Building a New World

Chapter 2859 - 3 siblings

The content of Tina and Ding Fei’s separate conversations is unknown to anyone except Nu Wa.

Ding Jiao returned to his resting place, his head still hurt badly.

After all, what Tina said was too unbelievable, it was the most outrageous content she had ever heard in her life.

When she returned, Jia Shiyan quickly came over: “Mom, have you seen your second brother?”


“Then why did you go so long?”

“I didn’t see the second son. The girl named Tina chatted with me for a while.”

“That alien girl? What did you talk about?”

“We… hiss!” Ding Wei subconsciously wanted to answer, but found that the sound suddenly couldn’t come out.

“Mom?” Jia Shiyan looked at her mother curiously, waiting for her answer.

In fact, Ding did not care much before, and what magic contract seemed to her was just something the other party talked about casually. But suddenly I found that when I wanted to speak the content of the conversation, I couldn’t make any sound. But the body does not have any discomfort, which is very weird!

But the other content was okay, which made her more confused.

Seeing her mother holding her hair and showing an unprecedented expression, Jia Shiyan was inevitably worried: “Mom, are you uncomfortable? Would you like to go to the infirmary?”

“I’m fine!” Ding Fei shook his head when he heard the words, “I didn’t talk to the girl named Tina just now, just say something casually.”

This is ok, the sound is not restricted. Sure enough, only important conversations cannot be revealed!

What is the principle?

Does something like magic really exist?

But as a member of the world at the pinnacle of technology, I have never believed in any magic, maybe just some kind of unique alien technology?

If so, is the girl named Tina true or false?

She had a headache, and she couldn’t help rubbing her temples gently with her fingers.

“Mom, I don’t think you are very comfortable.” Jia Shiyan worried. “Or should I ask the medical department to check it?”

“I’m fine! What about the youngest and the youngest?” Ding Jiao shifted the subject.

“They talk to those aliens and they don’t know what they are talking about.”

“You elder sister must take good care of them and save something.” Ding Wei sighed, “I want to be alone and quiet, go and take good care of the two of them!”

“Oh! But the second brother…”

“Tell me in the afternoon.”


Ding Fei said nothing at home, and Jia Shiyan would not violate her mother’s intentions. Although I was very concerned about the second brother’s affairs, I didn’t say much.

Out of the mother’s room, went straight to the third son and the youngest.

Both Jia Meili and Jia Shijun are now entangled with the grandson. It can be seen that the grandson is not repulsive to these two people, probably because his temper is right.

Just asking about Jia Zhengjin, as far as Gu Sun is concerned, he is useless no matter how entangled.

Not only the grandson, but also Bai Jingjing, Wu Fu and others. Anyway, they are more than happy to talk about Jia Zhengjin’s preparation to leave. Anyway, he just shut his mouth or directly shifted the topic.

So Jia Meili and Jia Shijun worked hard for a long time without any gain.

When Jia Shiyan came over, the two were downcast and their emotions were not very high.

“Sister!!” When they saw her, they hurried over, with some regret and some expectation. “Did Mom come back? How is his situation?”

Facing the look that a younger sister and a younger brother looked forward to, Jia Shiyan shook her head slightly.

“Will the second brother refuse to stay? Did you say what the coordinates of the outer galaxy are?” Jia Mei asked in a hurry.

“Mom didn’t see him, just chatted with the girl named Tina.”

“Talked to sister-in-law No.1? Did you talk about your second brother?” Jia Shijun leaned over.

“Sister-in-law No. 1?” Jia Shiyan turned to look at the younger brother.

“Yes! So many sisters-in-law, we are not very familiar, so remember it a little.” Jia Shijun replied.

“…” Jia Shiyan didn’t know what to say about his brother’s brain hole.

“So what did sister-in-law say?” Jia Shijun asked eagerly.

Jia Mei also anxiously looked at the elder sister, waiting for her response.

Facing the eyes of his younger brother and sister, Jia Shiyan shook her head slightly: “I don’t know, my mother said I just chatted a few gossips casually.”

“No? It’s just a gossip at this time, Mom is not such a person!” Jia Shijun turned around, “I’ll ask her.”

Before she stepped on the leg, Jia Shiyan grabbed her: “Mom seems to be a little uncomfortable and needs a break. Don’t quarrel her!”

“But elder sister, second brother, he will leave this afternoon. What if he goes to a dangerous alien planet and never comes back?” Jia Shijun said anxiously. “How can mom still rest in this situation?”

“Yeah!” Jia Meili also nodded. “It’s just a little time, shouldn’t I ask the second brother to make it clear?”

Jia Shiyan said, I have no less doubts than you. The appearance of her mother-in-law is also very strange to her. After all, the family knows and understands each other.

Obviously, after talking to the “alien girl” named Tina alone, Mom must have learned something. But she didn’t tell herself, this is not right in itself!

What must have happened during this time, what did the “alien girl” named Tina talk to her?

Faced with the problems of her younger brother and sister, she thought carefully and asked, “What about you two? Have you asked anything for so long?”

Jia Mei and Jia Shijun looked at each other and shook their heads almost simultaneously.

“Sister, why don’t we go and ask the second brother in person?” Jia Shijun said, “Or… I’m going to find the second brother alone? After all, the second brother lost his memory and spent a long time with me, Not so wary of me.”

“I didn’t even ask, what’s the use of you?” Jia Shiyan frowned.

“But the second brother lost his memory, and I don’t remember everyone!” Jia Shijun said, “At this time, when the brother and the two men talk face to face, it feels easier.”

“It makes Meili nodded at the side, “Why don’t you go to the second brother and ask! “

“…” Jia Shiyan moved her heart, not looking like she didn’t care, but she wanted to understand the whole thing in her heart.

Just when the three sisters discussed, they saw a lobster soldier come to them and whispered: “Three, Mrs. Tina has an invitation, I want to talk to you in private!”

The three brothers and sisters turned their heads when they heard the words, and saw Tina looking at them with a smile not far away, and beckoned to invite themselves.

“Please follow me!” The Lobster Soldier respectfully invited.

“Sister!!” Jia Meili and Jia Shijun were puzzled and didn’t know whether to go or not. They turned to Jia Shiyan and waited for her to make a decision.

Thinking of her mother’s strange appearance, and then thinking about Tina’s identity, Jia Shiyan carefully thought to her brother and sister: “Go and see what she wants to say…”

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