But for a Slime

2.104 (Part 2) - Great Escape

Chapter 104 Continued

* * *

Xylarnae and Kalia sat silently for some time, Xylarnae quiet because she could feel the tension oozing from Kalia. Xylarnae waited patiently, preparing another couple cups of tea for both of them, silently awaiting Kalia. It didn’t take long, but the tension in the air made the wait a bit interminable for her. When the conversation did begin, it was with relief.

“It’s a perfect core!”

“Hmm. It must be… impressive, but I’m… I do not know… I know little of such things. Still, I know it is impressive… and desired, even if I am not certain why.”

Kalia turned to Xylarnae and frowned softly, “You are not from great clan?”

Xylarnae frowned, teeth clenching and nose flaring slightly before she sighed, “My family is… well known, but …” Please… just…

“Ahh… I understand. Fallen clans are… it is not easy.”

Xylarnae withheld the sigh of relief but nodded and accepted Kalia’s expectation, “Fallen clans are … yeah.”

Kalia sighed, “I… for what it’s worth, I am sorry. My clan… may join yours soon.”

Xylarnae’s eyes climbed, “Truly? Then… I am very sorry.” A fallen clan? Or soon to be fallen? I did not think…

Kalia nodded, “I can only hope our clan Matriarch can rejuvenate or clan… or at least save it to regression. I was a fool… the emperor is not so happy with me at this time, and with he emperor’s ire comes the freedom to act from other clans, and,” Kalia’s description turned to bitter frustration as anger swelled, “I am no longer there to offer my protection.”

Xylarnae nodded, “That bad?”

Kalia grimaced, “Yes… a bit. The greater clans are eyeing us… and, one of the reasons they are eyeing us is because of our perfect core.”

Xylarnae sat up with some shock, “They would move for just one?”

Kalia grinned grimly, “And just a single perfect core at that.”

Xylarnae paused the conversation, her mind racing to explore the ramifications. Kalia kindly allowed her the time and after a few moments, Xylarnae turned back to stare at Kalia and the shock had turned to deep thought.

“That rare.”

“That powerful.”

“Then how did a small town clan Promised find a perfect dual core?”

Kalia grinned with avarice, “Yes. Do you think it’s the clan?”

Xylarnae paused at that, “That seems… unlikely?”

“Very much so… so….?”

“The eccentric?”

Kalia grinned, “I… I don’t know. It doesn’t seem possible. A single eccentric with greater wealth than an entire clan!”

The two fell inaudible for a time, pondering silently. Their quiet was unbroken until Xylarnae suddenly looked to Kalia with concern.

“Then… is Kilniara safe with it?”

Kalia’s avaricious smile faded and concern replaced it, “Oooh!”

The two pondered, now concerned for Kilniara and thoughts turned towards finding ways to protect her.

* * *

Joe stormed through the floors of the advanced dungeon like a flood, unstoppable. His thoughts remained as stunted as his emotions as he repressed everything. It was a struggle and he sought out new monsters and experiences to occupy his thoughts, thundering down floor after floor. He didn’t know and didn’t care, simply seeking out as many new monsters as he could find and throwing himself at them again and again. His movements became repetitive, his actions, metronomic, and his skills firing off at robotic intervals as his mind struggled to retreat from memory even as his thoughts warred to take primacy in his mind and his fight to find something to distract him continued. But the sixteenth floor proved as inadequate to his needs as ever and he pushed on towards the seventeenth.

* * *

The week and a half, almost two full weeks, had passed quickly and Kilniara awoke excited and tense. Today… today… time to free Gwenvair today… so… Kilniara took a deep shuddering breath and glanced towards the window. The window remained dark, the sun still not risen. Heh… too much nervous energy, I guess? Kilniara remained silent and struggled to snuggle comfortably back into bed. It was way too early to begin the day but despite her efforts, her nervous energy proved too much and after a time, she gave up trying. What… oh… practice… just like husband! Her thoughts turned to her fiancé.

So, she threw herself into her mana practice, despite the futility of it. Husband must know something for the practicing? Placing her trust in her fiancé’s knowledge, she passed the dark morning practicing the various mana exercises that Joe had described to her. She didn’t really understand them all, nor did she understand how he was able to differentiate between the various mana exercises. And while she was curious about his abilities, her nervous energy overwhelmed her ability to think so she simply lost herself in the simple exercises.

With the sun’s rise, Kilniara rose to begin the day, no longer willing to wait any longer. She dressed herself and headed down for breakfast, uncaring of her maids’ discomfort when they found her gone. She was just too excited. She hoped she could enjoy a nice leisurely breakfast while she awaited her maids awakening.

Breakfast proved enough and about halfway through her meal, the maids joined her in the common dining area and she sent them to their meal, playing the irritated clanner mainly to continue enjoying her meal in peace and quiet. She didn’t get much time, the two obviously rushing their breakfast to join her just as she was finishing her meal. Honestly, she didn’t even notice, only glad to finally be able to begin her day. I’m coming, Gwenvair… I’m coming!

She was a force of nature as the three followed their guide back to the slave merchant’s shop, almost driving the guide before her more than simply following the young boy. Her anxiousness to arrive left the trip a blur in her mind and she strode into the shop regally. Two weeks of visiting had the experience virtually autonomous and the maids split off for their destination with Kilniara waving off the attendant that had entered to see which customer had arrived. The attendant simply bowed to her and returned to the small receptionist room set aside for her and Kilniara climbed the stairs with graceful purpose.

When she entered the room, Xylarnae smiled to see her and elegantly retreated to allow her in. The table was already set with tea, Kalia sitting nervously at the table. Kilniara frowned slightly to see Kalia so nervous but quickly wiped her face to a placid smile. She settled in the seat and dreaded the long morning, knowing the importance of allowing the floor below to settle but also unable to keep from subtly bouncing with excitement.

Conversation remained shallow but quite enjoyable although Kilniara grew more concerned seeing Kalia’s continued nervousness. Kilniara didn’t press the issue despite believing they’d grown closer with time. She wasn’t sure but Kalia seemed unwilling to engage with her when Kilniara offered to broach whatever was causing Kalia’s anxiety. Finally, the time came for her to head out, and Kilniara sighed with relieved excitement.

“It’s probably time, right?”

Xylarnae smiled, “It is about time, but … there is one last thing we must broach.”

Kilniara fell silent at that, her brows drawing close, “Is it… something to do with Kalia’s nervousness? If I am able, I am willing to help with whatever you request. I have come to see us as friends, I’m not sure why you feel so… reluctant.”

Xylarnae laughed at that, a soft chuckle as she shook her head, “It is not anything so onerous that is making us concerned. We are just concerned that you may … be, umm… you may be offended or misunderstand our advice.”

Kilniara’s fear broke a bit as she smiled softly, “I do not think … I will keep in mind our friendship.”

Xylarnae smiled and bowed her head softly, “Then please hear our advice. We give it out of true concern for you.”


“Kalia has … shown me how valuable perfect cores are. They are extremely valuable, so much so that we fear after having shown them to the slaver… These cores are worth murdering for.”

Kilniara sat back at that, alarm showing on her face, “That… expensive?”

Xylarnae said nothing and turned to look at Kalia. Kalia noticed then frowned, grimacing as she looked away, obviously embarrassed. Xylarnae noticed and reached over the lightly pinch Kalia’s arm. Kalia snapped her head back and glanced at Xylarnae with a furrowed frown. She stared for a moment before finally rolling her eyes and sighing.

“I… do not wish to… offend, and… I’m uncertain how to explain without being seen… in a poor light, but perfect cores are incredibly rare and desired by any and all. But, they are so rare that they become treasures for even clans spanning the greater cycle. My own clan… is not so large, but still claims a sizeable, if small, portion of the greater cycle and we only have a single perfect core. It is considered a clan treasure and… it is absolutely precious. It is rarely used and even more rarely seen. Only a few of my clan has ever seen or had the blessing to use it over the past century.”

Kilniara sat silently, uncertain how to respond, “Oh.”

Kalia nodded and grew more animated, “Clans will kill for a perfect core.”

Kilniara remained silent but was growing agitated. The pause was poignant until she finally looked up and glanced between the two.

“Then… you must have a recommendation?”

