But for a Slime

2.103 - Aelthron's Capital

Chapter One Hundred Three

Joe woke blearily, the dim brightness around him bringing him to awareness in an unpleasant way. His back cracked several times and he moaned as he came awake and looked around. Where … a dunge… oh right. I slept in… that was dumb… my back is killing me! The cloaks lay scattered in useless piles around him, few left to actually soften the hard stone floor.

Joe stood and attempted to stretch his back but it did little to soothe the dull aches that covered almost his entire back. He groaned a few times, stretching some more, but finally gave up as the pain only seemed to lessen slightly. Right… that’s… not pleasant!

Joe sighed as he slid back down the wall, sitting with his back resting into a corner. He reached out for his bag and dug inside it for some food, basic dried supplies he’d purchased after having experienced being stuck in a dungeon for days. It was nice to have food when necessary, but Joe found it pretty frustrating, actually, as most of the food, even dried or preserved in some way, did not last long and he had to regularly eat it before it went bad. Granted, he only had begun doing this in the past couple of weeks, but he’d already had a couple things go bad.

And it wasn’t the expense that bothered him. It was the lack of sealed containers. The first time, a piece of dried fruit had started rotting and it was in its own small bag. The bag was only a cloth one, however, and the fruit had smushed out through the clothe weave of the bag and messed up some of his own belongings, rubbing into his own bag as well. Now, he regularly checked up on the food he had, but doing so was just one more annoyance to his day and highlighted just how many simple goods he was missing. Just… some… sealed bag… or a glass … maybe plastic container! Please!

Joe grimaced and turned his thoughts away from everything that he missed, even the simplest of things, and began to eat. Despite his efforts, his thoughts still turned to his past, the simple fair, lack of distraction, and the monotony of the moment had him frequently returning to thoughts of his past. After struggling for a bit, he finally gave in to falling back to his memories but still attempted to focus on older memories of family and friends from Earth.

It worked; for a while. But soon his thoughts and memories grew too powerful, the vibrant immediacy of them pulling him back to more recent moments. Joe struggled against it for awhile before finally grunting in frustration and standing, turning to escape. He rapidly packed his bag, slamming things in with a bit too much force as his emotions left him unable to control himself well. He sought escape as quickly as possible and was soon slinging his bag over shoulder and fled back into the third floor.

Less than ten minutes later, he was once again slaughtering the creatures of the third floor. The rhythm of the fights helped him calm and with that, he remembered that he hadn’t changed jobs yet. He quickly swapped over to his available jobs page and to pick out three he could work on. So… then I want to still look at mana… and it wasn’t mana manipulator. Which Gwenvair was… Joe’s thoughts skittered across his mind like broken nails on a chalkboard as his body froze. He struggled to bring himself back under control. He breathed deeply a few times and quickly turned back to choosing a job. So not mana manipulator… the other mana jobs… uh… mana-ologist, magus theorist…although that one doesn’t have any mana manipulating skills… and .. .hmm… spell caster and magic healer… so… I think I can drop magus theorist… I’ll be doing that one anyway to unlock that … whatever job… so… uh… on job for this… Joe’s thoughts perused his options for several moments before he finally decided to choose spell caster. That’s… a mage, right? Spell casters cast spells… so... wizard… mage, right?

Having settled on that, he set that as his third slot and then turned to his other two jobs. So… wanna unlock that secret / special job… so… need a theorist job. Got the first three to forty, so… next one? Should I do two? Or maybe look at the combat jobs? That could…

Even as he thought it, his eyes brushed over his combat jobs and looked down the list of available combat jobs. He passed several of them and one caught his eye. Ooh… staff warrior… got the first two to thirty already… Garnedell would… His mind froze, skipped, and restarted in a whirlwind of pain and despair. Tears welled in Joe’s eyes and he sighed, a deep shuddering thing that could only escape the description of a sob for its silence. His breaths steadied and he blinked hard. He wiped his tears away and fled from everything. He immediately chose party and education theorist as his next two jobs, as they were still only at thirty or thirty one. If I need to unlock another and all at thirty isn’t enough, then… His thoughts snapped to emptiness, fear at slipping to another painful memory strangling his mind he sought escape. His mind shut down, his instincts surged to the fore, and his body simply began following ingrained muscle memory. Dungeon detritus flew towards him in the form of the nearest mob before Joe tore it to pieces with this spear and shield. His mind remained carefully blank. He found a poor mimicry of the escape he sought, but it was enough.

* * *

Kilniara woke in the morning to the nervous but insistent tittering of her two maids, both anxiously buzzing around the room and busily, if subserviently, pushing her to quickly dress and be ready for their travel to the capital. Kilniara seeing others in her room still surprised her regularly before realization returned and understanding quickly flooded in. The reminder was faster this time, the loneliness deeper, plunging her into despair rather rapidly.

She blinked back tears by rolling away from the women to bury her head into her pillows until she could clear them. After, she was able to rapidly stand, calming herself and preparing to dress for the day.

“Are you excited, promised of the Patriarch?”


“To go to the capital.”

Kilniara froze shortly at that before smiling as best as she could with wooden muscles, “Of course.”

The reminder brought its own form of excitement and trepidation, and she quickly began preparing her clothing with a bit more deliberation. Her thoughts, however, turned towards Alanar’s cryptic warnings the day before. Why … Allanar… is he still… friend? He seems… What purpose would I have to go to the capital… although … it is normal, yes? To prepare proper clothing for any grand event?

Her focus was on her thoughts and she ignored the two maids’ preparations for the most part, devoting only the least amount of attention to them, responding to their prodding by moving as they wished or mumbling simple agreements or offering nods as they spoke. In the moment, time stretched as her mind seemed filled endlessly with thoughts. And the moment vanished into instantaneity when the two maids stepped back and both declared their work done with sighs of praise and pride.


“So perfect. You will turn many heads, promised of the Patriarch.”

“Truly! A flower even for the greatest clans.”

Kilniara ignored the compliments, allowing them to roll off her, knowing the truth of her beauty, “Thank you.”

She remained subdued, her thoughts too consumed with her greater problems and she simply stood and left the room, the two maids scrambling to follow after her. The two grumbled quietly under their breath, too low for her to catch the words but enough for her to know they were upset. She almost turned to apologize but her mind was still so on her own thoughts that she finally decided she didn’t care. They don’t matter… not going to be around long enough that it matters.

She left her courtyard and out into the wide lawns that filled the clan inner city and stuttered to a halt, uncertain where to go. The maids came in front of her, smoothly taking over guiding her and began leading the way. She turned after them, lacking a bit of grace, but did so smoothly enough that most wouldn’t recognize her failure. The walk to the front inner city gate proved simple enough and when the maids paused there, she came to a halt and looked around. She soon recognized several other groups of tittering young clanners, mostly girls excited to be on the trip. Scattered amongst the girls, several groups of boys spoke with a bit more course jesting, rough housing with one another. Kilniara found herself isolated. The dozens of groups around her sent guarded or hidden looks at her regularly but none came to her or called for her to join them.

Time dragged on once again and the group only grew in size as more and more people joined. Almost a half great bell had passed before things truly began to ramp up, the number of people, servants, and haulers rapidly increasing as they filled the space with goods and people. Shortly after, a group of a dozen or so soldiers tightly crowded together arrived, a chain tied to an arm of four different soldiers. The chains led into the crowd where they surrounded a single individual, each chain leading to a separate limb on the prisoner. At the head of the prisoner group, Allanar stood at rigid attention and reconnoitered the crowd cautiously.

Kilniara found the crowd of soldiers interesting and she watched them curiously for a bit before another greater commotion drew the eye of everyone in the square. Immediately after all eyes were drawn, a wave of bows and kneeling swept the square. The slaves collapsed to the ground, laying full length face down into the ground prostrate with arms thrown above their heads towards the object of their veneration. Servants knelt on both knees before collapsing forward with their faces also pressed into the ground and their arms thrown above their heads, same as the slaves. Clansmen knelt on their left knee, the left fist pressed to their right breast while their right forearm were used to prop up their body up, leaning against their right thigh.

Kilniara found herself quickly kneeling as well, but glanced around trying to figure out how she should appropriately kneel. Her eyes flickered around and noticed the clansmen kneeling, left fist to breast and right forearm to right thigh. She began to emulate the same, but quickly noticed that many of the noncombatants were actually kneeling on both knees but with their buttocks raised above their heels, kneeling almost straight up. They kept both their hands before them, clasped and raised out before them. Kilniara quickly swapped to a similar pose. She glanced, side-eyed, a few more times to make sure she was posed correctly.

Kilniara remained this way, struggling to blend in. She kept her head bowed like the others, but had almost her entire focus on her peripheral vision, staring out at another group of young ladies she was emulating. Her gaze remained upon them for some time before everyone suddenly began to rise, the clansman first, followed by the servants and slaves. When she stood, along with her maids, a new crowd of people stood in the center of the other groups. The new crowd consisted of a large group of sycophants and a crowd of soldiers. In the center, Kilniara noticed the new Patriarch. He stood arrogantly with a hint of joyful pride, not really looking around at anyone but noticeably basking in the adoration and jealous gazes.

Once everyone stood again, the crowd in the courtyard ceased idling and activity spiked as servants and slaves quickly began picking up luggage. The clansmen didn’t wait, leaving their luggage and servants behind. The clansmen quickly streamed out of the clan walls and into the inner city walls, a long snake traveling through the streets. Soldiers marched in the front, clearing the streets of citizens and they quickly made their way to the main inner city agora where the great gate existed.

While they walked through the streets, her maids chatted amongst themselves excitedly and as she stared around at the other clanners, she saw all of them chattering almost as excitedly. As she saw this, her loneliness only grew as did her determination. It didn’t relieve her loneliness, however. As they walked, her loneliness had her watching everyone. She gazed at the clanners but quickly grew bored, their subconscious confidence left them boring to watch, especially now that she’d experienced something so much greater.

She turned to cautiously watch Gunlan and his sycophants, but found them essentially the same as the clanners. She grew bored just as quickly, but his power over the city and the fact that he was the cause of their current predicament drove her to watch diligently. She focused on him for their trip to the gate agora but by the time they made the gate agora, she found him revolting to the point of driving her gaze away from him. How could any be attracted to such. She struggled to keep her disgust from her face as she turned to looking at most of the non-clanners, no longer interested in watching Gunlan. She watched the servants and slaves, finding their behavior more interesting and more comforting as it was closer to what she was used to; closer to what she knew.

