Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Green flames engulfed Illaoi’s hand. She ran it along Caitlyn’s body, over her welts and bruises, over her aching muscles, pussy and gaped ass. A warmth unlike any other embraced her. Bruises, welts and scrapes vanished before her eyes. Aches and pains faded into little more than memory.


  “On your front now. Almost done,” Illaoi said.


  “Yes, Priestess. Thank you.” Caitlyn rolled onto her front. The couch cushions were soft against her bare skin.


Illaoi ran her flaming hand over Caitlyn’s bruised ass. The bruises started shrinking. “Nonsense. You couldn’t continue in such a state. Besides, I may have gone a tad overboard.” Illaoi’s tattoos glowed the same pale green as her flames.


Caitlyn giggled. “I loved every second of it, Priestess.”


Illaoi grinned and her tattoos glowed all the brighter.


  “Do you mind if I ask you something, Priestess?”


  “Not at all. Go ahead.” Illaoi ran her hand over Caitlyn’s thighs.


  “Do your tattoos mean anything? Do they have to do with Nagakaborous?”


  “All warriors of The Serpent Isles adorn their skin with serpents. It is a test of strength and courage, not faith. The strongest and bravest also pierce their flesh. The more painful the piercing, the more respect you earn.”


Caitlyn looked back at Illaoi’s pierced nipples and cock. Her skin crawled. “You must have gained a lot of respect.”


Illaoi ran her hand along Caitlyn’s back. “True warriors also pierce their face.” Illaoi touched her cheekbone. “And the back of their necks. One day, I shall earn those piercing too.”




Illaoi lifted her hand from Caitlyn’s body. “I’ve told you too much as it stands. Our lives in here are separate from out there, remember?”


  “Oh… right.” Caitlyn sat up and stretched. She felt brand new.


Illaoi looked her up and down with a fond look before getting to her feet. As she dressed a pit formed in Caitlyn’s stomach as the clothes hid away Illaoi’s body.


  “We must do this again,” she said. “Your cock… I can’t let that be a one-time experience. I’ve had anything like it before.”


Illaoi laughed. Her cock grew erect as she pulled up her skirts. “You have. Camille’s is bigger. Mine is a few inches shorter but, I am wider than her.”


Caitlyn’s heart fluttered. “That means you could fit in my pussy then.”


  “Is that so?” Illaoi knelt and caressed Caitlyn’s face. “If it’s anything as good as your ass then, I must agree. We mustn’t let this be a one-time experience.”

Caitlyn threw her arms around Illaoi’s neck and locked lips with her. The tongue piercing chilled her tongue. Illaoi took a handful of her hip. Her callused, iron grip sent shivers up Caitlyn’s spine. The pleas from her pussy were unbearable. She needed to be stretched. She needed to be filled.


  “I want you again so badly,” Caitlyn whispered.


  “If it weren’t for the rules, you could have me as many times as you desired.” Illaoi’s hand slid down her thigh.


  “I don’t think you could handle that much sex.” Caitlyn kissed her.


  “We’ll see. One day. For now, I must go.” Illaoi kissed her and stood. “Enjoy your rest, Caitlyn, Daughter of Nagakaborous.”


It pained her to see Illaoi leave through the double doors but, Ahri’s gorgeous golden eyes and irresistible curves made for a fine remedy.


  “Who’s my next partner?” Caitlyn asked.


Ahri giggled. “Well, aren’t we eager? Congratulations, dear. Truly. Not many can claim to have passed The Trials of The Kraken.”


Caitlyn shrugged. “What sort of servant would I be if I failed my masters?”


  “Is that how you see yourself? As a servant?”


  “Well, yeah. Of course.”


Ahri raised an eyebrow. “Interesting. Well, anyway, your next partners all hail from The Shadow Isles. There are three in total: The Spider Queen, The Spear of Vengeance and The Hallowed Seamstress. They’re all quite eager to have their turns.” Ahri giggled. “And none too pleased about the wait Illaoi caused.”