Xylarnae smiled, “We do, but as we said, we are concerned that you may …”

Kalia frowned and burst out, “It’s the best idea to be safe, but you’ll probably think we’re trying to steal from you.”

“Oh… oh!” Kilniara fell silent then glanced back at Xylarnae, “You think I should leave my cores here.”

Xylarnae nodded but Kalia looked away in embarrassment.

“Yes,” Xylarnae replied succinctly.

Kilniara fell silent, lost in her thoughts. How… how do we do this? Would the merchant … I promised to return with the cores, but… would… Finally, Kilniara looked up.

“But, then… how would we do this? I promised to return with the two perfect cores. If I do not bring it, will they still honor the exchange?”

Kalia froze, mouth dropping a bit agape before clicking her teeth shut and shouting a bit, “Just… that easily?”

Kilniara frowned a bit before chuckling, “It’s only two.” Master has twisted my understanding of wealth! Heh… I hope I do not become too… arrogant.

“Only two?!”

Kilniara nodded, “Hmm… But how shall I do this?”

Xylarnae interjected at this point, “It should be rather simple. Go and bring her back here with the merchant. Offer the payment from here. Do so with the merchant of our own shop as witness. Maybe… do not mention that the two cores are perfect cores, however!”

Kilniara laughed at the last statement but then considered Xylarnae’s proposal, nodding softly to herself, “That seems… a good idea. Would the merchant be willing?”

Kalia immediately chuckled, “You have no need to fear that. He will do anything for the cores.”

Kilniara nodded with more certainty, “Then, this seems an excellent option. I will return with the merchant and the Queen here before offering the cores in payment.”

“Your friend is a Queen?”

“Hmm? Yes. She is my friend and Queen.”

The other two fell silent at that and Kilniara finally sighed deeply and pulled out her two core pouches, “Please do not mix these pouches. This pouch holds the perfect cores. The other pouch is just regular cores.”

Kalia raised an eyebrow, “You need two pouches?”

Kilniara smirked, “Do you want to have to recheck each core if they get mixed in the pouch?”

Kalia paused at that, considered, then sighed, “Makes sense… although it’s … kind of annoying me right now.”

Kilniara smiled, “My master does tend to do that. He twists everything on its head. Let’s prepare. I am ready.”

The conversation stalled with that, turning to the business of preparing Kilniara for one last covert excursion. The second time proved quicker as there was no need for covert magic or preparation and Kilniara soon found herself following Kalia once again, the two splitting when they reach the ground floor.

Kilniara suddenly stopped, realizing she’d failed to consider one thing, “Ah… Kalia… my maids.”

Kalia paused at that and stared at Kilniara. Kalia obviously noticed Kilniara’s agitated fear and quickly nodded.

“I’ll keep them… occupied.”

Kilniara nodded, “Thank you, Kalia.”


Kilniara smiled and called the attendant over, “I’ll return shortly. Please allow my maids to rest here.”

Kalia quickly interjected, “Would you like me to inform your maids, Promised?”

Kilniara almost quickly shouted no but realized Kalia was playing the part to protect her and nodded, “I would be grateful, Kalia. Please do so.”

Kalia smiled softly with a smirk, hidden from the attendant but nodded, “Of course, Promised.”

Kilniara turned and headed out the door, this time without fear for the chime. Kilniara strode down the road, turning into the small side street towards her destination, excitement and anxiety growing with each step. She entered the door and felt the sonorous tone announcing her entrance. She came in to find the merchant already waiting in the main hall. Kilniara smiled to see it and bowed.

“It is good to see you once again.”

“Ah! Promised. You have returned. All is well?”

Kilniara nodded, “As should be. Is the Queen prepared?”

“Of course.”

Kilniara nodded, “Then please come. And bring the Queen if you would.”

The merchant paused at that, “You… ?”

Kilniara nodded, “It would seem to be wise to witness the sale given the nature of the wealth being exchanged.”

The merchant grew nervous at that, darting his eyes around his hall and Kilniara suddenly felt her fear spiking. Did… he really… I need…

“I cannot carry such wealth around so easily. My master trusts me implicitly, but still isn’t so free with his wealth as to not protect it.”

The merchant immediately paused at that and stopped staring around the room. He looked at Kilniara shrewdly. If Kilniara hadn’t been advised by Kalia and Xylarnae, she was certain she wouldn’t have even noticed the hunger burning deeply within his eyes. Kilniara steeled herself, hiding her fear as she turned back to the door.

“She we go?” Kilniara asked before turning back to the door.

The merchant floundered for a bit before quickly shouting out to several of his assistants, “Bring the Queen. Prepare her quickly.”

Kilniara clenched her teeth but pretended to not notice that Gwenvair hadn’t even been prepared yet. They knew I was coming, so how could they not be prepared? This isn’t good! Kilniara maintained her pace and peace and stepped from the merchant hall out into the light of day.

“Please meet me outside when you are prepared. I find I am not enjoying the indoors today.”

Kilniara closed the door behind her then struggled to keep her deep sigh before turning back up the street towards the main street. Back out to the main area… more likely to be safe there… more witnesses… walk slowly… carefully. Kilniara maintained her regal pace back to the main street but didn’t feel comfortable until she arrived at the crossroads and came to a rest. She ended up there for quite a bit of time and Kilniara grew concerned until they finally exited the shop although she struggled to maintain her calm.

She stood at the T crossroads and when movement at the merchant shop’s door drew her eye, she turned to see the door open and a single man exited, looking around cautiously. Kilniara tried to hide her snort of disdain. What am I going to steal? You guys…

The man came out and looked towards her and she nodded then looked to her sides. Nothing showed up on either side but her look seemed to bother the man but he walked towards her and looked around as well. The two stood next to each other, the several people passing by on the main street beginning to notice the odd atmosphere between the two. The man nodded and returned to the shop where he simply stuck his head in. A few moments later, the merchant exited with several other large men and a shorter person covered in a grey cloak. Kilniara looked towards her and felt her heartbeat spike up at the sight of Gwenvair, but then her smile dropped to a frown as she realized she couldn’t actually see under the hood and thus didn’t know for certain.

The merchant quickly noticed Kilniara’s frown and pulled the hood back and Kilniara nodded in reply, noticing Gwenvair standing there. When Gwenvair’s hood was pulled back, Gwenvair looked around and quickly noticed Kilniara and quickly smiled before blanking her face. Kilniara couldn’t hold the smile back, so allowed it free, but made sure to remain placid.

The group walked towards her and when they arrived approximately three quarters of the way, Kilniara nodded and turned to walk away. She did not move quickly, but led the group on towards the other merchant’s hall. She arrived before the door and placed a hand on the door but paused and waited for the other group. The merchant came forward but stopped still quite some distance away. Kilniara nodded once again.

“You pay is within here.”

“This is not a bank.”

Kilniara smiled, “But a friend of my masters. And much closer.”

The merchant narrowed his eyes, “And you expect me to enter?”

Kilniara shrugged, “There is no need to. I can return with your pay.”

The merchant flared his nose and growled but then sighed and waved his hand, “We will see you inside. Please enter.”

Kilniara nodded and opened the door, the chime ringing out her entrance. She didn’t wait for the others and closing the door slightly behind her, but not completely. As expected, the attendant came out upon hearing the chime but then stopped when she saw Kilniara.

“Is there any need?”

Kilniara shook her head, “All is well. I will continue to the rooms.”

The attendant nodded and returned to her small room and Kilniara turned to wait for the others. One man came in as before, looking around before looking back out and calling for the others. Kilniara nodded when she saw them. Kalia exited from behind the stairs and came to stand beside Kilniara. Kilniara smiled to have her present.

“I believe we are ready. Could you retrieve the payment?”

Kalia played her part and bowed, “Of course, Promised.”

Kalia then turned and walked up the stairs. The others came to a stop, remaining near the entrance but Kilniara said nothing and simply remained where she was. While Kalia was gone, the madam of the establishment had arrived, but quickly noticed the odd air and stared at event off to the side. Kilniara made sure to turn to her and bow her head and the madam was kind enough, now well acquainted with her, to remain silent, at least for a time. A few moments later, Kalia returned holding two cores in her hands, one in each. Kilniara smiled to see her but also noticed the greed light up the merchants face.

“Your payment.”

The man nodded, greedily but Kilniara didn’t send Kalia across.

