Caged In

Chapter 9: What About Twilight

“This is my stop.” I looked into Nathan’s dark brown eyes,” Thanks for walking me.”

He smiled and turned to begin his walk to his own class,” What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t walk my lady to her destination ?”

I opened the doors to the lecture hall and I took my usual seat in the back alone.

I jumped up when someone dropped their backpack onto the seat next to me, and I looked over to see . . .

“Goddess no, please tell me I’m hallucinating.” I mumbled.

Greg just smirked,” I’m surprised you only noticed me now. I’ve been in this class since the first marking period.”

I know he’s lying, I know it. What an annoyance.

" That’s a lie.” I grumbled.

" More like a fib.” He shrugged,” Anyway, I just loved that little romantic scene you had out there with the walking pile of love-sick meat. It was truly . . . well it was certainly something.” He scrunched up his nose. As if merely thinking about humans disgusted him.

" His name is Nathan.” I said,” And not that it's any of your business, but I think he’s cute.”

He rubbed his chin for a moment in thought,” Hmm. Perhaps he was simply regular sick, something I hear humans do quite often.”

" Leave him alone.” I grumbled," While you're at it, leave me alone too."

" I wouldn’t trust him if I were you. He’s obviously using you. I can't see any other reason for why he would bother being around you.” Greg said.

" Well maybe he likes me back. How about that ?" I hissed as I angrily pushed some hair behind my ear," I’ve known him since the beginning of the year, I spend almost every day talking to him, and I met him in a biology class. I’ve spent a day with you - tops - and I met you a couple months ago because you kidnapped me. Who do you think I trust more at this point ?” I glare at him.

" Well, you just can’t trust any of them really. You never know what will happen if they figure out your secret.”

" I'm sorry, but who exactly can’t I trust ?” I asked.

Them." Greg pointed around the room.

" Everyone?” I hissed.

Humans, you know you can’t trust them.” Greg exaggerated.

" You’re half human, and so are the rest of your kind.” I said.

" Oh please, you know that isn't true. There isn't much at all I share with humans, or your kind, and I thank the goddess for that every day.” Greg muttered as he leaned back in his chair.

" What the hell is it that all werewolves have against humans, really, they aren’t that bad.” I said.

" What is it that all humans have against us ?” He shot back.

" What’s that supposed to mean ?” I squinted my eyes at him skeptically.

" We are always made out to be the villains in horror films, they make us look like . . . like cursed monsters.”

" Because you are.” I murmured.

" What was that ?” He took on a defensive tone.

" What about Twilight.” I managed to say as I divert the topic, and hopefully, his anger.

Excuse me ?”

" You weren’t the villains in twilight.” I say as I shuffle through my books.

" Yeah, but they used us as a love competitor who was put into the story just to lose the girl and -” he stops talking for a second,” I came I talk about something else entirely. Stop changing the topic.” He said.

" Oh, so you have a valid reason as to why you came into my class, and interrupted my learning.” I said.

" I happen to enjoy French.” He scoffed.

" This is Latin.” I stated.

Vraiment ?” He asked as he leaned forward to squint at the chalkboard on which the professor was writing on," So it is."

" Just say whatever it is you came all the way over here to tell me. And while you’re at it, tell me why I heard literally nothing from you after the last time we talked ?” I asked.

" Why, did you miss me, low breed ?” He smirked.

" I miss you like I miss a hole in my head.” I sighed,” I was just worried that you were going to tell my dad about that video you have.”

" Oh, I still fully intend on telling him.” He said with a tight smile.

" What! You -”

He interrupted me,” Just after this marking period, I don’t want you to try and make me miserable. I might end up having to see your unpleasant face everyday.”

" You think seeing my face is bad ? Imagine how I feel when you pop out of no where like a stalker and do nothing but talk down to me.” I hissed.

" It’s not my fault you’re a -”

I slapped a hand over his mouth,” No, I’m so sick of hearing it, just stop that right now.”

He mumbled something about low breeds, but that was drowned out by my phone vibrating in my bag. I grabbed it quickly to see my father was calling.

" Crap.” I mutter.

Greg looked over my shoulder to see the contact information for my father on the flip phone display,” Wow, you must be knee deep in trouble if the alpha took time to call you.”

" He’s my dad, it's not a big deal. Now shut up.” I said as I raised my hand in the air and waved, telling the teacher that I had to leave. The teacher lazily nodded at me, and I grabbed my stuff and ran towards the exit as I answered the phone.

Greg ended up following me,” I still can’t see that man as your father, he’s much more respectable than you. My parents have also known him for years, and when he brought his kids over, he didn’t have a third child.”

" I’m the youngest.” I said bluntly.

" Yes, but still . . . we do seem to be around the same age, so -”

I quickly placed a hand in front of his face to tell him to stop talking as I hear my fathers voice come over the phone. Greg narrowed his eyes to shoot me a venomous glare for ordering him around.

" Lucy, I know we saw each other a couple weeks ago, but your brother was supposed to check up on you, why is he home already ?”

" Dad, I was just angry, and I accidentally took it out on him. I’ve been a bit moody lately, so I just . . . look, tell him I’m sorry.”

" You’re going to have to tell him yourself, he’s sulking in his room, he won’t even let his mate in.” My father said.

" Do I have to do that now ?” I asked.

" Tonight.” He responded curtly.

" Uhhh,” I trailed off,” It’s just that tonight I’m kind of busy and -”

" You’re coming tonight, and that’s final.” He growled.

" But what about the pack’s shift, isn’t that dangerous for me ?”

" You can lock yourself in a guest bedroom, you’ll be fine.” He replied.

Yeah, just peachy, because I love being locked in rooms.

" But -”

" I’ll see you later tonight sweetie.” He said, leaving no room for negotiation.

The line went dead, and Greg looked like he was about to burst a blood vessel from holding in a fit of laughter.

" Don’t say it.” I hissed.

" You just got scolded.” He started laughing,” And what’s worse, he’s ordering you, his own daughter.”

" Stop it, this is serious.”

" Why’s that ?” He asked.

" It is a full moon, and you’ve somehow deluded yourself into believing that I shifted last time.”

" But only in the morning, and you shifted fully, I’m marking it down as a fluke.” He said as he crossed his arms,” Like you tried to tell me last time.”

" But it’s still not good.” I said.

" I don’t see the problem, you’ll have to tell them sooner or later. It’s better to just go now to get it over with. I still have yet to see why I should care.”

Says the man who came all the way to my college campus simply to annoy me.

" Well for starters,” I said,” You’ve been stalking me, and I smell like I’ve been around a pure blood. What is it that my father said he would do if you laid a finger on his pack or family again ?”

His face went pale,” I see how this could possibly be an issue, low breed.”

" Exactly, you should have had that reaction to start with. There’s also the fact that they’re already angry at me for having a boyfriend, even though I don’t know how they found out so quickly, but be point is that we’re both not in the best positions here.”

" So what are you going to do ?” He asked.

" Me ? What’s your grand plan to get rid of your scent ?”

" Well, there is something . . . ” suddenly he leaned in and his face was impossibly close to mine.

1553 words

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