But for a Slime

2.104 (Part 1) - Great Escape

Chapter One Hundred Four

Kainaro stood at attention before the great Gate, his stance easy but deeply professional as he awaited the arrival of his new employer. He was quite excited. He’d never had the chance to train an eccentric before and doing so would likely offer him significant growth opportunities for his digits. He was known as one of the greatest slave masters of the entire cradle so held little to no concern in what he was soon to do. If anything, he struggled to hide his disdain as the fool patriarch of a two bit clan in a backwater city poorly handled the eccentric. His respect for the patriarch continued to plummet as the man proved not only foolish in dealing with slaves but poor in respecting others or arriving on time. He stayed only because of the opportunity to work with an eccentric.

After several bells, the guide at his side quickly came to attention and beckoned him towards an arrogant man with jittery guards. With this sight, he struggled to keep the disdain from his face and quickly blanked his face. The guide led the way and he came to a spot respectfully distant.

“Great Patriarch. I bring to you the slave master Kainaro.”

The patriarch turned to the guide with some barely concealed anger before stopping once he’d heard the words, “Ah. Is this the slave master I hired?”

The patriarch didn’t even wait for the guide’s reply and immediately turned to Kainaro, dismissing the guide, “You are the one sent to help me?”

Kainaro bowed as was expected towards a Patriarch, immaculate in execution, “Yes, Patriarch.”

“Excellent. Fail me not. Come.”

Kainaro couldn’t keep the flinch of an eyebrow or the twitch of his lips as he struggled to pull his snarl in. Well… that explains a lot. No wonder the eccentric is unruly. He kept his sigh in and settled into the entourage behind the man. He already had the measure of the man and knew to stay well away from him and put significant effort into not angering the man. This is … going to be a long assignment. He was already regretting his decision.

* * *

Allanar followed after his Patriarch into the gate to Coushar. All the members who had come to do their duty found themselves returned, many grumbling at having only a single day in the great capital city. This would be the only chance in their lifetime they would likely be able to explore the capital, so Allanar could understand their disgruntlement. However, Allanar struggled to keep the displeasure from his face for other, direr reasons. The Patriarch stood before them, proud and gloating at his recent ascendancy.

He turned to look at them, sweeping his hand magnanimously, “We are returned to our clan home. But I will find many other such opportunities to explore our grand cradle. Be freed to your day!”

“Yes, Patriarch,” all the clanners roared back in unison, happily, and Allanar joined them.

The Patriarch grinned in pleasure before turning away, returning to his clan seat. The crowd of clanners that had followed him also dissolving into the city around them, the guards speaking excitedly for a day off while other clanners simply returned to their homes or business. Allanar stood without moving, sighing deeply before finally deciding to find a small bar somewhere to drink himself into a stupor. When he was far enough away from others, he allowed a growl to rise up softly in his throat as he snarled. It was more of a whimper than a growl, the best he could do while remaining silent. And that whimper seemed to foretell the oncoming despair as he continued into the bar. That fool will drive us to nothing. This trip cost the clan almost all its wealth gathered over the past decade and he promises more! Allanar’s sigh was harder to hide this time, but it was embraced by the cool bitter taste of draught. He couldn’t get too drunk, but he could at least, possibly, forget some things.

* * *

Joe woke to tears streaming from his eyes, confused to find them there then clenched his teeth as the memories came crashing down. Joe lay for some time, struggling to fight through the sorrow. He failed.

* * *

Kilniara woke with excitement and prepared for the day, making sure she was made up as was expected of a Promised and a clanner. She prepared quickly as she needed to be in the common room before the Patriarch arrived. Time proved to be moot as when she did make it to the common room, she spent a good couple of Great Bells before the Patriarch arrived and simply left the inn without fanfare, his butler taking care of the remaining business with the inn before leaving to catch up as the last of the entourage filed out the inn entrance.

While Kilniara was relieved that she hadn’t caught the attention of the Patriarch, she was feeling quite irritated for wasting so much of her time waiting in the common room and making herself up. In any case, her relief greatly exceeded her irritation and she stood to follow the Patriarch out of the inn, trailing after him.

The trip didn’t take long, the Patriarch heading directly back to the gate and arriving shortly before the next gate transfer back to Coushar was to occur. Kilniara came up and stood around with all the other clanners that had arrived, preparing to return. When she glanced around, she noticed it seemed almost everyone was going back and Kilniara grew concerned, wondering why she was expected to stay while all others returned. It made things easier, now that she would not have to fear any spies following her movement other than her two maids.

Excited trepidation vibrated through her and she felt her tension immediately wash away when she saw all the clanners walk back through the gate with the Patriarch imperiously leading the way. Kilniara bowed in farewell to the retreating clanners, playing her part in giving farewell to the Patriarch. When the gate closed, she stood back up and struggled to hold in her deep sigh of relief. OK. Time to get to work!

Kilniara turned away and walked back to her inn, not wanting to seem too eager. She was supposed to now be free and in the greatest city of the cradle. Probably should… goof off a bit, right? Look like a bit of a spoiled princess? She threw herself into the role and wandered the streets for half a day, squandering time and wealth on ridiculous trinkets. By the time the day had ended, she found herself struggling to keep up the ruse, her agitation too great. She’d planned two days of doing so, but knew that she wouldn’t be able to continue on, her fear and anxiety already had her too energized she feared she wouldn’t be able to even sleep the night.

Her fear proved prophetic and that night had her up for quite some time but exhaustion still took consciousness and she found herself waking in the morning. Oddly enough, she was exhausted having stayed up too late while simultaneously being energized by the knowledge she would see Gwenvair again today, if she could help it. She could barely keep the smile off her face as she walked into the common room and began enjoying her breakfast.

* * *

Joe woke the next morning, aching deeply from two nights and a day on the stony floor, even with the stack of a couple dozen cloaks. The pain of his soul still overwhelmed such petty pain but his bodily pain had him standing and packing his bag. He did continue his travel into the dungeon, halfheartedly fighting a couple of the monsters. However, after a half an hour, he quit caring and simply wandered deeper and deeper into the dungeon.

* * *

Kilniara fought to take her time at breakfast, enjoying the meal before sighing deeply with frustration and faux annoyance, “Let us do some tasks for today. Time to find these slaves the Patriarch purchased.”

The maids said nothing, simply standing to walk with her as she left and she could only hope that her attempt at faking annoyance would be enough to deceive her maids. The two maids followed behind and nattered amongst themselves while Kilniara led the way out to the street where she quickly waved down a guide to lead them to the pleasure slave merchant that Gunlan had told them about.

Travel through the city proved as fascinating and confusing as it had the first day and she quickly lost track of the twists and turns they’d made. The guide proved invaluable and they soon found their way into the slave district and a few moments later into the pleasure district area. Once they got close, the street became familiar and she began to look around frantically, if a bit reservedly so as to not draw the attention of the maids. She recognized some of the locations and was rather certain it was close. This excited her as she quickly realized that meant she was near where Gwenvair had been sold. Despite looking around at the various shops carefully, she couldn’t the merchant that currently held Gwenvair.

Her hope fizzled when the guide brought them to the merchant that Gunlan had told her to go to and she still hadn’t found Gwenvair’s shop. Her mind buzzed through options as they came upon the shop and finally realized she needed to somehow slip away from her maids. Kilniara turned towards her guide.

“Please kindly await our return.”

The guide bowed, “As you will, Promised. I will await you.”

Kilniara nodded with a soft smile, “Much thanks.”

Kilniara turned away and headed into the shop, a soft chime echoed through the entrance as they stepped inside. She almost stopped walking in, the gaudy deep red and incredible ornamentation stunning her. Her steps stuttered and then finally found her bearings when the merchant madam arrived before them.

“Patron. How may I be of help?”

Kilniara quickly smiled, “I am here to discuss two new slaves purchased by Patriarch Gunlan.”

“Patriarch Gun… ah… yes. Patriarch Gunlan. He purchase a base and fae, yes?”

Kilniara nodded, “I believe so. May I speak with the slaves?”

“Of course.”

Kilniara smiled, “My thanks. Could you please offer a place of rest for my maids?”

The madam nodded, “Certainly,” then snapped her fingers while turning her head towards a corner deeper inside the shop.

Several young girls came rushing in and came to their side but immediately turned to the two maids as the madam had slashed a hand towards the maids and they immediately knew what to do, courteously guiding the maids aside to a back room. Kilniara withheld her smile. Praise the gods… a lot easier than I feared! There might be a possibility now!

Her thoughts were interrupted by the madam directing her towards the stairs and she followed the madam up the stairs to one of the rooms. Will I have time to make it out to Gwenvair? Maybe… will the madam monitor? Or can I maybe… but will the slaves tell the madam? Are their people watching… How do I get out without anyon…

Her thoughts were interrupted when the madam came to the door, “Your ill prepared slaves can be found inside this room. Be wary of the fae. She is not prepared but your … Patriarch… insisted,” the madam spat the last few words out in disgust before turning away and leaving the hallway.

Kilniara raised an eyebrow and found herself in surprised disbelief. I know the … he’s pompous, but… Kilniara sighed deeply and pushed him from her thoughts, turning to the door. She knocked on it softly and waited until a soft welcoming cry came from within. OK. Her thought’s spiraled, unable to really think anything so she simply firmed her resolve and stepped into the room.

She found herself rather shocked when she entered the room. Three incredibly beautiful women stood before her and she felt her heart shudder, fear and worry rushing through her as she knew her beauty could not match any of the three. I can’t… I will be discarded so quickly it is… why would he choose me if he has access such beauty so easily? This is…

To her left, a beautiful base woman stood, just about her height, but of the typical voluptuous build a normal base human had. Her figure was flawless and her face held such smooth skin she found herself unconsciously searching for some flaw. Yet, her skin was exotically perfect in a way that Kilniara was unable to grasp. With it came beauty that was captivating and she struggled to look away.

Across from the room, standing at readied attention, was an amazon of a woman, so tall as to tower over the others in this room and blonde. Almost… almost as tall as Joe! She is… Her beauty was similar to the first, with a perfect form and skin that was almost too perfect. It wasn’t quite as perfect as the first woman but was somehow much smoother and softer than should be possible. She stood tall with a slim build that hinted at a strength of the body that was quite unusual. Her beauty was raw physicality in active form.

She pulled her gaze to the last woman, knowing it would be fae, but still unable to properly prepare herself. The fae’s beauty swirled around her, ephemeral and dangerous. It called to her, somehow penetrating past her defenses into her depths almost before she realized it. Even understanding the dangers of the fae, she found herself almost captivated. The woman was also tall, although not as tall as the Amazonian across the way, with a slim figure that was ethereal yet simultaneously enticing. She wasn’t quite sure how it was possible, but the fae seemed to float before her covered in shifting vapor that only added to her allure. Despite that, there was no vapor nor mist that covered her. It was … Why does she feel like… a ghost … everything I want… need… just out of reach?

She pulled herself back and was shocked to realize she actually taken a step towards the fae. She shook herself clear, taking a deep cleansing breath while also closing her eyes before turning back to the other women.

“I am the Promised of Gunlan, Patriarch of Coushar. He has purchased you and entrusted your care into my hands. Let us speak as I must keep you as said by the Patriarch.”

“Ah… are you to be our master?” the shorter base human to her left ask.

“For a bit,” Kilniara responded.

“Then we are in your care,” she bowed, the fae joining shortly after with some reluctance.