“May I speak with the Queen?”

The man frowned but then nodded. Gwenvair took that as permission and stepped forward towards Kilniara before stopping half way and talking off her hood. Kilniara searched her face carefully before nodding and stepping forward. Once close, she noticed Gwenvair’s trembling and relaxed, now more certain than ever of who she was. Caution still drove her and she leaned forward to rest a hand on Gwenvair’s shoulder, making sure a finger brushed bare skin before sending a Hearing with a soft spoken question.

Your first gift from him.

Gwenvair’s face shattered, emotions fluctuating across everything before she shuddered, Triple.

Kilniara smiled. Are you my Queen?

The effort was extreme, but Kilniara Heard a quiet reply. I hope to be, if you would still have me!

Kilniara chuckled and said nothing but turned to Kalia and nodded. She turned back to Gwenvair and spoke quickly.

“Put your hood back up.”

Kilniara then returned to her side while Gwenvair waited in the center until Kalia passed her. She then stepped towards Kilniara, restraining herself from sprinting into her arms. She didn’t want to startle the merchant and his cronies. The merchant proved quite greedy and unable to resist his payment, taking both quickly into hand. Kalia allowed them to go before turning and walking quickly back to Kilniara.

During all this, the madam of this establishment stared at the proceedings with a discerning eye, staring quite interestedly at the cores before casting a thoughtful eye towards Kilniara. Kilniara noticed, but remained silent, ignoring it without concern.

Kilniara really wanted to head up to the room but stilled herself and remained, knowing the merchant would want to check the cores. Hurry up… test them and go… just… do it and go. Kilniara, despite her anxiety, still carefully turned Gwenvair to the stairs away from the hallway where her maids would likely come from. She then immediately removed her hands from Gwenvair as she had an elegant if plain cloak and beautiful clothing and could pass for a wealthy client. She could only hope so if her maids exited.

The merchant let a wash of mana explode out into the room and Kilniara smiled, then smiled more to feel Gwenvair stiffen. I don’t care. It was worth it! The merchant giggled and sent out another wash and Kilniara frowned. Can’t keep doing this here. The madam’s eyebrows bounced up at that, but still remained quite restrained despite her curiosity. Maybe she still doesn’t know.

“Are you satisfied?”

The merchant looked up then frowned, “I’ve only tested one.”

“Then test the other. Do not inconvenience those in this hall. Test then go home and do as you wish in your home. And please return my deposit.”

The merchant growled but then turned his eye to the other core and couldn’t keep the manic gleam out of his eye. As he tested, Kilniara turned back to Kalia.

“Please show her what she desires.”

“Of course, Promised.”

Kilniara turned away but paused when she saw Kalia not moving. She turned back.


“Promised? If I may?”

Kilniara struggled to figure out what Kalia wanted. What did I forget? Don’t… screw up now! What’s…

“Of course.”

Kalia bowed, “Would you like us to prepare for your departure on Monday or Tuesday?”

In four or five days? I leave tomorrow! What… Kilniara searched Kalia’s face but couldn’t find anything. What does she want? She mouthed a silent ‘Monday?’ and Kalia responded with a subtle twitchy smile. Kilniara quickly replied.

“Monday, of course. You do not remember?”

“Apologies, Promised. We will prepare.”

“Excellent. Show her on.”

“Yes, Promised.”

Kilniara turned back around after seeing the two walking up the stairs and Kilniara almost cursed. Gwenvair is almost as graceful as the fae! Arrgh! Still, she struggled to keep the smile from her face after she turned and stared with a placid coldness at the merchant.

“You have tested both. My deposit?” she stated with firmness and the merchant looked up, greed flaring in obvious display across his face.

“Yes, Promised,” the merchant waved a hand forward and utterly ignored the slave that ran forward to return the five cores, “If you have any other need for…”

“I will remember you and your excellent establishment,” Kilniara hid her frown as she looked at the five cores in her hand. Different… and no doubt much less valuable. She kept her bitterness from twisting her face but remembered to be cautious of such in the future.

The man smiled and bowed then turned, waving at his men in blustering quiet shouts. The men obviously seemed confused to be leaving and Kilniara shuddered with the realization that plans had been different. She did not relax until the men were gone from the room. Kilniara turned with relief then brought herself up short when she saw the madam standing before her.

“All is well?”

Kilniara, vibrating with tension, recent fear, and the sudden relief from it all, immediately collapsed, a sigh of relief too large to hide as it whooshed from her, “Yes. Yes it is. That man… is…”

The madam nodded, her blank placid look hiding her emotions dropped to be replaced by commiseration, “Yes. He is. A vile serpent.”

Kilniara sighed again with a nod, “I did not understand so foolishly… in any case, he is not one I seek business with.”

The madam relaxed minutely and nodded her head, “And you are safe?”

“For now, madam? I fled to your establishment for fear of what… he wanted.”

The woman relaxed a bit more, “It … would be wiser to seek from here. I feel we have done … well … by you?” she finished with a slightly accusing question.

“Oh. Truly. You have. But… you have no Queens.”

The tension on her face relaxed and nodded, “You sought a Queen.”

“My master did. Immediately.”

“And the rumors pointed to him.”

Kilniara chuckled at that, “I should… be cautious of rumors.”

The madam nodded, “The capital is rife with them. You are well?”

“Yes. I believe so.”

“Good. I am glad all is well. I bid you a good day.”

“And I thank you for your concern. I would… like to offer a gift for the kindness of using your establishment as a retreat,” Kilniara replied with a genuine smile.

This brought the madam up short for a bit, a sardonic smile replacing the placid blank smile, “There is no need.”

“I appreciate the kindness, but still feel regretful and… grateful.”

“I will not reject such, then,” the madam offered with a subtle tilt of her head.”

“I will return tomorrow with something suitable.”

She smiled, then simply nodded before turning and walking away.

Kilniara watched until she’d left then turned and sped up the stairs slowly and with all the dignity as expected of a Promised, and came to the room where she knocked as she always did. A soft ‘come in’ echoed from within and Kilniara walked in carefully.

“I return. Is all well?” Kilniara as she shut the door behind her.

When the door closed, Gwenvair launched herself into Kilniara’s arms and hugged her. The hug was one of panicked terror tempered only by disbelieving hope.

“You found me! You found me! I’m… you found me!” Gwenvair called out again and again as relief flooded through her and ejected the tension in a torrent of emotion and shivers.

Kilniara smiled and held her, smiling back quietly, “I did. I did. Shh… all is well. Master is well. Husband is well. He still delves the dungeon like the eccentric he is. All is well.”

The two fell into joyful, if quiet, sobs and the rest of the room remained silent. It took a while for the two to calm but when they did finally separate, the other three in the room watched on, tears welling in their eyes of two while the fae smiled sardonically with slight mockery. Despite that she had no tears in her eyes, it could be seen that she was touched and fought against it. Kilniara smiled and looked to the other three.

“Thank you. Thank you so much.”

Xylarnae came forward with a large smile, “You are more than welcome. I am happy you have succeeded.”

“We still need to return through the Gate.”

Xylarnae nodded, “Tomorrow.”

“Yes. Uh… Kalia? Why did you say Monday or Tuesday? Do we need to change our plans?”

Kalia snorted, “No. Those men were dishonorable, extremely so. However, they will not be prepared for us tomorrow if they believe we leave Monday or Tuesday.”

Kilniara nodded, “But they will still likely be watching for my return?”

“Especially if we all leave together.”

Kilniara though for a time, “Hmm… then… tomorrow morning?”

Xylarnae nodded, “The morning.”

“Early morning?”

Xylarnae smiled, “You are anxious.”

Kilniara chuckled, “I may be. But…”

Kilniara looked to Kalia, “The men will likely expect me, yes?

Kalia immediately nodded, “I … lack the magic I once had, but I think it is safe to assume so.”

Kilniara frowned, “Then, I will think of a way. But, it is best if I leave quickly. The cores should occupy the man for some time, at least. Maybe… keep the cores here if he comes after me when I leave.”

Kalia’s slow nod grew in speed as she agreed with Kilniara’s assertion before stuttering to a halt in shock, “Leave… them… here?”

Kilniara smiled, “I trust you. Don’t forget to bring them with you tomorrow.”

Kalia found herself unable to respond and simply stared at her dumbly before nodding silently, saying nothing.

