards toward the tether pulling up the back of their tow truck. His left hand reached across his chest and the sword over his right shoulder came out of its scabbard with a mighty flash of its blade. Apparently, the tether was made of some type of wonder material because his sword did absolutely nothing to the cable.

Leo tried two more times before he stopped as Mikey tapped him on the shoulder. "Brooo, just cut out the metal."

Leo blinked at the idea that Mikey of all people gave him and had to admit it was a pretty smart idea. With a new target in mind, Leo brought down his sword onto the metal sheeting that made up the fake box truck partition.

"STOP BREAKING MY THINGS!" Donny screamed into their headset. "If you wanted a part to release you could have just asked."

Mikey and Leo shared a sheepish look, clearing his throat, Leo pressed the mic switch, "Hey Donny, you got a way to remove this part right here?"

There was a sigh from over the radio, "Yeah, let me work that out."

Leo got that bad feeling again and when he looked up, he saw him.


With a hand on Mikey's back, Leo pulled his brother back hard as the dark knight came flying down over head. He stood in front of the anchor point protecting it from them, behind Leo stood Mikey and he could hear how his brother blinked.

"ALRIGHT! About damn time guys," Raph called over the radio as the tow truck turned box truck started to pick up speed once more. Leo paid no attention to that as he adjusted his stance and rotated his blade in hand before reaching up with his right over left and pulling his other blade.

"Mikey, I need you to ask Donny if we have any more incoming," Leo spoke to his brother even while he lowered his center of gravity preparing for the battle ahead. His brother gave a nod of the head before jumping back and down towards a catch area and back into the cab.

*Sigh* Of course he did.

Dismissing that for now, Leo swung his sword as objects came flying towards him, his reflex ingrained from years of training underneath Master Splinter. Unlike the tether cable, the ninja stars, no wait, those were batarangs split in two as his blade sliced through them cleanly. Then he was ducking as a fist went through where his face used to be, but Leo followed that up with a tight guard block as Batman tried to knee his head off his body.

Leo was already side-stepping the blows with his own parry which Batman deflected with his gauntlets.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN LEO IS FIGHTING BATMAN, OHH HELL NAHH!" The mic barked with Raph yelling from inside the tow cab. Leo heard something about Mikey taking the wheel, but he couldn't do anything about it.

They weaved around and passed each other their blows trading off and only a few minor ones slipping through. For every three that Batman was landing, Leo was able to land a solid blow, but he was not happy with a trade of three to one.

They were forced apart and Leo finally noticed that the tether connected to the clamp was no longer there. Yet, the clamp was still connected to the truck, but he couldn't pay it any attention as a big calloused hand grabbed his shoulder and forced him down. Ducking low, Leo saw the flash of lights overhead along with metal whizzing over their positions where they used to be standing. Batman was crouched and before Leo could get up and move in for the attack, his brother dashed past him.

Raph went in with a sweeping kick which Batman blocked then followed up with a powerful jab, cross straight combo. Leo winced because he knew that if his brother wasn't using his sia's he would have lost fingers from the sharp edges of those gauntlets. Raph blazed through combinations, the ends for hard hitting strikes with the tips used for guard breakers.

Letting his brother fight and keep Batman distracted, Leo pressed a hand to the communicator, "Talk to me Donny, how much longer before we get there."

Mikey's voice screamed out over the mic as the tow truck dodged through traffic, "We get there when we get there.

Leo sighed and shook his head at his brother's antics.

"We are twenty minutes out Leo, got a cliff turn coming up and then a straight shot," Donny replied as Mikey vacated the channel.

Before Leo could reply, his off-hand flashed out, stopping the kick aimed at his head cold. With a forceful push, Leo forced Batman to take a step back. "This vehicle was forcefully towed on the behalf of the State and GCPD for outstanding warrants and tickets. Why are you interfering with our job?"

Batman never said anything, but he didn't have to as Raph spoke up in place of him, "We don't talk, we kick ass Leo, and I'm about to kick his."

Something happened when Batman traded blows with Raph and Leo had to swing his sword to cut apart a Batarang that turned out to be some type of sticky foam. Then while he was dealing with his own situation, Batman lay into his brother with a vicious set of combos.

Raph went down on a knee and Batman loomed over him and growled, "Did Doom send you?"

Both brothers blinked at that because they had no clue who this so-called Doom was. Raph, being who he was, chuckled and spat a glob of blood at batman. Two strikes to the face because of it. Leo was certain his brother was going to have a concussion. It was time to take the gloves off.

Master splinter had been training them in harnessing chi, but Leo had barely got it usable for combat a week ago. His look turned flat as Leo focused inwards to bring his chi to the surface. His vision sharpened as his muscles flexed from the new infusion of energy. Quick motions got him out of whatever quick dry mess it was that had locked him down.