Caitlyn’s cheeks burned and she clutched the back of her head. “I hope they’re not too upset.”


  “Some more than others but, that’s no concern of yours, dear.”


  “How long did we last? I lost track of time.”


  “Six hours.”


She couldn’t have heard that right. “Six hours?”


  “Yes, dear. Six hours. Now dear, I must warn you the girls from the Isles can be well… a lot. All except one. If at any time you feel uncomfortable just say the word and it stops. You’re under no obligation to put up with them.”


  “Of course I am. I’m here for their pleasure.”


  “That’s one way of thinking about it, I suppose. Now.” Ahri clapped her hands. “Gather up your things and follow me. It’s time I showed you where you’ll be staying tonight.” 


Caitlyn rose. “Staying?”


  “You didn’t think this would be over in one day, did you now?”


  “Well…” Caitlyn blushed. “Kinda.”


Ahri laughed behind her hand. “You still have 40 to go, dear.”


  “It’s all making sense now.”


  “Do you have anywhere to be?”


  “No. Not unless this is going spill over into the week.”


  “Oh, if only. Come along, dear. Every second we prattle on is another complaint I have to deal with.”


Caitlyn nodded. “Right.”


Finding her clothes turned into a scavenger hunt. They were strewn about all over the place. On the back of the couch. Amongst the cushions. In the corner. Her panties had even ended up in the pool. On top of that, it wasn’t just her clothes. She had to sift through the clothes left behind by the other girls. Only when Ahri pitched in to help did they make any kind of progress.


Ahri plucked a pair of panties off of the pool table. “Cum on satin cushions is one thing. But panties on the pool table? Animals. I swear these things drain all sense from our minds when they get up.” She touched her cock through her shirt.


Caitlyn found her last sock beneath the couch. “Why do you even have a pool table in a room for fucking?”


  “Because fucking on a pool table is fun.” Caitlyn stood and Ahri glided her finger along her jaw. “I might even fuck you on it when our turn comes about.”


Ahri left Cailtyn to melt in fantasies and crossed the room. She placed her hand on the wall. Blue flames engulfed her hand. A panel slid open. Behind it was a set of spiral stairs.


Ahri looked over her shoulder. Her golden eyes gleamed. “Come, dear.” Her nine tails swished and flicked with the sway of her ass.


Caitlyn followed, transfixed on the swaying beauty, clothes bundled in her arms. After a short climb with a wonderful view, they entered a grand bedroom. It was bigger than her entire apartment. Against the back wall was a bed big enough for at least ten people. It was covered in red, silk sheets and countless fluffy pillows. A crystal chandelier hung in the centre of the room, glistening gold. Opposite the bed, bookshelves packed to the brim covered the wall. Nestled amongst them was the biggest TV Caitlyn had ever seen. It was big enough to lie on. Beneath it, a fireplace crackled. A couch and a few armchairs sat before it. One wall was entirely glass and gave a view over the entire backyard. From above, the garden formed a tapestry of flowers, bushes, hedges and trees. Sliding doors led to a balcony. Several mahogany doors covered the opposite wall, possessing golden door knobs. A thick red rug covered the room from wall to wall that swallowed up Caitlyn’s feet in warmth and softness. Everything smelt of lavender. Everything looked like a dream.


Caitlyn almost dropped her clothes. “How can you afford all this?”


  “I have my ways.” Ahri pointed at the doors. “Bathroom. Wardrobe. Spa. Make yourself at home, dear. While you’re under my roof, what’s mine is yours. Especially now that you’ve passed.”


  “I passed? There was a test?”


  “You made it through ten rounds. You’ve passed initiation, dear. That means that even if you go on to fail a later round, you are always welcome to come back and join the girls for fun. There’s usually always someone hanging about my places looking for some fun. Sometimes it's for events like this. Sometimes it's for coupling off for a night. Either way, you can take part if you so wish.”