“You have to leave now?” Gwenvair asked, a bit worried?

“Yes. And you will stay here to be safe. Your brother’s maids watch me… too closely.”

That comment cause Xylarnae and Kalia to gasp softly in consternation, the two looking at one another, but Kilniara didn’t feel she could spare the time for them, remaining focused on Gwenvair.

“They will care for you well until tomorrow. Then we all leave and return together. I promise.”

Gwenvair released Kilniara and stood back from her, looking on carefully before nodding with some modicum of her original decorum. She said nothing for a time, simply looking at Kilniara before finally speaking with heartbreaking intensity.

“Thank you.”

“You are my Queen! Of course I would come for you!”

A small gasp more reminiscent of a sigh echoed as sudden understanding came to the others in the room.

Gwenvair sobbed out a laugh back and nodded, “Still. Thank you.”

Kilniara reached towards her again and the two hugged, “Always. And thank you. You will see husband tomorrow.”

Gwenvair chuckled sobbed again and squeezed Kilniara tightly before quickly stepping back and wiping her eyes, “Go. Quickly. You have no time.”

Kilniara nodded, “But soon we will have all the time we need.”

Gwenvair smiled and nodded. Kilniara smiled back, then spared some time to look towards Xylarnae and Kalia, bowing deeply.

“Truly. Thank you.”

Xylarnae smiled back but said little while Kalia simply waved her hand.

“It’s nothing. Get on home quick.”

Kilniara smiled and nodded, “Then I shall.”

The goodbyes stalled her again as Gwenvair quickly hugged her once more, but this time it was short and Kilniara was soon out the door, already having wiped the tears away and returned her face to placid calm. She walked down the stairs and when she reached the main hall, she called for the attendant.

“Leaving, Promised?”

“Yes. Could you have the maids arrive?”

“Certainly, mistress.”

She didn’t wait long and heard the two maids come out with soft giggles and conversations. When they arrived in the hall, both bowed and she acknowledged them with a subtle nod of her own before leaving the shop. Thankfully, no idle guards stood at the crossroads as she fled back to the inn. Sleeping that night proved almost impossible.

* * *

He held the two perfect cores in his hands, guarding them jealously against his body as he hustled everyone back to his shop. The men surrounded him, guarding him carefully and when he made it to his front door, he rushed inside and to his private office. Once there, he sat with both of them on his desk, staring at them with avid greed or giggling ecstatically as he fondled them. Sometimes, cautiously, he expressed mana from them and felt mana respond to him with almost addictive ease. He didn’t know how long he was there, but his greed grew, and the memory of the two pouches holding cores returned to him and loomed ever greater. I have two… but… she must have… so many more, yes? The remembered jingling of the two pouches inflated the amount in his mind and only fanned the flames of his greed. Finally, some time later, he shouted out.

“Come now! Bring all the men. Send one out to the crossroads… one of the men who saw the Promised. Watch the road for her.”

The merchant looked up with an evil gluttonous look, “Find where she goes!”

* * *

Gwenvair stared after Kilniara as she left, eyes following her then staying on the door for too long. She took a deep stuttering breath before finally calming herself and looking to the other three women in the room.

“I do not know what you did, or how you helped, but it is obvious Kilniara deeply trusts you and you have done much for her… for me.”

Xylarnae smiled and shook her head, “No. All is good. Do not worry. She … has done well by us as well.”

Gwenvair’s concern settled slightly, glad to not be in debt to those who were strangers to her but still, she made sure to offer her thanks profusely and soon all four sat before a table set with some tea. Xylarnae expertly poured tea for them all and as she did so, Kalia pushed forward two pouches.

“Here… these are… Kilniara’s… yours, I believe?”

Gwenvair smiled and chuckled, “No. Most likely my husband’s.”

Xylarnae glanced towards Kalia before looking back, “You are his Queen?”

“Hmm. He is a … good… amazing man.”

“The cores are his?”

Gwenvair’s smile turned beatific, “Yes.”

“He is a wealthy man?”

Gwenvair giggled, a laugh that quickly turned into a deep throaty chuckle, “More than I thought possible.”

“He seems quite wealthy.”

Gwenvair nodded, “It seems to come too easy to him, but yes. He is.”

The room fell quiet at that and Gwenvair lost herself in the delicious tea until Kalia quietly opened up with more questions.

“Your master seems… extraordinary.”

Gwenvair looked up and nodded, “He truly is.”

“And … trusting,” Xylarnae interjected with some greedy hope.

Gwenvair laughed at that, “More than he should be.”


Gwenvair laughed and nodded, turning to a story of Joe that left the other two girls surprised and giggling amongst themselves. The conversation continued well into the night and Gwenvair’s exhausted relief left her responding and telling stories of Joe that left Xylarnae and Kalia both impressed and shocked. By the time Gwenvair fell into exhaustion, Kalia and Xylarnae simply sat and listened, prodding only a few times to have Gwenvair tell another story.

Finally, Gwenvair could not speak anymore and apologized, emotionally exhausted and unable to continue. Xylarnae seemed more than considerate, allowing her to retreat to sleep and guided her to a bed. She didn’t notice it was Xylarnae’s own bed, nor did she notice how Kalia and Xylarnae watched her with curious eyes. Nor did she hear their whispered conversation later as she fell immediately to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

* * *

Xylarnae watched Gwenvair fall immediately to sleep and turned to Kalia.

“Your thoughts?”


Xylarnae raised an eyebrow before looking back at Gwenvair, “She is too exhausted to… be cautious of her words.”

Kalia snorted, “She told tall tales. He purchases street food with cores? He can get any core he wants any time? The cores are exactly as he desires? Her mind is broken. She has fallen into her fantasies.”

Xylarnae considered that but then turned to look back at Kalia. She said nothing but then turned to look with a pointed look at the two pouches on the table. Kalia looked over then glanced back at Xylarnae. Both suddenly sprinted back to the table, sitting and dividing the pouches up between them. Kalia opened one and then gasped in shock.

Hundreds of cores scattered across their table and Kalia looked on calmly, although she did sigh deeply as she looked at them. A clan’s worth… slightly less than my clan, but the wealth of a single man? Even triple cores? She’d held as many before, even more; her clan’s wealth as much her own as it was the clans, but she’d also been an immortal of vast power controlling several entire cradles worth of wealth for her clan. She looked closer and calmed. Most of it was single cores, with only a few double and triple. Her clan left the single cores to the people, preferring most cores above quintuple. But quintuple cores were so incredibly rare so triple and quadruple were still sought after. So while there were many cores, most of them were single core and but they were all damaged. She picked up one and expressed from it and felt her shock rise. It was damaged, but still quite a good core.

“This one’s not bad, Xylarnae, but it seems all these are…” Kalia trailed off when she looked up and saw Xylarnae holding a fistful of dozens of cores.

Xylarnae pored them back into the pouch and then took one as she turned back towards Kalia.

“Another pouch. He is incredibly wealthy, but…”

Xylarnae shook her head, “Perfect.”

Kalia froze. Everything froze; her breath, heart, and body. A few seconds later, a deep shuddering breath restarted her, “Impossible.”

Kalia reached for the pouch and Xylarnae quickly pulled it back, “Don’t mix the cores.”

Kalia paused at that, looking back at her cores and pouch and cursed to have gotten the wrong one. She shoveled wealth that would make her clan weep in fast uncaring sweeps back into the pouch before looking up at Xylarnae.

“OK. All away.”

Xylarnae nodded and poured her pouch out onto the table. Dozens… hundreds of cores sprayed out across the table. Most seemed to be of some kind of lightening element or a neutral element, but there were cold and water cores scattered throughout as well as some other miscellaneous individual cores. Amongst them, like massive giants amongst their peers, dual and triple cores rested.

Kalia breathed in shock, “Triple core… perfect! Impossible!”

Kalia reached out with reverence as she picked up one of the triple cores, bringing it close. It was perfect… perfect…


“To the eye, maybe…”

“Try it.”

Mana washed out from them then immediately stopped, not leaving past their bodies as it swirled. Kalia shuddered and the mana rapidly shifted through forms and intents, so quickly and perfectly that Xylarnae looked at Kalia in a new light, her mana control a thing of exquisite beauty. Despite the amazing control Xylarnae was witnessing, the cores scattered across the table sucked her gaze back at them. She picked up a random core, expressing from it cautiously, sending it straight up.