The last woman, the tall statuesque woman, did nothing, simply staring at what was happening. The young base to her left quickly noticed and bowed once again while sputtering out an apology.

“Please forgive the other. She is unable to speak common.”

Kilniara waved away the woman’s worry, “It is fi… no problem. I wish to speak wi… wait. She cannot speak common?”

The base woman nodded, “She speaks another language.”

Kilniara struggled to control her breathing. She ignored the other two and walked towards the statuesque woman incapable of speaking common, “Hello. Who might you be?”

The blonde stared at her then began speaking out, a long chain of words that proved incomprehensible. Kilniara grew excited, listening carefully but after a time grew sorrowful as she realized it was not Joe’s original language. She sighed and nodded her head, turning away.

* * *

Former Captain Stephliquen watched as the ostensible leader, boss, or owner of the place opened the door and let in a new woman. She frowned. Another … four people squashed in this room… not going to be good. Three’s already too much… She sighed and struggled to keep her frustration hidden. She’d learned quickly that such behavior invited physical pain and she waited with a neutral expression as the new woman began speaking with the other human. The strange gik woman stood to the side and allowed the other short woman to take control of the situation. The conversation was brief and soon the other two bowed to the woman. Steph didn’t consider it at first, then grew concerned, her breathing growing rapidly into a pant when she realized she’d failed to appropriately respect the new girl. Not a new girl… another owner … a higher boss? No… no!

Fear stiffened her legs and she froze, hoping to remain hidden. Her fear lessened when she notice her short roommate try to defend her, a soft cry sent out for her and then relaxed when the new girl waved away her failure, seeming to be unconcerned with her disrespect.

Her relief didn’t last long as the girl suddenly walked across the room to stand in front of her. She then began speaking, a soft short sentence that sounded like some kind of inquiry. As usual, she found herself slow to respond, her mind somehow struggling through molasses. Despite the slowness, it was much faster than before she arrived here and was able to finally respond, if still slower than she liked.

“I’m sorry. I cannot speak your language.”

The woman said nothing, simply staring at her.

“I’m uncertain what you want or why you are speaking to me, but… How could I help you?”

The woman continued to stare.

“What do you want from me? I’m not going to really be able to help you, not unless you know my language, which I’m absolutely certain you do not. Don’t think we’ve even met… it’s a first contact kind of thing… kind of freaked out that there are humans here at all… doesn’t make a lot of sense… aliens… but not aliens… not sure how to take it. Why everyone in this galaxy is…”

Stephliquen trailed off when the woman sighed and turned away, walking back to the other two women. She fell silent and watched on. Frustrated and fascinated.

* * *

Kilniara left the strange other speaker. Two … I’ve met two people who do not speak common… even … two different ways… not common. So strange. She turned back to the base woman who stood near the entrance. She seemed to be the one to speak as none of the other women had spoken. Or… spoken anything useful? Kilniara reconsidered as she remember the other woman’s strange speech.

“Please introduce yourselves, if you will?”

The base human bowed once again, “I am Xylarnae. I am a simple base but I have been well trained in pleasure and service.”

The slim tall fae bowed next, incredibly graceful but still somehow with some disdain, “I am Kalia, formally known as Caelia et Nuala. Family… family… unknown.”

Kilniara paused at that, realizing that the fae had hidden her family. For… shame? For… Kilniara struggled to find a possible reason but wasn’t certain nor did she have time to ponder the ramifications as she needed to respond quickly. Save it for later? Maybe?

“It is wonderful to meet you. I hope you will do well. Be certain of one thing, I am lenient, but the Patriarch is not one known for being… pleasant.”

Xylarnae grew stiff at that while the fae stood straight, growing imperious.

“We will obey well, Promised,” Xylarnae spoke smoothly despite her stiffness.

Kilniara fell silent at that but then nodded, “Then please tell me all I need to know.”

The next thirty minutes was spent in discussions with both the slave women explaining their training and what duties they could perform, including any specialties they had. The conversation proved to be both enlightening and incredibly embarrassing. Kilniara learned more than she thought she ever would want to know but also was deeply fascinated by it. Maybe… Joe… I wonder …

Kilniara found herself asking questions that she had no right to be asking but her curiosity drove her and were the source of her blushes. The three got to know one another well and the barbarian blonde also joined them, although she only sat at the table enjoying the tea they all drank. Kilniara found herself greatly enjoying her time, surprised to find all three women to be quite pleasant to be with. By the end of their time together, she found herself becoming quite conflicted. She knew nothing of what would happen to them if they were to come into the clan as the Patriarch’s pleasure slaves as she knew almost nothing of the clan, but what little she had seen of how he’d conducted himself had her worried though she wasn’t certain why. She ended the conversation as her agitation grew and she soon sought escape.

“Then are there any special conditions. The Patriarch spoke of such things?”

Xylarnae nodded her head, “We are to be taken by a representative of the clan as well as the merchant to Coushar where we will be sold to another merchant. From there, the Patriarch may purchase us, if he wishes.”

Kilniara frowned at that, confused a bit and stared at her, “Truly?”

Xylarnae nodded softly, “Yes.”

“The Patriarch insisted on this?”

“The madam did, Promised.”

Kilniara sat back and immediately understood, nodding softly, “Ah.”

Xylarnae said nothing, simply staring at her and remaining cautiously unmoving, not wishing to even nod her head for fear it would be taken as agreement with Kilniara.

“This will take place within four weeks?”

“To my understanding, three or four weeks. Yes, Promised.”

Kilniara nodded at that softly. The conversation lulled at that point, neither side saying anything until Kilniara finally sighed deeply and stood to leave.

“I will return. We must prepare and there is more we must discuss.”

Xylarnae and Kalia quickly stood, the statuesque mute blonde stood shortly after and then joined their bow if a bit stuttering in action with glances to the side as she attempted to mimic the other two.

“Please go well, Promised,” Xylarnae offered.

Kalia proved just as recalcitrant and simply nodded, saying nothing. Surprisingly, it was the barbarian who seemed more astute and offered a greeting or goodbye in her language and Kilnaira turned to her and offered a soft nod as well.

“Good bye to you as well, barbarian.”

Kilnaira noticed Xylarnae actually smiled at that and Kilniara waved to both of them before leaving. Her nervousness returned quickly, her stomach cramping up as she struggled to continue to play her part. Now gotta pretend to be excited to be here… wander the city! This… maybe find Gwenvair’s merchant… could I?

Kilniara came out of the door and found the hallway empty, and her hope rose slightly. Maybe I can… She walked back to the double staircase back down to the main floor, coming upon the left staircase first and she made it down to where the two staircases merged in the middle before a servant came out in a controlled rush to greet her.

“You have returned? Are you ready to leave, great customer?”

Kilniara froze at that but was lucky as the servant came out quickly before bowing before her. Her bow had her face down and the servant didn’t see her stutter. Kilniara quickly searched for any excuse and in a moment of glorious epiphany, her confidence returned and the two stepped down to the main floor entrance. She looked around quickly, searching each of the open areas and found them empty. Maybe!?

“I am almost ready but still have some business. However, I am in need of the bath… facilities? Are there any available for customers?”

The servant seemed shocked at that, freezing now in their own turn. The servant remained bowed and then spoke after a time, much less confident.

“Great customer. That… there …”

A cry came in from around the corner and the madam stepped around shortly after, “Be of service.”

The servant quickly turned away towards the madam, “Of course, madam.”

The servant then turned back to Kilniara and bowed again, “Please forgive me, great customer. Come this way.”

The madam nodded at that and frowned before offering her own statement, “I apologize for the failure of my servant. She will be trained appropriately.”

Kilniara quickly shook her head and waved, “I am certain that such a request is extremely strange. She needs no punishment.”

The madam considered then bowed her head slightly, “I will … I am grateful for your consideration.”

Kilniara nodded as well but didn’t reply. The madam took that as a dismissal and turned away. Kilniara continued looking at where she had stood for a bit longer, not looking towards the servant. Wait… wait till she’s gone… the servants not going to do anything until I look at her… she’ll wait…

Her thoughts proved true and the servant held her silence until Kilniara turned to her and spoke, “Then please, if you would guide me?”

The servant remained bowed but spoke quickly, “Of course, great customer, please follow me.”

The servant then stood and walked away, heading towards a small door that was hidden under the massive central staircase. The servant led her through a meandering passageway into an empty kitchen then passed it into another hallway of doors. One of the doors proved to hold a small closet of a bathroom and she headed in. Her heart spiked up even as she began to pant a bit, excitement driving her even as worry warred back.

She waited for a short time before cautiously opening the doorway and finding the hallway empty. She smiled and then began striding back towards the kitchen. It proved empty still and she headed into the meandering passageway that led back out under the staircase. Her heart pounded and she came out through the door and came out as quietly as possible, but without walking slowly. She came out to find the room empty and strode across the room to the entrance quickly but quietly.

The front door, as most doors of merchants in the capital, were charmed to chime softly at their opening. She’d heard it when arriving and clenched her teeth. Can’t silence the chime… and it’ll chime when I return… so… unless… Kilniara quickly looked around the entrance way but found nothing. Maybe outside?

Kilniara took one last look back out towards the main area, finding it empty. She took a deep breath then pulled the door open quickly but only wide enough to let her through. She didn’t take long to look around when she stepped outside, finding her guide down a door talking with another guide. That, she caught, in only an eye blink, her eyes instead immediately searching the ground beneath the door. Chance favored her and she found a small slip of detritus that may be just enough and she snatched it up and placed it into the door. The door shut but the trash proved just enough to hold it slightly open and Kilniara quickly turned away. No time!

She had to flee before any came to see who’d come in. Can’t be here if the take a look outside to see… Kilniara cursed as she realized her plan might have already failed. If they look outside… the door prop’s… Kilniara didn’t stop. Already, she’d heard a cry from within greeting the new customer. Hope they think the chime’s gone bad… or… I donno… gotta go! And hope I can actually do something later when I come back… if the stop I put in is gone. Really hope it’s not.

She came upon her guide and spoke quickly, “I have need of your services once again, guide.”

The guide quickly turned to her and bowed, “Of course, great one.”

Kilniara gave the name of Gwenvair’s merchant’s shop and the guide seemed surprised, “That is very close, great one. Please follow.”

Kilniara smiled with some relief and the guide proved correct, Gwenvair’s new place of residence was only just a short distance down the road. In fact, the shops she’d recognized had all been from traveling this very road, she’d simply need to turn off this road a street before. She thanked the guide at that and smiled. Found you!

Kilniara turned back to her guide and nodded her thanks, “I am truly grateful. You may now return.”

The guide looked up at her, concern coming to his face, “Are you certain you will be able to return to your inn?”

Kilniara smiled, “No. I am genuinely lost, but I will be here for some time. Is there a nearby guide post I could seek out?”

The guide grew relieved at that and nodded, “You will find one back down the road we were just upon, great one, when you reach the great courtyard.”

“Ah! I remember. Thank you.”

The guide nodded then turned, sprinting off down the road, heading around a corner shortly after. Kilniara breathed deeply in relief and headed back the way she’d come. She came upon the shop once again and came to a stop before the door. She took a deep breath before taking a quick peep down into the crack between the door and the frame. A deep sigh of relief brought release to her tension and she quickly pulled the door open, taking a short step to give herself a chance to kick out the trash and allow the door to close.

