Bring Dragon Ball to Marvel

Chapter 43 That eye-catching green color

When Saint was brushing his teeth, he accidentally saw the tattoo on the back of his hand. The bright golden patch that was about to fill all the five-pointed stars was silently reminding him that there were only two or three days at most before the Dragon Balls would be fully charged with energy.Mobile terminal m..

"Second wish..."

Saint murmured to himself: "I'm really looking forward to it..."

"I just hope that those six dragon balls are not in a very deceptive position..."

Because Saint has not forgotten that the reason why the Dragon Balls recharged so quickly was precisely because they landed near some incredible energy source, and as far as he knew, the most suspicious one was undoubtedly the "Cosmic Rubik's Cube" "The "space gem"...

With his mind full of random thoughts, Saint fell on the bed with mixed emotions. Because he was too worried, he was half asleep and half awake all night, and he was unable to enter a deep sleep until dawn.

Early the next morning, Saint, who didn't sleep well, yawned and walked out of the bedroom and walked to the bathroom in a daze. He turned the handle and pushed open the door. He just stepped into the bathroom with one foot, and his squinting eyes His sleepy eyes suddenly opened wide!

There was only a loud sound of "Bang!" as Saint took a step back like lightning and closed the bathroom door with such heavy force that even the wall next to the door shook with fly ash. He paused for a moment. After calming down his violent heartbeat, the villain immediately shouted loudly: "Why didn't you lock the door?!"

In the bathroom, Lorna was sitting on the toilet with her bare legs, her expression was dull for a while, and then she yelled hysterically through a door: "Damn bastard!!! Are you still justified in peeping?!"

Until this moment, Saint's eyes were still flashing Lorna's two snow-white thighs, as well as the small piece of black silk cloth hanging between the two calves. Even just now, At a sudden glance, the small group of hair that was exactly the same color as Lorna's real hair did not escape his gaze...

In fact, against that large expanse of fair skin, that small group of turquoise looked extremely eye-catching. He couldn't ignore it even if he wanted to...

Because he did see something he shouldn't have seen, Saint was a little unsure when faced with Lorna's roar and replied: "I didn't mean it! I didn't see anything!"

"You are a scumbag! Do you think I will believe it?!"

Lorna was ashamed and annoyed, and screamed frantically through the bathroom door: "Get out of here!!!"

"I really didn't mean to."

Because Saint once again emphasized that it was indeed an unintentional mistake, he slowly stepped back: "You...use it first, I will come back later..."


Lorna silently pricked up her ears, listening to the sound of Saint's footsteps getting further and further away. In fact, she didn't really doubt that Saint was deliberately peeping. Since the day she learned how to shield her breath, she basically didn't. It has been solved. It can be said that she is the only person in this world who cannot be detected by Saint because of his breath sensing...

Moreover, Lorna actually knew in her heart that Saint was not entirely to blame for this incident. She who did not lock the door and Saint who did not knock on the door both had certain responsibilities.

Of course, this is the truth, but whether it is consciously or subconsciously, Lorna will never admit that she is wrong!

It's all Saint's fault!

Lorna gritted her teeth and lowered her head, glancing at her nightgown that was lifted up to her waist and her small panties that had fallen to her ankles. Then, she turned her head again and glanced at the bathroom door. After simulating Saint's sight in her mind, she suddenly covered her face with her hands and murmured to herself in a mosquito-like voice: "Everyone has been seen..."

At this moment, Lorna had the intention to kill and silence her. She even thought seriously about how many pieces of sharp metal she should control after unblocking the aura shield, and how many pieces of Saint she should stab. Until they penetrate each other, and which parts of his body should these metals be inserted into...

Fortunately, after this moment passed, Lorna, who had tortured Saint countless times in her mind, had no intention of taking action. The reason she gave herself was that doing so would expose the mutants. Identity, she was hunted to death by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Sentinel Secret Service because Saint was a scumbag who was not worthy of dying with her...

In short... for Saint, who had escaped the disaster invisibly, this was really a morning full of hope...

Next, for the whole day, Saint didn't say a word to Lorna. In fact, after he recovered, he had already realized that no matter what, he should apologize. Yes, but, looking at the frosty-faced Lorna, he wanted to say sorry several times, but in the end he still didn't dare to say a word...

With his mysterious intuition, Yin Shengte had a vague understanding that if he did not want to seek death, it would be best not to mention what happened this morning in front of Lorna during his lifetime...

It was not until the end of work that Saint took advantage of an opportunity to run away and said something to Lorna: "Lorna, I made an appointment with Colleen to go to the martial arts gym to spar with her. I’ll leave it to you.”

Lorna gave Saint a sharp look with a knife-like gaze. She didn't want to say a word to him at all. She just waved her hand as if to shoo away flies, signaling him to get out of here.

Because Saint wanted to protect his dignity as a boss, but considering the consequences of angering his employees, he ended up not even farting and silently trampled his dignity under his feet...

After escaping the restaurant with his tail between his legs, Saint went straight to Colleen Wing's martial arts studio. Just as he was about to start sparring with her, Colleen Wing handed him a black leather item with a strange expression. Clip: "This afternoon, the Rand Group's lawyer sent me this."

Saint raised his eyebrows in surprise, reached out and took the folder, opened it, and found a thick stack of legal documents inside. After a cursory glance, he understood that it was a real estate transfer agreement, the so-called real estate transfer agreement. , it was the martial arts gym under his feet. The agreement stated that the current legal owner of the martial arts gym was Danny Rand, and the person he wanted to transfer was none other than Colleen Wen.

"Danny Rand is your landlord?"

Saint turned his head and glanced at Colleen Wen: "How could it be such a coincidence?"

"What kind of coincidence is this..."

Colleen Wen curled her lips with an expression of disdain: "A little half a month ago, when he asked me to help him deal with the Hand, I didn't agree at first. He found my original landlord and gave the martial arts gym to him. He bought it at a premium and promised me that he would never charge rent. Otherwise, I would not have gone to China with him and almost died of poisoning."


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