Xylarnae shuddered. Perfect!

She picked another and did it again. Perfect!

She sat the two down then reached out for a double core. Perfect!

The small pile grew in front of her, core after core piling up in front of her. Finally, she took another of the triple cores, curious simply to hold such wealth in her hands. She still tested it, however. Perfect.

After a few moments, the two looked up at one another, shock silencing both. Kalia noticed the pile of cores sitting in front of Xylarnae and she raised an eyebrow. Xylarnae noticed and replied, too shell shocked to maintain silence.

“Perfect. All perfect.”

Kalia’s face exploded in emotion. She rapidly reached out for another herself, piling core after core, ever more delicately and with holy awe.

“That’s… that’s impossible! All… this… the… the whole pouch is perfect? All perfect?”

“That… no… is…”

Kalia looked up at Xylarne in horror, “One pouch for not perfect cores… one pouch for…” She fell silent and waved at the cores scattered across the table. Who is he?

* * *

Joe swept through the floors, quickly arriving at the twenties although he didn’t care nor did he care to count and remember. He only knew that he pushed deeper through a wash of blood. It took significant efforts to push on, the monsters easily able to leave life threatening wounds across his body. His HP, however, left him unscathed at the end of each fight, although it also left him with almost no HP left even with his avid use of magic heal. Despite his madness, he found a modicum of self-preservation pressing through and he slowed, allowing his HP to recover before taking another monster. He never stopped, however, pressing on immediately as it recovered, seeking out another new, better fight. The last fight had been easy enough, and the anxiety to find something new drove him to move on. This floor was done, but… before him, another gaping maw of blackness lead down stairs into the depths of the twenty fifth floor.

* * *

Kilniara awoke the next morning more refreshed than she’d been in the last several weeks, Gwenvair’s freedom robbing her of all the accumulated stress and allowed her to collapse into a deep dreamless sleep. She stood, smiling and swirling across the floor. A month’s planning! Almost thirty five? Forty? Days… and now she’s free! We’re free! Now… it’s… She swirled in place once again then came to a stop and steadied herself, taking a deep breath before return her calm focus. She prepared to dress without the maids’ help but it seemed she’d slept in a little too late and the two quickly entered at hearing her rise. Kilniara kept her face carefully neutral but cursed the loud squeak of the armoire. She kept the sigh to herself but didn’t fight against the maids’ ministrations as she just wanted to be ready to go.

Dressing complete, Kilniara made sure to take her time enjoying breakfast as she knew what hunger was. Her excitement wouldn’t rob her from her breakfast. Despite the attempt, she found herself struggling to eat the food and now realized how easy it was to take food for granted. She forced the food to her mouth, eating carefully but was surprised that it almost felt like she couldn’t taste anything. It was a genuinely strange experience. She’d never found food so unappetizing before. Huh… how strange? Wonder why? She took another bite and forced herself to savor it. In so doing, she noticed its deliciousness but was surprised that even then, she didn’t seem to really enjoy it. Early morning… but… still a bit too early. Hmm.. Ooh!

Kilniara ordered a cup of tea then turned to the two maids, “We shall return to Coushar today. We leave in the early morn.”

The two maids’ eyes opened wide as the bowed, “Promised… we … we will prepare.”

“As quickly as you may. I understand it is… surprising.”

The maids said nothing but remained bowed, “Yes, Promised.”

“How long?”

The maids glanced at one another before the elder replied, “A Great Bell, Promised.”

Kilniara struggled to keep the frown off her face but a bit of the disappointment seemed to have slipped into her voice, “I will… accept that, but no longer.” It should be… OK. The Gate opening to Coushar is… still… two Great Bells away, but… that’s… pushing it.

“Ah… we might be able to finish slightly faster.”

“That would be very good. Please prepare.”

“Yes mistress. Do you require one of us to serve you here?”

Kinliara stifled her smile, “The local maids can bring me tea if I need. Both of you will finish sooner with the help.”

The maids quickly bowed and left, scrambling up the stairs to her room with some speed. Kilniara settled in for a very long wait, although she knew it should take that long. She’d found that simply sitting and waiting was not something she found enjoyable and in fact, made the day more miserable. However, with the maids’ absence, it was easier to relax. After the maids had left, disappearing upstairs, she stood and headed to the innkeeper.

“Where are your carriers, inn keep?”

“Ahh. Please follow me. You will find them here,” the innkeeper led her around the small corner to a tiny room tucked in near the entrance to the inn. The room was tiny, only big enough to hold a few small poorly made uncomfortable chairs. Several large burly men sat in the room while others slipped in and out of a back door that opened into the back business end of the inn.

“You have need of carriers today, Promised?”

“Yes. Three please. We leave in just less than a Great Bell.”

“Excellent. The three will be prepared.”

Kilniara bowed and thanked the innkeeper before turning to look at the carriers. She pointed to three of them and the innkeeper quickly nodded, agreeing to Kilniara’s choices. Kilniara remained and listened as the innkeeper told the carriers schedule and the approaching time they were needed. Kilniara watched carefully until the innkeeper was done and they both turned away, Kilniara back to her seat and the innkeeper back to the bar where she oversaw the entire common room.

Kilniara settled in her seat and looked around. After a Great bell passed, Kilniara grew concerned. Is this… a deliberate delay? Kilniara waited another few moments before standing and going up the stairs. She went into her room and found everything packed up and prepared. She then went into her maids room and found the two girls standing and facing her, both already bowed. Kilniara looked around the room and found everything packed up as well. She cocked an eyebrow and turned to the two maids.

“You have prepared to return today?”

The two maids nodded, “All has been prepared.”

“Excellent. We must leave now. Retrieve our bags.”

“Yes, Promised.”

“Excellent. Meet me at the entrance.”

“Yes, Promised,” the two maids acknowledged.

Kilniara waited for a few moments before standing and walking down the stairs and quickly leaving the inn. She moved quickly but did not run, walking down the road to the nearest major intersection. Should have done this before… but… didn’t think they would… When she got near to it, she waved and called over a guide, two or three sprinting towards her quickly to get there first. The first to arrive proved to be a guide she’d used before and she smiled, happy to be acquainted.

“Hello. Do you remember me?”

“Yes, Promised.”

“Do you remember where you took me? The slave merchant hall?”

“Of course, Promised.”

“Please go to the slave merchant hall and speak to madam and Xylarnae. Tell them both to meet me at the Gate plaza. Tell Gwenvair to offer the madam of the establishment an appropriate tip for her help. Finally, please let them all know we will be traveling on the morning gating.”

“Yes, Promised.”

“And if possible, come and leave from the rear of the hall.”

The young guide narrowed her eyes, thoughtful, and Kilniara smirked with humor as she replied even before the young guide could argue, “For an extra fee, of course.”

“Of course, Promise. I must leave quickly if I am to arrive by the morning gating.”

“Of course, young guide. However, please take these ten cores and offer them to Xylarnae, a gift for her roommate. And she has more, if necessary. She will understand if you tell her that,” Kilniara said as she offered a small flat pouch, empty but for ten cores.

The young guide smiled and nodded, “For a fee, of course, Promised.”

Kilniara snorted and shook her head, “Another fee? You have plenty already. Do so without complaint and I will decide on your return.”

The guide frowned at that, growling slightly before sighing deeply and turning away. Kilniara saw her go and called after her.

“Sighing is not without complaint!”

The guide quickly turned around and waved, smiling brightly at her, if with a hint of mockery, “Without complaint and with a smile, see Promised?”

Kilniara snorted but waved back and allowed her to go before quickly turning to head back to the inn. She was cutting it close but the paused. That… would be better? She turned back to the guide post and waved another over. Again, several sprinted towards her and the first to arrive got the job. This time, a wan small young boy that she didn’t recognized.

“You know the way to the Gate plaza?”

“Yes, mistress.”

“Promised, young guide.”

“Ah, yes, promised.”

“Excellent. Then please follow me to my inn. You will guide us from the inn.”

“Of course, Promised.”

Kinliara turned away and headed back at a regal pace, now no longer concerned if the maids saw her gone. She knew she would have an excuse when she arrived. When she did make it to the inn, one of the maids was rather frantically staring up and down the road and immediately came towards her when she saw her coming.

