Building a New World

Chapter 2858 - Tina\\\'s plan

How can my son come back? Ding Fei asked.

“I repeat, your son died because of the war before he met us,” Tina replied. “It happened to meet my husband, who is also his avatar in another world, so he became one after contact. Yes It was said that it was reborn in my husband’s brain in another form! It was just that my husband was too weak to affect my husband, and he was able to guide him back to save your family. I did my best. I ‘S husband gets part of his memory and thinking, but will soon be buried in his memory like other world avatars until it no longer appears. That is to say, your son in this world, because of his parallel world The way to survive in a new form, but because the strength is too weak, it will soon disappear. But it does not mean that he cannot be saved…”

“Wait! I can’t understand your words.” Ding Wei got a headache.

“Let’s say that!” Tina thought about it and changed a way of explanation. “In two parallel worlds, you are all a family. It’s just that my husband is in the world. There are no siblings, only parents. That is the other. Your avatar in the world, and your husband’s avatar. Just like you and your family in the mirror, just family members, and everyone in the family has different personalities. And when my husband comes to this world, it is equivalent to breaking this In the mirror, he merged with himself in the mirror, making the two parallel worlds cross! He is this intersection, he who became the original world, and the avatar of your world. In theory, he is still himself.”

“So when the avatar merges with the body, it is equal to the intersection of two parallel worlds?”

“Yes! Then he is weak on this side, he is strong on the other side, after the fusion of thinking, the weaker side has no right to speak, no decision-making power. So do you understand?”

“The so-called amnesia is my son in this world, there is no way to affect himself in the parallel world, but the other he controls the dominance. So now he has a greater proportion of him in another world?” Ding Fei could not help rubbing his temples.

“As long as you know, my husband is from a parallel world and is your only child in another world.” Tina replied, “And he is more focused on his family in that world, you are all strangers. However, in this world you ‘S son has been merged with him, there is no difference between the body and the body. Now he is ready to take us to find the original world, which means that your son will leave. This walk is hundreds of years, thousands of years or even longer. Really If you leave, you and your family will never see him again, which is tantamount to losing this son…”

“But you also said that in his eyes we are strangers.”

“Yes! That’s because your parallel world is far more important than here!” Tina said. “You can choose to give up, of course, or try to awaken him in the world with affection, and awaken the memory and thinking of your son. If you Really value him…”

“Wait a minute!” Ding Fei’s head hurt even more. “But aren’t you going to the alien galaxy to solve the problem of riots? What parallel worlds are you talking about? The more chaotic the more!”

“To tell you the truth, we did come from a place called Mo Suxing, but it is very far away. Even the Nuwa has been walking for thousands of years. The previous ones were all fabricated and did not exist at all. The extraterrestrial riot is only an excuse for taking us out of this world. As I said, leaving here and continuing to explore his parallel world is the real purpose.”

“If that is the case, why would you tell me this?” Ding Jiao asked, “Why should he tell me to find his home in the parallel world as his wife?”

Tina shook her head slightly: “Because in his own world, there are no relatives anymore! He is the only child, and his parents passed away early…”

“You mean, all of us in the parallel world are dead?”

“Yes! Even if you go back, no one will wait for him to go home.” Tina nodded. “And his departure is to lose a family for you. Once you leave, neither he nor you are lost.” Family, what a pity?”

“What you said is too ridiculous to be clarified in a moment.” Ding Fei had a headache. “I need to calm down and think about it, and sort out the whole thing.”

“Of course!” Tina said, “but there is not much time, we will leave in the afternoon, you better think about things before this. Also, this matter is important, because you are his mother, so I It’s an exception. It’s just that this matter should not be known to anyone. Before you go back, you must sign a contract.”


“Yes! A special magic contract can restrict you from leaking what you just said. Before leaving this world, we can’t let anyone know the origin, so as not to disturb the order of the world. When you leave this world, the contract will naturally be released!”

“Magic contract… I feel that you are getting more and more outrageous!”

“Trust me, I just want to help you!” Tina asked. “Of course, if you don’t think it matters, anyway, with so many children, send one to another world, no matter how hard it is to meet again, in fact, I can let Nu Wa All the things we met before have been washed away, and you will not remember what I said. For the words just now, you can have half a day to think, no matter what decision is made, I hope you can contact me as soon as possible before leaving. So, let’s sign a Magic contract, and then send you back…”

Ding Fei suspected that he had signed Tina’s so-called magic contract, and then left the Nuwa with a headache. UU read the book and returned to his room alone.

After she left, Nu Wa appeared in front of Tina: “Are you making up a lie to lie to her, is it really okay? The captain did not integrate with this world’s avatar, and I haven’t even seen him before!”

“Don’t you check it too?” Tina turned to her and said, “Kean’s avatar in this world has already disappeared in the war, and no longer exists! And what I said is not 100% wrong. Keane’s avatar in this world This is the same person in the parallel world. Although he said so in his mouth, he still expects affection in his heart. I understand this point. This world has no father, at least a mother and so many sisters and brothers. Furthermore, we leave like this, they Isn’t the family very pitiful? It’s like losing a family forever. Why not fight for it instead of having regrets on both sides? Don’t tell him this matter first, if his family is willing to go with us, we will take it secretly and leave completely Surprise him again after this world.”

“But these “families” are just strangers to him!”

“So it’s up to them to’awaken’ his affection!” Tina laughed. “Anyway, if you listen to me this time, Keane will blame and push it to me!”

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