She turned her gaze to looking at the various guards next, pausing to glance at Allanar with more interest as she struggled to understand what he wanted from his visit yesterday. Obviously he wants me a long, but why? She stared at him and the guards surrounding the prisoner. Why… Realization slammed home. Prisoner!

Her gaze snapped to the prisoner and she struggled to look into the depths of the guards, desperately attempting to catch a glimpse of the prisoner. As she tried to see who the prisoner was, she sometimes glanced at the guards, cautious to be seen to be too interested in the prisoner. On one of her glances, she noticed Allanar looking at her. Their gazes held each other for a while and Allanar nodded quite deliberately. That piqued her interest and she redoubled her efforts to catch a glimpse of the prisoner.

With an understanding at what Allanar had been hinting at, she made sure to slowly drift closer to the prisoner group as the crowd came into the great city center where the gate resided. The groups sorted themselves into some semblance of a line with the clanners crowding the front in some form of hierarchy that she couldn’t quite catch but had Gunlan with his soldiers in front as the Patriarch. Following the clanners came the lower level servants managing the slaves who were carrying all the clanner luggage. Allanar and his guards with the prisoner came in last and Kilniara had no problem falling in line directly in front of him.

When she did so, her maids turned to her with some confusion and whispered to her quietly to spare her embarrassment.

“Promised. You should go to the front. You have the right to such.”

“Yes, promised. This is not fit for you.”

Kilniara nodded and rapidly sought some reason to remain, “True. You have the right of it, but I have need of Allanar’s presence.”

The two maids stopped at that then glanced back at Allanar before turning back to her, “But… promised…”

Kilniara almost ground her teeth but then stopped, not wanting them to notice her pursed lips over her clenching teeth. She spoke quickly.

“We will continue to the front, after I have consulted with Allanar.”

The two fell silent at that, seeming to understand but deliberately stepped out of the line, standing beside Allanar and his team of soldiers. Kilniara noticed this and stepped from the line as well, alleviating their discomfort before turning to face Allanar.


“Promised of the Patriarch?”

“You advised me yesterday. I wished to consult with you further,” Kilniara replied while turning her gaze past him deeper into the circle of guards.

Allanar immediately noticed and stepped back slightly before bowing to Kilniara and speaking, “I am honored you seek me out, promised of the Patriarch.”

Kilniara didn’t even hear him, his words floating past her ears without touching her conscious thoughts. Behind Allanar, bent over in obvious pain and distress, wobbled Gwenvair. Even as she watched, Gwenvair coughed heavily and Kilniara struggled to keep her eyes from widening in fearful shock. The coughing death! She’s… how can she have the mortal’s disease. Kilniara’s stare was interrupted when Allanar stood back up and his gaze proved poignant and she immediately understood.

His gaze turned concerned and she immediately searched her memory for what Allanar had said. Her memory wasn’t up to the task, but she remembered enough to know it was a placating complement. She immediately turned to her planned farce.

“You offered guidance to seek out clothing in the capital. Do you know of any excellent tailors in the capital?”

Allanar’s eyes rose at that then a soft smile twitched at the edges of his lips before he could get it under control. He looked at her intently then nodded a very soft ‘yes.’

“Do you have need of immediately seeking out a tailor? I must complete my primary task immediately after arriving at the capital.”

Kilniara paused, confusion flooding her thoughts before she suddenly understood and nodded firmly, “If you could. The tailor may likely take too long.”

Allanar listened to her and pretended to consider her statement before suddenly coming up with a possible solution. Kilniara had to keep her own lips from smiling at the farce, but the two seemed to work together well.

“If you and your maids are willing, you may accompany me until my task is complete. After, I will be able to accompany you to some of the better known tailors.”

Kilniara took the answer as a way to disengage and she bowed her head slightly, “My thanks, Allanar, mist mage. I will find you on the other side of the gate.”

Allanar nodded, “A pleasure to serve you, promised of the Patriarch.”

Kilniara turned her attention away towards her maids before nodding to them. Both smiled, grateful to be able to return to their rightful place, and the two quickly guided her back to the front of the line. As they walked away, Kilniara desperately reached out to Gwenvair.

Sister! Hear me! Please Hear me!

She pulled on her soft connection that represented Gwenvair, stronger now than ever before but somehow still weaker. She’s so… sick! No wonder it feels weaker. Or… my imagination? What…

Sister! Hear!

Finally, Kilniara Heard a soft whisper of a reply, Kilniara?

Kilniara struggled to keep the sigh of relief soft and replied back. Yes! Hear me!


Yes! It is I. You can Hear me?

Yes. I… I’ve been so alone. You… where are you?

I am with the clan. We are going to the capital.

Capital? Where… I am outside. How… Her stream of words were interrupted and Kilniara felt her breath catch. It took a moment for her to reply and Kilniara worried.

Why am I outside? Where am I? Do you know? What is happening, sister?

Kilniara frowned but answered Gwenvair. You are in the city square, at the gate. We are going to the capital. I am coming with you. You are to be sold, I believe. I will be with you. Allanar is leading your guards.

Allanar? I… I see him. Yes. We are going to the capital?

Yes. I will save you.


Please. Trust me, sister.

Suddenly, they arrived at the front of the line and Kilniara had to return her attention and she quickly replied to Gwenvair, I’m sorry. I must turn to matters here. Please, find hope!

Kilniara turned from her conversation and put her attention on their new place in line. The clanners standing immediately behind the Patriarch’s group stiffened and turned to look at her maids. The clanners behind the Patriarch at first grew incensed at seeing the two maids pushing their way in front of them, but then they immediately turned to see who the maids were representing and quickly grew pale and bowed to her before stepping backwards, all greeting her with soft exclamations.

“Promised of the Patriarch!”


“Promised of the Patriarch.”

All the clanners spoke her title softly with respect while the clanners’ servants remained silent although they did bow more deeply. The commotion seemed to draw the attention of the Patriarch’s group, and several turned to see what was happening. When they saw her, all the sycophantic clanners in the Patriarch’s group also politely greeted her while calling her title as well, although they didn’t bow as deeply as the clanners behind.

Gunlan, Patriarch of the Galgandar clan turned and then smiled brightly, opening his arms broadly in an attempt to seem welcoming as he called out to her, “Ah, My promised! I see you join us today.”

Kilniara quickly bowed correctly, finally remembering the appropriate forms that had been taught to her on the first few days of her new position. She remained bowed and spoke to him softly, also remembering the appropriate way to appease and please the Patriarch.

“Patriarch. I do. I wished to remain by your august side.”

Gunlan brought out a hand and pulled her up after grasping her outstretched hand, “It is good to have you by my august side.”

Kilniara stood and struggled to hide the disgust on her face when she saw him beaming happily at her flattery. She continued her flattery.

“It is my pleasure.”

“It certainly is. What do you seek in the capital?”

Kilniara smiled, pretending to be happy that he was speaking with her, “I wish to dress appropriately to please you, Patriarch.”

Gunlan’s grin, this time, was tinged with lust and a hint of greed which made Kilniara shiver, her disgust completely unable to keep herself from reacting from his horrific visage. Fear spiked through, worried that Gunlan would see through her but Gunlan’s lustful look only grew ever more and this time, despite her disgust growing, she was able to keep it hidden.

Gunlan stared at her, his gaze traveling her body and she struggled to keep from shivering until his eyes returned to hers, “You will… look beautiful in lingerie.”

Kilniara flinched but nodded, “I will be certain to prepare for our year and a day.”

Gunlan snarled, then quickly flattened his face, “Then prepare well, promised.”

Gunlan’s anger, however, had obviously cut through any desire he had to speak with her and he turned away and shouted towards the gate guardians, “Why is the gate not opened! We are leaving!”

The captain of the gate guardian quickly came forward and bowed, beginning to placate the Patriarch rapidly.

Kilniara struggled to keep herself stoic as she watched him turn away, but could only feel relief, although it was tinged with a bit of worry. There goes all the good will… need to suck up more? Or… what… Kilniara clenched her teeth then immediately released them to keep her face calm. Soon, sister. Stay strong. I will be there soon!

* * *

Gulan, Patriarch of Coushar, city of Clan Galgandar, seethed as he waited for the gate to pierce the veil. Having seen his promised, he had been pleased. Having been rebuffed, his pleasure had soured to ash. As all good friends did, those around him fell silent to allow him his misery and he clenched his teeth, turning away so others could not see him. A year and a day? A year and a day!? You think I will wait a year and a day!? Who are you to deny me!

His thoughts raged but under the rage, a deep ocean of fear swelled and the fear only stoked his rage ever more. Despite that, the ocean was more than capable of swamping the anger, dousing it before it could even express itself. He could not touch her. The eccentric had made certain of that. And he had to wait a year and a day. That stupid bitch had to publically claim a year and a day! His rage simmered but immediately evaporated under the call of the gate watch.

“Gate is prepared for the capital. Gate is prepared for the capital. Pass through within a bell!”

The platform for the gate began to rumble, mana flowed, falling into the gate in an invisible wave as it washed across the city towards the gate, only felt as it passed each person. The sigils glowed with the light of passing mana and the platform ignited with the mana needed to cast the gate. Mana swelled upward from the gate, still invisible and unseen but for the feeling of a growing power and mana over the platform. Finally, mana reached critical necessity and the effects of the mana spell became visible, a black tiny dot appearing in the center of the gate platform approximately two heights above the platform. A hole of infinite black seemed to suck in everything around it before the tiny dot split in two laboriously. After finally splitting apart, it hovered in space for a few moments before suddenly seeming to punch through something. The very air cracked, torn asunder and a small rip crackled from one black dot to the other. Suddenly, the black dots ripped away from each other, horizontal to the ground, continuing the rip through the very air outwards approximately four or five heights before stopping then ripping downwards to the ground, stopping just above the platform. Once again, the very air ripped apart with the passage of the two dots. Finally, the two dots ripped towards one another and the very air formed a rectangular outline, the lines of the rectangle formed by a tear through reality itself. The presence of reality within the rectangle began to waver then collapse in upon itself, seeming to flee away at rapid speed and only the blankness of void was left within its space. Less than a breath later, after the void had formed, and a deep violet dot appeared where the black dot had before, wavering and expanding until the void itself was consumed by a mirage like image of the capital city, the vast vista of buildings easily seen. When the violet dot, now an expanding rectangle, met the ripped edges of reality, they melded together to form a grand silver cylinder, sealing the reality of Coushar to the reality of the capital. The cylinder grew to surround the edge between the gate and the black void to protect against any from accidentally falling into the void, and a cylinder frame formed around the entire rectangle of the gate.