“Promised. Are you OK?”

“I am more than fine. But if we are to make the morning gating, we cannot be late.”

“You should not bother yourself, Promised.”

Kilniara smiled softly while hiding her grimace, “I am more than capable of getting the guides. Let us move on to the Gate plaza. The guide is prepared.”

The maid paused at that, glancing towards the guide before looking up at Kilniara, “We will not make the morning gating, Promised. The Patriarch’s slaves are waiting.”

Kilniara smiled brighter, “I have already sent a messenger. They will meet us at the Gate plaza.”

The maid paused at that, uncertain how to reply before bowing with some reluctance, “Of course, Promised.”

Kilniara nodded, “Then prepare our belongings and the carriers.”

“Yes, Promised.”

Kilniara waited for a time and grew anxious as the time continued on and the maids had not come out with her belongings or the carriers to haul the luggage. As time continued, she turned to the guide.

“Is our time still adequate?”

The guide looked up to Kilniara and frowned, “If we leave in the next bell or two, yes, Promised.”

“I see,” she replied with a grimace.

Kilniara immediately stood from her seat set aside for her to wait the preparations to leave and sought out her maids. After a time, she found that they were somehow absent and she hid a sour grin. She turned towards the innkeeper and came to a stop at a noble’s distance.

“Inn keep. Please tell my maids I have continued on to the Gate plaza. If they are late, they will have to take another gating.”

The innkeeper seemed to startle at Kilniara’s, seeming a bit concerned, but nodded, “Of course, Promised.”

Kilniara turned and left the inn. I’m not going to play these games. She sighed when she came outside and saw the guide. She fussed for a time, knowing the maids would likely come running soon. A few moments passed and no one came and she smiled. I will be going, then. Time to call the bluff.

Kilniara turned to the guide, “Please guide me well. To the Gate plaza, please.”

The guide immediately bowed his head slightly, “Of course, Promised. Follow me.”

They turned and began striding down the street. They made it about half way down the street and on towards the open agora where she’d picked up the guides before a maid quickly came running after.

“Promised. Promised! Please. Wait a moment. Just a moment.”

Kilniara waved to guide, “Do not stop.”

She then turned and looked back at the maid jogging after her and turned back to walking after the guide, speaking loudly, “We do not have time for the morning gating.”

The maid seemed taken aback and ran faster, catching up to her side, “Please, Promised. A moment.”

Kilniara shook her head, “You have more than enough skill to speak with me as we walk.”

“But Promised, we are not ready.”

“That is sad. I worry how the Patriarch would take your poor capabilities in preparing our travel.”

“But we do not have carriers!”

“The inn had seven carriers after we finished eating breakfast, all unemployed and awaiting to carry. In fact, I hired them with the innkeeper to carry our luggage to the gate while you were packing. It is surprising to me that they are gone. How is it that I must do the work that my maids are to do?”

The maid fell silent at that then quickly spoke up, “Please. We will be ready soon.”

“In time for the morning gating?”

“I… that… may prove difficult.”

“Excellent. Then you may stay here and return with the evening gating and explain to the Patriarch why you must charge the clan two gatings to return. I will be returning with his slaves on the morning gating. If you do not arrive, I will let the clan guards know you will return with the evening gating.”

Kilniara did not slow down and continued walking after the guide. The maid chased after her for a time but Kilniara simply ignored her and followed after the guide. A short time later, she heard the maid curse softly and Kilniara smiled to hear proof of it but grimaced a short time later when the ramifications settled in. Caretakers! And they really don’t want me back this fast… so…

Kilniara kept her speed, staying close behind the guide and even walking a bit faster, the poor young kid now jogging fast to keep up with her long strides. She had no desire to meet whatever other plan the maids might have prepared before making it to the large Gate plaza, protected by the more neutral guards and capital police. Hope… hope the others make it, too!

* * *

Xylarnae sat up with a bit of trepidation and excitement when she heard the call to come downstairs. She looked to Kalia, then the massive blonde, before turning to head down the stairs, her bag packed carefully along with Kalia’s. She grimaced to see the blonde’s bag as well and worried that her coming down with a bag would be… detrimental. Hope… Kilniara is prepared to purchase her today? Their fourth guest, an ulvan queen named Gwenvair, stood to the side anxious and ready.

Xylarnae turned to the others, “Maybe wait here? I will see if Kilniara is prepared.”

The other two nodded while the blonde barbarian stared on, obviously confused but still holding her bags, prepared. Xylarnae nodded to her, wanting to reassure her somehow, but the language barrier proving as recalcitrant as ever. Still, some form of communication would likely calm her quite a bit more than simply leaving her in the dark. The blonde proved willing to communicate, if brash, and she replied back with her own quick nod. OK… something of a… well… something was communicated… anyway.

Xylarnae turned to the door and walked down the stairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she raised an eyebrow, finding the room rather busy but without Kilniara in sight. The madam commanded the room with a second in charge to her side. Several other carriers had arrived to help move their belongings and a small petite young girl stood to the side in a strange uniform. Xylarnae came to the bottom of the stairs and the madam waved her hand from the guide to her.

“This guide has arrived for you. She claims you are to catch the morning gating.”

Xylarnae sighed with some relief but grew even more concerned, “The Promised did not come herself?”

The guide came forward and simply held out a hand, holding a small flat pouch before her, “The Promised awaits you at the Gate plaza. You are to arrive immediately. She does leave a message with you. These are for you, she says, as a gift for your roommate. And you have more if you have need.”

Xylarnae struggled to respond appropriately in front of the madam, accepting the pouch with aplomb while attempting to remain calm. What… is she? She looked in the pouch and blinked, surprised to find a small fortune. Ten cores! Perfect? Or… She look closer and breathed with a sigh of relief when she saw the obvious visible cracks. More than enough…

Xylarnae turned back to the guide, “She wishes me to use these?”

“For your roommate. She appeared adamant, slave. And that you have more. Oh, where is Gwenvair?”

Xylarnae struggled to keep the grimace from her face. Don’t say that… that’ll drive up the price.

“She is not here. She will be here soon.”

The guide nodded and stepped back, waiting. No respect now… not even from children.

Xylarnae swallowed her sigh and turned back to the madam.

“I was asked to purchase the blonde … the third member of our room as well, madam.”

The madam stared, grimacing, “You… find yourself in a privileged position, slave.”

Xylarnae winced. Well… she’s pissed now.

“If you are willing, of course.”

The madam stared at her for a time, but Xylarnae kept her gaze down and subservient, not wishing to anger the woman any more. The madam finally snorted, dismissive anger as she waved her hand away.

“I assume that is the price? She seems certain to send so little.”

Xylarnae did not take umbrage at the insult and bowed again, “Not so little as you think. Please accept these two cores for her purchase.”

The madam’s anger stilled immediately, and she looked back at the pouch, greed shining through before looking back at Xylarnae.

“Give me the pouch.”

“I think not.”

“Then you do not have her.”

Xylarnae sighed in mock dismissal before nodding, “Then three cores.”

The madam’s smile grew feral, “The pouch, slave.”

Xylarnae’s smile returned but with a bitter grimace. She then sighed and shook her head, “The Promised did not approve more. Guide, please tell the others to come down. First room on the left. Please tell Kalia she may come down. We must be on our way. I guess negotiations have failed.”

Xylarnae turned away and returned the cores to the pouch, settling herself for the wait of the others. Only a few moments later, the other three girls came down the stairs and Xylarnae grimaced, the blonde barbarian also coming down. This isn’t… going to end well.

Gwenvair and Kalia stood off to the side, and the madam stared at the hooded queen with some confusion.

“Who is she?”

Xylarnae glanced up then dismissed her quickly, “The Promised’s other slave.”

Xylarnae then turned to the blonde barbarian. As she walked towards her, the madam turned to the hooded queen.

“Come here, slave. Obey me.”

Gwenvair turned to the madam and shook her head, “I am not your slave. I am the Promised’s. I have no need to obey you.”