No chime sounded and Kilniara smiled. The room was empty and she took the time to look at the door frame. Her eyes traced it quickly and easily found the small chiming artifact. She flicked a glance at the door as well and found the artifacts counterpart. Can’t… take it… but… maybe cover it? She allowed the door to close and stepped into the main room. Her gaze slid around to the private rooms and found them all still empty. She strode directly across the room and began climbing the stairs. When she made the stairs, relief settled upon her since she could now easily explain her actions. She continued up the stairs and back to the hallway to Xylarnae’s and Kalia’s room. And that… mute… uh… other speaker girl… ha!

Her good luck, however, ended when she reached the hallway as a maid was seen coming down the hallway. Kilniara controlled her face and continued walking. She tried to find any excuse, not wishing to return to the room as that would raise questions for the three in the room but this time, epiphany failed her and she came upon their door before the maid passed her. She dawdled at the door as long as she could but it wasn’t enough, so she finally entered. Something… why am I returning? Maybe…

Her mind was frazzled by this time and when she stepped into the room, she found almost nothing to say and caught the first idea that came to her.

“Please forgive me, but may I return tomorrow? I forgot to ask.”

The three women stared at her invasion, the statuesque blonde rather confused, but the other two staring at her in barely concealed shock. Xylarnae responded the quickest and immediately bowed. The fae and the blonde also did so as well and Kilniara struggled to control her soft panting.

“I… I believe we would all be honored.”

Kilniara nodded at that, “Then I offer thanks. I will return tomorrow.”

Kilniara turned and left once again. That’s… That’s… I hope… maybe it won’t matter! I’ll… we’ll be gone… right? By then? Should be? Maybe? Her relief was now overwhelmed by a deep almost unnoticed fear that slowly chewed away at her heart.

* * *

After Kilniara left, Xylarnae took a deep breath and turned towards Kalia. The two stared at one another before Kalia turned away and Xylarnae sighed deeply.

“Your thoughts, Xyl?” Kalia asked quietly after she’d returned to her bed.

Xylarnae decided to follow her example and settled on her own bed as well, turing towards her, “She’s… She glows.”

Kalia blinked in surprise, “Glows! Fate?”

“It seems.”

Kalia frowned, “That seems… concerning.”

“If she is the Promised of the Patriarch, yes.”

“Is she…”

“I am uncertain. Truly.”

Kalia frowned at that, concern obvious on her face. The two fell silent for a moment before the silence was interrupted by their third roommate. The two turned to stare at her in surprise. She rarely spoke with them. Their surprise turned to dismissal as they realized she was simply offering an interjection, already turned away to return to her bed. It took Xylarnae a moment to understand but then she quickly noticed the frustration subtly underlying her voice and Xylarnae commiserated with her, even if she could not speak with her. The interruption proved enough to disrupt their concern and restart their conversation.

“Then, you would agree our fate is not with the Patriarch.”

“Yes. It seems to be so.”

“But seems to include this Kilniara?”

“Her glow is… subdued. It adds… little to mine, but it does lead to mine. It… I’m uncertain how to understand this fate.”

“She is our path?”


They fell silent for a moment once more before Kalia interjected, “Did you … was there something strange … about Kilniara?”

Xylarnae paused thoughts at that and looked towards Kalia with some confusion, “How do you mean?”

“She… likes us.”

“I… think I would agree. This is unusual? I would like to think myself quite likeable?”

Kalia laughed throatily at that, a soft purr that sent a shiver through the air, “You truly are.”

Xylarnae flushed at that and shook her head, “I’m sorry. I did not mean to insult you. You are quite likeable as well!”

Kalia chuckled again, a deeper purr but replied quickly, “I… no… hmm… First, thank you. It is … pleasant to be accepted so … frankly. My humor was stoked by your innocence. You are correct. You are quite likeable and I have found myself enjoying both your company and your presence tied to mine and I to you.

“No. My concern was that the Promised of the Patriarch would like us. I do not wish to be arrogant, but her beauty is… inadequate… to compete with ours and we are soon to be the personal pleasure slaves to her husband. And she… likes us.”

Xylarne found herself at a loss, her mind swirling, “She… that… you make sense. She would likely be… quite unhappy with us, yes?”

Kalia’s smile softened and she nodded, “I would think any woman who met some women who could easily take her man from her wouldn’t be too please to know they will soon be warming her man’s bed.”

Xylarnae blinked at that, struggling to parse Kalia’s meaning. Parsing it was a struggle but then it suddenly made complete sense when it hit. Makes… complete sense. How could the betrothed be happy with two more women taking her bed? But…

“We are just pleasure slaves?”

“Yes, but no woman is happy to have another in her bed.”

Xylarnae frowned at that, “And queens?”

Kalia nodded, “Exceptions as always, but queens are unique. However, even queens can do poorly. It takes a great queen to even succeed. This is why it is quite rare.”

Xylarnae frowned at that, “I do not know her kind. Is she a queen?”

Kalia frowned, “I am uncertain as well. I have never seen her kind. I believe I do know of most species capable of queens and I have never heard hers, from what I can see. She is not base, this we know, but…”

Xylarnae nodded, “Hmm… yes. Her hair is not base. But… I am uncertain if she is a queen.”

Kalia nodded but then frowned and shook her head, “There is no point, however. We have already met the Patriarch. I wish to never see the man again and she is the Promised of the Patriarch so I have no desire to be near him, even if she is fated.”

Xylarnae nodded at that much more firmly, “True. This seems wise. Then we must assume it is another in the clan?”

Kalia frowned, “The same clan as the Patriarch? Would such a one hold greater power than the Patriarch?”

Xylarnae frowned at that, “Possibly?”

Kalia snorted, “You met the man. Is the Patriarch someone who would allow another to have greater power than him?”

Xylarnae nodded in agreement but rebutted, “But that is the nature of power. He may not wish it, but there is little he could do against someone of much greater power. He is still quite young. It would seem that any elders or protectors would be much more powerful.”

Kalia nodded but replied, “True, but most such are in retreat or private cultivation. It is unlikely that we would ever see such a one as they, except after decades or centuries… even millennia.”

Xylarnae nodded, this time in full agreement, “And I have no desire to await until they have returned from their retreat.”

Kalia agreed, “Neither do I.”

The two fell silent, a lull in the conversation of a short time before Kalia turned the conversation to other topics, nodding towards their third roommate, “And her?”

Xylarnae looked up, caught by surprise as her thoughts had turned to understanding what her fate was revealing. She saw Kalia glancing at their blonde roommate and turned as well before raising an eyebrow.


“Mm. You say our fates align?”

“They are growing.”

Kalia raised an eyebrow at that, “Growing?”

“Yes. Somehow. I am uncertain how such is possible. I have almost never seen or heard of growing fates, but… hers is quite… almost as great as yours now and when both are together…”

Xylarnae paused and pushed her senses to delve deep into fate, studying the fate of both the blonde and Kalia then of both together and almost gasped, seeing the fate having grown significantly.

“It is… much greater now.”

Kalia sat back, “Huh… that is … strange. I have not known fate to … change so… much.”

Xylarnae nodded, still staring at the statuesque blonde, “Neither I as well.”

The two fell silent and Kalia turned back and studied the blonde, her eyes narrowing in thought. Xylarnae almost began to speak again but then fell silent when she saw Kalia’s eyes swirling once again, her fae magic engaged to explore the blonde. Kalia didn’t push herself, only a small spot of blood forming under her eyes like a tear but not running down from her face. Kalia held gaze for a time until she finally stood and turned to Xylarnae while wiping the bloody tears from her eyes.

“Her fate is great?”


“And still growing?”

Xylarnae nodded again, “Yes.”

“You have not seen such before?”

“No. I have not. It is… strange.”

Kalia fell silent, thoughtful, before sighing deeply, “Fate is not… omniscient.”

Xylarnae breathed deep, then held it, frozen as she listened to Kalia. Her heart fluttered for a bit before she decided to reply, “I know.”

Kalia looked at Xylarnae, deep eyes considering before she nodded, sighing again, firmed her resolve, and then turned back to face Xylarnae with some determination.

“Fate is not omniscient. You know this?”


Kalia nodded then stepped forward, “With this, I bind myself to you. Speak of this to no one. My clan is… secretive on the ways of fate.”

Xylarnae smiled softly, “As am I. I … know fate well.”

Kalia nodded, “But do you know fate grows because it is not omniscient. But as it learns of this new… fated one or thing, the fate will grow as more is revealed and fate learns how it is… fated to you.”

Xylarnae felt her eyebrows rise at that. She quickly looked back at the blonde, engaging her fate sight once again and then gasped softly. She stared more closely, to be certain, and saw fate swelling, ever so… weakly, but it was swelling.

“It is growing… even now. I can see it!?”

Kalia gasped at that, “You can see it… actually visibly see it growing now?”

“Yes,” Xylarnae replied with a breathy gasp.

“We must take her! Her fate is… her fate is immense to you!”

Xylarnae looked back up at Kalia and Kalia nodded, continuing her explanation, “If her fate is growing… if you can see her fate is growing, then even what little fate has understood of our blonde friend is enough to reveal how important she is to you and your future. We must take her.”

“But we know nothing about her.”

“Yes… and in kind, fate knows almost as little as we, yet it is certain of … we must take her.”

Xylarnae stood and began pacing the room, astonished at this new piece of information but easily comprehending the ramifications, “But if she is… the fate is...”

The door to the room opened and Kilniara returned to their room. She stepped in and closed the door behind her before turning to stare at the two of them. Her face was slightly pale and she seemed a bit flustered, glancing back and forth between the two of them a few times before blurting out.

“Please forgive me, but may I return tomorrow? I forgot to ask.”

Xylarnae glanced at Kalia, both then staring at one another with some shock before Xylarne decided she would be the one to respond. She immediately bowed and stifled a sigh of relief when she saw the other two follow her lead.

“I… I believe we would all be honored,” Xylarnae replied, struggling to maintain her demeanor.

“Then I offer thanks. I will return on the morrow.”

The door opened and Kilniara was gone once more. Xylarnae stood slowly, still in some shock over what had happened. She looked over at Kalia and both stared at one another, wonder and thoughtful consideration easily seen playing across both their faces.

“That was… very unusual.”

Kalia nodded, “Kilniara is not… she is breaking many expectations.”

“It would be wise to consider carefully, then.”

Kalia nodded at that, “Cautiously.”

Xylarnae nodded in her own agreement and the two fell silent, thoughts whirling through ramifications but both found too little information to adequately understand Kilniara. The conversation swirled in circles as neither were able to feel comfortable with the dozens of theories they considered and finally grew frustrated with their lack of understanding.

They fell silent once again for a time but Xylarnae quickly turned back to Kalia and pressed her on fate, now certain the fae knew details that may be significantly meaningful for her. The conversation finally turned pleasant and the two excitedly spoke on fate and it’s esoteric principles for quite some time, their daily activities regularly interrupted with discussions and questions on the nature of fate as either one remembered a new detail or teased up against another question. By the time the afternoon had arrived, they had given up on their daily work and huddled together on one of their beds, speaking quietly in soft undertones on the nature of fate, its function, and how Xylarnae might more powerfully access her gift of fate. It was an incredibly fruitful day, both in developing Xylarnae’s strength, and dao of fate. It was also incredibly fruitful in bringing the fae and Qoln together into a much deeper relationship, the two laughing softly with one another and slowly beginning to trustfully rest in one another’s presence.