Gunlan barely waited for the gate master’s call of safety before stepping forward, leading the way to enter the gate. Behind, the line of clanners followed but he had no concern for them. It was now time for him to be appropriately remunerated as the great cultivator he was.

Stepping through the gate, he immediately dismissed his followers and turned to the slave markets, his guards following discreetly around him. He knew little of where to go, as he’d never been to the capital before, but was wise enough to know its customs. He immediately sought out a small huddle of chattel in green, most of whom were young boys, and called for the most competent looking one.

“You. Take me to the greatest slave merchant.”

The boy immediately stepped forward and bowed, “Do you seek war slaves, skilled slaves, or pleasure slaves, sire?”

Gunlan ground his teeth at the brats disrespect but withheld his anger. The guards here were not known for their temperance when dealing with their betters. Worse still, the clan here allowed such behaviors and Gunlan had no weight to bring against such a great clan. He answered quickly, if gruffly.

“Pleasure slaves.”

“Of course, sire. Then the pleasure markets?”


The boy turned away and began to jog down one of the main thoroughfares and Gunlan at least felt a bit better at the boy’s efficiency. The thoroughfare was massive, a width that equaled some of the largest buildings in Coushar. The road was quite wide and flat, with a large raised section in the middle of three levels, the lowest level tall enough for the great arches that pierced the middle path to be easily tall enough for any on the lowest path to wander through without any need to bend. At the edges, three lines of columns claimed place along the outer lanes, spaced a hundred, five hundred, and a thousand paces apart. The columns were long in disrepair, some even crumbled although their remains were regularly cleared from the road to allow mortal traffic a path through. Gunlan stared wistfully at the columns, dreaming impossible futures before turning his thoughts back his current goal.

They traveled for almost a half a Great Bell before the guide turned down a smaller but more opulent side street. The street was largely empty of crowds but seemed to have a few more carriages than the norm. Those walking the street were obviously wealthy, clothing opulent with jewelry showing great wealth and status. The shops, likewise, displayed wealth in abundance with rich deep colors and while the entire street was well lit and quite easy to see, there was a cozy subdued quality to the light that pointed to intimacy and privacy in dark corners. Each shop front hid nothing of what they offered, the displays often accompanied by a woman or man dressed to flaunt their greatest physical assets. Gunlan sighed, smiling even as he felt his whole body relax in anticipation while gaining a buzzing energy of excitement. Yeesssss!

The capital pleasure market was the best in the cradle, and all knew it. It was the first time Gunlan had the chance to visit them and they did not fail his expectations. The guide he’d hired stood by his side carefully awaiting him and Gunlan turned back to the boy much happier.

“Thank you, boy. You have done well.”

The bow bowed to him, “Are there any other services you might seek?”

Gunlan smiled, humoring the young boy. How would a child know such things? “Do you have any advice on where I might find excellence?”

The boy paused at that, and Gunlan hid his humor, but his replay caused Gunlan to cock his head in surprise, “Do you seek affordable, beautiful, or well trained?”

Gunlan saw how the boy seemed serious and decided to continue the charade, “Money is without limit. I seek the best in all ways.”

The boy bowed at that point and then turned away from the alleyway, “Please join me this way then, young master.”

Gunlan smiled, pleased a more proper address but still felt a spike of anger that the guide felt he could lead him to the lesser markets.

“If there are better, then why did you lead me to lesser, guide?”

The boy turned and jogged backwards while bowing and speaking, a feat that actually garnered a bit of respect from Gunlan, “These are the pleasure markets. However, there is one market that is… circumspect and … unique. I believed that you were one that would seek such.”

Gunlan immediately perked up, pride surging through him as he straightened his back, “Of course, guide. You have a good eye.”

The guide bowed once again and replied before turning back to jogging down the street, “I am grateful for your praise, young master.”

Gunlan fell silent at that and followed after the boy for another bell before the boy took him into a few narrow alleyways until they arrived at a nondescript but opulent store front. Nothing of the shop immediately revealed itself, but the guide ran up to the doorman and immediately bowed to him before waving back to Gunlan and his guards.

“The young master is here to peruse your wares.”

The doorman immediately bowed as well and pulled the door open, “Young master. Please enjoy your stay. Guards, please follow the guide to the waiting room prepared for you.”

Gunlan stopped at that, frozen with some uncertainty. His eyes glanced at his guard then passed the door that the doorman was holding open. What he saw inside immediately drew him and he smiled before turning away from his guards.

“Do as he says. I will be with you shortly.”

Gunlan’s captain looked ready to cause an issue but Gunlan immediately looked at him with a hard stare and the captain retreated, bowing to Gunlan, “As you say, Patriarch.”

The doorman jumped slightly at the statement and Gunlan struggled to hide his pride, a small smile pulling at his lips. The guide led the guards away and Gunlan stepped into one of the wealthiest and most beautiful rooms he’d ever seen. He cared little for it, for his eyes were trapped by beauty of another kind.

Pleasure slaves graced the various furniture of the room, draped to prominently display themselves and Gunlan found himself greatly enjoying the display. This… Coushar has nothing matching this display! The beauties! How… Gunlan’s breathing increased and he stepped in with lust quickly overwhelminging him. One beauty caught his eye, but a young lady with a soft smile that barely softened her hard face stepped up to him.

“How may I be of help, Patriarch?”

Gunlan turned to her and smiled, “I seek the best you have.”

“A pleasure slave?”

“Of course.”

The woman nodded her head before waving her arms to the side in a common bow to nobility, “Then please, allow me to attend you in a private lounge as we discuss what you desire.”

* * *

Xylarnae sat in her room shared with Kalia, the fae, who’d joined her only a few months ago. She’d been here some time, almost too long for a pleasure slave of one of the premiere slave merchants. She was now the second oldest pleasure slave in the building and each day brought increasing fear that she would be ejected as no seller was found for her. As the oldest was still here, a few months older than her, she felt some comfort in her situation, but it did not lessen the stress as a time would come where she would be shuffled to a lesser status and merchant. Her fate, however, glowed in these walls and she still put faith in her fate. It will happen… just wait… it will happen!

Across the room from her, the base human that had glowed oddly with fate also remained. But since her training was not complete, nor was she a compliant slave, Xylarnae worried for her for other reasons. Kalia, likewise, proved recalcitrant to her training, but her beauty was such that most would likely be unconcerned with her poor training.

Granted, Xylarnae would likely be similar to the other two if not for her fate. Her fate still glowed brightly and grew ever brighter each day. Her trust in Fate was overwhelming enough that she sought ease instead of fighting against the training the slavers enforced upon them. She had no need to fight, for her fate would see her through. So, it was simply easier to be compliant and escape punishment.

She hummed softly at her desk, doing the work assigned her as she was prepared to be the perfect source of pleasure for her soon to be master. She smirked at the thought and returned to work. An explosive curse came from the desk across the room from her and she turned to look back. She watched as Kalia violently exploded around the room, her actions extreme and terrifying except that her strength and levels had obviously been stolen from her, leaving her ineffectual against anything. Despite the comedy of her failure, every move and action she made was made with a grace that always drew her in. If… She dismissed her jealousy with a sigh and stood, walking towards her.

“Am I able to help you, Kalia?”

The raging fae immediately calmed and turned towards her, her face regal calm, “I am doing well, but if you wish to offer yourself, I will not reject such a gift.”

Xylarnae hid her smirk. Always a gift. Never wants to owe anyone. “Of course, Kalia. May I see your assignment?”

Kalia waved towards her desk, allowing Xylarnae to glance upon it and there she found a lacquer board painted to depict the actions Kalia should train for. Xylarnae immediately recognized the painting and easily began explaining to Kalia. The two fell into easy camaraderie, as they always did once the two began speaking with one another and Xylarnae’s easy respect for her shown forth, opening Kalia up to her. Still, Kalia’s pride often escaped her restraint and she would grow aloof, especially if her knowledge or learning was proven inadequate.

After about a good half a bell of conversation, their door was opened and the two looked up to see a messenger. The messenger did not wait long and simply called out, “Xylarnae, the madam calls for you. Prepare yourself well. A client awaits.”

Xylarnae grew nervous but nodded quickly, “I will prepare.”

Kalia remained silent and stared at Xylarnae. Xylarnae offered a sad smile, “I must prepare. May I help more later?”

Kalia actually smiled at that, soft and regretful but nodded, “Of course.”

Xylarnae smiled at that and turned away, heading to her closet to prepare her clothing. She took a moment to peruse her clothing before choosing one. After having chosen her clothing, she quickly turned back to her cosmetics and washing basin, washing herself and preparing her necessary makeup. Kalia watched on the whole time, but Xylarnae found herself able to focus.

“You seem almost eager. Are you so prepared to … sell yourself for so little?”

Xylarnae paused at that, thoughtful. Should I… She frowned then looked back at the mirror, “No. I am not eager at all.”

“But you… acquiesce so easily.”

“Do I?”

“It appears so to me.”

Xylarnae fell silent at that, although her hands remained busy, preparing herself. After a time, she finally replied, “I have few options.”

“Do you wish for … another?”

“Can you offer one to me?”

Kalia fell silent this time, sighing deeply before turning away, “Once, I could. But now…”

Xylarnae stopped her facial preparations and turned to Kalia, staring at her carefully, “Once?”

Kalia remained silent and kept her face turned away, but she stiffened and Xylarnae could see the anger building within her until she finally swore and slammed a fist against her desk, still gracefully, as always, “This cursed cradle!”

“The cradle?”


Xylarnae paused at that before finally deciding to reveal a bit about herself, “I know.”