That proved the perfect response as the madam immediately relaxed and nodded, Gwenvair’s easy dismissal of her call proof that she was no slave of this slave hall. Xylarnae watched it all but too saddened to see the blonde left behind to care. She stepped before the barbarian and stretched her hand tall to rest it on the blonde’s shoulder. She did not speak. There was no need to. She simply smiled sadly and shook her head. The blonde frowned at that and glanced around before speaking rapidly and harshly. She seemed to step forward to wave a hand while speaking loudly but the madam quickly cut her off with a quick control command. Xylarnae nodded then turned away. This… Kilniara would have been able to purchase her easily, but why… She cursed under her breath, angry at her betrayal but still too conscientious to waste the cores on the blonde so frivolously. Two cores was already an outrageous price, three… she could only hope the Promised would not be too angry with her.

As she turned to leave, the carriers rushed forward and picked up the many bags and, the guide led them to the back entrance. When they headed to the back entrance, she felt her eyebrows rise, her anger dropping. OK. Maybe something I’m not realizing? They fell into a line heading towards the door leading to the back rooms and Xylarnae dismissed the blonde from her mind. There was little more she could do. They stepped into the small door under the large staircase and Xylarnae struggled to hide her relief when the madam called out.

“Wait. Four cores.”

Xylarnae turned and looked at her, then turned away, continuing on under the staircase, “I have no desire to be beaten by my new masters as soon as I arrive. Three cores is already exhorbitant, and you know this.”

“Wait! Wait! Then… three.”

Xylarnae stopped at that and turned, nodding, “Three cores.”

“Of my choosing.”

“If you would have agreed initially, I might have honored you with such. No. My choice.”

Xylarnae didn’t even look at the pouch, simply reaching a hand in and shuffling her hand through the cores before choosing three by touch, “Your three cores.”

She then looked at the blonde and nodded before beckoning her over. The blonde came over in a rush, obviously relieved but seemingly a bit put out for reasons Xylarnae wasn’t quite able to understand. When she looked back to the madam, the woman seemed please enough and waved her out.

“I have little desire to see you lot ever again.”

Xylarnae bowed, “Certainly, madam. I do appreciate that you have treated me well.”

The madam pursed her lips before nodding with a sigh, “See them out.”

Before the madam could leave, simultaneously somehow pleased and disgruntled, Gwenvair stepped up to her side and whispered in her ear, a cautious interchange before she dropped an object in the madam’s hand. The madam seemed much more amenable after that, and Xylarnae could only wonder at what gift had exchanged hands. At least Kilniara is quite kind.

The madam then dismissed the whole group but sent her assistant with them, the young girl rapidly coming to Xylarnae’s side. Another carrier rushed forward to grab the blonde’s bags, a small fight ensuing before the blonde finally released her bag to the carrier’s care after Xylarnae nodded to her. She frowned as she let the bag go and soon all three were heading out to the rear exit.

When they made it outside, the young assistant turned to Xylarnae with a soft smile, “The madam is not angry. Not really. You have been an excellent student.”

Xylarnae smiled at the assistant, “Hmm… until the last week. Then I became unruly and lost her face.”

The assistant frowned at that and nodded, “I… that…” her words revealing the confusion in her heart before she finally let it go.

“Go well, Xylarnae.”

“Thank you. We shall.”

“You go to Coushar. It is small, but, you are the property of the Patriarch. Your life should be easy and well.”

Xylarnae struggled to keep the terror and worry from her face, smiling with some difficulty, “My thanks. Offer my goodbye to the madam as well.”

The assistant nodded then turned way, heading back into the shop. There was nothing else to say, and soon the four women, the guide, and the madam’s man were heading out the back alley, the guide quickly leading them on towards the Gate plaza. She… I hope she is there… I hope he is not! She shivered at the last thought.

* * *

Kilniara strode through the massive capital city, joy at being able to move and to soon return but found herself interrupting her return with rapid glances around her. At one street corner, she saw a person staring, face peeking out around a corner and she grew concerned. Her fear passed when she noticed that the man was not looking at her. This continued in the Great Bell long trip, disturbing her and leaving her stressed the whole time.

One plaza had a group men staring at her as she entered. One of the men quickly came to her and when he pressed her to seek out a new bar opening, relief flooded her then was swamped by irritation. She quickly waved them off with shouts and he turned away. Down another street, a rowdy group of teens pulled her attention and shortly after, she saw two maids she swore she thought were hers. Each step increased her tension and hope, both wrestling with one another as each paranoid episode waxed and waned.

Finally, she made the Gate plaza and a new fear added to the paranoia when she found the Gate plaza empty of those she hoped to see. Soon, the worry of her missing her gate time added to it, yet she held in place and could only hope. With each new call of another gate opening, her stress grew and with each cry of a city name called out soon to be opened not being Coushar, her relief returned.

But when the gate caller called out the list of soon to come gatings with Coushar on the list, she no longer felt any relief, her worry only increasing with each new call and Coushar growing ever closer and closer to being opened. When her turn was only a single gating away, relief flooded her when she saw the small guide with the four ladies and another older gentlemen. She began to run towards them but then quickly into a graceful, if slightly fast, glide before quickly coming to a stop in front of the four women and the man but desperately wanting to hug Gwenvair. She didn’t really look around, but was pretty concerned that if her maids were around, they would wonder why she was hugging a strange woman. Gwenvair actually tried to come forward in what Kilniara assumed would be a hug but she quickly shook her off, a small shake of the head. Still, she was almost vibrating in excitement.

“You made it! It’s good to see you.”

Xylarnae nodded as no one else did, “We are happy to join you.”

Kilniara grinned, “I’m glad you did so.”

“And I believe we all are as well.”

Kilniara’s grinned failed a bit, “I… am sorry I could not come to you personally. There were… I am sorry.”

Xylarnae’s face grew more relaxed, a sense of concern mixed with a bit of pity replacing her upset, “I… It is OK. It all worked out well.”

Kilniara’s smile returned, genuine, “I thank you. Please. Let us prepare. The gating to Coushar should be the next one.”

“Then we did not miss it. I was concerned.”

“No. We made it.”

All four turned with that exchange, heading towards the gating waiting area for those traveling with the next open gate. The area was empty but for them. They arrived and the gater grimaced with some complaint at seeing them come. Kilniara stifled her own smile understanding that the gate to Coushar must almost never be used. As they walked, Kilniara felt a soft pull on her sleeve.

“Promised! Promised. You offered a reward?”

Kilniara stopped then turned, surprised to see the young guide there, then remembering immediately that she’d promised extra for the good work. She turned to Xylarnae first.

“Did the guide supply you with what I gave?”

Xylarnae immediately bowed her head, “Yes, Promised.”


Xylarnae paused in some surprise at that before pulling open the small pouch given to her and counting, “Yes. Ten. You may have it back.”

Kilniara smiled as she accepted the pouch and turned back to the small guide, “You have done well. Then I offer you your reward.”

Kilniara pulled out a rather sizeable coin and passed it to the guide who seemed quite happy with the gift and Kilniara returned to the waiting area. The guide did not even respond, simply turning away with a rapid twirl before running out of the plaza rapidly. Tension returned once again and Kilniara glanced around, wondering why she was concerned, but also struggling to remain calm.

“Coushar. Coushar. Please step upon the gate exit area. Coushar. Coushar.”

Kilniara took a deep breath of relief and step forward with the other five and the gater initiated the gate with much less effort or fanfare than when she’d gated from Coushar to the capital. Kilniara sighed to see the difference in skill, but honestly, only cared to be returning home. Maybe… things will work out.

The gate formed and the gater called out for all to step through. Kilniara stepped through into Coushar with some relief then froze when she heard the cries of two young women.

“Promised! Promised! We are here! Please…”

Kilniara turned and saw her maids sprinting across the gate plaza, their carriers behind them. Kilniara raised a hand towards them when she noticed, but the gate flashed shut and Kilniara froze, then dropped her hand. This… isn’t bad, right? It’s… good?

She looked around and found herself in Coushar once more, the clan guards watching the gate plaza saw her and bowed. She nodded back and turned to leave, this time leading the others out of the plaza. The older gentleman that had come through the gate with them stepped forward and spoke to Kilniara.

“You can guide us to an appropriate… venue here?”

Kilniara glanced up at the man, confused, “Venue? What do you need?”

The man sniffed, quite angry, “Your Patriarch agreed that we were to … pass on these to another merchant here. Please, guide us to the correct one. Then you may inform the Patriarch of where he may pick up his purchases.”

