Caged In

Chapter 10: . . . Mate

" We have to go to your room first, come on." He leans out and catches a glimpse of my bright red face," What's this, you weren't expecting anything else, were you ? Get your mind out of the gutter, Lucy."

What. The. Fuck.

" I'd never do anything with a dirty low breed, don't worry."

Oh, I understand what I was feeling. I sigh. I want to kill this man.

" Come, let's go low breed." He says as I stutter incoherently and he grabs my hand to begin running with me to my apartment complex.

We get in the front lobby of the building my apartment is in and he clicks the button for the elevator before turning to me," What, not even a comment about me being a stalker, you can't be that traumatized from what just happened. If anything, it should be me in shock, I bet you don't have any idea how filthy you smell to a pure blood like me."

The blood rushes back to my face, as the elevator doors open and Greg pushes the button for the third floor.

" Unless . . . " his cheeks suddenly turn red as he leans in again," Have you ever kissed anyone ?"

" Of course I have." I mutter as I throw my hands out to push him away.

He starts laughing," No way, you're lying!"

" Yeah, and you'd be the expert on stuff like that, right ? Sir Virgin." I growl back, remembering his pack mocking him.


The elevator doors open to my floor and I hurry out to grab the keys to my room.

" Low breed, wait for me!" Greg yells as he runs down the hallway.

I hurry and unlock my door, but by the time I open it, Greg throws his hand onto the door frame right above my head. I turn around to yell at him, but he was leaning in too close again," If you're that ashamed about it, I can help you out, you know."

" I thought I was just a filthy low breed." I hiss.

" Well, I suppose I could sacrifice my personal disgust for a moment to help such a pitiful soul."

" Oh really, you'd help out a pitiful person like me ?" I say as I bring my knee up to his groin," I wouldn't kiss you if my life depended on it."

He yells in pain and slowly falls to the ground.

" Oh no. I'm so sorry." I say monotonously.

" Yeah right, you little low born witch." He continued to mutter insults from the ground.

Witch ? I thought for a moment. I wish I were, then I could curse this man for how much he's inconvenienced me.

" Do you want ice or not ?" I asked as I stepped over him and unlocked my apartment.

He grabs my ankle, causing me to trip before I can get into my room," Help me stand up."

" What ? No, you can do that yourself." I growl.

He doesn't let go of me," Help."

I try to loosen his grip, but I soon give up," Fine." I groan.

He puts his arm around my shoulders and I walk him to the chair at my desk. Once he sits down, I run to the mini-freezer and grab a frozen bag of microwaveable hot pockets. I walk back over to Greg and hand them to him," Here."

He smiles and grabs my hand," Thanks." He pauses and I try to take my hand back, but he keeps holding on," You can touch it if you want."

Immediately I use my other hand to slap him, the shock causes him to let go of my other hand.

" I would rather shit in my hands and clap." I look at where he's holding the frozen hot pockets and sigh," And I'm throwing those away when you're done with them, you're paying me back."

" What's wrong with them, I'm still wearing pants, it's not like I rubbed off on them."

" I'm not going to eat hot pockets that have come into contact with you, it wouldn't matter what part of your body they touched." I say thinking about the money I just wasted on giving him food to cover in crotch germs.

I move over to my couch and grab my purse only to have something fall out of it. I look into the ground to see the good luck charm that Logan gave me. I quickly grab the old one down from the ceiling, throw it away, and hang the new one up.

" So Greg, when are you planning on telling me how to fix my pr-" I'm interrupted by Greg jumping up from the chair, leaping into the air, and grabbing the good luck charm down from the ceiling.

" What the hell!" I yell.

He holds the small sack of herbs up," This is my plan." He promptly walks over to my window, opens it, and throws the sack out before going over to the trash can to dig through it.

" My brother gave that to me, stop it!" I yell as I look down at the parking lot where it landed.

" Are you suddenly healed from earlier." I growled as I stared at the frozen hot pockets package that was now laying on the ground.

" You don't kick as hard as you like to think." He smirked. He then shoved me away and dropped the old herb sack out of the window," This cursed thing has to go too."

I swing a pillow from my couch back and bring it crashing down on his head," You're so annoying!"

" This will help you, trust me!" He shrieks.

" How ? Tell me. Enlighten me on how throwing something my brother made for me will help ?"

" Your brother gave that to you ?" He asks.

" I asked you a question first, answer it!"

" No." Greg says as he walks closer to me, causing me to back into my kitchen table.

" You're rude!" I yell.

Another step towards me," Sue me."

" Maybe I will!" I say as he leans in.

" Good, you do follow orders."

" I don't - I mean -" I stutter, his face was only inches from mine now.

" You said your brother gave that to you ?"

" Yeah, why ?"

" Based off of the contents, and the dulling effects they have on pure bloods, I'd say they know a lot more about you than you think." He suddenly takes a step backwards.

" They're meant to keep pure bloods out of my apartment, if that's what you mean." I say.

" Then they must know that you're - " he coughs," That I'm visiting you."

" You'd be dead if that were the case."

" No, they can't do anything unless you say something about it." Greg says.

" No, they don't know about you. Like I said, they were meant to work against pure bloods in general, so they gave them to me before I even knew you existed." I say.

And it's quite unfortunate, frankly, that they haven't worked thus far.

" I do find it strange that they would know to give them to you prior to my visits." He mutters," But this is all not relevant currently because you are going to visit your father, and you don't want to shift, while I want the pretense of me not having seen you in the last month to remain in tact."

I suddenly become overly conscious of the fact that Greg was in my apartment. His scent overpowered my perfume almost as soon as he walked through my door and it was now all I could smell causing my stomach to uncharacteristically flip as a wave of nervousness consumed my speech," Y-yeah, you said you had a plan."

His eyes glitter with mischief," Oh, I most certainly do," He swallowed harshly before smirking and cocking his head to the side," . . . mate."

1300 words

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