Caitlyn felt giddy. “I can fuck these girls whenever I like?”


  “If they’re around, yes. Some live very busy lives. You have no idea how hard it is to get them all together.”


  “This… This place is heaven.”


Ahri giggled. “I’m glad you think so, dear. Now.” She clapped her hands. “I’ll leave you to it. If I have to look at you like that any longer I’ll end up fucking you here and now. Your next partner will join you in ten minutes. Feel free to fuck her in here if you so wish.” She looked her up and down. Her tails swished and flicked. A grin spread across her face and she left, her ass swaying with every step.


Caitlyn wasted no time. She dropped her clothes off in the wardrobe. Which turned out to be a massive, walk-in closet. Outfits and lingerie of all sizes and colours lined the racks. Her mind raced with what the bathroom and spa must be like if a simple closet was so extraordinary. But exploring could wait. Her services were still needed. Illaoi’s healing had rid her of her pain but, it had done nothing to return all the fluids she lost from six hours of sex. She felt as dry as a raisin. Several tall glasses of water from the kitchen fixed that. Three rounds of sex awaited her. Each is potentially as intense as Illaoi’s. The most extreme case scenario demanded as much strength as possible. She made herself a couple of sandwiches and walked laps around the ground floor as she ate, to keep her muscles warm. Thighs, abs and back took precedence. She’d need them to ride cock or keep herself suspended in a standing fuck. Her arms needed stretching too. Stroking cock took a surprising toll on her forearms. By the time the doors opened, Cailtyn felt strong, hydrated and limber - the way she felt before starting a workout.


Quite the spectacle strolled through the doors. Light on her feet, her next partner strutted with her head held high. Her skin was pale as milk. She wore a skimpy outfit that left her midriff exposed as well as most of her large breasts. Black and red tights clung to the widest hips Caitlyn had ever seen. They did little to hide her bulge. Four spindly spider legs sprouted from her back. Two from her shoulder blades. Two from her lower back. She looked down her nose at Caitlyn.


  “So, this is what all the fuss is about, then?” She lifted Caitlyn’s chin with an upper spider leg and inspected her face. It felt cold and smooth. “You’re of low birth, yes?”


Low birth? What sort of question was that? The snobs who hung around her parents talked about ordinary people like that all the time. Her family name had earned her harsh hazing in the academy. “I am…” 


She scanned Caitlyn’s body with a lazy look. “Yes, you have the look.”


What does that even mean? “Is that bad?”


  “Quite the contrary. You’re perfectly suited to this. Your servant's blood will take you far here.” She arched a black eyebrow. “Do they not phase you?” She stretched her spider legs.


  “I’ve fucked a robot, cyborg and a god, ma’am. At this point, I’m beyond being phased.”


The spider woman smiled. “You know how to address your betters. Very good. I am Lady Elise. Henceforth, you shall refer to me as Mistress. Am I understood?”


  “Yes, Mistress.” Butterflies fluttered in Caitlyn’s stomach.


Elise’s bulge grew. “And I assume you consent?”


  “Of course, Mistress.”


  “Good. Now, upstairs. I want you on your knees in front of that couch.” Elise clapped twice. “Quickly now, you’ve made me wait quite enough already.”


  “Yes, Mistress!” 


Caitlyn rushed upstairs and knelt in front of the couch in her bedroom. It was a simple, three-seat couch made of black leather and covered in fluffy red cushions. She waited and waited, listening to Elise’s slow, soft steps draw closer and closer. Her hand slipped between her leg. The smile Elise gave her played over and over in her mind. She would make her mistress happy. It was what she was for. All she was for. Elise entered the room with a sharp look on her face. She shrugged out of her skimpy, black leather top. Her breasts were large and round with perky, pink nipples. Caitlyn’s fingers slipped inside her.