Kalia stiffened at that and quickly turned to look at Xylarnae. Her eyes narrowed for a bit before she strode across the room in only two strides, her long legs moving her deceptively quick.

“You know?”

Xylarnae nodded, staring up into the eyes of the fae without fear. Kalia stared back, her eyes whirling sluggishly before Kalia finally grimaced and rubbed her eyes as she turned away in pain.

“Curse this cradle.”

Xylarnae sighed but did not reply, despite her own agreement with Kalia’s opinion of this cradle. She turned back to her basin and returned to bathing and preparing herself. The two fell silent for a moment before Kalia spoke again.

“How long?”

Xylarnae withheld her second sigh, speaking bluntly, “Almost two years.”

“Why are you here?”

Xylarnae turned to stare at her a bit before turning back to her mirror, “Will you tell me why you are here?”

Kalia smirked at that, then laughed, “No. I think not.”

Xylarnae snorted in reply and the two laughed, accepting their shared misery. Kalia sat down on the bed, gracefully, and Xylarnae’s humor faded with a grimace as she wrestled with her jealousy once again.

“So. Why are you so accepting of this fate?”

Xylarnae jumped at that and turned to look at Kalia carefully. Why… did she use that word? Does she… know? Should I? After a few moments, Kalia began to notice the odd reaction and spoke again.

“Have I offended?”

Xylarnae paused her ministrations and turned to face Kalia straight on, her thoughts whirling. She considered then pulsed fate, her eyes flaring as she searched fate. Even as she did so, Kalia flared a royal gold and Xylarnae knew exactly what she had to do. It was too late, however.

Kalia shot to her feet and stared in shock at Xylarnae, “Fated one!”

Xylarnae paused at that before sighing. She said nothing but Kalia quickly came to her side, continuing.

“You… you are truly fated, yes?”

Xylarnae looked around carefully before nodding, “Silently, if you will.”

Kalia immediately hushed and then fell silent, staring at her with expectant hope. When Xylarnae saw the hope, she sighed and grew a bit despondent. Another who does not understand fate. However, Kalia’s next statement gave her pause.

“Does my fate hold any hope?”

Xylarnae stared at her before finally deciding she would take the chance, “Your fate is hopeful.”

“It is?”


Kalia stared at her with expectation and waited. Xylarnae sighed and continued.

“Do you know of fate? It’s workings?”

The fae nodded, “I know, but little.”

“And you know its limitations?”

“No. I know… little.”

“But you know who’s bound to that fate?”

“It is your fate, yes?”

“The fate is mine. Any fate is only a fate of mine and mine alone. Related to me.”

“I understand.”

“Do you?”

Kalia paused at that and did not reply. Xylarnae frowned.

“Then allow me to explain. The fate that I see is my fate and is of how it will benefit or be of gain for me. Any fate I see on you is a fate that is shown to reveal only how I will benefit.”

Kalia frowned at that, “So it will not be of benefit to me?”

Xylarnae sighed, “I cannot guarantee it, but I have followed my fate to here and it is greater than I have ever seen before.”

“And you see my fate with yours?”

“Your fate greatly enhances mine.”

“But mine could be…”

Xylarnae’s face dropped a bit, “I cannot guarantee it.”

Kalia frowned at that, “So you could use me… gain your fate at my expense.”

It was Xylarnae’s turn to frown at that, and she nodded softly, “It is possible I could. You must decide if I would.”

Kalia’s frown turned pensive and she gazed at Xylarnae with intensity. Xylarnae maintained eye contact, unafraid of what the fae might find. Kalia’s eyes swirled, a sluggish slow swirl but Kalia pushed, struggling and the slow swirl rapidly increased and blood began seeping from her nose while two trailed from the tear ducts in her eyes, sliding down outside her nose to join the trails leaking from her nose. She grunted and pressed on, blood leaking from her ears now as well. She pressed through before she finally sat back with a grunt and a grin.

“You are not one to do so.”

“No, I am not.”

“My fate would be twinned with yours?”


“What can you tell me of this fate.

“It is a fate greater than I have ever heard.”

“Greater than you have seen?”

“Seen or heard.”

Kalia’s eyebrows fell at that, “Greater than you have heard?”


“You have not heard of Emperor’s fate?”

“Of course I have.”

Kalia breathed in sharply, stepping back a step as shock welled up in her at the ramifications. She remained silent before quickly leaning forward.

“Would you have me?”

Xylarnae felt her eyebrows rise at that before nodding softly, “I… if you are willing?”

Kalia smiled brilliantly at that before standing, “We must prepare you well, then. You believe this is to lead to your fate?”

Xylarnae frowned at that, “I am uncertain.”

“It is possible?”

“Hm… yes. It is possible. However…” she replied before glancing at their third roommate.

Kalia’s smile faded and she stared at her, flicking a glance at the amazon like base, “However?”

Xylarnae grimaced and shook her head before waving a hand and a glance at the third roommate, “I have no intention to hide or … inflate the importance of this… but our fate is greater… much greater… with her.”

“You are certain.”

Xylarnae paused, “Let me verify once more.”

Xylarnae turned away and focused on her senses, delving deep into fate and searching for it within Kalia and their third roommate. Fate swelled, revealing itself clearly and the golden glow, as brilliant as before, showed much more clearly, now that she’d been with both the women for so long. She melded the fate of both women and still saw the glow swell with potency, revealing the fate she’d seen before. It was clearer and even more certain. She took a deep breath before turning back the fae.

She nodded firmly, “Absolutely certain.”

Kalia frowned the grimaced, “May I test?”

Xylarnae smiled, “You would trust me so easily?”

“You are trusting me?”

“It is much easier for me. Fate guides me.”

Kalia smiled, “And my fae insight me.”

Xylarnae’s smile grew, becoming greater from the honesty she allowed to shine through, “Thank you.”

Kalia chuckled softly. And… somehow… gracefully! How do you chuckle gracefully!?

The fae nodded, “Then I will do so. Give me a moment.”

Kalia turned towards Steph, coming upon her and tapping on her shoulder, “Steph.”

The woman looked up at Kalia before nodding and beginning to stand, but Kalia pressed a hand on the woman’s shoulder and had her sit. Steph returned to her seat and stared up at her expectantly.

* * *

Once Captain Stephliquen of a great interstellar empire found herself scowling, sitting at a small wooden desk next to an extremely uncomfortable bed. Before her was a poor book consisting of only pictures depicting a variety of sexual acts that, while extensive and quite explicit and detailed in how to accomplish them, proved too rather tame in comparison to the extensive capabilities of her peoples more sensual workers and performers.

How do I go from traveling the very galaxy as a captain of multi million tonne vessels of utter destruction to finding myself being trained in a barbaric medieval society to be some kind of whore! She’d fought against it the for quite some time, but some form of advanced technology obviously existed upon this planet as the collar she wore induced some kind of psychosomatic pain that left her curled up on her knees in pain. The pain did no damage to her body, but somehow, in a way that she despised and could see coming despite her efforts, the pain twisted her mind much faster than she thought possible and now she found herself terrified to resist any longer.

Thinking about it left her shuddering in fear while also struggling against self-loathing at her own incapability to resist. She hated herself. She wanted to fight. She knew she must fight, but even the simple thought that she should left her shuddering in fear, deep breaths wracking through her. Right… don’t think about it… don’t think about it… Shame slithered through her even as everything within did the exact opposite of her desires and she pushed away any thought or desire to resist. It’s… Tears welled up even as the thought of rebelling faded from her.

Shortly after, a soothing pleasure shuddered through her and she struggled to maintain any form of defense but it quickly crumpled under the ‘reward’ she’d gained for compliance. Bitter rage slithered through her even as she basked in the pleasure of the reward given. She shuddered a few times, taking calming breaths and returning to equilibrium. The best way she’d found to fight was simply to be invisible. She’d done well, for a time, plotting silently and without any hindrance to her owners, much to their frustration. They jabbered at her constantly, but she could mostly ignore anything said as she understood nothing.

After much planning, she’d planned her escape well and made it to the entrance, only to find herself unable to step through the door, her legs frozen even as she stared at her path to freedom. Her owner had been infuriated, finding her there still struggling to leave a short time later and had beaten her in a rage. Something had changed then, and her owner brought in some kind of expert who’d obviously offered some advice and further help. This led to a second. This second expert came in and in a matter of moments, spoke a simple sentence or two and since then, she’d found her ability to resist almost evaporated. Somehow, some guidance was given, or some command, that allowed the collar more autonomy, punishing or rewarding her almost immediately based simply on her thoughts.

She shook herself, struggling to control herself through the shame and pain until she was able to push her shame away. A deep cleansing breath seemed to help her center and she returned to staring at the illustrated book page. The cleansing breath turned to a sigh and she rolled her eyes in frustration before glancing back to see her two roommates speaking with one another. It was one of the longest and most serious conversations she’d ever seen between the two.

Arriving at this brothel training hall had her despairing but, somehow, there was something different about this place that allowed her to be aware and follow what was happening around her. Her trip to this place, ever since she’d landed, had been like a fog. The fog had lifted when she arrived here, and she was now able to easily follow along with everyone’s conversations. She had no clue of any kind about exactly what was being said, but at least now she was, somehow, able to easily keep up with all the conversations. She wasn’t sure exactly what happened, but her hatred of her current situation warred with the relief of having her full mental capabilities returned to her. And, she hated it; utterly to her very soul. The hatred bled over onto herself, and slowly she grew bitter and angry. She knew exactly what was happening to her, but somehow, she wasn’t able to fight it. And that only added to her despair.

Tears welled up in her eyes again when she felt a hand come down on her shoulder firmly and she quickly wiped away the tears in her eyes, “I’m ok. I’m ok. Thank you though for…”

She trailed off when the hand clapped down on her shoulder another couple times and she realized they wished to have a conversation with her. Poor as it would be, she turned excitedly, wishing for any human… alien contact. I hope it’s the other girl… not that perfect… gik of a woman!

She turned and kept the frown off her face when the perfect alien beauty stood before her. Her displeasure quickly evaporated when she noticed blood flowing from almost every possible opening on her face. She rapidly tried to stand, reaching a hand out to speak to the woman but the woman pressed her firmly back into her seat before staring at her carefully.