* * *

Joe wandered through the dungeon. He found the movement monotonous and bordering on annoying. He got lost several times after the second floor despite having been on the third floor where the tragedy of Garnedell’s death had occurred. Staying up three days and two nights straight wasn’t helpful for memory and he found himself wandering the third floor for some time before remembering his navigator job. That gave him pause as he considered the jobs he currently had equipped. He staggered to a halt in a bit of a daze and realized he hadn’t change his jobs yet. Right… gotta… keep going up… numbers go up! Whee! Joe giggled softly to himself then grimaced and turned back to his available jobs page, glancing through his options. He didn’t really care for anything so put almost no thought into it and quickly selected his classes.

His priest job remained, still the Loki Patriarch as another Loki priest job hadn’t made itself available. Navigator, now another required permanent class, replaced one of the theorist classes as Joe refused to give up on finding how to unlock the mage classes. His desire for relief from his own thoughts turning this effort almost into an obsession. That left one of the theorist jobs to replace and he simply swapped it out for the navigator and the new crafter theorist. Still at thirty… let’s get everything up to forty… see what happens? Only another… Joe glanced at his available jobs list and counted the theorist jobs quickly. … five more to get to forty… that… should … just five days. No problem. I can wait. Five jobs to forty in five days. Power leveling? Ha… Joe giggled again then frowned. Focus… four jobs… got navigator, Loki Patriarch, crafter theorist… and… oh, yeah… keeping spell caster… Gotta be spell caster, right? Unlocks mage jobs? Got it to forty two… so… forty five maybe? Fifty? Forty five won’t take that long… just a couple days… another couple to fifty… if I need?

Joe couldn’t care less about finding the actual time, just guesstimating roughly and very poorly. He knew he was wrong. It had to be longer, but he no longer cared. He wanted something to just … drown out his thoughts. Something to take away. Some fresh new experience. So, he dove into the depths of the dungeon, the magic map skill of the navigator making the effort to travel through the mazes now trivial.

He mapped the third floor quickly and marched past the place where Garnedell died in his arms with a stony face, not even recognizing the place any more than any other T-juncture on the third floor reminded him. No spot of blood was left. No remembrance of his life, no memento, no bones, no body. Nothing was left but the sparkling clean hallway in which Joe huddled behind a poor makeshift wall of spark star weaponry. Now, it was just another hallway and Joe put no effort in remembering it. He only wanted something new. Something different. Something to stimulate his thoughts into another direction so he didn’t have to remember.

He found what he sought on the fourth floor, the new dungeon walls, decorations, and maze giving his mind something to wrestle with rather than his memories. The new experience didn’t last long, a frail defense against the gruesome memory of Garnedell’s leg being shredded by what Joe once thought was a friend. As the memory began to surface once more, Joe pressed himself to speed through the fourth floor. Maybe something… something on the fifth? Something to escape!

Joe slaughtered his way through the monsters on the fourth floor, uncaring of what they were and undeserving of any effort to study and understand them. He only slaughtered them when he had to, stuttering out full body heals when it, but mostly seeking to dodge past them when he could. He only wanted the next floor. Something new, anything new to occupy his mind.

* * *

Kilniara woke the next morning with an anxious heart. She had no need to return to the pleasure slaves purchased by her soon to be hus… No… no… NO! The Patriarch had finalized all the demands for his pleasure slaves and she had no more need or reason to be there, but her promise to return weighed heavily upon her. She even wanted to return, in some small part, the two women enjoyable companions as the conversation was easy and pleasant.

Despite her plans for the day, she took her time waking, resting in bed for a time before rising and breaking her fast for the morning. Today, she was feeling reclusive and took a private dining room and ate alone, even forbidding the maids entrance except when she needed them. It was relaxing. The tension of always being concerned with their presence and what they might be reporting to the Patriarch washed away because she was able to simply rest alone. The experience was so pleasant that she even delayed, seeking to laze alone for a time. It proved significant, and by the time she stood to leave, she was feeling much more relaxed. The tension returned as soon as she left the privacy of the room, the two maids falling in behind her, but she’d regained some semblance of calm.

“Come. I have errands today.”

“Yes, Promised,” the two maids parroted in unison.

Kilniara continued walking, saying nothing as she led the way out, feeling much more refreshed. They headed out into the street and this time Kilniara was easily able to find the guide station nearest her inn. Negotiation was a bit easier, having seen and done it before several times. Kilniara spent the morning wandering the city, asking the guide to send her to various popular locations simply to pass the time. While she was anxious the whole morning, she was able to enjoy a rather delicious lunch and that helped her calm once again before heading back to the slave merchant for the afternoon.

They arrived early in the afternoon and Kilniara found herself eager to see the two others. Coming to the merchant, Kilniara simply walked in and then waved the maids off to the side with a quiet command.

“Return to the same location as yesterday. Await me there.”

“Yes, Promised,” the two replied.

Kilniara ignored them and turned to the madam who’d just come out into the main area, “I am here to see the two slaves. There is no need to wait upon me. I am simply here to meet them.”

The madam stopped at that, blinking with a bit of surprise before bowing, “As you would, Promised.”

Kilniara smiled and bowed her head slightly, “Thank you madam. I will release you to your day.”

“My thanks, Promised.”

Kilniara simply smiled and turned to head up the stairs. She came to the door and knocked, this time waiting to be allowed in. A few moments later, a soft call came from inside the room and Kilniara took it as an invitation to enter. She opened the door and headed in. When she entered, the three women inside stood rather similarly to how they did yesterday, with Xylarnae on the left, Kalia the fae on the right, and the barbarian blonde across the room from her. All three bowed to her as she entered and closed the door behind her.

“Hello, everyone. It is good to see you once again?”

“Promised Kiliniara. I… am happy to see you again,” Xylarna spoke quickly

“And surprised?” Kilniara offered with a happy if soft smile.

“Ah…” Xylarnae stammered a bit, “Possibly a bit?”

Kilniara giggled with a smile, “Mmm… clanners are not known for… keeping promises well, especially to the peasantry or anything below them.”

Xylarnae struggled to keep her eyebrows from launching into her hairline in surprise. The fae, however, seemed to be angered and Kilnaira glanced at her with some confusion. Her glance seemed to bring the fae back to her senses and she immediately blanked her face. Kilniara frowned and the fae flinched and Kilniara realized she was worried.

“Kalia? Please be unconcerned. I am not angry.”

Kalia nodded gracefully, “I am grateful.”

Kilniara nodded towards the table, “Shall we sit?”

Xylarnae immediately nodded in agreement and set the table up in preparation for four, setting out various teas. Kalia joined her and although the blonde barbarian came as well, she simply sat and watched all without helping the other two. Kilniara considered helping as well, but was quite certain the two slaves would feel uncomfortable, so she sat and politely awaited them. When the tea was set, everyone settled in but all grew a bit uncomfortable and Kilniara decided break the ice.

“I hope I am not intruding. I wanted to speak with you once again.”

“Of course, Promised. How could we help?”

“No help. I just want get to know you more, if you are willing.”

“We are at your service, Promised.”

Kilniara frowned a bit, not liking the sound of that, “I don’t want to be serviced. You can simply speak as friends.”

Xylarnae controlled her expression, but Kilniara was still able to catch the subtle change and she smiled, nodding, “I’m being sincere.”

Xylarnae smiled back, “I am grateful for the offer.”

“Then, yesterday, I asked many questions. Do you have any of me or the clan?”

Xylarnae paused at that before responding cautiously, “If you would be willing, we would be grateful?”

Kilniara nodded, “Ask away.”

“Many thanks.”

The conversation meandered after that for several Great Bells and Kilniara thoroughly enjoyed it.

* * *

Xylarnae found the conversation with Kilniara enlightening. The first several questions proved meaningful, allowing Xylarnae to gather several important pieces of information, but about half way through their conversation, Xylarnae quickly realized that Kilniara knew very little. Is she… part of the clan? Or… new? What is…

Xylarnae cautiously thought how she could figure out how Kilniara was related to the clan, “So, you are not with the Coushar clan? You seem to be from outside the clan.”

Kilniara smiled at that, “Yes, that is true. How did you know?”

Xylarnae smiled and turned her head away, “You … do not seem to know the Coushar well.”

Kilniara’s smile was full of mild chagrin, “Mmm. That is true. I apologize that I could not explain more.”

Xylarnae this time could not hold the rise of her eyebrows. Apologizing? This is…

“Then which clan are you from?”

Kilniara blushed and Xylarnae quirked an eyebrow as she explained, “I am… not of the clan.”

Xylarnae struggled to hold in her gasp, “Ah… not of any clan?”

Kilniara spoke softly in reply, “Yeah.”

“A… a commoner?”

Kilnaira flushed redder as she replied with a whisper, “Yes.”

The table fell silent at that and all considered this new piece of information until Xylarnae continued the conversation.

“Then… it must be a very romantic story. Would you like to share how a commoner captured the heart of a Patriarch of a clan?”

Kilniara flushed once again. Xylarnae held her smile back to see her blush but the reassessed her assumption, noticing a subtle anger or frustration. Is she… angry? That’s…

Kilniara turned back to look at Xylarnae, her smile wiped from her face as she spoke with a neutrality that confused Xylarnae.

“I was engaged to another man. He was unjustly captured as a slave and taken by the Patriarch. I did not wish to be taken as a slave either, and when the Patriarch attempted to mock my husband by forcibly taking me in front of him, I demanded a year and a day. We stood in his court and the entire clan was witness to his request. He could not easily renege, so, I am now Promised.”

Xylarnae took quite some time to parse the story, surprised into silence as she struggled to understand how to respond. Is she … happier? Or… she… wanted to remain with her original fiancé?

“Then… it is better? You are with a clan Patriarch?”

Xylarnae remained silent and replied with great caution, “I was happy with my fiancé, but to be the spouse of a clan Patriarch is a great honor.”

“Your fiancé was a commoner?”

Xylarnae flinched at that then sighed, “No. He was a great eccentric from a great clan of his plane.”

“An… eccentric!?”

Kilniara smiled at that, a soft happy one, “A great one.”

Xylarnae leaned forward, surprised, “Truly?

Kilniara smiled, if a bit sadly, “Truly. As of the last I had seen him, he had over ten digits in almost all his stats. He even resisted the slave collar.”

Xylarnae felt confusion settle over her, pausing to glance towards Kalia. Kalia returned her own subtle frown of confusion and Xylarnae then turned back to Kilniara. Kilniara proved intuitive and smiled, offering an explanation.

“You are not from this plane, are you?”

Xylarnae nodded softly at that, Kalia joining her but with a rather abrasive snort of derision. Kilniara looked towards her, a soft look of confusion with a hint of anger subtly shining through although she remained constrained. She’s… kind! Xylarnae felt relief slide through but she still turned to Kalia and slapped her softly on her leg before turning back to Kilniara.

“Apologies, Promised. This plane is not…” Xylarnae trailed off, uncertain how to continue but Kilniara nodded and replied.

“I do know our plane is odd. Has no one explained your status to you?”

Xylarnae nodded, “I have learned of it. Yes. Kalia, do you?”

Kalia’s eyebrows flickered between confusion, frustration, and curiosity, “No. I am uncertain. I have arrived on this curs… this plane only recently.”

Xylarnae watched as Kilniara’s emotions ran rampant across her face, frustration and an immediate anger over the insult of her home plane immediately sweeping over her face before quickly blanking and returning to a neutral smile.

“Then simply think ‘status’ and your status will be revealed before you. Only you are able to see the display unless you will it to be seen by others. It will look similar to this. Status.”