  “What do you think you’re doing?” Elise loomed over her.


  “O- Oh, I’m sorry, Mistress.” Caitlyn moved her away.


  “You’re here to serve me. Not yourself.” Elise scowled. “Stupid whore.”


Caitlyn flushed. “My apologies, Mistress.”


Elise sat. “Honestly, I thought you would have known better after ten rounds of this.”


  “I should, Mistress. You’re right.”


  “Yes, and you best remember it. Undress me. Now.”


  “Yes, Mistress.”


As Caitlyn peeled off her black and red tights, Elise’s spider legs caressed her. Their sharp points combed her hair, glided over her cheeks and circled her breasts. Her actual arms remained crossed over her chest and her fingers - sharp like claws - drummed her arm. Caitlyn wrestled the tights free of her ankles and placed them to the side. Elise’s cut tip poked above the waistband of her frilly, black panties.


  “And your panties, Mistress?”


  “You really are stupid, aren’t you? Yes, my panties. And quickly .”


Caitlyn flushed and pursed her lips. “Y- Yes, Mistress. Sorry.” She slid off the panties.


Elise’s cock sprung free. It was as pale as the rest of her body. Veinless, it was smooth and blemishless. It reached beyond Elise’s belly button.


Elise smirked. “Impressive, yes?”


Caitlyn smiled. “Very, Mistress.”


  “Yes, you see, nobles are made of better stuff.” Elise spread her legs and exposed her pink, puckered asshole. Her upper spider arms hooked the back of her knees. “Now, make yourself useful and stick your tongue deep inside.”


  “Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.”


Caitlyn pressed her open mouth against Elise’s ass. It felt warm and soft, like a second pair of lips. Tingles ran up and down her spine. Caitlyn pushed her tongue against her ass. With no resistance, it opened and accepted the full length of her tongue. Hot, salty walls squeezed her tongue. They quivered. Her cock twitched. Caitlyn took hold of Elise’s cock. It filled her palm and her fingers barely reached each other. She gave it a long stroke, tip to base. Smooth as silk.


Elise sighed. “That’s it. Good girl. Familiarize yourself. This is your rightful place.” She combed her sharpened fingers through Caitlyn's hair, scraping her scalp.


Her mistress was right. This was her rightful place, on her knees, mouth on ass, hand on cock, fulfilling her mistress’s wishes. Her hand glided up and down Elise’s silky smooth shaft. Elise’s ass squeezed her tongue as she sighed husky moans. Compared to Illaoi, she was average. But, after six hours with Illaoi’s giant, average was a welcome change. She took care of her mistress. A twist of the wrist with each long stroke. Synchronized movements between tongue and hand. A steady marching rhythm. And of course, a well-timed squeeze of her balls from her free hand. Her mistress rewarded her with husky sigh after husky sigh. The lower spider legs caressed her neck and collar bone with their spindly, pointed ends.


Elise’s sighs turned into moans. Short and sharp, each time Caitlyn’s hand arrived at the base of her cock. Her hips moved in slow circles. “I- I see the stories are true. I… oh~ … I suppose even have low born servants possess s- some talent.”


Caitlyn smiled against Elise’s ass. She thinks I’m talented. They all do. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach.


Elise’s hips froze. “Stop,” she snapped. “ Unhand me .”


The butterflies died. Caitlyn pulled away. “Did I upset you, Mistress?” She peered over the top of Elise’s cock and found a scowl waiting for her.


Elise unhooked her knees and dropped her feet to the floor. “Pride in unbecoming of a servant. Especially a pleasure girl. Unhand my cock, it seems you must learn your proper place.”


Normally, that would have made Caitlyn giddy. But, for some odd reason, when Elise said it, it made her feel shrivelled and small. Caitlyn banished the foolish feeling. That’s shame. Shame for doing a bad job .


  “I’m sorry, Mistress.” 