Stephliquen’s eyes furrowed in confusion before quickly widening in shock when the gik woman’s eyes began to swirl almost magically. Her shock quickly turned to sympathetic worry for the woman when fresh blood suddenly began flowing from her eyes, ears, and nose. What is sh… That doesn’t look good! Do I need to protect myself? Some disease? Why is she…

Almost as soon as it started, the woman stepped back, obviously suffering from some blood loss as she staggered slightly before standing straight. Stephliquen immediately rose to catch her arm to keep her from falling, stepping forward to be able to wrap a hand around her upper arm.

“Hey… hey… you alright?”

Both women pretty much ignored her, the language barrier impermeable, but the care she showed seemed obvious and the meaning easily grasped by both women. The gik woman, with bleeding visage that actually made her look rather terrifying, shook her head in the odd side to side version of ‘no’ that she’d been able to parse while also waving her hand away dismissively. Right… she’s fine… so…

The two women stepped back together and began rapidly speaking with one another. Stephliquen decided she wanted some company, even if ultimately she wouldn’t be able to join in the conversation. Just the sensation of standing with others in conversation would be enough comfort for her. For now…

* * *

Xylarnae watched as Kalia stood up with a stagger, the base human coming forward to hold her up. The woman seemed rather kind in this way, despite the fact no one seemed capable of speaking with her. Kalia steadied before dismissing Steph’s obvious concern, a short snippet that clearly meant something like ‘be careful.’ Despite the interesting revelation, Xylarnae couldn’t care less at the moment, and stared deep into the fae’s eyes, searching for what she’d found.

The fae stepped towards her with a nod, “That… hurts! I’m going to have a headache for… days? Weeks?”

Xylarnae frowned, “Be careful. Regain your health, if you can.”

Kalia smiled at that, “Fear not. I am well capable of continuing.”

Xylarnae smiled in reply, “I still wish you to be well.

Kalia’s smile turned slightly brighter at that and she offered a slight bow, “Thank you.”

The two fell silent, staring at one another, enjoying the moment before Kalia finally smiled, “As for our new roommate, she proves trustworthy, if a bit more bloodthirsty than I expected.”


“Hmm. It seems she has killed many in battle.”

“She is strong, then?!”

Kalia frowned at that, “I… I do not know. It is strange. She is… strong… having won many battles, but also… weak. There is little she could do against either one of us.”

Xylarnae raised an eyebrow at that, “A rather strange… quandary?”

Kalia smiled at that, “Yes. But comforting, to some extent.”

Xylarnae nodded, “Hmm… possibly.”

The conversation lulled at this point before Kalia shifted topics, “Still, you must prepare yourself, quickly! This detour has been quite long.”

Xylarnae’s eyes widened at that and she quickly turned back to her dual purpose small desk and makeup stand, “Oh! Yes. I must begin quickly. I cannot be late!”

“Then allow me to help. I can do little now, curse this cradle, but what little I have, I can help. You will be… enhanced, for a short time. But it should be enough.”

Kalia ignored the drying blood on her face and immediately set to work helping Xylarnae. Xylarnae worked with her makeup and painted her face carefully, even as Kalia worked her fae magic, offering such slight and subtle changes that Xylarnae almost did not see them, but the overall affect, once complete, was startling, and Xylarnae could only stare at herself with a bit of shock.

“I have heard… of fae workings, but…”

Kalia smiled softly, “I could have done so much more, but…”

Xylarnae shook her head, “It … is more than enough!”

Kalia’s smile grew more sincere, “Then… you are welcome.”

Xylarnae smiled back, “Then I shall begin.”

“Go well.”

Xylarnae nodded back and left the room, walking down the stairs carefully, making certain to walk regally while swaying her hips with exaggeration. She made it to the main floor and saw the messenger beside the door she was to enter. The main room was a massive circular affair with lush carpets and furniture. A grand staircase curled up and split in two, outwards, to the upper floor balcony that overlooked the main floor. The second floor and up housed the private rooms of the various high class pleasure slaves. The bottom floor only had the entrance, opposite the staircase, and a dozen rooms surrounding the outside of the floor. Each room was as opulent and beautiful as the main room, but none of the rooms had doors. Wide archways opened between the room and the central area with the seats inside against the back wall so that any seated in them would have a perfect view of the main room, easily able to see any in the room.

Because of that, Xylarnae was careful to maintain her poise even in the main room as she made her way across it. Past the messenger, Xylarnae was able to see into the room and saw her potential client. She kept the smile on her face, although did attempt to have it grow more seductive and inviting. She looked into the room and engaged her fate, hoping to gain some hint at what her future might bring.

What she saw was an utter abyss. A blackness so complete that Xylarnae found herself stuttering, her fear exploding through her careful façade in a vast ocean that overwhelmed her. No… NO! No no no no no! No. This… no! Even as her fear spiked, shredding her control, she stared into the man’s eyes and saw his grin grow. No… no… please gods… no! She knew exactly what kind of man this one was and the joy and seeing her fear only destroyed her control further. She knew she had to keep her fear under control, but the growing lust and perverse joy at seeing her fear only caused her to lose further control. If there was any hint of hope, she could see a brilliant orb of gold light, brighter than she’d ever seen before, buried in the depths of an abyss of darkness that made her terrified to persevere through the horror to reach the hope.

* * *

Kalia watched as Xylarnae left the room, graceful and without concern, no fear that she could scent. That, more than anything else, convinced Kalia of Xylarnae’s gift of fate. Fate was rare. So rare that Kalia had only ever seen one fated one in her entire existence and that only because the fated one was an ancient being of their clan and seeing him had been only at a distance, once, during a great celebration. She did not know much of fate, what little taught to her as a child passed on to the clan like crumbs, but it was enough for her to know that what Xylarnae spoke of was truth. And her fae working told her she was trustworthy.

She had no choice, however. She was trapped, as surely as any prey prepared for slaughter. There was nothing she could do. This cursed cradle would have her crippled with no hope and any hope a fated one would offer could not be lightly ignored. She could only place her hope in another. Something she seldom did and struggled to do as trust was not something well experienced by her kind.

She sighed and turned to maintaining the beauty glamor she’d placed on Xylarnae, focusing as she struggled to tie off the glamor. She had little power to imbue into them, but they should last the day and she could only hope it was enough. Her humors burst once again, blood leaking from six of her seven facial orifices but she maintained her weave until the glamor was tied. Once completed, she collapsed back upon her bed and rested, feeling exhausted and lacking grace. She rested for a moment before finally turning to her dresser and the water basin there. She washed carefully but the pitiful amount of water darkened quickly with her blood and she had no desire to leave her blood easily accessed by any who would wish to acquire it. Besides, her face was still unclean, residual blood still decorating her face. She took a towel and wiped her face as best she could before taking the bloody basin and headed down to the kitchen to dispose of the bloody water properly.

She walked down the stairway and crossed through the main room on the first floor. She moved carefully, not wishing to spill any of her blood so foolishly in such a place. She did take a moment to glance over at Xylarnae to see the client who’d come. The man was nothing, and she turned her face away carefully before allowing her disdain to show on her face. So disappointing.

* * *

Gunlan smiled to see the woman before him. Her beauty was ethereal, and he struggled to keep his lust in check. The superiority of the capital truly is without par. When she stuttered a step, her innocence causing her to pause, his lust only grew even greater and he struggled to maintain his calm, not wishing to reveal his desire to the greedy merchant at his side. When he glanced over at her, a satisfied smile with a slight smirk to it rested on her face and he grimaced, cursing within himself. She knows.

Suddenly, his gaze was ripped away from the vision of beauty in front of him. Out in the main entrance, another beauty walked by, so entrancing that he could not turn away. Something actually reached out to him and ripped autonomy from his very soul, and he stood, gasping in shock as he stepped past the young lady shown to him and watched as the beauty passed through a small hidden doorway hidden at the base of the grand staircase.

“Her! I want her! Who was she?!”

* * *

Xylarnae shivered in fear as the abyss of darkness sucked her in and left her terrified, even if the brilliant golden dot at the center shone with a brilliance greater than all she’d seen before. It didn’t matter, the darkness surrounding it was such a light drinking black, hope counted for nothing.

Suddenly, the blackness disappeared, replaced entirely by brilliant gold as bright as the center had originally been. She froze, shocked, her fear wiped away by the new brilliance of her fate. The change shocked her out of her fear and she suddenly became aware of her surroundings once again, only to see the client stand and rush past her like a man dying of thirst seeing water. He rushed to the entrance of the room and stared out into the main room.

“Her! I want her! Who was she?!”

Xylarnae glanced backwards but saw no one in the main hall, only catching a glimpse of the kitchen door below the grand stairway swinging shut. Xylarnae quickly turned back to face the client and madam, but turned to the side to move out of the way of the client, using the move as an excuse to bring the main hall into sight.

“I apologize, Patriarch, but she is not for sale.”

The man turned, enraged, “Everything is for sale. She is a slave. I saw her slave collar.”

The madam bowed a bit but remained adamant, “She is not for sale.”

“I will pay any price.”

The woman shook her head, “Price is not the issue. I am certain you are capable of purchasing her, but you must return once she has been prepared.”

“I care not for preparation. Sell her to me now!”

“Sir. She cannot be sold. She must be prepared.”

“Listen to me, peasant. I care not…”

The client cut off and turned back to the main room when the kitchen door opened once again and Kalia walked in carrying her water basin. Why is she… Xylarnae cut off her thoughts and focused on the moment, carefully searching fate once again and saw fate glowing even more brilliantly with Kalia’s return, surrounding both the client and Kalia.

“You. Come here. What is your name?” the client demanded imperiously.

Kalia froze at that and turned to look at the man before sneering, “Who are you to speak to me this way?”

The client froze, shocked, “You… you! How dare you!”

The madam spoke up at this point, gliding to his side, “As I said, she has not been appropriately trained.”

The client growled and turned to the madam, “You find this appropriate?”

The madam remained silent but stared down at him with barely withheld disdain. After a few moments, she repeated herself, “She has not been appropriately trained, sir.”

The client grimaced and fell silent. He remained so for some time and fell into deep thought before he turned to look at the madam, “How long?”

The madam raised an eyebrow at that, “I am uncertain, but she is… troublesome. She will be difficult.”