Xylarnae watched with some interest as this was the first time she was able to see a status displayed by a local on this plane. Xylarnae had already learned to look at her display, having been trained freely as an immigrant to the plane. She’d never have freely chosen to come to such a place as this if not for her fate. Her year and a day was fast approaching, and she grew ever more concerned for when her year and a day would be enforced. It was obvious that Kalia had no choice in her arrival thus did not have the benefits she’d had. Xylarnae brought up her own status out of politeness to Kilniara.

Xylarnae stared on with some surprise, comparing her own status to the native’s. My… why does my status swirl with arcane runes, yet hers is static… firmed… is that the nature of an immigrant? Maybe mine will grow static with the completion of my year and a day? A few moments later, Kalia brought up her own status and revealed it to both and soon all three were glancing through their statuses. Huh… hers is also dynamic… must be only those who have come recently, then? So… strange.

* * *

Kilniara struggled to withhold her gasp, noticing the commoner blue evident on both women’s status. They’re both… single digit! How… They speak so easily… and… but… Kilniara glanced around the room and quickly came to understand just how wealthy this establishment was, offering a simple status enhancer to account for weak intelligence. Kilniara conversed for a time on the nature of the status, explaining some of the details of what digits represented although she refrained from revealing any information her fiancé had revealed. But… my status is… firmed. When did that happen? She hadn’t looked at her status in some time, finding it oddly static compared to her two new companions. Still not completely static… swirls a bit… did it swirl so much less? Or is mine normal and theirs… not? She pondered on this for a time while she explained but found she could think of little on it and placed that aside for when she could speak to Joe once again.

Kilniara remained polite but Kalia was still angered in some way, her target of anger somehow her own plane. How do you become angry at a plane? It is simply your home? How is this…

Kilniara quickly came back to the moment, caught off guard by a question.

“… fferent from our statuses?”

“Ah… I’m sorry? Could you ask once again?”

“Certainly, Promised. I did not mean to interrupt your thoughts. How is your eccentric different from our statuses?”

“Oh! Yes. As I said, you can see our digits here. You can see mine are quite average for most, only two digits. Yours are quite a bit weaker, being only single digits. My husband’s are many times stronger. As I said, some ten digits for his status.”

“How does this… these digits… affect… What does it mean in terms of strength?”

Kilniara chuckled softly, “Single and double digits would fall before my husband like chaff before the wind. Thousands… tens of thousands… more… many times more would be… not even a nuisance to him.”

She watched as Xylarnae looked towards Kalia with some wonderment, “Then… how could he… allow …”

Kilniara smiled softly, nodding her head to allow Xylarnae her question but replied already know it, “He was collared.”

Kalia frowned and Kilniara found herself looking at Kalia with annoyance which she chose to release instead of continuing to be polite, “Why do you hate me and mine so much?”

Kalia wiped the frown from her face before she sighed and replied, “People of this plane likely do not know what an eccentric truly is.”

Kilniara grit her teeth, “This pl… my home may be provincial, but it is my home and I would ask you not insult my home. Besides, you yourself are collared, so you have little to speak of.”

Kalia quickly smoothed the frown from her face, bowing as she replied, “I apologize, Promised. I meant only that resisting a simple collar is not only the domain of powerful eccentrics. Weak collars are easy to resist.”

Kilniara frowned at that, “Then you collar is strong?”

Kalia looked up at that and nodded, “It is… decent. I am no eccentric, but my strength was close to matching such.”

Kilniara frowned and thought back on Joe’s collar, remembering the collar changing color, “Which color matters? The one before or after claiming?”

Kalia looked at Kilniara at that, “You saw both?”

Kilniara nodded, “Yes. It was a bronze before, but turned silver.”

Kalia raised an eyebrow at that, “He resisted silver. Impressive.”

“I know little of slave collars.”

“My collar is silver.”

Kilniara frowned at that and leaned forward, staring at Kalia’s collar carefully before shaking her head, “No. It is not your collar.”

Kalia raised an eyebrow at that, “Then steel? Still quite strong.”

Kilniara frowned, “Is steel shiny, so shiny one can easily see your own reflection?”

Kalia froze at that, and Kilniara frowned with some confusion. A few moments later Kalia gasped out softly, “Platinum?”

Kilniara shrugged, “I am sorry. I do not know. It was silver and very shiny. It easily reflects all around it.”

Kalia replied with the same gasp and more certainty, “Platinum! He resisted platinum?”

Kilniara smiled at that, pride returning as she nodded, “I do not know of his collar, but yes, he resisted it easily.”

Kalia leaned forward, “Tell me how. Tell me the story.”

Kilniara raised an eyebrow at that, finding that a slave’s demands to be… odd. Xylarnae tried to rein in Kalia but Kilniara smiled and waved her hand in dismissal of her concerns, proud to be able to show off the strength of her husband.

Kilniara grinned with pride as she spoke in exultation, “The Patriarch commanded him and he simply ignored it, dismissing his demands. When the Patriarch grew angry and demanded obedience, he returned and wrapped his hand around the Patriarch’s necked, lifted him from the floor, threatened him, then threw him to the floor. He then turned and simply left.”

Kilniara’s smile grew as she watched Kalia’s eyes widened in growing shock as she spoke. Kalia’s reply was a bit breathless with a hope that suddenly became visible to Kilniara.

“He… threatened his master and humiliated and laid hands upon him?”


“And… was he in pain?”

“The Patriarch? He was in…”

“No. The eccentric!”

Kilniara frowned at that, searching back into her memories before replying quickly, “I saw no pain. Only rage and anger.”

Kalia’s smile grew and she settled back, laughing, “So he attacked the Patriarch without repercussions?”

Kilniara’s pride flattened, vanishing in a cold bath as she realized she’d just told the Patriarch’s newest slaves how her husband had humiliated him, “Ooh… crap.”

Kalia’s smile fell and was replaced by a small frown but Xylarnae reached forward and laid a hand cautiously on Kilniara’s own which happened to be resting on the table, “Do not worry. We will say nothing to the Patriarch.”

Kilniara shuddered slightly, a small gasp escaping her lips as she turned to search Xylarnae’s face for a few moments before nodding her head in anxious relief, “I… please… thank you.”

Xylarnae nodded at that then fell silent, staring at Kilniara for a moment. Her face was a plethora of emotions and thoughts, too fast for Kilniara to easily grasp and after some moments Xylarnae’s face flattened once again, hiding her inner thoughts behind a pleasant, if blank, smile.

“You are welcome, Promised. The Patriarch…” Xylarnae paused at that then quickly continued, almost smoothly enough for Kilniara to not notice Xylarnae changing what she’d planned to say, “… will never know from us.”

Kilniara bowed her head minutely in thanks. All three fell silent for a time after that until Kilniara began seeking out their backgrounds. All three eagerly escaped Kilniara’s embarrassment and lost themselves in the neutral topic, the day passing quickly into early evening. The late day had Kilniara realizing it was time to return home and she looked at the two women before leaning forward, deciding to trust the two new girls.

“I… wish to seek your aid, if you are willing?”

Xylarnae glanced at Kalia quickly before nodding her head, “If we are able. There is little slaves can offer.”

Kilniara smiled and shook her head, dismissing their concern, “It is not difficult. I wish to free a friend of mine who has recently been enslaved but I must do so … alone. If possible, I wish to arrive and continue our conversations, but tomorrow I need to go to another slave hall to purchase her. I do not wish to bother the madam here or harm the Patriarch’s purchase by buying from another merchant. Could I … have your help in the ruse?”

Xylarnae seemed accepting and while Kalia was no longer so combative, she was not as easily swayed. Despite that, Xylarnae immediately agreed for both of them, laying a hand on Kalia’s shoulder in reassurance and a subtle guidance to accept Kalia’s request.

“We… would love to. You wish to … purchase her in secret?”

Xylarnae nodded, “It would be… wisest. I wish to save my friend her embarrassment.”

Xylarnae considered for a few moments before narrowing her eyes, a shrewd looking quickly shrouding her gaze, “Then, may we ask for a similar favor?”

Xylarnae blinked at that and quickly agreed. Getting Gwenvair out! What could they asked for… ok… maybe with caveats... “I am willing… with reservation. I wish to hear what you ask of me.”

Xylarnae smiled at that warmly before nodding and waving a hand towards their third roommate who’d stayed remarkably silent throughout the entire day, “Please purchase our third companion and take her with us as well.”

Kilniara frowned then turned to look at her carefully. What… what am I going to do with her… how is this… “How will this work? You... do you wish me to offer you her as your slave? I… am uncertain that you are able to … Can a slave take another slave? Especially without a master’s consent?”

Xylarnae shook her head, “You do not need to slave her away. Simply take her with us to the same merchant hall that we must go to.”

Kilniara paused at that before nodding, “I might… it might be possible to do so. I … have to conserve my funds for my friend first. If I am able, then… it is… I will be willing, if I have enough left over.”

Xylarnae frowned at that before nodding, “You cannot … withdraw more?”

Kilniara shook her head, “I … do not … no. I apologize. My funds are… limited.”

Xylarnae paused at that, thoughtful and frowning before grimacing, “Then… I will accept the attempt.”

Kilniara smiled with relief and nodded, “I… believe it will be… possible, but I know … I do not know for certain. I will say this, though, I will be very surprised if I am unable to purchase your friend for you.”

Xylarnae smiled at that and nodded. Kilniara smiled back then continued, “Also, she will likely be quite… expensive,” Kilniara waved an arm towards the third roommate, “So, I ask that you house my friend until it is time for all of us to leave.”

Xylarnae frowned at that and Kilniara quickly tried to placate her upset, “Only a single night or two. I cannot take her to my inn. It is best if …”

Xylarnae’s frown vanished and turned speculative, “You wish to hide her… as another slave from here?”

Kilniara gritted her teeth but found herself lost for a reply, “I… it…”

Tension ratcheted up as Kilniara maintained her silence and Xylarnae stared at her cautiously before finally nodding slightly, “I… I believe we are willing.”

Kilnaira struggled to keep her sight of relief somewhat masked and nodded in thanks, “I… truly appreciate this.”

Xylarnae sighed herself and nodded, “You… are helping us quite a bit as well.”

Kilniara nodded, “I hope it is equal to the help you offer me.”

Xylarnae paused at that before nodding firmly, “It is… quite meaningful for me.”

Kilniara’s smile was more heartfelt this time with the release of tension and she nodded, “Then I will return several times over these next several weeks to maintain the façade. On one of the last few days, I will attempt to return with my friend. If I am able, I will not return until it is time for us to leave for my… the clan.”

Xylarnae nodded, “That would likely be wise?”

Kilniara nodded, “Is there a deep cloak that would… easily keep my friend hidden?”

Xylarnae frowned at that, “We have little in the way of clothing or cloaks. I am uncertain…”

Kalia interrupted at that point, speaking with a soft intensity, “How long would you need this friend to remain hidden?”

Kilniara frowned as she glanced towards Kalia, “Possibly… a half a day?”

Xylarnae immediately brightened, quickly understanding Kalia’s intention and the two smiled at one another before Kalia continued, “I might be able to offer some form of disguise for your friend. A cloak would still be… very helpful for me.”

Kilniara sighed deeply, releasing the tension as a plan began to form, “Then… I will purchase one and bring it here sometime in one of the next several meetings. You have a place to hold a cloak?”

Xylarnae smiled a waved a hand at the closet, “It should be easy enough.”