Kilniara frowned at that, confused. He… oh… they must be transferred. Right? But how am I to know… what would be… then… probably … where would be good?

Kilniara turned to a clan guardsman, “Please offer one of your men as a guide, if you are willing?”

The guardsman nodded and quickly called over another young guard, “Follow the Promised. Obey her in all things.”

“Yes, captain,” the young guard bowed as he replied then turned to Kilniara.

“Then, please guide me to a slave merchant, guardsman.”

The guard quickly bowed once again, “As you command, Promised.”

The guard quickly began leading them towards the gate to the outer city and Kilniara smiled. That’s… good. I can drop Gwenvair off… even if it’s just on the way to the gate… still closer.

They all walked in silence and the guard led them out into the outer city but stopped just a few blocks from the gate, leading them down a side street of some opulence, especially for the outer gate. He waved to a small merchant’s hall and Kilniara nodded, leading all inside.

“Please, come in as well, guardsman,” Kilniara called when the man looked like he would return to his post after dropping them off. Really don’t want to be the one to tell the Patriarch about his new arrivals. Let the guard do it.

What followed was a rapid fire bargaining between the local Coushar merchant and the capital merchant. Kilniara almost found it amusing when the local merchant realized it was a demand of the Patriarch, and he raked the capital merchant over the coals, paying almost nothing for the two girls. With the payment and business complete, the capital merchant released the girls which had their collars fade to a copper color before the local merchant bound them to himself once more. The capital merchant then left in disgust and Kilniara couldn’t keep the smile off her face. The local merchant noticed and also laughed heartily.

“This… was a good day for business!”

Kilniara smiled back, “Then, we will take our leave. My business is done. I will have the guardsman report of this to the Patriarch so he may come.”

“That would be greatly appreciated.”

Kilniara then left the hall before turning to the guard, “Please inform the Patriarch, guardsman.”

The guard shivered a bit at that, but bowed and obeyed, “Yes, Promised.”

“You may go.”

The guard quickly turned and fled at a rapid walk and Kilniara turned to Gwenvair and the third blonde woman. Seeing her there, she paused. What… am I going to do with her? Am I… what… Frustration welled and Kilniara grimaced. Maybe leave her with Gwenvair? She knows better what to do with a maid than I. But…

Kilniara sighed and waved a hand, “Follow me. And… Gwenvair, can you take the blonde?”

Gwenvair’s brows crunched together but she nodded, “I can, but…”

Kilniara shrugged, “I’m not sure Xylarnae thought this through. If I purchase her, she would not stay with Xylarnae and Kalia. I’m… uncertain of what she wants with her.”

Gwenvair nodded, “Then, I will … maybe we will decide at another time?”

Kilniara nodded, “Then… we will have to say goodbye here. Walk with me, but separate as we get closer to the inn and go into the inn. I will release you after several moments. Make sure you are safe within his room. For the blond, I release the blonde to Gwenvair.”

Gwenvair nodded, “I claim the blonde for myself.”

The blonde’s collar shifted to bronze then rapidly back to the base off dull silver. Kilniara began walking away, Gwenvair following behind while holding the blonde’s arm. Kilniara quickly led her to Joe’s inn, the morning just before lunch leaving the streets near the inn a bit emptier than normal as no one was heading to lunch nor were many waking this late. She slowed walking down the street to be more in line with Gwenvair.

“You should … head to the inn… to Joe.”

Gwenvair’s reply was soft, “I… I do not know what to say, sister. Thank you!”

Kilniara’s reply was almost as soft, “We are family.”

Gwenvair’s reply was a soft sob and Kilniara struggled to keep her own tears in, “No fair. You have your cowl up. No one can see your tears.”

Gwenvair chuckled through her tears, “Then I will cry enough for both.”

Kilniara clenched her teeth at that, “I… will see you soon. Please… help Joe and … come for me.”

Gwenvair said nothing but then nodded and turned away. Kilniara walked on. Some ten minutes later, she softly spoke.

“I give Gwenvair to Joe McConnell’s control.”

I hope… it’s enough.

* * *

Joe flowed into the twenty fourth floor like the rising tide of a tsunami, swamping in and through everything. He was blinded to almost anything, seeking the rush purely to forget, and he found it. The twenty fourth floor left him battered and bruised, a veritable painting of scars and blood across his body as he took ever more reckless strikes, counting on his HP to offer him the defense and return to fighting trim he needed to survive. He still splashed out magic heal every second or two while in an actual fight, but it proved mostly useless, his HP healing the majority of the damage. The splashes of pain flashing against the dull monotony of his focused mental landscape offered a difference and that difference was enough for him to seek ever more out. His mental grip was iron, refusing to release control for any slip allowed color to return and with it, memory.

His movements were angelic, his focus iron, and his results demonic. Within mere moments, Joe stood at the end of the massive maze with all dead behind him. He couldn’t even parse how much time had passed, only lost within the wonderful haze of action, pain, and perfect focus. His breathing came in heavy pants, sweat running down his body in streams with blood soaking almost every piece of his clothing. His clothing was in shreds, barely hanging on with his modesty saved only because he had some kind of underwear on. He flicked his gaze to the small HUD he had up, seeing his stamina bottomed out with his HP within ten percent of zero.

Oddly enough, the almost full MP bar had him frown with frustration, and he immediately emptied it in a frenzy, blindly and without purpose just throwing mana out of his body. About half way through, he began shaping it in some way, pushing through the mindless grief to add something useful to the effort. Mana wafted from him, rapidly changing forms with ease, taking on shapes then shaping themselves round Joe before malforming into gaseous emptiness and falling into the void of the dungeon. He breathed deeply as his exhaustion suddenly left him and looked over to see he had a single point of stamina which quickly became two. His exhaustion gone, he stood up straighter and grew uncomfortable with the feeling of the sweat on his body without the feeling of exhaustion that typically accompanied it. He sighed deeply and looked at that massive double door before him.

There was nothing decorating it like the beginners boss door which had the several circular indents for the medallions he picked up from the various monsters on the journey to the final boss. This one only had a single imprint, the massive hand at the middle of the double doors, bisected between the two doors. He stared at it while his various pools filled.

Almost on instinct, he pulled open his current jobs and flicked his eyes down the list. He found one close to forty and instinctually changed the job. It was habit, now, formed over months and months, and now something he did every ten or so fights, instinctively. Max… time to change… next. He noticed it was a combat job and flipped open his job listing to pick out the next available job opened up under the combat listing of jobs. He didn’t care which anymore, simply taking whatever was there. He then returned his gaze to the door, every once and a while glancing at his HP, SP, and MP. When he was full, he took a step forward.

Just like in the beginner dungeon, the massive hand at the center of the door morphed and slid smoothing to sit right before him at shoulder height, even sliding off the left door into the right door so he could easily press his right hand into the right handed imprint. He stared at it for a few moments before a vicious feral grin grew on his face. His breathing began to ramp up, and his mind slipped from thought, retreating into void nothingness. Iron will returned and his mind screamed as it was crushed beneath his purpose. The door slid open with smooth silence into a yawning darkness.

* * *

Kainaro wandered the streets of Coushar in frustration. He’d found out the eccentric’s name was Joe McConnell, and that knowledge did not make him happy. An enslaved clanner had ramifications for a slave master that were… unpleasant. Granted, he wasn’t the actual master, but if the McConnell were to ever learn of his involvement in breaking there clan member, things would be quite unpleasant. Kainaro almost quit and left when he heard this. But the chance to break such an exquisite specimen and increase his own strength as well… Kainaro’s thoughts were interrupted by his shiver of anticipation and his excitement washed away his frustration. He turned from his thoughts and looked around the inn.

It was a quaint inn. An odd choice for such a powerful eccentric but it did teach him at least a little more on who the man was. The door opened and he looked up with excitement before grimacing in frustration. Two women entered, one covered completely and the other a tall blonde beauty that drew the eye of almost all in the inn. He studied them both with curious boredom, realizing the covered woman was also quite beautiful even if little of her could be seen. He sighed and turned away. They were not his prey so he cared little for him, his thoughts turning back to the eccentric as he brought up the mug to his lips. He will come back… they try to run. They always do, but… have nowhere to run. The collar does not allow escape. He will come back. Just have to wait…

Joe's BASE Stats at this time:

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