Raph took another hit to the face, open palm to cause trauma damage instead of hard damage. Leo was not happy with that as he swung his sword from left to right. Then came around in a hard reverse C motion that had Batman blocked from the top before Leo lashed out with a solid kick that pushed him away.

"HOLD ON!" The communicators crackled to life as Mikey screamed out.

Leo and Raph had half a second to jab their weapons into the box truck as gravity shifted. They held on for dear life as Mikey took a wide turn, the sides of the box truck scraping against the cliff railing as Mikey drove the truck at truly unsafe speeds. Leaving Mikey to do whatever Mikey was doing, Leo turned towards Raph with concern on his face.

"Don't worry bout me, this is not even a scratch," Raph replied with a grunt and hiss at the end of his statement.

With a sigh, Leo dismissed his brother's statement since he was just being classic Raph, "Use your chi, we win this by getting him off the truck, not with fist."

"Easier said than done, fearless leader," Raph grunted back before they both pulled themselves up to find Batman also doing the same thing. Leo noticed that Batman was using some type of magnetic technology and that gave Leo an idea.

"Round two bat-boy." Raph growled at Batman while rotating his arms to loosen himself up.

Stepping away, Leo jumped down and used the hand grips to swing his way over to the passenger side door and tapped the window. Donny looked over with wide eyes and then rolled it down as he noticed the hand signs from Leo.

"UHH, why are you here Leo?" Donny asked, confusion clear in his voice.

Leo shook his head, "Not the time Donny, I need to know if those metal things got quick release?"

"Well of course they do, we didn't really have enough time to build anything secure so I-"

"Donny, Donny, Donny, not now," Leo called out pulling his brother from his distracted rambling. "I need to know how to release the latches."

Donny brought up an image on his computer and shifted it to show Leo, "I placed them in the same location as the flatbed straps since he already had the-"

"Okay, I'm on it, get on the coms and let Raph know," Leo replied before moving back towards the end of the cab, one hand over the next. While his chi circulated at full force through his body, Leo couldn't help but think he looked like one of those guys straight out of Mad Max.

"MIKEY CAR!" Donny screamed

He did hand over hand until he was suddenly jerked around along with the truck and Leo had to scramble to not get hit by whatever it was they were dodging on the fly. Alright, Leo officially had enough as he pulled out his scabbard and released from the truck. With a quick motion his scabbard was jammed through the cabling that ran from the front of the truck to the back and he rode it while smacking each of the quick releases on the right-hand side of the truck.

Finding his own handhold underneath the truck, Leo worked his way towards the left side, but had to keep himself from hitting the first quick release when his brother came falling over the side. It was clear that even with chi, Raph was not winning against Batman. Priming his legs against the tow boot, Leo sprang out with a boost of chi, and grabbed Raph before he could hit the street. Twisted around mid-air to run along the side of a greyhound bus and then back onto the top of the box truck.

Pushing Raph behind him, Leo took the lead position and angled himself towards his brother so he could still keep an eye on their adversary. Batman was in a crouched position, his cowl protecting his body as he presented a low attack profile. Leo had no time for this, what he had to do was make sure his brothers made it out of this with aloof their limbs intact.

"Raph, talk to Donny about the latches," Leo commended his brother before taking a short sprint and meeting Batman on the back half of the box truck. Leo led with a double slash from the right followed by a quick guard to block the mid-kick that Batman threw his way. Then Leo had to back up a few steps as Batman came at him with a ferocity of blows that could cripple him. The fight was getting grueling and even with his chi, Leo could feel that Batman had broken the bone in his right wrist.


Ignoring that Leo traded a flurry of blows with Batman only for his footing to shift. This also affected Batman but didn't stop him from loosening Leo's jaw with a nasty hook that rattled his braincase. Knocked straight onto his behind, Leo had half a mind to release the grip on his swords but thought better of it when he noticed Batman jumping upwards while his own eyes rolled around inside of Leo's head. Someone grabbed the harness he was wearing and pulled him back hard so Leo knew that it could only be Raph.

Shaking his brothers off of him, Leo prepared for another bout, "He's coming."

"Yeah, well this is not his night," Came the voice of Mikey, and Leo turned towards him, eyes wide. At first, Leo thought to ask who was driving, but then he noticed the trigger switch in Mikey's hand.

"HAHAHA! COWABUNGA DUDE!" Mikey yelled out as he pressed the trigger switch.

With the chi flowing through his body, Leo saw when Batman's eyes shifted in surprise before he pulled out the grappling hook and fired it upwards. Instead of falling away as they should have, the metal racking that made up the fake box truck blew outwards and upwards. Leo would later find out that Donny had rigged an air canister and prayed that it would cause a chain reaction and it did that and much more.