Kilniara smiled, “Then… I have much to get ready. I will return soon. Have a good day.”

“Good day to you, Promised,” Xylarnae offered in her normal easy greeting.

“A good and fruitful day to you, Promised,” Kalia offered with quite a bit more polite sincerity that caught Kilniara by a bit of surprise.

Kilniara remembered her manners however, and smiled softly before nodding her own farewell, “And to you as well, Kalia.”

So many things… so many plans… but… I can… I should… the cloak... maybe prepay or… what… offer a holding pay … or… pay them to hold Gwenvair until I am ready… that… how can… Kilniara’s thoughts rampaged wildly as she absent mindedly picked up the two maids, a guide, and returned the inn without noticing anything. Too much… ! Not enough time. Can I do this… is…

* * *

Xylarnae turned to Kalia, her emotions quiet conflicted as excitement over having been able to include the barbarian blonde into their future plans warred with her uncertainty over their fragile alliance with Kilniara. Having only her hidden and possible disdain for the Patriarch as a basis for trust, Xylarnae was quite worried about how things could turn out. They did have a bit of dirt on her in how she revealed her enduring love for the eccentric and some disdain for the Patriarch so Xylarnae could only hope that it would be enough to keep their own. In any case, Xylarnae felt they’d come out relatively on top, without revealing too much of their hand. Wonder if she’s…

“So, thoughts?” Kalia interrupted her thoughts and Xylarnae turned to her.

“Oh, um… I think we did well?”

Kalia grinned at that, “We?”

Xylarnae smiled back but said nothing, quite proud of her actions and not willing to really rub Kalia’s nose in it. Kalia snorted and waved her hand.

“Alright. Yes, I didn’t do too well there, but… thi… curse this plane!”

Xylarnae rolled her eyes, “I’m quite certain of your opinion of this plane, now. You have no need to explain it more to me.”

Kalia snorted and rolled her own eyes in reply, “You’ll understand soon.”

Xylarnae sighed. I’m quite certain I will not. My power is in my Fate.

The two fell silent for several moments before Kalia began speaking a bit more.

“You may be unconcerned, but that eccentric… He is very strong.”

Xylarnae raised an eyebrow, “You … did not seem to have much respect for those of this plane.”

“He is not of this plane. You heard the girl.”

Xylarnae smiled, “Ah, yes, true. He is an eccentric.”

“She claimed it. And a strong one at that.”

“Oh. But then…”

“You don’t understand. He resisted a platinum slave collar! He truly is an eccentric!”

Xylarnae nodded but replied cautiously, “I will trust you in this, but how is this of use to us?”

Kalia opened her mouth to speak excitedly but then paused, “Ah… well… may… he might pur… hmm… I… umm.”

Xylarnae smiled sadly, “I do not know either. I will not know until I have seen my fate in him… and who is amongst my fate.”

“Then you do not think it is the eccentric?”

“He has been enslaved by the clan. It would only take a small effort to upgrade his collar. He may be able to resist it to some extent, but…”

Kalia frowned before nodding, “Then someone in the clan?”

“An elder of some kind… someone who can overrule the Patriarch?”

“Likely. I will know when we arrive at the clan.”

Kalia fell silent at that and grew pensive. She thought for some time before she growled and shook her head angrily.

“I … am not happy to be marched into the clan and claimed by that man.”

“Neither am I. We must find my fate to escape the Patriarch.”


“It will be in Coushar… maybe the clan.”

Kalia grimaced, “But you do not know.”


Kalia narrowed her eyes, “You do not know… or your fate does not know?”

“My fate knows … the general location.”

“To your good future?”

Xylarnae kept her face neutral, certain of Kalia’s upset if she were to explain so remained silent and hoped Kalia would make assumptions. Her silence was telling and Kalia growled under her breath before cursing vehemently.

“Of course you cannot say… fate … bah!”

Xylarnae swallowed her sigh of relief but simply nodded. This is… a big gamble! A gamble with my very life!

Kalia’s anger spent itself and she finally sighed before returning to the conversation, “Then what does Kilniara have to do with your fate?”

“I am uncertain but it is wise to prepare the way. She is in the clan. Friends within the clan may allow us contacts … important ones.”

Kalia grimaced again, “Plans in plans, so is fate in a Fated one’s hands.”

Xylarnae giggled softly, “Possibly.”

“Then you trust her?”

“Not … deeply, but helping her gained me… us her,” Xylarnae waved a hand towards the blonde across the room.

Kalia narrowed her eyes at that before nodding and agreeing but without the certainty that Xylanae displayed, revealing a hint of concern as she offered it almost as a question, “She is important.”

“Yes. She is.”

Kalia accepted that and returned to her side of the room and Xylarnae finally allowed her sigh of relief as she returned to her own dressing table.

* * *

Joe flew through the four floors, striding ever faster through them in search of something new to occupy himself. He’d given up on using his spear and shield, opting to use his spear for high risk instant kill throws. When he missed, he’d simply pull out his sword to finish off the monster before retrieving his spear and continuing on. His fighting was erratic and he cared little for his own health, only seeking out something to numb himself. He was able to continue only due to the strange oddity of the system on this planet, using his HP heavily to heal up any damage, but also spamming his heal every time he could, blasting a wave of healing mana across his whole body about once per second when he was in a fight. He had so much mana, there was no need to really conserve, and when he ran out, he pushed on with his personal mana. He rarely rested, but it seemed he rarely needed to be concerned with his mana consumption when almost every fight lasted only a couple seconds, most killed after a single throw of his spear once he learned of the next floor’s monsters and their weaknesses.

The new monsters each floor satisfied his craving, but the time it took him to find the next floor did dry up his satisfaction and he found himself driving ever faster for the next floor. Interesting monster… movements a bit stiff… robotic… Thrust… leads to side step… side step swipe if in range… back step if out of range… sweep… high leads to duck, low to… step back… lower… to jump… simple. Hmm… next monster… same… hmm… then… too far away … leads to leap… just like the slimes… need to dodge… make sure Garnedell is…

Joe froze, his breath shuddering and the beast he was fighting clawed a deep triple scrape that went to his ribs across his chest. The pain shocked him into awareness and he automatically pulsed a useless heal which barely had any time to do anything before the pain disappeared almost instantly as over half his HP vanished to instantaneously repair his chest to health. Joe felt his rage spike and immediately threw himself into its embrace. The monster vanished in a splash of gore and dismembered body parts, the pale surface of the dungeon splashed deep red for a few moments. More… another… gotta find… one more… Joe stomped on further into the eighth floor. And… swap to healer… level magic heal… maybe… He flipped open his status quickly to look at the levels of his current jobs then closed it almost immediately. Not yet… Nothing was ready to be swapped, yet.

* * *

Kilniara spent the next week faithfully returning to what were fast becoming new friends, spending the time their speaking with them. She still had a couple weeks since they’d made their deal, and Kilniara planned her time cautiously. She planned to spend the last couple days of the first week setting up a routine which allowed her maids to grow complacent and bored. By the end of the first week, the maids became as she hoped, complacent and willing to leave her free quite often.

This lead to what she hoped to accomplish next at the beginning of the second week: to secure Gwenvair’s ownership and hope for a future and today would be the day she would do so. She led the maids back to the slave market, following the guide easily. It was to the point that Kilniara almost believed she could now travel to and from the inn on her own. She still hired a guide, however, maintaining the pretense and not wanting to give the maids something to break the repetitive norm.

They arrived at the slave market and the maids said their farewells without even waiting for her commands. Kilniara allowed it and simply waved them on as she walked up the stairs to the second floor and Xylarnae’s room. She knocked politely and waited for a call to enter before doing so.

“Hello, Kilniara. Welcome back.”

Kilniara smiled, “It is good to be here as well.”

Xylarnae nodded and Kalia offered a polite bow as well, the two now closer and on better speaking terms since they’d begun speaking with one another daily.

“Then … it is today?” Xylarnae asked.

Kilniara nodded, “If it is possible, yes.”

Xylarane nodded, “I believe it is. I have little to do, but… Kalia?”

Kalia nodded, “I can offer some magics to hide you. Please hold still. It is… I am crippled but am still able to offer some help. It will take… time, however.”

Kilniara nodded, offering her thanks as she sat, “Many thanks.”

Kalia smiled warmly and Kilniara smiled back, surprised to finally see a genuine smile on her face. Kilniara’s own smile grew and she nodded back silently.

Kalia finally snorted and turned her head away, “Please sit still.”

Kilniara’s smile grew but she turned her face away, not wishing to embarrass her further, “Certainly.”

She spent the time focused on her plan, nervously waiting and while it felt interminable, when Kalia claimed to be finished, she was surprised to find it over so quickly. She sighed and stood.

“Then … it is time.”

“It is. Please follow me. I will help you on your way,” Kalia said, leading her out through the door.

“Please remember, do not brush or touch anything until you have left the merchant hall.”

“Yes,” Kilniara’s reply was succinct only because her mind was quite distracted.

“And destroy the mark to call for me. Only destroy it once you are at the door. You will have to wait but… you return will be better covered.”

“Thank you, Kalia. Truly.”

Kalia smiled back and nodded, “You are welcome. Good luck.”

Kilniara nodded then stifled a giggle as she realized her nod was pointless. Kalia couldn’t see the nod. Kilniara couldn’t keep the smile from her face as the two headed out down to the bottom floor then split up, Kalia heading towards the backrooms feigning a need for the bathroom while Kilniara headed to the front entrance. As she’d done before, she blocked the front door but with a bit more finesse than previously. She had a small cloth specially prepared to stick over the sigil that would sound the alarm on anyone’s entrance. It applied easily and was taken off just as easily when she would return. Her return would also be much less terrifying.

She still slipped through the door quickly as the alarm sigil tinkled on opening. She quickly but carefully pressed the sticky cloth over the sigil on the frame before leaving and closing the door rapidly behind her. Right… my disguise should fade… oh… now… OK.

She found herself fading back into awareness of those around her shortly after, an aspect of the magic the fae called Subtle Return. She wasn’t quite sure what she meant by that, but was grateful that it somehow kept people from being startled by a suddenly reappearing person. She began walking off down the street towards Gwenvair’s slave hall while Subtle Return was still active and softening her sudden appearance and made the turn onto the side street where the other slave merchant hall was.

The effects of Subtle Return had faded by then, and several people glanced at her in boredom, obviously noticing her but certainly unsurprised. She continued moving, pretending to be perusing the wares. She found the perusal interesting and sometimes embarrassing as she struggled to look at the near nude but incredible specimens of maleness in several of the stores. She quickly found herself more willing to spend her time focused on the merchants focused on women, more affected by the obviously posing men than she thought.

Those merchants who were posing their wares soon showed to be of a lesser quality and Kilniara quickly learned she could dismiss them as most did as well. Somehow, not displaying your wares meant you were of higher quality, an oddity for her, but one she quickly took advantage of to callously disregard them and saver her embarrassment.

When she finally came to the entrance the merchant’s hall she sought, she paused to collect herself, taking a deep breath before walking into the merchant hall regally. Right… I… I can do this. I can do this… The chime on this door was more sonorous, like a deep resonating bell but not overly loud. It brought out the merchant rather quickly. He was a rotund oddly shaped individual, his belly so large and prominent it gave his torso an almost perfectly spherical shape, at least from the front. His arms and legs stuck off of the ‘ball’ of his torso like twigs, thin and lithe appendages directly at odds to the man’s drastically plump size. Kilniara felt her eyebrows rise quickly as she saw him rapidly enter. Wealthy… good merchant… wow! She dismissed her thoughts as he greeted her.