“Do NOT patronize me nor seek to inflate the price. I will not have it. How long?”

The madam sighed at that and frowned slightly, “You believe she would speak thus if she had been even partially trained?”

The client snarled and simply growled out loudly, “How long?!”

The madam finally grew short, tired of the man’s poor behavior and spoke without her customary politeness, “Months.”

The man clenched his teeth, “Unacceptable.”

The madam smirked, “I care not for what you think is acceptable or not. She will not be ready till she is broken. And she will not break for quite some time!”

“Give her to me. I will break her soon enough,” the man growled.

“I will not sell poor quality merchandise. You will simply wait.”


“Possibly even a year.”

The man grew enraged at that and stomped through the room, pacing across it. The madam watched him with some disdain, and Xylarnae found herself freed to cautiously look around, staring at fate as it fluctuated. Fate, for the most part, flared pure gold, and she felt her heart clench being so close. She glanced towards Kalia who watched the man with disdain but noticed Xylarnae’s glanced and looked at her. Their gaze grew heavy with meaning and soon Kalia’s forehead wrinkled slightly with confusion before flicking a glance towards the client before returning a questioning gaze back at Xylarnae. Xylarnae nodded very shallowly and Kalia’s eyes rose slightly.

Xylarnae then turned to look at the madam, bowing deeply while whispering softly, “Madam. I may be able to reach Kalia sooner?”

The madam snapped her eyes towards Xylarnae with a hint of anger but before she could snap at Xylarnae’s inappropriate outburst, the client whipped his head back around towards Xylarnae.

“You could train her?”

“Sir. I can but try, but it would likely take almost a month. And only if I could reach her. Convince her,” Xylarnae replied softly.

The madam stepped forward and interjected, “This is not…”

The client whipped towards her and raised a hand, “Silence! You have proved less than worthless. Even a slave can do your duty better.”

Xylarnae hid her wince at that. That’s… not good. She grimaced as she realized the next several weeks were going to be deeply unpleasant, but at least there was little to bar her way to her fate. She took her time to glance up through her bangs to catch what fate may hold at the hands of the madam and sighed with some relief when she saw a dark circle burbling from her. Granted, it was not going to be pleasant, but the darkness was a subtle grey and more that of an unpleasant and grating neighbor than any fear of physical pain. Of course… she can’t damage her products… so… Still, Xylarnae didn’t look forward to her remaining time here.

The madam grimaced and shook her head, “She requires training.”

The client rebutted, “And this one will do so. I will purchase both.”

The madam actually growled at that and shook her head, “No. I will transfer them to your city within a month’s time, as promised by … this fool. You may purchase them from a merchant in your city. I will have none of this.”

The client actually smiled at this, “I will accept this.”

The madam’s smile grew cruel, “You will purchase them from me for full price. Then, you must seek out your own deal with the merchant that will purchase them for your city.”

The client’s arrogant confidence immediately slipped to rage and the two fell to fighting for some time, the back and forth bickering held back from violence only because the client obviously feared the capital guards. The madam simply sneered through it all and turned away. Before she could leave, however, the client added one last stipulation with a growl of burning rage and a sneer of triumph.

“One of mine will transfer them.”

She sneered directly back, “One of mine will. Yours may accompany mine.”

The man snarled but then capitulated, “One month’s time.”

The madam smirked, “One month. I hope you are willing to accept a slave training another slave!”

She turned away and dismissed him, turning to the guide as she passed, “Acquire his details and payment before escorting him from the property. Inform the guard he is no longer welcome here.”

The client began shouting at hearing this, growing almost violent at this and she grew fearful she’d made a mistake. Another glance at fate, however, revealed the brilliant gold and she calmed her heart. Her calm did not last, however, as he turned towards her with a snarl.

“You’d best have her prepared, or I will purchase you anyway and teach you what it means to fail me!”

He raised a hand to strike her, but she cowered under his raised hand and the guide cleared his throat and began to speak, interrupting the man, “Sir. Your credentials, if you would. It would be wonderful to know them while you are in the capital.”

The subtle reminder seemed enough, and the client recovered but still turned to her once more, growling, “Do not fail me!”

Xylarnae quickly bowed, “As you say, Patriarch.”

The man nodded at that and turned to the guide. The client returned to the couch while the guide came to stand before him. The guide spoke quickly, dismissing Xylarnae and she offered a deep bow to both of them before turning and leaving the room. The last thing she heard before she passed the sound privacy barrier at the entrance was the client’s name. She committed it carefully to memory. Gunlan, Patriarch of the Galgandar clan, nobility of Coushar city. A small unknown place then. What… what fate could possibly be there?

Her wandering thoughts wrapped up, placed onto a back burner as she came to Kalia’s side and gestured up the stairs. This… is going to take some work, but… When they made the room, she began quickly explaining everything. Moments later, the two began preparations for the farce they would play for the benefit of the pleasure merchant.

* * *

Gunlan left the pleasure merchant with mixed feelings. He was incredibly pleased to have been able to acquire such great beauty but at the same time, having lost access to one of the premiere pleasure merchants and having even been dealt with so poorly by said merchant; to say the least, Gunlan was unhappy.

He stalked the streets, jittery with conflicting emotions. Rage warred with his lust. Satisfaction warred with his anger. And schadenfreude warred with his bitterness. Surrounding him, his guards returned to him and the guide once again began running before him, this time seeking out a great slave master. Ever since he’d gained the eccentric as slave, Gunlan had found controlling the man next to impossible. He could only hope he could find a slave master capable of bringing the man to hand. Like any animal, it only required the right tamer. And Gunlan needed the best available. The eccentric would be brought to heel and his clan would rise to the heavens on the eccentric’s back. Gunlan would make certain of that.

The guide lead them away from the pleasure districts but not too far from the slave markets as what he sought was inherently linked with the markets. The slave guild, once it was pointed out to him by the guide, was quite easy to recognize, and he immediately entered it, half his guards and the guide waited for him outside.

Entering the guild, he immediately garnered the respect he deserved and a receptionist immediately led him to an appropriate venue for his personage and he waited patiently for assistance. The capital proved almost adequate and Gunlan decided to be magnanimous and not chide the poor service. It helped that the slave guild assistant proved to be a beauty, easily offering him some entertainment during the process, if only for his eyes.

“What service could the slavers guild offer, sir?”

“I am Patriarch Gunlan of Galgandar clan. I seek the best slave master you have. I have need to bring an unruly slave under control.”

The young lady’s eyes rose at that, “Your slave … resists the collar?”

“The collar has… little affect.”

“You are certain?”


“Then you seek a master to bring him to heel?”

Gunlan bowed his head in affirmation, offering a small complement in hopes of interesting the beauty, “You are astute.”

The woman was resistant and simply bowed her own head in returned affirmation, “Understood. I shall seek out those who might be of service to you.”

Gunlan struggled to keep the displeasure from his face but remained silent allowing her to go, although his mind raged at her dismissal of his request. She stood and left the room for a bell before returning with an older gentleman in tow.

“Patriarch. I bring you one of our greatest masters. He will likely be able to offer the service you need.”

The man offered proper obeisance and spoke politely, “Patriarch. It is my honor to be of service to you. Could I ask of this slave you seek to reprimand?”

Gunlan found his respect adequate and replied politely as well, “It is your honor. What do you wish to know?”

“Could you tell me what he has done that shows he is able to resist the collar?”

“He laid hands upon my person.”

The man blinked in surprise, replying with some shock, “You are his direct master?”

Gunlan nodded shallowly, “I am.”

The man fell silent at that, thinking carefully, replying with greater caution, “Could I know his digits?”

“I am… uncertain. The reports seem widely varied. The lowest I have heard is eight… nine digits? The highest is eleven… twelve.”

The man sucked in his breath and immediately lowered himself in deep obeisance, “I apologize, Patriarch. I am unable to offer a service for such a slave. You must seek another.”

Similar to the man, the young guild representative who heard the news of his slave immediately grew stiff, eyes widening before also growing much more respectful. She spoke quickly.

“Patriarch. I will immediately seek out a master capable of assisting you.”

Gunlan was not able to keep the satisfied smirk from his face before nodding, letting her know he’d heard her reply. Both left the room quickly and Gunlan settled in to enjoy the rest of the day. It was going to be… interesting.

* * *

The slave guild representative currently assisting Gunlan, Patriarch of Galgandar, rapidly strode through the slave guild hall. She immediately sought out the guild master and quickly informed him of the news. The guild master immediately stood, clenching his teeth before responding with polite thanks. Both left the guild master’s office before turning in opposite directions. The representative did not offer a proper farewell to the guild master, both too dedicated to their next task. She immediately turned to seek out the greatest slave master they had. Such work was … too difficult for any other.

* * *

News spread rapidly through the capital and a small unknown clan of a small border plane far from the capital quickly became of interest to many.

* * *

Kilniara followed after Allanar as he led her through the various streets of the capital. The crowd of clanners had immediately split when they stepped into the grand gate plaza, dozens of small groups scattering throughout the capital. Before the groups could scatter, a half a dozen messengers came running from the Patriarch informing all where they would be residing for the evening by telling them the name and city region of the inn. The messengers couldn’t hold the groups long and soon the plaza was empty of the Galgandar clan.

Allanar and his team of guards proved much more professional, moving as a team with a mechanical purpose that spoke of the importance of their mission. Despite Allanar’s promise to escort Kilnaira, he studiously ignored her, focusing on his task. Kilniara fell silent, concerned at Allanar’s disregard. Her concern grew as Allanar remained focused and offered no hint of recognizing Kilniara. After traveling for almost a bell, Kilniara began glancing around at the other members traveling with them, struggling to understand Allanar’s aloof attitude.

As she looked at her maids and the various guards, she grew calm as her maids seemed unconcerned and the guards proved just as dedicated to their tasks. Soldier kind of thing? Maybe? Kilniara’s concern shifted to curiosity and she began watching carefully until Allanar called a halt at the entrance to an extremely wealthy slave hall. Kilniara looked up and struggled to hold in her gasp as she realized what was happening. Too stunned to respond, she simply stared as she watched Allanar call everyone’s attention.

“Halt! All soldiers remain here. Captain, accompany me with the prisoner. Await my return here.”