The fake racking that Donny made flew out with force the panels scattering all over the place and Leo watched as not only one but two panels slammed into Batman. The first was deflected but the second hit him with a solid thunk and knocked his grip loose. Batman disappeared into the night as he was knocked loose, but Leo knew he would survive that fall. Thirty feet off the ground or not, Batman would survive

"YEAH! TAKE THAT YOU OVERGROWN MOGGEY!" Raph cheered even though he was cradling

his ribs.

The communicator in Leo's ears crackled before Donny's voice started to speak. "Uhh, guys!"

*Sigh, what is it now?*

"Yeah Donny?" Leo asked as he turned around and waited for Raph to vacate the area so he could follow behind. Then Leo noticed the flashing red and blue lights, ohh, that's why Donny was freaking out.

Sigh, now he had to deal with this and maybe call his lawyer. The last thing he wanted to do was spend another night inside this insane city.

"DUDE!" Mikey screamed out loud and Leo winced from the sudden sound.

"Inside voice Mikey," Leo called back.

"Dammit Mikey," Raph growled as he pulled out his earpiece.

"DUDE, we're trending on Twitter look, look!" Mikey exclaimed, waving his phone around for his brothers to see.

With a sigh, Leo leaned over his brother's shoulder to see what he was talking about only to find a picture of himself loading the Batmobile onto the tow truck.

Ohh, no…

Vincent Von Doom


Standing on the balcony, I looked on with indifference as the President of Columbia smiled and waved to the mass of people congregating down below. The man could only be gracious towards Doom's generosity not even understanding that his folly had brought him to gaze upon death's door. Yet, it had only been a flip of a coin that saved his meager life. Then again, maybe death would have been far better for one such as he, but alas he would be offered no leniency.

He shall serve Doom till his dying breath and so would this country, I would make it into a shining beacon envied by all others. A true jewel of the world never before witnessed. Watching El Presidente leave, my thoughts shifted to the elegance of how I got him under my control. All it took was for me to find out that he lacked discipline in his life. It wasn't that hard to get control of him and the government really. It was well known around certain circles the things that the government members got up to.

All I had to do was speak with Ivy and get her to spruce up a few plants for me then add in my own special encoding. It was amazing the things you can do with mind-altering drugs made from organic plants. Taking this route would allow me to slide those within my power by not only the Lasso of Truth but also one of the world's greatest mentalists, J'ohn Jones. With this being DC and either Batman or Superman willing to breathe down my neck any time of the day. Nanite infusion, StarrO and any of the other large mind control tools were just an absolute no go if I wanted to stay around for long instead of having a personal cell like Luthor.

Yet, something that everyone always forgets were ingestible. Oh, there are plenty of chemicals and forced mental recalibrations, but those were so barbaric. That barbarous was beneath one of my great stature. With Ivy's help, it was rather easy to take full advantage of how the drug interacted with the brain's synaptic firing rate. All it took was a little tweak here and a little there to update the formula and experience of the president's favorite little white powder.

An alert came in drawing me from my recent ruminations, and oh it did bring a smile to my face. With a raised hand, the TV remote floated over and pointed itself at the TV allowing me to switch to the news. Live on international TV was a video of Batman getting his vehicle towed. Ohh this worked out a lot better than I had hoped after I had given a few politicians a couple of nudges.

Pulling out my tablet and reading over the article that was posted within an hour of the image and video being posted online. I felt that it was only right that I acted as the proper law-abiding citizen that I was. Writing out a little command for one of my ninjas to deliver an information packet. It was only the proper thing to do for these reporters to write about Batman owing the city of Gotham at least ten million dollars in fee's and fines due to his many tickets that have been racked up over the years. It was such a shame that DC universe didn't allow their tickets to go into default

Sitting back in my chair, I thought about my actions and compared them to something like what Luthor or the Joker would do. Then I dismissed the thought because I was the PETTY KING, not some egotistical moron bent on the destruction of everything around me. Then I thought about the look on Bruce's face when I pay the tickets with one caveat. Batman would have to shake my hand before the reporters and news crews. Yes, I was going to make sure to pay it all now and leave Bruce no chance of rescuing himself.

It was only right since I was performing a task for the people of Gotham, so the least Bruce could do in his real face as Batman was to thank me in front of the people. Hmmm, I would need to call Salina and bring Talia along with me. Yes, it would also be such a nice little touch as he also handed over the key to Gothem.

With a chuckle, I pulled out my phone and put my plans into motion.

Author Note: Sometimes you just gotta rub their nose into it, why? Because Fuck Batman.

Authors Notes - Removes the - for the internet links

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