Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Iron. The fucking web may as well have been made of iron. Caitlyn pulled and tugged with all her might. It wouldn’t stretch let alone break. Maybe they can see me out there. This could be part of the fun for her. Caitlyn wriggled for her Mistress. Just in case.


A glowing, pale blur slashed the webs. It cut them as if they were paper. Caitlyn dropped. Her stomach flipped. The carpet smacked her back. A woman made of pale, blue light loomed over her. She clutched a spear made of light. Her eyes - also made of light - had no pupils and thus, spoke of nothing. Her mouth was a straight, thin line. Her sharp jaw was set in stone. Steel plate covered her stick-thin figure. Tattered skirts hung to her knees. A matted grey plume sprouted from her helmet and ran down her back. Tangled black hair reached past her waist.


  “Um… hello,” Caitlyn said.


The spectre swiped her spear. Cold as ice, it passed through her body, bottom to top. The web bonds broke. Caitlyn’s legs sprang free. “Thank you.” She grimaced and rubbed the back of her thighs.


  “Shut up.” The spectre’s voice echoed. She flicked open the clasps of her armour. “Do you consent?”


Caitlyn centred herself and smiled. “Yes.”


The spectre grunted. The chest plate thumped the carpet. Two flat breasts, pale and blue. White mist swirled beneath her spectral skin. Her skirts fell to her ankles. A mighty, fat, uncut cock that glowed pale. It hung limp. The spectre crouched and ran an icy hand along Caitlyn’s side. Goose prickles sprouted head to toe. The hair on the back of her neck stood to attention.


  “So warm,” the spectre’s echoed voice wailed softly. She caressed Caitlyn all over. Never groping. Only touching.


Unassisted, Caitlyn’s smile remained. She leaned back on her elbows and gazed into the spectre’s eyes. “Can I know your name?”


All movement froze. “Shut up.”


Caitlyn nodded and zipped her lips.


The spectre scowled. Storms raged in her empty eyes. She seized Caitlyn in her icy grip. The carpet vanished. The world flipped. The bed raced to meet her. She landed on her front with a soft thump. Mid-bounce, the spectre pounced on top of her. Her icy cold body embraced her back. Tingles raced up Caitlyn’s spine. She threw me like I weigh nothing . The spectre shoved her face into the covers and slammed inside her. Caitlyn screamed. A rod of ice filled her pussy.


  “So warm,” the spectre wailed softly. Her hips pounded Caitlyn into the bed. “So warm…”


Caitlyn clenched with every thrust. Her toes curled. The covers muffled her cries. Ice would have been one thing but, the spectre’s cock couldn’t melt. With every thrust, it got colder and colder and colder. One word. One word is all it takes . The word made it to the tip of her tongue and then froze. The cold dissolved in waves. But, not into warmth. Into nothing. The cold numbed her pussy. All she could feel was the icy hand pressed against her head, and the icy groin slapping her ass. Caitlyn twisted her head to the side and gasped for air. The icy hand shoved her cheek into the bed. Two, glowing fingers slipped inside her mouth. They tasted of salt and were as cold as an ice lollie fresh from the freezer. Caitlyn sucked on them. They hooked her cheek and yanked. Tears brimmed. Her hand wandered between her stomach and the bed. Her clit was as warm as ever. Slow circles sent tingles wandering up Caitlyn’s spine.


A moan escaped her throat. Idiot idiot idiot She wanted quiet . The spectre’s hips froze.


  “Shut up…” Her nails dug into the inside of her cheek. “Shut up!” The spectre’s voice bombarded her from all directions.


Silence lingered. Salt and iron tinged Caitlyn’s mouth. Sharp pain stabbed her cheek. Tingles shot up Caitlyn’s spine. Her hand worked double time. A moan begged for freedom. I won’t. I’m a good girl. I’m a good girl. 


An icy grip caught her wrist. She flipped. The bed hit her back. With a disgusted look, the spectre held her wrist up. “No.”


Caitlyn smiled. It’s what she wants . Her lips twitched.


  “No,” the spectre repeated.


Caitlyn nodded.


The spectre crushed her wrist. It took everything to scream. Caitlyn clenched to hold to scream in her throat. A sharp yank threw her to the floor. Her hip screamed. The spectre dragged her across the room and threw her at the glass. She stumbled onto her feet. Glass smacked her cheek. Her knees buckled and a set of icy hands caught her under the arms. Shivering, Caitlyn steadied herself and spread her feet apart. The spectre’s hands cupped her breasts but, didn’t squeeze.


  “So warm,” she whispered sharply. “So warm.” One hand slid down her stomach, the other up her neck. “So warm.” Her icy touch rubbed circles into Caitlyn’s clit. Caitlyn whimpered. Shivers plagued her knees. “Shut up.” The spectre yanked her head back by the hair and pressed her tits against the glass. Her icy body pressed against Cailtyn’s back. “So warm.” A rod of ice filled Caitlyn’s pussy. “So warm,” the spectre moaned. Her hips kicked up a frenzy. Oh god, please don’t break the glass . The cold overtook Caitlyn’s pussy, inside and out. Wailed moans filled her ear as she felt nothing but her hair pulling on her scalp.


This must be what a fuckdoll feels like. A real fuckdoll.


The last rays of dusk danced amongst the garden. They caught the flowers’ colours and turned even the coldest of blues warm. They speckled on the pool’s surface as orange and red glitter. It was so pretty. So nice. The deck chair where Camille had beat her bloody glowed. She took such good care of me . Caitlyn pictured her proud eyes when she’d passed and her warm smile as they cuddled. A spark tingled Caitlyn’s spine. The tree where Kai’Sa had demeaned and humiliated her glowed. None of it was real, just a game . She remembered the little smile Kai’Sa had left with after pumping her full of cum. Tingles danced up Caitlyn’s spine. The shallow end of the pool where Ilaoi had pushed her beyond her limits glowed. She beat me and broke me. And she kissed me and healed me. She called me strong. Caitlyn remembered Illaoi’s proud grin. She remembered the love in her eyes after she came. The tingles swelled. Her muscles clenched. She gasped. Pleasure erupted through her body. Warm, lovely pleasure. Her pussy quivered like it never had before.


The spectre gasped. Her icy cock heaved and slipped free. There was a thud. Caitlyn looked back and found the spectre on her ass, shooting fat ropes of glowing goo from her ethereal cock. Caitlyn let her moans free and sank to the carpet, flailing her hand against her clit.


  “N- No,” the spectre cried. “No!”

Caitlyn swallowed. “Shut up!” The orgasmic waves trembled her words but, they silenced the spectre.


Together, they sat there cumming for what felt like an eternity. By the time the shudders subsided and the cum stopped flowing, Caitlyn’s pussy was a creamy mess and the spectre was covered in her cum.


  “L- Leave,” Caitlyn managed.”




  “Now. Go. If you want to pleasure yourself, go jerk off. I am not your fuckdoll.”


The spectre flashed her a scowl. “You serve me.”


  “As do you. And you’re a horrible servant.”


The spectre huffed. Her armour and skirts floated back into place. Without a sound, she headed downstairs. Caitlyn sighed. If the next one is like them, I’ll send them away. One word . Caitlyn slipped her fingers inside herself. That’s all it takes.


Caitlyn sprawled out on the carpet bathed in dawn’s final light and masturbated without a care in the world.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Gwen, The Hallowed Seamstress 

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