Allanar once again ignored Kilniara and turned towards the slave merchant, marching in with Gwenvair held firmly, even a little roughly, by the captain Allanar had ordered to follow after him. The two disappeared into the merchant’s shop and the tension that seemed to reside within the guards immediately released and the guards seemed to deflate before beginning to banter amongst themselves with laughter and crass jokes. Several of the guards turned towards her maids, and her maids did not dissuade their interest, giggling coyly at their flirtations.

Kilniara watched all this for a moment before turning to look at the merchant shop, staring at it with tense focus as she attempted to memorize every detail. She took in the sign that swayed in the breeze above the door and noticed its odd design, showing a beautiful woman kneeling before a man, upon her head sat a crown. Kilniara stared at it for some time, but was unable to grasp what name the shop might have and her fear grew ever more as she waited.

After struggling to understand what the shop might be named, she turned her gaze to her surroundings seeking another way to learn the name of the shop. She turned to her maids and the guards, but grew quite concerned of who they may report to so refrained from seeking them out. Who… who can I ask… would… Allanar tell… Even as her mind raced through possibilities, her eyes lit on the guide that had led them here and her gaze lasered in upon the young boy. He would know… he guided us here… even… the city region… yes?

Kilniara’s breath froze for a bit before she took a deep breath and took several steps towards the young guide to put some space between her and the maids, but not so much as to cause the maids to turn away from the guards and follow her. She made sure to keep an eye on her maids, concerned, and when they began to turn towards her, she immediately stopped. Please… I’m not going anywhere… Go back to flirting with the guards, yes? I just want to talk to the guide, right? You heard me calling out to him… just a noble imperiously pushing around a commoner for information… ignore me… ignore me…

As she stepped forward, she called out to the guide, “Boy. Attend me. I seek the finest shops for clothing.”

The guide immediately leaped to some form of attention, coming towards her while remaining stiff before coming before her and bowing as commoners did to nobility, “What service, lady?”

“I am in need of clothing, a full new set for all the needs a young elite such as I need.”

The guide seemed to freeze at that, staring at her before replying with some concern, “You wish a full set?”

“Of course.”

The young guide debased himself once more before replying, “You seek the best?”

“How could I not.”

“Then I am able to lead, if you desire. But I must finish my current commission.”

She nodded, “Allanar, your current commissioner, shall accompany me. We will need guidance.”

The boy bowed again, “If so, I am capable.”

“Much thanks. Where is the city region for the best clothiers?”

The boy nodded and offered a name that Kilniara quickly dismissed, uncaring of any clothing, but still committed some thought to memorizing it.

“And here?”

“The pleasure district, lady.”

Another name, much more important and immediately memorized, but Kilniara immediately sought to remove any suspicion and continued, “And the time between these districts. I do not wish to wallow in these streets long.”

The boy offered another commoner bow, “I can make it quick, lady. Only a few bells. It can be slightly faster with a carriage, if you wish.”

Kilniara paused at that, nodding thoughtfully before continuing, “Come closer. Speak to me of the best merchants and tailors here. I would hear of rumors and stories.”

The young boy came closer at that and began to offer rumors that Kilniara pretended to be interested in, offering observations, rejoinders, or further questions as needed. Several stories even did catch her attention, her parents’ clothier work something she knew well and the commonality allowed her to understand how some of the rumors were truly extraordinary.

As the boy continued to regale her on various stories, the guards, originally uncaring, quickly dismissed the two’s conversation while her maids quickly turned back to the guards flirtation and ignored her meaningless conversation. Since they were closer, their conversation also grew quieter and more intimate and when Kilniara was certain others were uninterested in their conversation, she took the time to interrupt the stories and quietly asked for the name of the shop in a bored fashion before quickly returning to rumors. She struggled to keep her composure, but the name made so much sense and completely terrified her: The Kneeling Queen.

With that knowledge, Kilniara began looking around the street, hoping to find a shop that gave some kind of reason for her to return; something she could deceive her maids with. But as she struggled, she found nothing and when Allanar returned, Kilniara began to panic slightly.

As Allanar stepped out, he spoke out cheerfully, “Excellent! Our duty is complete. Guards, you are released to do as you will. You may return with me if you wish, however, I have promised the Promised Kilniara to guide her to several tailors that may prove important for clothing needs. Ahh.. guide? Where’s the…”

Allanar paused and turned to look around until he found the guide standing beside Kilniara, “Ah! Guide! Could you lead us to more of your companions. I believe most of the warriors here would prefer to be free to explore?”

Allanar turned the last statement into a question and turned to look at the guards, and they all loudly laughed in agreement, cries and shouts of excitement filling the small road. Allanar laughed with them then turned to the captain.

“Captain? What is your wish?”

The captain smiled but seemed to stare at Allanar closely before nodding with a reply, “I would enjoy your company, if you wish.”

Kilniara noticed Allanar’s discomfort, but he proved capable of remaining composed, “Certainly. It would be wonderful to enjoy your company.”

The group proved excited for the opportunity and if Kilniara hadn’t known the subtext, she would have felt that everyone was genuinely excited for their soon to come entertainment. Kilniara felt the tension rise, but remained smiling and a bit aloof. Her maids quickly returned from their conversation with the guards and while the guards had relaxed by quite a bit, Allanar’s and the captain’s return brought them back to their ranks, lined up and attentive.

Everyone quickly began following after the guide who led them to another grouping of guides. The negotiation proved quickly done since the guide negotiated for them and soon the guards were on their way with boisterous calls to one another. Those who stayed with Kilniara paused to watch them head off before they all turned to move on, much quieter. No one spoke for a time as they walked until Allanar turned to Kilniara and began asking her of her fashion taste. Kilniara almost questioned Allanar but his glance, benign from the rear, carried warning and she quickly began speaking innocuously of her tastes.

The day passed this way quickly, and Allanar proved almost as excellent a guide as their personal guide, offering premiere locations and tailors, even if he couldn’t actually lead them through the city. The guide soon grew impressed enough to compliment Allanar on his knowledge of clothing and Allanar simply mentioned his wife. After a while, the group separated into two, the maids speaking with the captain while Allanar held an enjoyable conversation with Kilniara about fashion and trends. He proved surprisingly well informed and despite Kilnaira’s frustration, found herself somewhat enjoying the day.

The day passed quickly and it was soon early evening so Allanar called an end to their day, suggesting they return to the inn the Patriarch had prepared. All agreed, although the captain begged off once they came in sight of the inn, asking to borrow the guide after. Allanar simply shrugged, seeming unconcerned. The captain fled with the guide into the depths of the night life and Allanar escorted Kilniara into the inn, the maids trailing dutifully behind her. Kilniara tried several times to speak to Allanar, but he continually ignored her, speaking over her whispered questions only of tailors, dresses, and fashion.

When they entered the building, they said farewell and Kilniara could see Allanar’s soft hint of an apology while he spoke a cheerful goodbye. Kilniara restrained her frustration, but also felt a cold shiver run down her spine at the realization that Allanar couldn’t feel safe enough to speak to her of such things. My maids… maybe the captain? Who… who’s watching?

Her calm quickly shattered with that thought and all three ladies turned to their room, led there by young receptionist working at the inn. As they had not eaten yet, Kilniara found herself quite hungry but preferred to head to her room and wash up before heading back out to a meal, so she did exactly that. That said, her preparation proved quite quick and she was soon back in the dining area, finding it set up a bit more like the guild restaurants back home, with a large dining area for a more common experience with private rooms littering the walls around the edge of the main hall.

Kilniara didn’t feel like finding privacy so chose a table in the common area slightly distant from others and settled to enjoy the meal, her maids standing behind her to attend her needs. The waitress arrived quickly and Kilniara wasted no time in ordering, wishing only to eat. She did take the time to offer her maids a meal but both refused so she didn’t fight to feed them, too stressed over Gwenvair and what had happened that caused Allanar to remain silent. The maids stood behind her, waiting upon her and Kilniara felt a small curl on her lip when she realized how annoying it could be. Same as husband! No wonder he enjoys us to simply join his company. It’s annoying to eat… alone without anyone. She glanced back at them, but the two stood ramrod straight and she stifled a sigh before returning to her meal. Right… they’re not going to sit and eat with me.

Right when she turned back to her meal, the door of the inn opened with a large cacophony as a proud Gunlan returned. Kilniara immediately turned away, dropping her head to her meal as she didn’t wish to interact with the man. His entrance drew the attention of most of the common room with the boisterousness of his arrogance. Don’t notice me… don’t notice me! Go… go to a private room. Don’t notice…

Her desire proved unfulfilled, however, as he quickly noticed her and he turned her way, “Kilniara! My promised. You sit in such … common surroundings. You should seat in accordance with your status!”

Kilniara, having been called out, could not disregard him and immediately looked up, nodding her head while replying with what she hoped was a noble’s grace, “Patriarch Gunlan. It seems you have had a productive day.”

“I have! I have! It has been wonderful. Hmm… you are enjoying your meal?”

Kilniara nodded, “It is quite delicious.”

Gunlan paused at that, then glanced around the room, many people staring at him and Kilniara immediately recognized Gunlan’s ego rising. She hid her frown, but grew concerned.

“Hmm… I can see the… attraction of sitting in such common… settings. I think I will join you for our meal.”

Kilniara’s breath caught but she hid her shock with a quick seated bow, “You truly bless me with your presence.”

“I do. I truly do. Let us see the … charm of such … common experiences,” Gunlan spoke with what was obviously his perception of gracious allowance.

Kilniara struggled to find any response to such arrogant blindness and actually cursed inwardly at the fact that Joe had never taught her how to deal with true arrogance. If he’d done it, it might be easier for me … but… how do I … Kilniara’s thoughts wandered before she suddenly knew exactly what to do.

“Then I must thank you,” she offered with an attempt at sincerity.

It seemed poorly done to her, but Gunlan seemed quite proud and nodded, “Right so! You are welcome.”

Kilniara found herself floundering once again then quickly returned to the start of their conversation, offering a statement as a subtle question, “So then. You were successful today?”

Gunlan smiled brilliantly and Kilniara hid a sigh of relief. The man would likely speak for quite some time and Kilniara could recover and plan how she could disentangle herself from the man. He immediately leapt into his day, Kilniara only offering partial attention while she devoted herself to discovering a way to escape.