“Great Mistress. Welcome to our fabulous merchant’s hall. Please, join me for some refreshments as we speak.”

Kilniara nodded her head softly and attempted to emulate Kalia’s grace as she glided across the room towards the table presented to her. Almost got it! How does she do that!? No… focus… Gotta get Gwenvair! Can’t…

The man’s question as she sat broke her from her thoughts, “Great Mistress. What would you like for your refreshment?”

Kilniara looked at him struggling to find an answer and decided for an easy delay, “No Great Mistress. I am simply Promised, merchant.”

“Ah, yes! I see. Promised. Welcome. Do you crave any refreshment?”

By this time, Kilniara had remembered something Gwenvair had said during such an occasion and repeated it verbatim, hoping to maintain her image as a clanner, “Something light… refreshing, if you are willing. I find it a touch warm.”

Kilniara felt her breath catch, worried, but the man seemed completely unconcerned and simply nodded his head with a slight bow of his torso, “Of course, Promised. We have an excellent light tea, refreshing in warmer weather. Please accept it. It is the latest from deep in the jungles of the capital plane. It is said to be excellent for warm weather.”

“Then I thank you. Please have it prepared.”

“Of course, Promised,” the merchant quickly replied while waving a hand towards a couple slave girls unobtrusively standing against the back wall.

One rushed forward, beginning to set out several plates, a cup, two different pitchers, and a half dozen small bowls with a variety of substances she couldn’t quite identify. She found herself soon lost in the display, fascinated by the insanity of such arcane alchemy to simply brew a tea. The merchant engaged her in small talk and she found herself able to reply with some inanities, but she was truly more fascinated by the intricate dance of tea making displayed before her.

When the tea was done, one of the slave girls rapidly returned all the saucers, plates, pitchers, bowls, small containers, three different spoons, and a stick back to a tray that seemed created exactly to hold all of these components perfectly in an artistic display. The slave girl then bowed towards them, although more directly at the table as a kind of bow half way between the two of them, before rapidly retreating back to the wall. Kilniara found herself bemused by the whole experience, still offering simple interjections as the merchant man blathered on about the weather and the tea. She allowed this to continue on for another few minutes after she tasted the tea. It was quite delicious. Maybe… it’s worth it to learn all that? It’s… good!

Her tea almost empty, she finally set it back down and waved away the slave girl that came bounding back to refill it, “I am grateful for the welcome, but lack the time to truly enjoy your tea. May we turn to business?”

The merchant seemed unconcerned and immediately sat forward with excitement, “Of course, Promised. This is a place of business, and to business we shall turn. How may I be of service?”

“My master seeks a Queen.”

The merchant seemed surprised at that but then sat back with some disappointment, “Ah… that…”

“May I see all Queens you currently have?”

“I apologize, Promised, but we have no Queens available. I am sorry.”

Kilniara panicked, her heart spiking as she struggled to keep calm, “No Queens?”

“None, I’m afraid.”

“I find that… unlikely.”

This time, the merchant paused, seeming to consider Kilniara carefully before replying, “I am truly sorry, but there are none. You know this. Queens are incredibly rare.”

Kilniara felt her calm return, certainty giving her some confidence, “Even for… a perfect dual core?”

The merchant’s confidence shattered as his eye’s bugged out and his breathing stuttered, “That… how… no. I think…”

“A single one is not enough?”

That question stopped the merchant dead in his tracks and he stared at Kilnaira, his thoughts obvious on his face as he struggled to ascertain the truth of her words. Kilnaira watched this then smiled softly. Gotcha… This is… We can do this!

She said nothing while the merchant squirmed but pulled her pouch forward with obvious flair and reached in to withdraw two dual cores and sat them on the table between them.

“Please,” Kilniara offered with a wave towards the dual cores.

She didn’t know which monsters they were from or what they were. She didn’t care. She only knew their value and remembered Gwenvair’s shock. She knew little of cores and didn’t know that there were qualitative differences between them until she’d met her fiancé and Gwenvair. She was fairly certain this would be enough, if the capital viewed cores similarly to the provincial town of Coushar.

The man actually shook with nervous energy as he reached forward, his hand vibrating as it picked up the first core. Kilniara maintained her calm but almost jumped at feeling the wash of mana as it swept through the room. She almost couldn’t keep her mouth shut, wishing to shout out against the rudeness of the man but remained silent. The man’s nervous energy was immediately replaced by a shout of surprise as he stood and began to rapidly pace, mana still emanating from him in wild waves, pierces, and sweeps.

He quickly returned to the table and picked up the second, his surprise now morphing to jubilee as he tested the core with a variety of mana emissions. The man played with both cores for quite a bit of time, seemingly just excited to play with them before returning to his seat and placing the cores down reluctantly on the table. He turned to Kilniara with a rabid look.

“How many… perfect cores do you offer?”

“You are greedy enough to ask for more?”

The man grit his teeth, “Queens are rare.”

“Perfect cores are rarer. Perfect dual cores…”

The man’s nose flared and he stared at her, “You want her.”

Kilniara crooked an eyebrow, “So you do have a queen. You lied to me?”

The man’s nose and lips twitched at that and he growled but said nothing.

Kilniara continued, “Then how about one of these cores… for the lie and wasting my time.”

The man huffed, grimacing, “Both of them.”

“Both? No.”

The man actually growled as he grit his teeth, “Both.”

Kilniara stared at the man, pondering. She honestly didn’t care about the cores. My view of wealth has been… crazily twisted by Joe… heh… I don’t care about two dual cores… two perfect dual cores… Kilniara slowly smiled at her inner monologue but seeing the man’s face pale, she realized she might have the upper hand more than she thought.


He grimaced, opening his mouth to reply when Kilniara continued, “But if you offer a secondary service… I may be willing to part with the second.”

The man’s grimace and hesitant haggling quickly turned to relieved joy as he sat back and magnanimously waved his arms wide, “Of course. How could this small one be of service to the Great Mistress?”

Kilniara stifled her giggle at being called a Great Mistress again and continued, “How many do you have?”

The man frowned, “Only one.”

Kilniara frowned in turn herself. Play it up… what coul…ooh!

“She… please tell me she is at least an ulvan?”

The man beamed happily, “That, she is. You are in luck.”

Kilniara didn’t have to hide her smile, allowing her relief to be mistaken as joy, “Excellent. Then, I wish to speak with her today. Secondly, for the second core, hold her until two weeks. I will return late the week after next. If you hold her for me until then, I will offer you both perfect cores. Is this agreeable?”

The merchant smiled hugely and nodded, “I am more than willing to hold her… for one of the cores. You can bring the secon…”

“I think not,” Kilniara interrupted him with a subtle smirk and a shake of the head. She reached behind her and fumbled around until she found her second pouch full of damaged cores and pulled it forward.

“I will offer this, however. I will bring both cores on my return next week. If you demand collateral, please accept these five single cores; imperfect, but of great value. I expect their return with her sale.”

The man paused at that but then smiled with some chagrin when Kilniara brought out another five single cores. When she dropped the cores on the table, she swiped up the two dual cores and slipped them into her ‘good core’ pouch. The man watched on before flicking his gaze back down at the five cores on his table then back to her face, studying her carefully. After a bit, the merchant seemed to come to the conclusion that Kilniara would offer no more and he smiled with brilliant joy.

“Then… excellent. This is a deal no merchant can deny! I will accept it.”

“The Queen, then. I wish to speak with her.”

“Of course. Please, come with me.”


“Ah… that… yes, no problem. That will be arranged immediately.”

The merchant quickly turned back to the two slave girls against the wall and roughly called out to them, “A room. Private. Now!”

Both girls quickly bowed and replied in perfect unison with soft overly feminine voices, “Immediately, Master.”

“Please, follow me. I will show you to the Queen while the room is prepared.”

Kilniara stood and bowed her head slightly in acknowledgement and the man led her through a side door into a long hallway. The hallway was poorly maintained and even more poorly lit. The doors for each room had large windows that denied any privacy for those inside, and Kilniara struggled to keep her curiosity at bay, denying herself a peek inside. He’ll show me soon enough…

They came to a room about a quarter of the way down the hall and he turned to her before waving to the door, “The Queen.”

Kilniara stared at the man cautiously before nodding and stepping up to look into the room. She almost failed to control herself. A gasp rising in her chest caught just before it escaped her mouth. However, she proved adequate to the task and stepped back to look at the man.

“Excellent. An ulvan Queen. Please bring her to the room. I must verify her status.”

“Of course, Great Mistress. Of course. Ulvan! Up. Out! Follow,” the merchant replied softly to her before suddenly barking loudly and angrily to Gwenvair.

Kilniara almost slapped the man, but stepped away from the door to allow Gwenvair her space to exit. Once she came close to the door, Kilniara immediately turned away and began walking back to the main room. Don’t… don’t let her see me… yet… Keep it quiet… can I… Maybe she can Hear me?

Kilniara immediately began to intensely send out to Gwenvair. Gwenvair! I am here! Can you Hear me!? Hear me! Please! Do not react. Just… I am here… please wait, just a little longer!

Kilniara walked back down the long hallway casting her thoughts towards Gwenvair but heard nothing, growing a bit concerned. Maybe… not Gwenvair? Please… it has to be! It cannot…

Kilniara opened the door back to the main room and stepped through, looking around for the two slave girls. She found them bustling in and out of another small but more opulent door down the main hall and she began walking towards the door and the two slave girls saw her coming and sped up, rapidly carrying things in and out of the room. By the time she arrived, the two were huffing in exhaustion but lined up and bowing for her entrance. She came to the door before stopping and turning to look back behind her.

The merchant had already exited the slave corridor, an ulvan woman trailing after. She waited a few moments and by happenstance, the woman drifted out of the shadow of the merchant and Kilniara struggled to keep her smile polite, not wishing to show her exuberance. Gwenvair! It’s Gwenvair… Oh… thank the gods… I found… No… speak to her. Gwenvair! Hear me! Can you Hear me! Please… speak! You need to Hear me! I’m here for you! Why aren’t you…

Kilniara turned away and quickly entered the room, coming to sit on the seat obviously prepared for the patrons of the merchant’s shop. She can’t hear me… why? Is something… maybe. She still kept her smile polite and restrained. Ooh… maybe… don’t… wait a bit.. yeah… put my head down… She can’t Hear me, so… can’t … hmm. Why… maybe? Ooh! Need to hold the secret a little longer… a … change of plans a bit… but… how?

Kilniara pulled out her purse and pretended to be digging through her bag, making sure to drop her head and keep her feathery hair draped across her face. She maintained the posture even as Gwenvair entered the small room and stood before her. Kilniara looked up through her hair and saw Gwenvair standing in poor slaves clothing that barely covered her, designed more to reveal and titillate, her dignity shattered. Kilniara struggled to keep her emotions tightly lidded and turned to the merchant instead.

“My thanks. Please allow us our privacy. There are … important expectations from my master.”

“Ah. Yes. I understand. Please, enjoy your privacy.”

Kilniara almost felt her throat catch when she saw Gwenvair twitch at hear her voice but Gwenvair quickly caught herself and remained standing before her. The merchant didn’t seem to notice, or at least didn’t seem to care, and left the room. Kiliniara watched the door for a bit of time, partly to be cautious but mostly to calm her heavy breath and prepare herself to look towards Gwenvair. Don’t cry… don’t cry… can’t cry! Gotta…

Kilniara turned to Gwenvair and found her staring at her avidly, tears welling up in her eyes but held at bay by shear will, none falling down her cheeks. Kilniara’s smile faltered, wavering for joy and sorrow to see her friend in such a state, her own tears welling up but restrained with just as much effort as Gwenvair.