  “So you keep saying. You’ll start with my feet. Kiss them. Caresses them. Worship them. Work your way up until you reach my mouth. Learn to appreciate the superior body of your betters. Perhaps you will discover what it means to serve.”


Betters? She talks like she actually believes this stuff. Like it isn’t just for the sake of domination. Surely she had to do this too to become a part of this club, or whatever. Why is she acting like she’s so much better than me? No… No. She’s right. Caitlyn hunched over and pressed her lips against the top of Elise’s dainty, pale feet. I am her whore. She is my mistress. Caitlyn caressed her soles. Her feet were soft and smooth. They were perfect. She was perfect.


  “That’s better, isn’t it? Doesn’t it feel so natural to grovel at your better’s feet?”


  “Yes, Mistress.”


Caitlyn trailed kisses up her leg, caressing her slender calf and plump thighs. Their eyes locked. Elise’s blood-red eyes oozed contempt. She grasped her cock and breast. Slowly, she stroked and squeezed herself as Caitlyn trailed kisses up her flat, soft belly. Caitlyn squeezed her hips. Curvy and slim. The body of an angel. Yet, she felt only a mild tingle in her spine. It’s the shame. I haven’t earned back the right to enjoy myself yet. The tingle increased a little as Caitlyn sucked on Elise’s perky nipple and cupped her breast. Soft as pillows. Warm as a hug. 


Elise raked her claws down Caitlyn’s back and over her ass. “Petetie but still a little curvy. Impressive for a low-born whore.”


  “Thank you, Mistress.”


Caitlyn locked lips with her. Elise dug her claws in and pushed her tongue deep into her mouth. Her heart thundered against Caitlyn’s chest. Their kiss broke. A string of spit connected their lips. Hunger filled Elise’s eyes.


  “On the bed. Now. All fours,” she said, furiously stroking her cock.


Caitlyn hurried onto the bed and got on all fours, taking care to plant her knees as close to the edge as possible. The bed felt like a cloud. Stroking her cock, Elise approached with elegant strides. Her breasts jiggled. Her blood-red eyes honed in on her pussy. Caitlyn’s pussy quivered and her ass welcomed the break.


Elise seized her hips. Her sharp fingers dug in. Caitlyn bit her lip.


  “You can dig deeper, Mistress. I don’t mind.”


  “Eyes forward, whore. And keep your mouth. I’ll do as I please.”


Caitlyn flushed and nodded. She stared at the wall.


Elise groaned. “Apologise, you stupid bitch. Honestly.”


  “S- Sorry, Mistress. But, you said-”


Elise yanked her head back by her hair. “Enough,” she snapped. “You do not talk back to me. Understand? You are here to be fucked. Not to have opinions. Am. I. Clear.”


  “Y- Yes, Mistress. Sorry, Mistress.”


Elise dug her claws in and Caitlyn swallowed a yelp. “I am royalty . One word to Ahri and you are gone, back on the street where you belong!”


That wasn’t true . “S- Sorry, Mistress!” It couldn’t be . “I’ll not do it again, Mistress!” Ahri said she was one of them now .


Elise huffed. “Good.” She let go and shoved her cock inside.


Caitlyn bit her tongue to stop her moan and fixed her eyes on the wall. The bed rocked and creaked. Elise’s balls slapped her pussy. Ripples spread through her ass. Dull pleasure loitered. It refused to spread any further up her back. Even as Elise grunted husky moans. Even as she was used as little more than a fuckdoll. Even as the spider legs played with her ass and nipples. She should have been fighting tooth and nail to keep moans at bay. Instead, she was fighting for pleasure. That’s the problem. I need to relax. Idiot. Caitlyn took a deep breath. Iron muscles turned to jelly. A few tingles raced up her spine. Nothing else. Have I gotten too loose? I thought that was a myth.


Elise sighed a loud moan. “Are you sure you’re low born, whore? You’re so tight~”


  “Yes, Mistress. I’m sure.”