“You should have seen it! I arrived at one of the greatest pleasure trainers in the city! They had such beauties as to entrap any man.”

Gunlan’s happiness suddenly switched to a deep rage and Kilniara stiffened, worried, “Amazing beauties! Horrible madams! I should have her whipped! Or… I could buy her and then whip her! Such things… Remind me to do so tomorrow, immediately on the morn,” Gunlan ended by turning to a manservant behind him.

The manservant immediately bowed and nodded, “I will remind you, sire.”

“Excellent. Now… where was I… yes! Great beauties! I found an incredible woman. She’s only a base, but an excellent trainer. She is preparing a fae beauty for me. Her beauty so astounding I’ve never seen her like. She is incredible. Poor attitude! Incredibly poor. This brothel… the madam must be a poor trainer, as the fae did not properly acknowledge my august person! Such an evil bitch as I’ve ever seen. It will be amazing to break her,” Gunlan’s face turned avid, a mixture of lust and anticipation that caused Kilniara to shudder.

Gunlan noticed and turned to Kilniara, “What do you think?”

“I think you have been blessed. Your intelligence has allowed you to find amazing… opportunities even in the face of such foolish opposition against you,” Kilinara smoothed her face while struggling to understand the broken stream of consciousness thought.

Gunlan’s return smile revealed his self-satisfaction, “Truly. You know me well! Exactly so.”

Kilniara floundered once again but decided to simply dive further into the conversation, “So tell me of how you succeeded so brilliantly?”

Gunlan beamed at Kilniara with a laugh, “I have found two beautiful pleasure slaves and will have them as mine shortly.”

Kilniara saw Gunlan’s expectant smile so she quickly replied, “Congratulations!”

Gunlan nodded but then frowned, “Mmm. Yes. But,” Gunlan then sighed, “I must wait several weeks. I… I will have to return.”

Kilniara nodded, “I see.”

Gunlan nodded then looked to her, smiling and magnanimously offering her to speak on her day, “Then, speak on your day.”

Kilniara blinked in shock for a moment before quickly replying, “I bought some dresses.”

Gunlan’s face maintained his pleasant appearance but his eyes gazed slightly and Kilnaira quickly continued, “I was able to find several dresses to appropriately satisfy your status for the various clan events soon to come.”

Gunlan’s smiled at that and nodded, “You are wisely considering your new position. Excellent.”

Kilniara nodded her head, “I am grateful. I, too, must wait several weeks to retrieve my purchase.”

Gunlan actually sat forward in interest, “You must wait?”

Kilniara nodded asked worriedly, “Yes. It is … this is OK?”

Gunlan waved away her concern and Kilniara hid her relief, “Yes. This is perfect. You will stay until my pleasure slaves are prepared and return with them. The slave master of the brothel has required that the slaves be transferred to the slave merchants of Coushar. My butler will speak with your maids. You shall bring them with you when you return. I must return quickly to continue as Patriarch.”

Kilniara froze as she listened, then began to feel hope swell within her, a deep but soft breath so as to remain hidden grew within her before she smiled softly and said, “I am more than willing to serve, Patriarch.”

Gunlan nodded his head with a smile which quickly wiped from his face when the servant brought his dish. He waved his hand, dismissing the servant with some arrogance but the servant simply bowed and backed away. Gunlan returned to their conversation and his meal, the smile returning for Kilnaira.

“As you should, Promised. It is your duty.”

Kilniara nodded and Gunlan soon ignored her for his meal and Kilniara happily fell silent, finishing her own meal rather quickly. She soon found herself trapped at the table without any further meal to eat but no longer able to escape to her room. Gunlan, however, seemed quite happy to simply enjoy his meal ignoring his tablemate’s discomfort. After satisfying his hunger for a time, he restarted the conversation.

“Quite an interesting experience. I think not something to have regularly, but quite interesting none the less.”

Kilniara couldn’t quite understand what Gunlan was speaking about before quickly realizing he was speaking about eating in a common room. She decided to be as bland as possible, not wishing to provoke the temperamental man.

“It seems so, yes.”

“Hmm. Yes. The food leaves much to be desired.”

Kilniara was absolutely certain the food was quite good, but wasn’t going to disagree, “Your taste is quite refined.”

“Just so.”

“It might be wise to ask for the better private room fare, then you can have the best of both worlds.”

“Best of both worlds… what a strange saying. Hmm… best of both worlds. But… truly an excellent representation. Wonderful.”

“Hmm,” Kilniara replied noncommittally to let him know she was listening obediently.

“But I believe you are right. A proper meal would greatly enhance the experience.”

Kilniara nodded and soon found her thoughts seeking escape, leaving only enough to cautiously respond positively to the man. The conversation was almost absentminded on Gunlan’s part and so Kilniara was able to reply in kind. A few times, his wandering thoughts focused on the moment and Kilniara had to quickly do the same so as not to insult the man or trigger his temper, something she’d been carefully warned about by Gwenvair.

Finally, Gunlan bid her good night, the meal almost pleasant and proof that Gunlan seemed to be in a good mood. Kilniara awaited his departure, as was her duty as his Promised, bowing as he left before retreating to her room with the two maids. Her mood quickly rose with her return, mind relieved she had another several weeks even as it whirled with plans to find Gwenvair and return. Please… let me be quick enough!

* * *

Gunlan left the inn and turned towards the center of the city, seeking out the inn that the Bastard Wyvern commonly retired at. He came upon it rather quickly, but entered to find the man long gone. He did not stay long, but left in deep anger. I did as you asked! Now where is my pay?!

* * *

Kukurnal rested in his temple room, unwilling to travel the streets. The news of the Matriarch’s sudden mortality and her son’s rise to power, while sudden, was no surprise. The clan had done their best to groom Gwenvair for the role, although with the arrival of the Eccentric, that had driven the plans to another level. Likely, the news of the eccentric and how close the clan Matriarch and the second in line had grown to him had driven the Bunarl clan to act early.

Kukurnal sighed, “So close.”

But few were the clans who could override the desires of the overlord clan. Overlord clans were not allowed to demand the first in line, but their power was such that placing those they wished into power was child’s play, their power often significantly greater than the clans they were given control of.

Kukurnal sighed again and attempted to return to his studies when a soft knock came from his door.

“Come in!”

His door opened and a young priest stuck his head in before speaking, “You are called, sir.”

“Ah! Excellent,” Kukurnal stood with some excitement.

Being called to answer questions led to payment and raised his position quite well and he stood to follow after the guide who would lead him.

“Who seeks me?”

“The Saga priesthood, sir.”

Kukurnal felt his eyebrows leap at that, surprised, “And my expertise?”

“That of the eccentric.”

That gave Kukurnal pause, and he frowned, “They wish to ask after the eccentric.”

“Yes, knowledgeable one.”

Kukurnal fell silent at that, wondering for the remaining time it took them to arrive at the great hall. When he saw the Saga Abbot awaiting him, his thoughts swirled into concern, curiosity driving him but caution guiding him. He came before the abbot and bowed.

“How may I serve the Saga priesthood today?”

The abbot bowed in reply to his own bow, a shallower head bob of appropriate respect, “We seek knowledge and were told you were the expert.”

Kukurnal allowed the pretense to hold, “Of what expertise of mine do you seek?”

“Your knowledge of the eccentric.”

“Aah. How can I help you?”

“Standard rates?”

“Of course.”

“And privacy rates?”

That gave Kukurnal pause, concerned to hide anything from Joe and not wishing to draw his ire, “I do not feel comfortable offering such.”

The man hid his obvious dislike for that, but also seemed to completely understand. No man wished to raise the ire of a powerful man, especially if rumors of secret meetings were to become known. The abbot bowed his head and accepted the limitation before beginning.

They spoke for a very long time and the questions were utterly mundane. Simple questions about the man and his capabilities that any rumor monger could offer, spoken with a polite respect and deep curiosity that left Kukurnal growing more and more concerned, as the cost grew wildly, and the Abbot did not care. Kukurnal’s wild joy at his great income quickly grew to apprehensive worry very quickly.

* * *

Joe curled up in a ball in the depths of the dungeon and hugged his knees. He’d gotten up and fought well today, leveling up his jobs well. However, when he sought out an empty corner of the dungeon to camp for the night, his loneliness and loss crashed down upon him in an overwhelming wave.

He’d tried to prepare camp, setting his bag down to pull out the camping equipment, seeing the empty area he’d chosen and pulling out effects for a single person simply hammered home he was suddenly alone again. That only reminded him of why he was alone and he struggled to keep the tears in. It didn’t work and he collapsed, curling up around his knees for a time that passed beyond comprehension.

Only the ache in his side and hip ultimately drew him out. The pain was enough to pull him from his sorrow and he looked around the area before his eyes fell on his bag. He sighed and pushed himself to his feet, rubbing his cheeks and eyes clear of tears. The pain hadn’t been enough to stave off the tears, however, and he had to regularly lift a hand to wipe them away. After the third or fourth time, he found the whole thing ridiculous and snorted to himself but that reminded him of what he was laughing about and his sorrow welled again.

A deep breath was enough to bury it again. The work needed to be done also helped a lot, and he lost himself in setting up the camp. He laid out all his cloaks to give him some semblance of a mattress and settled into it with an actual sigh. It was nothing close to what he needed but it was significantly better than the stone floor. The busy work had him forgetting his sorrow for a moment but when he’d finished setting up camp and eating, the sorrow crushed back down upon him. This time, it was hollow, leaving him without emotions. He felt nothing, an emptiness that turned to numbness.

It didn’t let him sleep and he found himself staring sightlessly at the wall long into the night. He finally sat up with a sigh, unable to find sleep and accepting the insomnia. He tracked his newest jobs and made sure to put down their base level stats into his notebook. With that done, he tried to lose himself mindlessly in his status much like he’d done surfing the internet back home. In this, however, he simply grew blind to it, the dull glow of the screen never changing and it was the monotony that finally robbed him of consciousness.

His sleep was a long desired escape that rested his body but did not give any rest to his suffering heart.



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Joe McConnell


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Loki Patriarch




























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Joe McConnell


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Loki Patriarch




























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Joe McConnell


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Loki Patriarch




























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