“You are a Queen?” Fake it… fake it!

“Yes, mistress,” Gwenvair replied with a subservient voice even as her eyes screamed at her with joyful hope.

Kilniara found herself at a loss for a moment before epiphany struck her, “Come. I have need of Truth telling. You must hold my hand.”

Gwenvair shivered, a triumphant smile poorly held back but stepped forward and held out her hand.

“Excellent. Please… answer slowly, carefully, but truthfully. Do you understand?”

Gwenvair nodded and spoke, “Yes, mistress.”

“Excellent,” Kilniara replied.

Can you Hear me now? Gwenvair?

A relieved rush of emotions swept through their bond. Yes! Yes… I can Hear you… this blasted collar… but yes… I can hear you now… I can only hear my master or those slaved with me.

It blocks external mana? Kilniara replied with a guess.

Always the smart one. Yes. But… with skin contact, I am able to force my mana to you… it is… difficult. We must make this fast…

Can you keep up two conversations?

“Then, the first question. Are you a Queen?”

Yes. I can keep up two, but… I cannot Hear for much longer…

Then I will be quick!

“Yes, I am a Queen, Mistress.”

I will return in about two weeks… week and a half. Buy you. Drop you off at some friends. We return to Coushar by the Gate. Then you go to Joe. Figure me out… later.

“Truth. Excellent. Then… are you bonded?”

“I am not… I’m not bonded, Mistress.”

That’s… Gate guards will capture me… we cannot…

Trust me!

“No bond. Truth. Good. You seek queenship voluntarily.”

Gwenvair paused at that, both with Kilniara’s certainty of a safe return and the current question. Kilniara grew concerned as she saw Gwenvair struggle and Kilniara almost cursed as she realized the question was likely already asked by the slave merchant… She can’t lie… the merchant will no… they must be listening… we can’t…

Gwenvair grit her teeth and replied, “No, I do not.”

It was Kilniara’s turn to struggle and she found her thoughts twisting through many options. She allowed her frown of frustration to show, knowing those outside would take it for disappointment or frustration. What to do… how am I…

Gwenaire… any ideas?

Can’t… were stuck. Already told the merchant no… can’t say yes now… cause I’d only say yes to Joe, so…

Kilniara breathed in relief. Say no again.

“Do you seek queenship voluntarily?”

Gwenvair stared at Kilniara with burning eyes but replied as Kilniara advised, “No, I do not.”

Kilinara remained silent for a time, screwing up her face in faux concentration for any listeners or watchers before she nodded with seeming satisfaction, “Truth, but with reservation. Hmm…”

Kilniara paused, playing up a thoughtful moment although she already knew exactly what she would say next. A nice ‘aha’ moment and she continued.

“Then… do you seek queenship voluntarily, if your king is qualified?”

Gwenvair stared at Kilniara, relief immediately flooding up through her hand from Gwenvair’s grip. Gwenvair struggled to maintain the play but did well enough.

“If the king is qualified, then yes.”

“Truth. Excellent. Would you be willing to meet my master? Measure him by your standards?”

“Yes,” Gwenvair’s reply was almost too emphatic but Kilniara played it off with a soft chuckle and a nod.

“Excellent. Then, I will return in a week’s… two week’s time with appropriate payment. I must finalize details with the merchant. Return to your room and await my return.”

Gwenvair nodded in agreement but the rush of sorrow and needy loneliness almost broke Kilniara. She quickly stood and dropped her hand, the welling of tears in her eye almost breaking forth.

Gwenvair seemed shocked at Kilniara’s abrupt stand, but quickly noticed Kilniara’s struggle to hold back her tears and immediately realized what was going on, smiling softly and struggling to hold her hand back, even hold herself back from wrapping Kilniara in a hug. Kilniara grit her teeth and turned away, heading towards the door.

Need more time… gotta… She dropped her head to her purse, allowing her hair to hide her face as she pushed open the door then returned to searching her purse, “Please return the queen to her room.”

Kilniara stepped out of the room and didn’t even look back, simply marching down the hallway back to the small seating room where she’d had her tea with the merchant. The merchant eagerly settled in beside her, now rather anxious, seemingly worried. OK… definitely was listening in… but…

Kilniara settled in her chair, staring across the way at the merchant, but found all of her attention drawn to her peripheral vision as Gwenvair walked past them. Focus!

“Then, two weeks? At the end of the second week, yes?”

The merchant nodded eagerly, “Of course.”

“And dress her appropriately! She will not be displayed upon the street for any but my master.”

“Yes. Yes… she will be dressed regally to her new station.”

“Excellent. I expect her and no other on my return. Do not cheat me!”

The merchant actually sat back as if slapped, affronted, but there was no heat in his words at all, “How could you believe that I would do such. She will be prepared and ready as you wish and she will be this young lady you met today.”

Kilniara nodded, “A last note. My master seeks only a voluntary Queen. If she is not amenable, she will be returned. Her price will be returned as well, yes?”

The merchant balked at that, his teeth gritting even as greed, anger, and caution warred across his face until he finally nodded with reluctance, “Of course, Great Mistress.”

“Excellent. I will send note if the sale is finalized.”

“Or… if a week has passed?” the merchant asked with some hope.

Kilniara pretended to consider this before nodding slowly, “That seems… reasonable. I am willing.”

The merchant smiled brilliantly and slapped his knees with exuberance, “Excellent… Excellent. Then… we will see you in two weeks. Is there any other business I could entice you with? Some well-trained pleasure slaves? A double digit courtesan? Several double digit masseuses… a triple digit dancer?!”

Kilniara struggled to keep her face from reacting and finally decided to stand in a bit of a huff, “No. I think not. My master has no desire for such.”

The merchant smiled with a bit of an oily sly smile, “Is your master a man?”

Kilniara found herself flummoxed, her mouth shaping unspoken words before she finally just acquiesced, “Yes.”

The merchant then smiled deeper, “Then he is most certainly interested.”

Kilniara frowned and even grew a bit angry, “I would ask you do not assume nor tarnish my master’s name. Be silent!”

The merchant’s sly oily smile evaporated, his good humor immediately replaced by a blank concern, “Of course. Apologies, Great Mistress. I … spoke too far.”

“That, you did. Good bye. I will return in two weeks.”

Kilniara turned and stomped from the room and headed back outside. Anger flashed through her but was quickly overwhelmed and washed away with joyful relief. Found her! I … she’s safe! Just… get home now!

She returned quickly to the other merchant hall then came to a stop outside the door before quickly snapping the mark. She stood immediately next to the door, leaning against the wall as she did so.

Mana spilled form the broken mark and wrapped around her, but she continued to wait patiently. Kalia hasn’t come yet… she will … Even as her thoughts pondered Kalia’s coming, she felt something like Subtle Return, but in reverse. People soon lost interest in her, then lost sight as she saw her arm fade from sight and smiled. And…she’s here! She sighed when she felt the whisper of a caress trail across her cheek and ear.

She quickly stepped to the door and pulled it open, slipping inside. As she stepped past the door frame, she quickly reached up and stripped off the sticky cloth from over the chime sigil. She strode across the floor quickly, taking longer strides but timed to fall upon the floor each time Kalia’s did. Kalia had already turned away from the door and was halfway across the ground floor near the steps.

Kilniara reached the stairs when Kalia was about a third of the way to the top and she took two stairs at a time before she arrived directly behind Kalia. She said nothing but paced behind her. The two topped the stairs then walked down the hallway where Kalia opened her door and stepped through. She made way and turned slowly before waiting for a moment, the door open. Kilniara hissed softly and Kalia then gracefully shut the door, not even jumping in surprise. How… even … Kilniara kept her cool but cursed the gracefulness of the fae.

Kilinara returned to her seat and spoke softly, “I’m here. You can drop the spellwork whenever you wish.”

Kilniara faded back into existence and smiled with relief, Xylarnae focusing upon her as she came into view. Kalia settled down beside her with a bit of exhaustion and Kilniara looked over to see a small drip of blood trickling from the corner of her eyes.

“Oh! Oh! This… please...”

Kilniara leaped to her feet and whipped out a small cleansing cloth from one of the tables before dipping it in the bowl of water nearby. She then began to cautiously clean Kalia’s face.

“What is happening? You often have poor humors. Are you weak? Is all well?”

Kalia seemed taken aback, but chuckled at Kilniara’s questions, “I am well. My magic is… weak. I have to push myself a bit.”

Kilniara looked at her with some surprise, “This… I did this? When you spelled me?”

Kalia smiled and waved away her concern, “It is fine. I have done no damage to myself. This… is the nature of my magic now.”

Kilniara looked on with some pity, “I’m… so sorry.”

Kalia’s smile was much more natural, even pleased, “Don’t be. There is no need for concern.”

“Regardless, I am… truly grateful.”

“Well… then, you’re welcome.”

Kilniara giggled and nodded, “Hmm.”

The three fell into silence for a bit until Xylarnae began questioning how things went, “Then, all went well?”

“Oh, perfectly. A bit nerve wracking, but well.”

“Would you be willing to share?”

Kilniara smiled, “Certainly!”

Over the next several minutes, Kilniara began to exuberantly tell the story, the other two greatly enjoying the story. After the story was done, the two nodded with joy and congratulated Kilniara. With the story reported successfully, Kilniara found herself collapsing as the tension and worry left her and she prepared to leave, although a few questions on what happened remained.

“So the merchant tried to hide that he had a queen?”

“Yeah. Not sure why he did, however.”

“It does seem odd.”

“I’m not sure I care. I have found my friend and now have a path to freedom for her.”

Xylarnae nodded, “Still, I wonder what you had to do to convince him.”

Kilniara smiled, then chuckled, “I paid him an exorbitant amount.”

Kalia sniggered with some mockery, “Truly? What ‘great’ amount did you pay?”

Kilniara frowned, finding Kalia’s belittlement frustrating, “A perfect dual core. Two of them.”

The room hushed, both girls staring at Kilniara in shock. Kalia began breathing deeply in shock.

“A perfect core?! Truly?” Kalia asked.

Kilniara struggled not to smirk, “Yes. A perfect dual core.”

Kalia stared at her with avid eyes, “Truly?”


“May I… may I see it?”

Kilniara frowned but then decided to acquiesce, “OK.”

She pulled out one and set it on the table. The other two stared at it for some time, breaths heavy until Kalia took it cautiously in her hand. Mana began flowing in the room, but much more polite than what the merchant had done. Kilniara had to keep her smile of pride small, struggling to keep it from growing even as Kalia began sighing and exclaiming. Xylarnae soon began to beg and fight for her own chance at the core and the two fiddled with it for some time until Kilniara finally chuckled.

“Alright. I need to go! I’m exhausted.”

The two quickly stopped, polite but reluctant to put the core back on the table. They did so and politely offered their goodbyes. Kilniara replied in kind as she packed up the core and then stood to leave, offering another goodbye at the door. Sooo… tired! And when she returned to the inn for the evening, she did not even eat, simply returning directly to her room. When her head hit the pillow, Kilniara slept that night the best she’d ever slept in a long, long time. Her tension well relieved.

* * *

(End Part 1)

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