  “I-” Elise grunted. “I suppose even peasants bare the occasional miracle. Now, enough talk from you. You’re throwing off my rhythm.”


Elise’s rhythm had been off long before she’d said a word. Somehow, Caitlyn didn’t think she’d appreciate knowing that. She shut her mouth and stared at the wall, trying to think sexy thoughts. She thought of Ahri and her swishing tails; Orianna and her whirring gears; Camille and her huge, cybernetic hips; Seraphine and her adorable little cock; Sivir and Taliyah double teaming her on the couch; Miss Fortune’s cheeky grin and giant tits; Nilah’s sparking eyes; Illaoi’s swift strikes and gentle embrace. Nothing worked.


Elise’s cock twitched. Thank god, finally . Whoever came next could only be better. Elise gasped and whipped her cock free. She panted like she’d just run a mile, and then sighed. “Almost… You almost had me. No, I’m not quite done yet. Get up.”


One word, Ahri said. One word and it stops. No, no… I’m here to serve. My pleasure isn’t important. “Yes, Mistress.” Caitlyn slid off the bed and awaited her instructions.


None came. Instead, Elise raised her hand. Black flames engulfed her clawed fingers. She drew with her index finger and a line of spider silk materialised. From ceiling to floor, Elise worked on something. There are tales of ghosts in The Shadow Isles. Maybe I’ll get to fuck a ghost . Elise weaved something that resembled a hammock. How would fucking a ghost even work?


  “Lay here. Quickly now. On your back.”


  “Yes, Mistress.”


Caitlyn lay in the web hammock. Would it even work? Elise bound her hands with web. Wouldn’t they pass right through you? 


  “Feet behind your head.”


  “Yes, Mistress.”


Caitlyn locked her ankles behind her head. Illaoi’s tentacles could turn solid. Elise bound her ankles with web. But they weren’t ghosts . Elise shoved her frilly, black panties into Cailtyn’s mouth.


  “There, doesn’t that feel natural? Bound and gagged. Utterly powerless.”


Caitlyn nodded and smiled with her eyes. A spider leg played with her nipple. 


  “Oh, how my children would love you. You must visit the Isles. They’d show you so much… affection.” Elise smiled but her eyes were cold.


Shivers ran up Caitlyn’s spine but, she didn’t let her eyes lose their smile. Elise’s smile dropped to a thin line. She looked Caitlyn up and down, ran her hands along her body, felt her muscles, and lifted the bottom of her breasts. Muttering to herself, she guided her cock inside Caitlyn’s pussy. The hammock rocked and swung. Elise’s balls slapped her ass hole and her breasts heaved. Big, round breasts with pink, perky nipples bounced right in front of her face and still, nothing. Only a dull tingle. Elise wanted silence so, she gave it to her and watched her breasts bounce without a moan. Sweat beads rolled down Elise’s pale, smooth skin. Her breathing became as ragged as her rhythm. How long has it been? A few minutes? Illaoi lasted six hours. So much for high-born genetics. Elise seized Cailtyn’s waist and dug her claws in. Thumbs into her belly. Fingers into her back. Sharp and pointed as needles.


The setting sun streamed through the window wall. Oranges and reds painted Elise’s pale body. Even the warmth of the sun could do nothing for her cold, loveless eyes. She bit her bottom lip, threw her head back and slammed her cock balls deep inside Caitlyn. A single spark shot up Caitlyn’s spine. “Fuck!~” Elise cried. A fat load of cum filled Caitlyn all at once. It ran over her asshole and dribbled on the carpet. Elise’s cock throbbed and throbbed and shrank. Limp as a noddle, it slipped out of her, smeared with cum. It dribbled as Elise caught her breath.


Two knocks wrapped the doors.


Elise swallowed. Euphoria and bliss died on her face. She spat in Caitlyn’s face, collected her clothes and left.


Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Kalista, The Spear of Vengeance 

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